( 1 V i . fVnl' Dank 1 WA he.stak I 0- Concord, N. 0. President w nnVT.L. to PCLTBANE, pawner. n-nnLTRAKK, Assistant Cashier Cashier. $50,000 $16,000 Capita. .i .1 I)IKECTORS ; n o n i vx-M-r-.-wr TTTKG. J.W.OAKNON, r TlT T W. H, Lilly, peculation, HAMMOND & CO. . Stock mn& 130 & 132 Pearl Street, SEW YORK CITY, N. Y. d Grain bought and Stocb, Bonds an gold, or carried on .Margin. P. S. Send tor explanatory circus JjronspeCuiaxiou, aiso vteeKiy mar- bt letter, (Free) dwly li REIT B1BKT. (LITAKEirS CORNER ) Ihaye opened my MEAT MAR- Tmn ii . i ff Afli in me mraKer naseinenr. iors merly occupied by Swmk & Day Tault, When you want . nice; fresh meats, beef, pork, mutton, etc., call on or send m your orders to S. L. KLUXXZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when beef cattle and hos are for sale. ilAKUFACTURERS OF GINGHAMS, wnm cloths, PLAIDS, SHEETING AND S 'fl T T 7? dP V 0 DEALERS IN General MprphanrllQ wv VUUUMAW Vt BUYERS OF Country Produce of all Kind AND Po-Foot wood always Wonted -best prices for We invite an in-. "iion of all the Manufacture. goods I! i : ' 'X ..'.t" -'-. 'V::C CONCOHD, WAS HE STAKVED ? Tlie ISoys Tell a Bad Stoy On tlieO. lortl Asyluin at Oxford, can It all Be True ? Mrs. A O James, of Mt. Pleasant, was in the city today, to meet her two little children who arrived on the'noon train from the Oxford Asy lum. .. Arthur and Walter, aged 12 and 9 years respectively, are the names of the boys. If what they tell t he true, tne conduct of the Ox ford Asylum needs immediate inves tigation. The treatment said to have been giyen these children is not only not humane, but cruel, ery cruel. They claim that they did not get enough to eat, that they actually suffered for food. Arthur, accord ing to his statement, together with six others, ran away six weeks ago. They went lo Youngyille, thirty mile3 distant. One of these bovs has been at the asylum for six years . and 2rew 80 tired of fche treatment he could stand it no longer. For five weeks and two days these beys were away, the authorities knowing nothing of their whereabouts; neither were the parents notified of their escape. Mr?, James knew nothing of the matter until today. Hearing that her children were so dissatisfied with their treatment, she wrote Mr. Lawrence to let them come home : whereupon he simply replied that "nothing would please him better," and instructed her to get an order from the Master of the Mt, Pleasant Masonic Lodge. Walter's story is a sad one. He's thin and weak. His arms are no larger than a grown person's thumb; his legs have dwindled away until you can reach around them with two fingers, , He's not sick his eyes are bright and yet he's so weak he can neither stand or sit up. The first thing he said, when reach ing the parsonage (they stopped with Rev. Scherer before going out to Mt. Pleasant) ? wont you please give me something to eat, I'm so hungry." The little boy's story (as he lay there the picture of hunger and weakness) was indeed a pitiable ose. He said he was not sick and had not been; that they didn't give him enough to eat nor even enough water to drink, The Standard does not know that these-boys have told a correct story, but its reporter gives wha they say, ana sees tnac nine waiter, while not sick, is too weak to walk or sit up. He said they ate 'green fruit and even dried green walnuts to eat. Has the Oxford Orphan Asylum come to this ? Can all this be true ? Hit is, there must in the name ot . , a' , 1 nnmanity oe an inveatigai-iuu, it uui Mr, Lawrence will haye 8n opportu ntty to correct the statements that have been going around for some weeks, that do not speak well of the institution's management. The Standard can not believe that Mr. Lawrence knows this; if it exists at all, it must he without his knowledge. Don't Wear BeadyMade Clothes. We represent B- Stem & Son, one of the best tailoring establishments in New Yorfc on nice goods. Suits made to order at d fit guaranteed from 313.50 and up. We aje show- , linA ci samoles. we ing tf N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1895. THAT FATali RILL Is the 1'lace of Another Accident Mr. J ob n Or ay Hart by Jnmpiuff from i a Buggy. i About 2 o clock 'his after nooa a rumor was current that a man had been thrown from a bnggy and seri ously hurt but it was some time be fore an account of it could be ob tained. ' Wednesday Messrs Louis Bonds and John Gray went to the country, driving Mr. Bond's mule. On their return this afternoon, when reaching that fatal hill beyond the depot at Brown's cotton gin, the mule be came frightened and i an. Realizing tue iacc mat tne waywaraness or a stubborn mule was dangerous, Gray jumped from the buggy aad fell, striking his head upon a rock. He was unconscious for a while, but he is all right now. Bonds was not hurt, having remained m the! buggy and trusted to Providence and his faith ciTT;- x u i xxi v. You May Know Tliem. Her, numerous friends will be glad to know that .Misa Nannie Cannon is some better today. Dr. N D Fetzer is con tied to his home today. f Mr. Herbert Cook i3 now consid ered out of danger and is able to sit up. Mr. Morrison H Caldwell became suddenly eick on the street this morning and had to be taken home. He has been very unwell, but not down, for several days. Rev. Dr. J H Thorn weil, we learn, is lying at the point of death at his home at Fort Mills, S. C. A Half-Page Advertisement. The Standard ha3 closed a trade with Lowe & Son for a half page adyertisement, to begin next; Tues day. v ' - ' This enterprisipg firm belieyes in printer's ink ; they believe if you want to sell goods the public must be advised about it and invited." Thia firm will put on the market great bargains within easy reach.. Had a Great Memory. When Gov. Caiof North Carolina was a boy he used to go to preaching Sunday mornings ,and m the after noon the negroes on his father's plantation would assemble in a grove near the house and, and young Carr would repeat the sermon he had heard in the morning, much to the edification and j comfort of the darkies. Danyillc Register. The Register j neglected to say whether Gov. Carr's sermonettes to the darkies, etc , of the last Legis ture were a source or, edification and comfort. j " Oregon Hordes Here Friday I was here two years ago with Oregon horses. Those I bring here for sale Friday are even better than those I had two years ago. I desire to show you one of the finest lots of Western horses ever brought to the Southern market. The majority of them are .from' 3 to 6 years old, of all flizfis. These horses must be sold and buyers may, expect great bargains. You - will hear on the streets the place of exhibit which is now not known. Now's your chance for a cheap horse that will grow inib money. Yours Respectfully, SHE WAS FOOLED. r.ittlc ISIis Xewsom. Who Eloncawith Her Lover Retaruea llome With a Broken Heart and a Wrecked Mind In the World of September 9th, was an account of how little sixteen year. old Fannie Neweom had elop.d with - ner lover and deserted her home. .September 7th she left Salis bury a bright-eyed, intelligent happy little girl; last night she returned with a broken heart, eyes from which the light of reason had well nigh fled aid a tale of suffering and neglect. - In the intervals when she can talk she tfclla.how Ed Gcodman seduced her from the shelter of her father's rcof with' promises of eternal fidelity and an easy life. But no sooner were thty married than he began to neglect her. He refused to work and, was entirely dependent on his kmspeople for sustenance. Neglect was followed by cruelty and in the agony of hopeless despair she begged him to take her home. 'Let me go back to my father," she said, "and I will never molest you." But he refused to aid her and she procured means elsewhere and came in last night. It is a. sad story. It is iearea mat sne will not recover her .' reason as her grief has passed into a state of settled melancholia. Mr. Ntwsom has employed Mr. Wm. Means, of Concord, and Capt. Chas. Price, of this city, to prosecute both Goodman and the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus county. Salisbury World. Dodsuorlli-Younfj Marriage. The society event or the season was the marriage, Wednesday night, in the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte, of Miss Mary Moore Younff. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph You og, and Mr. Lawrence Dodsworth. The presents were numerous and costly. A large number witnessed the interesting cererrony by Rev. Dr. Preston, many of whom were from a distance. The Next Convention at Baltimore, The - twenty-second annual con vention of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held in Music Hall, Baltimore, Oct. 1823. Reduced railroad rates have been secured and delegafes and visits ors can make the trip for full fare going and one-third fare returning, tickets good from October 15th to 26th inclusive. Bitten By a Copperhead. Tuesday afternoon while Mr. O W Sides wa3 working in the field on the plantation of Mr. lian Foil, a few miles northeast of the city, a large copperhead sprang upon him, biting him on three fingers. He was in the city on Wednesday telling of his experience, His hand is a hor rible looking piece of fle3h and no doubt the snake bite may be a seri ous thing. Mr. Sides says it was the largest copperhead he had ever seen One advantage of taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood is that . you ' need not infringe upon your hours of labor nor deny your self any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starve or loaf while takiDg it. These recommendations are worth consid ering. For Male. Jump seat surry Suitable for either one or two horse3. . WnonE NO. 1 301 FIRE INSURANCE. Havin? transferred ray Fire In suranc business to Messrs. II I Woodhouse and B E Harris, I corns mena them to any who mr.y be in need of fire insurance, md bespeak for them a liberal vatronsg. ' Respectfully, J. W Bur.KUEAi; We have assumed Ihe Fire Insur ance business of Mr. J. W. Burkhead4 omprisin the agencies tor several first-class and well establish a v com panies, and respectfully coiicit a liberal share of business iti ihnt lino. Woodhouse & Harris. August 26, -,-r tf COFFINS &G have nbw in stock at my foomw opposite the court house j; splen did line "of well-made Furniture such as Bed Steads, Ta m u at sif L b . at a a . i : i 3 r Chairs, .&c. defy competition in regard to quality and price. You wi ;1 be surprised whn you hear my prices Come and see. If not in -tock caii supply you in a few days. 1 have a nice line of GOFF at prices that will surprise yon. I keep a full "line on Lanu ,'or im mediate supply. 1 buy .. LUMBER and run my planing machine, and all persons who jish fu; thing in this line, will do w cli to call and see me. , Very Uespectfu?';-, Pounds. Concord, N. C. July 13, 1893. ount Amoena SEMI N A R Y A Flourishing School for Ycr.ng 'Ladies.' TEN TEACHERS. ' Orn amental BraLch('f Kecriv Carefui attpt;! in, HEV. C. L. T. FISHER, A. M Pbincjpail. MOUNT PL ASaNT. X. C T bis M ' j$ .i , j" j . ; ' : iiIZS J "TAS'f ELE95 i n nv n in TiMDE IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. GALATIA, ILLS., Nov. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GBOVE'S-TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already this year. In all or ex-, perience of 14 years, in. the drug business, have never sold an article that gave such universal eatiir faction as your Ionic. Yours truly, . ' , " abney.Cabb &CO. ' For salejby all aruggis ts. ; Ilirii lis, pay all express charges Lowe & Son. J. J. Johnson J s25 tf . Lowe & Son. .

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