jjtiflSial Bub . 0. ... CONCOIlL, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, X895. Whose NO. 1.268 Concord, N President x Cashier. f;D, CoHRANEr Assistant Cashier Capita $50,000 $16,000 -DIRECTORS: , Odell, D. F. Cannon miKiKO. J.W.Cannon, D. B.COLTRANE. Speculation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock and MONEY. i be willing to do that? If it were done, would it not bankrupt that NO 14 , . v ... v s i nat the double standard has been i .. , . . Vi ' "wl;4Tfeutr were io agree to a ratio of 24 to 1. a failure is seen in the history of . , . .. 1,r Ui- The meet would be similar in each uuiuge .m our own country. In rti,w w i i -r,; . w -T i -. mc wuuuii icF .. uuv uuv iu bun ON ALL SIDES. FIRE INSURANCE. 1 792 the' weight' ratio 6f Silver to . , 7: ; " f - . bor is now heard on all four , sides ri ' v uegree. uoia wouia oe depreciated 1 rtf Tu ' t - j t- -' n gold was 15 to 1. In 1834 it was hAi . hf townv e Lipped Bros, roller A? New .Still Makes a Start The Whis tle andlhe Grinding; or Machinery is Heard. - :V- H 1 The whistles and bells calling mena them to any who may be in npnViio i nee Are insurance, md bespeak pcuMc lw rueir. respective places or forth . Haying transferred my Fire In surance business to Mes srs. H.I Woodhouse and B E Harris, ! corns ItespectfulJy, J. W Bubeiiead, We have assumed the Fire Ipaur- moria 1? f i T- ioeo t I " -I lionr mill hecrftn nnprftf.inna Thnra. half dollar had to be made lighter" " vuu-.ujj day e evening at 5 o'clock, which ance business 01 Mr.j.w. uurkneacJ, . ? m . G. supposing that if our silver, dollars ' -. omprism? the agencies pv several in xo iojn gom aouar weignmg 25.8 re not backed by tht government,! starts another enterprise f to our first-class and well establiehe com grams thnftv little citv. and , marWa th panies vj'- -rr. nintenths fine was made th I 1 j -iL-i. 1 i- i a ii l. wcrn tf.i l lii iiiinn m i. r npir om i . . . i . . - . unit of , value. The country since .v.. . T? fief. C't!z?ns.haTe; -in her bnl- 1873 ha. Willed that n ,K. rr' " " ?? T, 0 I lit tatnre. With this and tbe Au2u8l 2G. ehomd he made 5n the unit of S SIS p-..Crowel,. Concord af- Similarly, the doable standard suddenly reduced to to the valne of Ioraa wo r -e -jargt,ana..best oreyailedm France for abont8fn.v ! "?T 118 vaUle of eqn.pped flour mills in this part of -nan uuuar Aug-: governmeni I i.A-? years, but finally had to be aban- wonld be likely to call them in and Th , iAnon. J jiLij . . . , ' i- i he most nnnflmo.nnna nanrPH and respectfully policit a share of business in bat line. Woodhouse & Harris. y-.: tf FU RllTUHE I 6nd doned. France tried it alone and , . . . w iiucuii : a. uv uuuu ui w nuuiu i i i !ii r wrr w t t fftilprf Thftf nnfrtr iiAt n , , i. . ; . rf ftoout cne mm are jar. w j iteea, a tailed, inat country then called then have just half .as. many silver ,ieftrffjan a9 r n Italy,, Greece, and three of the dollars as had befo e but each ?laD as F11 Mr-J 0 L Pl . Qoat8, as n naa oeiore, out eacn mH BWVirponor nnd Mr JnW a , smaller nowerq.nf TSinrnn. to ,t. . ... . V -; . .,. ru uwiieper anu air. juub- oioiauuc auu aijjeu luemseives tne j wao before as loreman. 130 & 132 Ptarl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Latin union, .which existed several An enlleHtenid sovernment will wm rn'rti1t . - years but finally had to abandon the hesita Ions time before, .bringing! Rey, H A McOullough, of Leess uuuuic ouuwu., bucq a calamity upon its people. It' ville. S. 0 . who has been called to kg Bonds and Grain bought and The double standard, it should be ia for this Reason that international the pastorate of the St, Andrews 'ia n.,fl n iiin: observed, did not serve the purpose conferences amount to about the! (Lutheran) charge, will arrive in ow w r -. f hf itfl arinAAnful a A An rl I . .1 -. . ' I . . - ... ... . ' ouiuwavco ov caiyucij uimui- same ming as tne ordinary scnooi i tne city tnis evening witn a view to J II. Tl all i . 'I - - . - :l COFFINS &C.- - 1 1 have now in stock at my rooms opposite the court house a splen did line of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steals, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, lar i let p S -Send for explanatoryxircn , - .. ,".7 . " J u"! """8 00 "uc ".u.u.rj . iuo t.iT u "u8 pecalation, ao weekly mar- ,n J.f f m0 1,,t0 h bating,cpnte8U.j;It-l8eryi accepting the call. . : tonspeuui , ' circulation as plentiful as, the en- pleasant to.har themi .and beside .-r''m thusiast on the sub Chairs, &c. iii's i,iut mw. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) I v' df y J competition in regard to quality and price.. You wi 1 be surprised when you hear my prices r-y i . , , . i . . . ---- -- 7rfT, fv-trr-'rr r vur :vi p t u t?0 i; o 1 Ajcjme ana see. jli noi iu siock After trying the double standard for irreatest services thev render, nro ff! ' can supply you in a few day p. I avi s;Yfr i ill r.i -: - s. --i-' 'i. il Jl r.ncii: uumc iu vipvwuuu uuu v -m.w nave a nice line oi in some of the rural towns ,j f v a v 4 4 iii - , . . a - u i their home in Cleveland cpunty this have t td that yided the speaking is confined to the ,:: ; - T. . ' xvr ; 'i!Ji iJ mL ' morning. Its,, remains , will am ye -- or that subject runder considerationr The 6 . 10 i a-I f t... ui" ' j j u j V 1 in the city , on the , 7.?3t train this V e pass- double. standard can be made to-ore-. r -- i. .c c. country nand-marii naili wrA nftSfl:MrknKiA'ciforto Via mcAa fn sii-.i. i -ry t evening and the interment will take uu.to.m ui iiiustrauD .itoi oniy on ine conaition.tnai ;.h.w i .'; ! - - . "'i a., mniioV U?iif ia nnrJ ' W H VM.v " of .Mr.. and Mrs, J M Burrage, of money, whilst trade and commenc may happen, but probably will not . will go oii ln the even tenor of theirj .oat xnabQUt this city, - ' .way.i It-is an illustration of the old, aalwipidftboulu still Anottier. :" ' r : ' " . . fFfiry . hD ata brM ma7 taken to lone hat will bring five dollars, then I Since Thursday's issne, 'in. Which KET m the Litaker basement, for- iau wuca wio aer wiiiperosire ia i,tlier DOFFI 'Ns r , A! S'S at prices that.will surprise you. I keep a full Cline -on band for im mediate supply. I buy LU.MBEP and; run my .planingVmach&n e, and all persons who wish any thing in-this line will .do' well to call jnd seeing t. 'rn.'-?;.? -J wrTvVeryvtespectiuiiy, . merly occupied vault. When you meats, beef, pork on or send in your P. S. 1 am in beef cattle and hogs are for sale. tionsare Jtardty going to combine:! standards, 111 Miiim MANUFACTURERS OF i'LV GINGilAMS, r . OWiJVG CLOTHS, mdarda, and comagey We cannpt LSnd'of 'dhitt iflfeCurr l VI O U H t A ITI O 6 H 3l ready decided that the single goiqutandard yield a coinage of fiMij ' pFalioir .jbs to - reveal s i x V olnded that that Btandard ia the best will vl30. ' ' ' : " Llilhi' II ;T .-y -r- y .t.,, H:y, u wV.tr.5feR r-- OriamenUlmche Receive ucj oipu'jk uiUR w Btauuaruc, it iuav wc jweaiuioi p.4.?F. v - "i j " . I--- nftrAfui Attention The doubleaniard is a good suW wouiTlioVl M. Jject for. .debate in political cam-, amount of money. The number of fcVf B"3 Vft E ; ' & clpaignscaQd jnterpational conferences, standards has nothing ta do with! but seems tpk naye no piace m we, thi amountcQt moneyy .Other PBrxdA& stern reafitiea of commerce and trade, ditions are necessary for the deter ')V'.A!:?iT. ' i i.: ii . .. ... . . , . , .- I encoura&not? rcmarita - jrum . ;uuiwu im in uiigiana me tuiuo wu ui gum mmation ox tne amonnc neeaea-m-. a-; fs-f -.mfr v-mm r- f-cuji-ino- i r WID-S, SH&ET1NG tp silver is abont 34 to 1, and W conntr- A country having a singlefifef 1 bl jvr . crrm c' PrancS the legal ratio is 151 to li reai standard way hayasimnch or MM ' WJM W 0,a "-MfW. timt convenience in wriH even more money ia circulaUon thmmWK liriitai.l0-i still rreaterl- 01?81 t" A- ' ' U 1 C0n-,-r. . .Ait': i s f .r Tt-r.- nU S Jrsf. , - 'lnn' ' i.il . i.i !.. 1 1 u ... ; i ...j J'J. 0- - DEALERS IN General ?ne 'ahd'ering the- quantities' fl nttr with the imaeinary double P'ffitX V-J-S&ifV3 Jet as suppose that the ratio in Bng-1 standard.- The method of business 1 SWSf?lgg b.;?f . liJVgjl s a UV. . tn i. and in France 16 to wiVWiW. wh1i-"Wm!WI WSSSP fflRJR9 S?.?""".!. . : 1 . ; "'. . . . r-, ihw - .- r, vt . . U... Is it probable tnat Jfingiana ana France could agree on a nxea rauo. pjwsVtna France proposed that would .. BUYERS OF Country Produce MDi9rViciv1icA the ratio should be 16 to 1, ngianu sgcc land'sffreeto'pay 6nt bound of ?gol for 16 pounds of silyer when she can get all 8lie wants at the rate of one 1 bouHd dfold loufids of siln ver ? Would England agree to re duce every gold "dollar ih thircdun. otall Kind :.'"!! Certainly not, sucn. a pruuecumg would banktupt the country. Sup pose England proposed to France to make thoratioo 1, wouliErance accept that? Every. 16 pounds of silyer in France is legally worth one pound of gold. Would France ,con sent to making one pound, of fold worth 32 pounds of silver ? That Id cut eyery French silver aoi Kattomnl JjeKe Clnbs iiVtihri that the nrice of cotton will f 7. VII hat-nkv W&Z&LJ the amount of mopey.TCqaired.-.byrai4HT Tr.', u!uiiy iZA??A U dil 1 go a til higher, and its prefatory re-1 CcAwAv H honnfrV. J The standatrd Ineasuresls.r tif :.w-w ?.& r FAT .t. r ' V , v v I marks, speaks yery cneerny or tnei y "iw; 'Hg i'jr. the quality, not the quamty;; Sip .-i hear future. This will please tne 1 V V 7 t - V .3;;lt -AND VPiot ooa'. alwivs d-best iri6W for me- We invite an in Jecjon of all the goods Manufacture. Baltlniore Cleveland y Philadelphia Chicago Boston,, Brooklyn PUtsburg NewYork Cincinnati. Washington Rt .Louis , Louisville W. 80 el 75 67 66 67 66 i34 60 39 ,37, : 32 L. TO PLAY. P. C 41 45 48 66 56 57 59 5S 5a 801 12 10 9' 10 9 9 9 12, 91 lo A . h , f j '. ElecttU? Bitters. .661 ff; rt i ftiifera ia a medicine glQ suited for any seaaor, but perhaps 545 more generally needed, wnen, the M laSgSid ixh4rf eelingijriyaill Jg when the liver is torpid and alug 524 gish and the need of a tonic and '509 alterative is felt. A prompt use of 2 this .niedi 1 long ana pernapa iaii uuxuuo fevers. f No medicine will act more wou w?rlrlle in two, making each worth only fifty cents, would France to the breezes. in Aftnnffirftfttinp and free Baltimore at Brooklyn- New York ft;. ironi the malarial at Boston; Washington at Philadel- poison. 'Headache, ihdfgestion. pfiia; Cleveland at Pittsburg; 0h Constipation,, f .dizzioessyeUd to cigo at St. .Loin; no game ' scliea: Electric ' Bitters, "50c and $1.00 per uled for Louisville an Cincinnati. r. bottle at Jetzer's J)rug store. The clear weather flag still floats Our .new deyil,? Harry Hendrix, is a hummer with horrs. niin n ft T r 1 1 cfvri n pD t JSilUSTAS.COQD POR ADULTS. VARnANTED.j PRIQE 50 cts. . -3 '-t galatia. Ills., Not. 13, 1S33. Paris MwDclne Co -Str Louts. Mo. v ' - - t; . Gentlemen.' We wM lMtyear, COO bottles of CBOVE'8 TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and har bought thtee gross already tuia year. In all our ex perience of 14 -years, in the drug business, bay neVer sold an article that gave such universal satis taction aa your Tonic. Yours trulr, : V, wv;. -:f. t.. ; ,i :. -v ABSEr.CACK &COW For kale by all druggie ts. -v .

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