Vol. oujNUUKju, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1895. Whom NO. 1.267 on a tonal Bai i. COKCORD, N. 0. j, M. Odell, President P,B.Ccltrane, Cashier. i D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS I m. Odell, D.F.Cannon Elam King, J. W. Cannon, ry r. Odell, W. H, Lilly D. B, COLTBANB. SAM TONESISMS. I Specmation, HAMMOND & CO, Stock &nd load Brokers. 130 & 132 Ptarl Street, T - - t - . NEW YORK CITY, N. Z. Peculiar Expressions Nand wlchert in Ills Sermons. You follfs that ; take the front seats and come to roost before sun down you ought to pay storage. It I had come here for money, bless your soul, Td left after the first collection. I've seen a town where a woman would give $5, but this is the first town where a thing' with breeches wouldn't give more than a dollar. Every criminal that goes unwhipt of justice is a menace to good citi zenship. Lawlessness in a town is a hot bed of anarchy. THE ROUTE OF THE BELL. It Will Take Nearly Five Days to Go From Fhtladelpnia to Atlanta. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 19. The revised itinerary of the journey ot the committee of the city, coun MT. PLEASANT NEWS, Vfce-yl,iuie Sickness Raising Their Own Supplies Come to Enter School FIRE INSURANCE. Havingr transferred my Fire In T. HT.U i fl 1 WT M 1 San 1Q I TTT SI n -n . v, r I wouanouse ana & n Harris, l coins There has been very little sickness I mena them to any who may be in dnnng the summer, in the town "e, espeaK Respectfully, i J. W. BUBKHEAD, ' summer, cil's committee with the Liberty an suriounding country; and at Bell to the Atlanta exposition, has 1 tne Present time we know of no been finally completed. The iournev ca8PB of sickness peculiar to hot We have assumed the Fire Insur- will nnnnrw nparlv fi A., weather. The ' doctors havft not ance business of Mr.J.W. Burkhead, ; , - - , ..J x, comprising the agencies for several The party leaves Philadelphia on Deen rushed during the past summer, first-class and well establishes com- the morning of October 4th, and ar The continued hot weather is panies, and respectfully solicit a . , ,i , , . - : ' , . . liberal shareoi business m tJbat line. rives in Atlanta at 2 o'clock on the ripening the top and fodder very - v Woodhouse & Harris. afternoon of October fith. On tin a fast, and is also causing the cotton August 26, tf ... .. . w w - v m w I , . mm . first day tbef bell will go . South bolls to crack. V . through Dele ware, Maryland, Dis- There has not been shipped here tnct of Uolumbia and Virginia, this year a sinele box of western : - . ' " " - 7 . Short stops will be made at WiK bacon. This looks like raisiner "vonr Policemen find everything that minfrton, Baltimore, a two hours' own supplies." It should be so everv the Uentiment Of the tOWn demands 1 rAflfc in Wash in orfnn ifion K,.u I vpar. nnr. nnlv net rerrarAa moaf Knf Alexandria. Onantinn Vr0).;nVD. I alaorain. When the annth a If I was Mayor of this town, you'd burs, Milford. Doswell. Ashland and whole, sees it is greatly to her. ad have to stay at home, old buck. Richmond. The meht will be anent yantaee to do this, it will be hard on No gentleman will do anything he jQ Richmond, and the next dav'a the western and northwestern meat- denies his wife the privilege of doing, tour will be confined to Virffinia. houses and granaries. By the way, Your Uncle; Jones lifts the same stops will be made at Petersburg we wonder if this has not had some- Standard for himselt as he does for rNftf.tnwv HrPWA Tvoi-mll tUUI thinor to do with the ailver or nnt Stocks, Bonds and Gram bought and his wif. -, L nrn an' ,f , . .ut. " u J there . . . i - I mum v v , nuuuil'Ut Will UO I buiu, ui i propose to ao vou ud ana nut mof i n mnfn .usa "Ri ffni.,,;. o.i FUR IT RE snent m en route. The third I Mr. Ed Fnlen wider and sister, of p. S.-Send for explanatory circm you in decent shape, you dirty scouns dav'a iournev will nroneerl Monroe, arrived Mondav evening to - , , J J " J - o lar on specumuuu, u- arei. through Ghristiansbur East Radw enter school. ket letter. (Free) dwly llli'S DEiT .WET. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) I have opened my ME T M AR KET m the Litaker basement, for merly occupied by Swink & Da? Make Sam Jones Mayor and he'd ford, WytheviKe and Glade Springs, set up witn you bucks. He'd make Mn Virginia, and in Tennessee, Bris- you decent or make you leave town, tol, Johnson Cily, Greenyille, Morris l'ne difference between Sam Jones town and Knoxville. The next and many preachers is that Samjday in London, Athens and Cleve- Jones preaches like he thinks and hand will be given a sight of the bell, tney tninK HKe tney preacn. and Chattanooga will be reached at I'd rather be Bob IngersoU than a n:30 on that morning. The after cowardly, time serving preacher n0on and' night will be passed at Old church members ' charging 12 Chattanooga and on the next day, per cent, interest. If you were in October 8th, the party will proceed, hell you'd have the whole country through Dalton and Rome, Ga., under mortgage before the year's out. reaching Atlanta at 2 o'clock p. m. When me and my wife ride the ANcwTazLaw. One of the new laws passed by the last Legislature that is just now making a stir over the State, is to be found in section 20 of the machin ery act. The dealers are required to make two returns per year to, the registerof deeds7the first from Jans uary 1 to June 30. So far, only a few have done so. ' The law in ques tion says: On every commission mer chant, broker or dealer buying or selling, one per certum on his com- Same horse, I'm going to be in front. National I,eaffne Clubs. riMluuo' cvciy ucB. m vi&iBi Ajrent for vour wife ! Pav vour debts With Baltimere in the lead and Pneroots, manufactured smoking or vault. When you want nicer fresh and you won't have to be agent then. CJevelend next m the push, Phila. v"n u. a, iseate, beef, pork, muttoii.'etc., call mnrri or, nl1 lftnoA in uABVftn delnbia is vet in Biht of the band annual tax, five cents per thousand On 6r 8end in your Orders tO . & . . U,. .. . . t " I f ai nmnra onil nhornnfa nno half 3 T TTT TTnnT"7 I nH ha' il ha nnf Wami hwotfao I WAfTOn. 'l'nft national IfiaCme Orampfl v wuw.wwvu, ww COFFINS &G. I have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of wellmade Furiiiture such as . Bed Steads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, &c. defy competition in regard to quality and price. You will ba surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. . If not in stock cau supply you in a few da js. I have a nice line of " COFFIN at prices that will surprise yen. 1 &eep ar-'f ultlih'e " cHliatid for im - mediate supply. 1 buy LUMBEP and run my planing machaiie, and ; all persons who wish, any thing 1 in this line, will do well to call and see me. I Very Respectfully, J. T. Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1895. P. S. 1 am in the market; when I niA Xfr fo YriAat afAAfa i atanVl na follows : Di faifectn Ot, PrAftoherH- loarl vonr old fnfliladft witn puck snop, ana wnen jyou pun Cleveland the trigger, there'll be a dead dog. Philadelphia When you are in hell frying, I Boston you'll feel a heap worse than you do f00lyn MANUFACTURERS OF FW GINGHAMS, OUTiJVG CLOTHS, now. I believe if all the members of the chnrch in Winston were to get to heaven you'd have to sleep with your breeches under your head. They'd rob you. New York Cincinnati Washington St. Louis Louisville W. 79 74; 67 66 66 66 64 60 40 37 31 41 45 47 56 55 56 56 57 59 79 84 91 TO JPLAY. P. C 13 11 1Q 9 11 10 10 10 13 13 11 11 .658 .640 .612 .545 .545 .541 .541 .529 .50ft .336 .306 .254 np.it np.r nonnd nn mannfaotnrpd smoking and ; chewing tobacco, and Vl OU Ht A lTlOSnB five cents per thoasahd for cigar- TO DAY S GAMES. ettes, provided, however, that noth ing in this, section shall be con strued to apply to manufacturers of tobacco, cigars, cheroots or cigar ettes; and county, citj or town shall be ' allowed to impose any tax, license or fee on such dealers, Charlotte News. SEMINARY i A Flounshingr School for Youn? , "Ladies. ' TEN TEACHERS, Ornamental BraLcbes Receive Caretui Attention, REy, C. L. T. ?ISHER, A, NL - . Pkiucipal. MOUNT PL' iS AKX. N. C Baltimore at Brooklyn; New York J P9 YoWkoW: PLAIDS, SHEETING and vn forgive iu AMD SALT BAGS. If you are mad, beg my pardon at; Boston; Washington at PhiUdel- I aon't bear O- DEALERS IN General Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produce of all Kind AND ' ponr-Foot wpod always-; touted -best prices for same- We invite an in sPection of all the goods- Manufacture. ' Co. I like bangs. I always thought they-were becoming to women and mules. " This is scalding and scouring day in this townV Bad day for chinches, too., v. : ": ' Some pf you think Sam Jones shoots off his' month half cocked. It's a mistake When this mouth goes off the hammer is pulled clear back. -If you go away yelping folks. lH eay, there goes on e hit dogs. There's a possum up. the .; tree. Wait about twenty minutes ; longer. I'm going to smoKe himiout. Winston Sentinel. phia; bleveland at Pittsbhrg; Louis ville at Cincinnati; no game sched uUd for St. Louis -and Chicago. JMLr. Thompson, Too. Prof: Holland Thompson, princi pal of the Concord High School, is in receipt of an appointment as a marshal at the coming State Fair, That Concord is one of the best towns in the State and is today in a better condition, than .most -of them. r ' That there is more building going, on than at any time in history of! the city. ' ' : ?' ' That von cannot at all times do eyery thing to please everybody. v That we are going to have a big fall trade and the 1 merchants and 1 CNh rZ-,r k-lS :: bv' his friend. Mr. Rufas L Patters son, the chief marshall. Concord laborer alike wHl profit thereby vfitl doubtless furnish several gal lant marshals for this great event. Tfiat wlien it rains the dust " will n a I. BucUl en's Ariiilca Saire. ; . ; .'The Best; Salve in- the world for Cutsr Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sows, Tetterd Chappe Hands,-1 Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. it is guaranteed to give4' statisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sle at P B Fezer'a Urug Store. , jffarveloa Uesalts, From ' a. letter written by Rer. J Gunderman," of Blainondale, Mich., wa are -nermitted to make this ex4 tract: "I have no hesitation in re- likely be settled. We have a nurnf; bpf af accounts that will then not uaiuiuujt ,1" iSqw (Mm Electrle Bitters. . ' . . . ... . -. t - - "Elflctridi Bitters is a medicine commending Dr. King's New Dis- suited) for any season, but perhaps coyery, as the results were almostL -more generally needed,' when the marvelous Tin the case wi.er Janguid exhausted feeling pravails Sa Sthaiii, Y'k brcpt&yel??iW 4 of s cjniCL and succeeding La Grippe. Tembl alterative is felt. A prompt use of parpxysmsnpigl fbii medicina-has; of tern averted them! friend .TecommendedDr; feters. No medicine will act more King's Near Discovery; it was quick surely in counteracting; and free? in its work and highly satisfactoryiir JS xjje yStom from the malarial Fetzer's Drug ' store GOc. and f 1 00.- Regular sizs poison. : tieaaacne, - iuuikoshuu. Constipation, dizziness' yoild to t Electric Bitters, 50e andiSLOQ per lAOtCWSaSIS'J pottle at-Fetzer-sljrnjf storfc IT TELE IOJUSTACCOOD FOR ADULTS. WAR R At JTED. PRICE 50 cts- ; n . . t qxjltl tiis., Not. 18, 1333. Paris Medicine Co., Bt. Loula,Mo. . Gentlemen: We sokt lasV year. 600 JbotUe or GBOVES , TASTELESS CHTJjL .TONIC and laT bouKbt three grots already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 years. In the drug business. bare nerersqld an article that rare suct txniTeraal sattas taction as your Tonic xonrs inuy, - t For sale by aJLamggiita..

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