ton Sou Arrival or Trains. from Richmond arrives at 11:15 a, m. S0, " Washington i "v, - -rsSprmr-r 35 Atlanta" " 36 - 37 Atlanta New York 11 3:35 a. m. 5:51 a', m. ti (i 3l ,i,AiinH fricrht leaves at T2tn. Atlanta 9:00 p,m. , 63 Southbound ' " 5:iSl? n. r v c 11 and 12 are the local traws between - hrn'ond and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the '? mall trains between. Atlanta, and. Washing fast man ,0 th-. WftfihinVtnn - and thwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop at Coik ; " A BATCH OFLOCAL NEWS. . PirkeH Upianrt Putlijhape By. Om liustliutf Pencil Pusher. i 1 1 . school board met ye8 J i w ri ruin r v ,- . 1 - v Mis.3 Corinne . Hams, who has a week, is much tb't beiu. iouujr. Good wheat wanted. Will ray highest cash price delivered at mill door, uaoarrus itoiier iiius. oyu . , , ,r . Company O was inspected Mon J day night. A fair attendance of the "J 0 I company responded to the roll call. in A small child went to a music in teacher of this city and asked ; How much will you charge me for a UOliai a wunu ui icaauua:, , Stop at 0 M Walker's if von want , anything in the grocery and notion line. Don't target tho place i: opt r posite u yj r urr a at roresc run, u. I Sa (ireen Veddington, the negro con- n . , , , : . , v;ct wp.0 nas oeen sick as me iau ior , , : YL'ial months, has ben taken to ' I the c:unty home. Loew - .t Mr. D M Stallings, of the Uni versity, is off for a ".week : to attend L th 2 Teachers Association of RatheN ford county. " A Wadesboro correspondent savs:! lrtf To JILt U LtlUU ATAAA1U, lAEillAVy JMlAVjlJ 119 fn bf married to Miss Emma Moore, of Ooncerd, on Wednesday. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Noah lleatbccck, oc Forest Hill, died last night and was buried today (Tuesday) at' the cemetery. The remains of a colored man nameu wniuey, wno ieic nere some ten years ago, were brought in Mon- day night for burial. He as work- -z m the coal mines of Virginia, Mr. C A Dry and family have ar- rived here from Albemarle. They ror.:e now to etav after several years 0 ... of absence and repiding in Albe marle. They are welcomed back. D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of -ouLtrj produce, casih or barter. J)oic forget the'plnce opposite D O Fiirr's at lorest'Hill. tf. The Standard had a yery pleas ent 'and cordial letter from Paul Caldwell. He says he's glad to tee his good friend, Mr. Marsli, start out in business right advertising, i'u'-ii'a a trump. Gierke Fraky, a brotherin law of Mi. J M Bnrrage, and a good farmer of Stanly county, is in the vrith a view to moving his fam :'j 1 :re, coc Bis ting of seven girls and sae baby boy. The Standaed almost envie3 the :7a fat time of the Salisbury -:-il::s. The circus men Sells and 1'utulo Billseem to be editing the Papers with big ads and other choice matter. -Irs. It E" Gibson left; Sunday -'ght in answer to a telegram, stat- lnC that her mother, Mrs, Magruder, seriously ill at her home in Vir giaia. Mrs. Magrnder Kaa many wnn friends and acquaintances in Concord who will be pained to hear :r illness. A A your -child--ia puny, fretful doubled with glandular swelling toiUmei eyes, or sores on the head, -ace or body; a course of Aver's -araaparilla is needed to expel , the sarolnlous humors frm the u blood. The sooner ybii begin to: give: this medicine the better.. . ' A 8Dlendid &t 9K a L . V- , - iRl,u ior saie 9?eapitt gooi condUioo,. - (tett, be Dor jarticnlars call at The Staku. ;lhe Herald is glad to learn ' t.W uvoUC5 "improve. Jtiax was. oat in hyafd a "short iWKl&v Saturday afternoon. .We'bon hwhi "vl -We bODQ' Kft Will ennW k fully restored to health rtoi;vJ,. HeraldS v 7 C , ; vV V "l ocverai' months T wan rnn1iort .fl U8' wap trpu Died, with a nprsifltpnf Km,A. Aw t L.- - . . . . 1 - . , ' . ? , ...... r t-vu w uuuiui UIJ annoyance,' until it occurred; to mp u0iuS; uue oottie, the numor was neale 7Zf T Ad am; General Mer - r iC -v ( xm&u requrneu 10 uncord last night. Mr.' Parker fiiled t-. Jtl, WhnV 'qn V : ' - - -yuuul" CuUrCh nundftv mnrnmr onrl AM Hfi n . fi;. qV . ' the conference and y his sermons bunday were excelleht. Thev werp listened to.bylafge.cbngreationB. oanauury vvenu. - V Mr. S Phileo, who for so long has Lto v;r .jW'iv, a-' i. j 1 v Deen..ln .rne cltY and made many voru iiieui atuea xtms v; . t"446-" " M1 -CiU T MO h YTr ! h U aiJa. 1. 1 1 ui JJ I n - V1' - Pera Company, to play :theheavv - - - v. pa,i u xu vaij u jcaruiHr s iaugnier. rj x a au '-i. ; S. tie mav retnm to the nib m a fpro IlibUU ... Still Pasinsr Them. gome one droppedvhuat Clegg's Saturday eyening and' passed a $2.00 bill of the Mecklenburg varietv. Mr. Clegg was not present: one of Kis little hrothprR hfii nor at. frm , ' ; O' ' i ' i counter. .. ... Officer Pearce went out with the boy to look ior the mai but he could not be found. He no doubt knew whit he Ncaa doinir and lpnt wMl oat of the; way. ' A large number o thefce bille are aroand this part of the country and would be well tc'keep an eye open. They vcre stolen from the U. S. tJ0crt House several vears ago. - r There, is no sueh trouble and fright about a bill of a broken JSational Bank. They are good un- til worn out or destroyed. There's the diiierence.J ,, May Go to Atlauta First Oracle . crowd!, , At the meeting of the school board Monday afternoon the matter of closiii,: down the graded school 'f i.TJ 1 1 TIT. IV Quring jiiaucanonai weeK oi ine Atlanta Exposition, when, a great united congress of school y teachers illhp h. wp.s frPPlv . diflfinBSPd- v. . ' . J ... : - - Prof. Shmn was instructed - to look into the matter, and, 11 .ltv Was the deiire of the teachers to attend, -the board would then take action.. Prof. Shinn stated to ; the -board Ihat the first grade was entirely too large anu uruwueu, uixu wu v. , yuin( dren entering this grade; had; been urned away, and asked' .-'for; 'assist ance, t- No one was elected to the position for the term. Miss Juena .Leslie has been employed temporarily to assist Mis3 Dodson in this primary de partment Marshals for the State Fair . Kufus Patterson, the cKlef mar- al-for the State Fair, . hasyionnd shal himself during the'.last-jfaonthin possession of niqre patron age, than a Congressman Las in a service of ten years. There are upwards of 500 sub-nmarshals,: and these Mr. Pattern eon has appointed, a list which the Rl'pisrh News and. Observer: ;pub- lishes1 The selectionV rom'tCon cord 'are happy ones and are as " L Smith, A JoneS-iorue, r V Yorke. G L- Pat terso-, John O Wad3worth,Edll. Robt, Keesler Kobt. Black, S J ' But wnd, m the . world, is RoU. Biactr -.;"..; ; THE KUSHTOF HTJMOTTy. : ' , - Eeirter". r Mn Will RogW' id' here f rom' Salisbury, .r! .Frtil, , L feobbins tpent Sunday in Lexiogtoa. Mr.Philhp Qorrell his returned from aMsit to Albemarle0 r t-IVlr. Q E Smith was in the city last: night from the Rocky River mines. .'Mr,' W J Reed, of the Cabarrus Roller Mill, is in Charlotte today on Dr. and M t.;ii h. V. ed from a pleasant visit to Albemarle and Norwood. Master Coleman Wingate has gone to Charlotte to spend some time with relatives. Mrs. Henry Mabrey and little boy returned to McAdensville to day af ter having spent a week here relatiyes. Mrs .lamps "M "Rrnnrn tnm the city last night after a month's ..ft , , visit to her daughter, Mrs. James MCJacnern, in unariotte, , Mr. P L Fearn. suo.rintendent of the Furnace mines, near the Phoanix, arrived in the city last " : . ' A night from New York. He was conveyed out to the mines to-day. -Col. J V Armfield and h. E LJowles, or otatesville, were in the city last night for the inspection of tpe Cabairus Black Boys,' and found everything in remarkably good B aI lotlce. All persons holding claims against J W Barkhead, deceased, will please present them to me or to H I Wood- house rjromntlv. All Dersons iris debted to same will please call and settle at once, o71w 2w Alida L. Burkhkad. Executrix of the last will and sesta- ment of J W Burkhead. wmdBioin iio?sTT" Uncle Joe Grier. an industnou3 0ld colofed man, lost his t horsei "Bud (Sunday night. All day Monday be said to himself: I bad a little horse, lied him on hay; There' Came a little Wind, Anji blowed him away." The ig cnged. Uncle Joe hag his iorsethe sam"3 wind, per- , bUw hix back; - . I ' . menBatyVassick. wegaveherCastorla. , , I ., . . r0cfrJa eaeme EheclMstoCtori WJusnEho bad Clilldrcn, she gave them Castoria, Marsll & ' CO., PROPBIETOR3 OF- Concord, N. C. DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MBDIOINBs, PJiR, ,FUMKY AND ;TOITBT ARTICLES HSf ABUN DANCE. Everything . '' UP TO DATE" ON HAND. HlVE US A CALL AND GET yOUR MONEY'S-WORTH. . Yours to please, : n n i nfi! RTlU m If M; . Ml $16,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, SHOES A1STD CLOTH ING Will now be thrown on the market that will $e sold in the next 90 days at the greatest . slaughter: of prices ever heard of in Concord. Our entire stock was bought - through the summer when prices were at the lowest point. Now we are going to give tha Concord trading people the benefit of this stock at prices far below all competitors. We want you to listen and be govern ed accordingly to what will happenT TAKE PLAIDS Something that every farmer will have to buy, Until what we have is all sold, will go at cents per yard. They are worth o c. une nunarea pieces ounn, worm 0 c. une nunareu pieces ouuu, you will have to buy. We will let what we have go at 5c. kind. CHEVIOTS, The 8 and 10c kind, will go at 7c. Nice LadieS WOOl Press Goods Have been cut to the quick. Tis im possible for us to make you appreciate the bargains without seeing the stock. Our price is below nil others. PRINTS SgiThtvelutonced! tnfwul coft wholesale what we tusk for oar stock uTt L?rfakio. to duolicate our price on MEN'S WOOL OVER AND UNDER SHIRTS. We will sell a lot of Outing shirts at 10c. Qotton under shirts all at whole sale price. . The Jarge3t Mock of ladies vests, in town will go at cut price. WOOL FLANNEL. Ileavv wool trill Flannel will go for 121c. t: T W V V A m. 'hese- ecoods- cost more now by the bolt. BLANKETS ' Bought at the lowest notch ever reached, will go out now, that will do you good. SlioeSjiSlioes. Every person in the comty knows that the wholesale price on shoes has advanced from 25c to 50c pair. Now hoie is where we can do you the mo3t good. We have seooo worth of Shoes that we bought when the price'struclrthd bottom . Everybody will have to buy shoes, and if cotton has run up to a good price; ifc will hot bring you so much you:want to, me asmuchonhe foiTto toU' cash, but wnat you, win lc, good part of your money in your pocket ad will.distribute this out to those who -will take advant- age OI- ,lli prices uu iuib ui oiuu Avail lower than we sold the same shoes last winter. If you want to HlVG UlUUtJV. JUU rVJAA 7 1TCAAAU 1V WWW our"- stock . before you buy a; single pair- . ... . ;. pair. . This is a grej buying public. This is a great opportunity ior iue LOWE & SON. THE . COMING ' ' WOMAdN If the fasbiori; plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there never wa? such a demand for black; .-dress; goods to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothing: adds more tov the beauty and dignity of a woman appearance than a fine black gown,which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable, ye have jiijst gotten in our black and navy blues bought when the prices were low can , sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide "Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for . 75c. Our sock "'of. Black Oreapones are -the latest production. We ask all Ladies to see our dress goods beioje buying else where. Do you want to .see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ever shown in Concord Then corne and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Our No. 71 Needle Square Toe prettiestseoe on thevmar Our No, 69 Pointed JRazor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70 Kound Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom extra, heavy muslin double front and bacR, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison. HAVE- YOU THOUGHT OF BUY : ING A FALL DRESS? ESI' ESS 44 inches -'wide 40 cents per yard, 36 inch 27 cents per-yard, our line of ladies See - Jim - Crepons, Crovenetts .and; Henriettas. They are the lattest. Don't miss them if you ivant a black j dress. Our 1 aresimply. elegant. -Fil u Gils fate an . V