. . . ' 1 :- .... . .... v 's - . . ... ' ,-. . .. . , t . . .. . . . . . . . - ' -- - : .,, ........ j . .- -' . . .. .. ..- - ; w, .. .. ,...,.. .. ,. v , . -f ... , . . - . - .- - 1 ! Tot XL-No. 136. CON COH J, ; NC. , FRIDA Y, jOCIOBER 11 , 1895. Whoivb NO. 1,14 CoBcerd ioual Bank. MONEY. ' : ' : JSO. 17. - v ; . Theie are in oircnlation in .this country $1,600,000,600 all of which; President, uUi cu-ueui uonarB. jnow, I snnnoRA" f Vifif. nnf j.J4 ? n PnLTRANE, Assistant Cashier middle in two, then every dollar in COKCORD, 0. Capita1 Surplcs, J DIKECTORS; : : . ' r-i 171 f . WB. Odell, W.H, Lilly, circulation will become a fiftv-cent $50,000 dollar. $16,000 000 hundred-cent dollars outd be come 1,600,000,000 . fifty-cent;:-doli la'rs, having the value of only v 800, 000,000 'hundred-cent dollars. Thus by a -simple 'act of goyernment the per capita circulation, which is now OpgUUiaHUI l5 reduce . to 12i.. hundred.cent dol-j lars. This does not make allowaDce for thA.wifhHTawol Ann nnA 000 dollars of gold from circula-! tion, which would be certain to hap pen if the standard were reduced in Value ... - " : -.:;' - . ' ' ""As. the amount of money in cir culation stands at present, if we take but from'circtilation the 600,000,000 gt0Ckg, Bonds and Grain bought and dollars of gold; there would be left eold, or carried on Margin. only a,00O,000,000 dollars, which p sRpnd for pxnlanatorv cirftnn le hundred cent dollars now, 'will , . s lar on speculation, also weekly mar- Decome iOUO,uuu,UUU littyncent dol lars. equnaieat to 500,000,000 hun- dred-cent dollars. This would be equiyalent to contracting " the cur- HAMMOND & CO. Stock Brokers, 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, K". r. tet letter. (Free) dwly iirs but mm. (LITAKER'S CORNER ) . 6t wheat will always be wortrT two buh els ,bf oats. , Jprices may "rise. but there canrbe no -such thing as a; general rise or a gineral fall of valu es. - .. As Mill ; saya, eyery tfimg can no morrise or fall with respect to everything else than a dozen run . ners can each outrun all the rest, or a hundred trees can all overtop one another. To suppose that all thinci could' rise relatively x to each other wouId.be to realize Pat's idea of so-i ciety, where every, man is as good as his rieighbor, and a 'great jdeal beti terj'too. : r , f . Now, if 'cutting the standard in two .would .not increase yalues, so; far asiwealtb is concerned, the coun4 try would ! gain nothing, , A3 ;' to hyr Jridea would increase :or! decrease, tiwould depend - upon "the! amount of moneylu tto rise to Shich it 6uW be LputJ It the amount :wer8 - decreased 'then' prices might fall if the amouiat; FOfiillli McDONAtD HOOK. A "Brilliant Scene In the First Pres toyterlaijChnrcli of Charlotte, : ; ' ..The marriage . Thursday - nigbt at the; -First t Presbyterian churqhV: of Charlotte, when Hiss. Ida Miller McDonald and Mr. CJias. -O Hook stood before the altar and : promised to "love,, honor and cherish" :. each other "until death do , them : part," was a brilliant affair. .The Observer, in its account of the event, - says of the ceremony : 7 J "Mendelsahon -old.but unrivaled in it inspiring effect and grand har monieswas the i march, chosen by the bride and played by Miss Addie Williams. As the ; firs c notes sound J I df fy competition ' in regard to COFFINS &C. ; X have now .in stock at my rooms opposue me coun nouse a splen did line of well-made Fi Tiituro such as . Bed; Steads, tables, Wash stands Safes; ed through arch and aisle the ribhoq iirl8,.little Misses Alice Cowles and Lizzie Faison, dressed ;in dainty uuiutt su&b, euiereu .au stretched the ripbon along the-; seats on either side of . the . middle j aisled following them came the attendants .quali Ly . and ..price, -Yo a w i il be aurpriseawnQnyou hear mvpiiceo Come and see. If not m stock can supply .you in a few das. I have a nice line of O0FF were increased thea ...prices might . a Ktoplo ftn i.;, Mo, ri?,8" : ;?h0"11;?0'1 n'P?' ;the DoWell led the bridal procession! 11 isnon,d ' be remembered that m!ninn . Rm1 " nus, Km. AT. credit-as-weli as money .helps to de- Ui8se3 Bessie Sanders and , Fannie verwuKpnceB. xa i, p,ice is me McAder, and after them Messrs.! monej or credit valne of a comBi Ti;ii o.-- '.-j " iu : rency by .the: enormous amount of both 'plentiful then prices may. rise The croom with his best 1,100,000;000 hundred-cent dollars, to the highest point, but if either Wr w H Twittv nter fm at prices that will eiirpriHo you. I ikeep a iull-21ine on hand for inw mediate supply. 1 buy iUMBEPi , 1 , " '" ' - - i-..' ' . - - and run my planing machar; and 3 all;; persons who - wish any thing in this, line, will do well to call and see. me. Very Respectfully, man. Mr. W H Twitfv. Anfprfld from thft rl reducing the per capita circulation be diminished in amount xt value; -iUi i' . mm n a. r-m a m, m a a a WW a a. Pounds. . pncff wiU be Effected according the altar for his bride. As the iatv Concord. N. O. July 23. IBoV 1 Thus it willbe observed that even If Aia 00 - - - t .. a hi , a a aa aBi a a a ri .... . . . wm n aw -, imil naT W n : of eight hundredNcent dollars. It is the standard be cut thjus-seen.that tampering with the I jJlijiill the effect 1 McDonald, sister., oi: the - bride, and . ataudard of value Js likcrviayiug on;.prices would he. It rhas , been the' mid from its present amount of 25 hun area-cent sonars to the small sum ataudard of value .is rviaJ1IJg on.prices wouia.. De. jlc rnas,peen maid:of honor Came down the midi J 4 " z ' ' carelessly rwltlva two-edged sword, iepu lhat the 600,000,000 dollars;-of de aisle her !comS;:lieraMnc -Havm.tranafered my -Firo In , , : a " A rAi y - A. ' "-.1.1 " - !ai8I8, r;:.T?mi" .nri7u?S- suranci. business, io. Messrs." H, I there being at all times danger of gold, would, be. withdrawn from, cir- the approach of the bride. Tlie iat- Woodhouse and'BE fiarrifl, I corns IbaveoDftned mv MEAT MAIN KET in the Litaker basement, ilbr merly occupied by Swmk & Day? Tault. When you want nice; fresfr meat?, beef, pork, mutton, etc., oall on or send in your orders to S. IS. KLUTTZ.-- P. S. 1 am in t.Vm murkpt when beef cattle and hogs are for sale. getfang iiurt. But, suppose that, instead of the culation, thereby : decreasing the amount t oi: ; monef, which cause ter came ? few minutes after "on the dollars becoming fifty-cent dollars would mwm MANUFACTURERS .OF filf E GINGHAMS, OVIWG CLOTHS, J t A I menartnem to any mno: may oe m need drfir rnsurnncp. nd be?nfink -r i l. -. Hi t,i a in. j 1 . i-i . . ' . . . - arm iuer, ir. j.uwaru wu- ior inem a UDerai v-airooBtre. no doHbt operate ! to1 lewerrn A : lie3pectfu?iy. uj uiuiiuwuiug tu-uw w. v--.v. tmw wxvvt.w . vuwu.v. i ien.ioia oy ine inspiration oi me standard one-half, they retain their crease, correspondingly, which is Hour, anil the becomincnesa 6f her W have assumed tbo Fire Insur- coinprisinEf the'ageccioQ for geverrJ first-class and well eatablisho com mAnl nail a A VinnHroH.ppnf. (inU rtvfnaa la n. Wpw imnnrfflnf. nn I i J. t; -i - ji lT)anieSr and rre8neCtlUliy ?C .Clt ft VMiu uv vv. ..w. - ;.r -r;,waru anuj-ooiAer uauu.uiug "liberal share of business in Lufc line. lars, as measurett by the new siana n will recieve :more carexui, treai- on hj3 arm, and the two stood before Woodhouse & Haeri3. ard. The 600,000,000 dollars of merit in the next communication. ! eold which would be withdrawn ,8AYiGJy. f L . . 11 .?-. -.a. 1 mm -. -. nn . 1-vTT t h irom -uircuiotiou, uioosuicu uj Ah EaVesclropper Frightens Xadic new standard, would have the nomi black neffro boy eiists in this hundred-cent nominal value. In altogether imprbbab.prices wou bridal aittty. As aha neared the that case the 1;000,000,000 dollars nbt charige. The. subject of. money pUTpit her betrothed Stepped for- tf Eev. Dr. Preston, and were,? by him, August 26. ; " ..i : : "r his Lr"i . L A MM :A . pronounced. man and wife, own. beautiful language ; - The hush which folllowed the or more has upon: benediction was 4 broken by a glad caused alarm to burst 6t sound a triumph of lovel the',- - : - ! S E M FN 7 R Y PLAIDS SHEETING minishinS:'tc vue of the standard ;witqlilngttiOT ' v we would have driven out of circus disrobe. ; . BAGS. BIIDAL CHORUS Si A Flourishing School for Youd Xadies. TEN .TEACHERS. 0 DEALERS IN Gene hal value Of twice six hundred xniK ojiy o "fpr a year lions, that -iJ; 1200,000,000 dollars different -occasions we would then have 1,000,000,000 SQvef ai white ladies of the city . by and harmony dollars in circulation, but by di- uDneSrinr at their room wihdows and irom the "Jttose Maiaen. wmcn was i ..... , . , . . .- . . sung by Mesdames G II Brocken lation m ainount of money, meas- The person who is accused of per- brough, R L Gibbon, F I Smi;tb, E urea oy tneftnew- sranuaru, .cuiva- peratjng such deeds ;s Know . lie fi Marn omiin lent to 1,200,000,000 dollars, that i3 16 yeara of age Mips -Han "l)owd; Messrs D F Sum is, 1200,000,000 dollars more than f braydo J"n his eavesdropping, mey, F II Andrews, B F Powell, E iu nroniii "ha loff. in circnlation. i j ' To replace the value of the 60u,000,- Dein mea negro, , : , - v; ell and O M Norwood. . The blendxecilted,on theOth day of JNoveriiK 000 dollars of gold dnyen Irom cirn if - this kind of rconduct is not ing of so many fine voices, ?a so beau-J ber, 1892, by.Jacob JU McUarns and Ornamental Branches Recei ve , ,Carefui AtteiitiQri : KEY. C. . L. ;T. FISKEIU A. U . MOUNT PL AS ANT. N. O .. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in Merchandise culation would require the coinage popped he may peep throuh win. tif ul aelecl . of 1,200,000,000 dollars, measured dows romjth iiiside.: He walfseen The,, andiehce.. lingered : ta: hear the Office for Cabarrus county in Book. . by the new standard, ;Which at and pgnizedata Vln-ow:of re- lak nptes of;: the -fcliUx and .finale the full capacity of the mint ot 50,s g;dencn the locality df the graded and thsn Iet,-tbpe;who were.bidden door on Monday, November lib, to BUYERS OF Count 000.000 dollars a year would, take Rhcol building this ieekirighttnl ifi the weddiog; .recepnon-folio wipg twenty-four years. Of course f no ay -fery badly, vVhose . lathee thi;pdalfpaiM people would knowingly edopt any gpfce llftle w oi Mr, audMrs Johnj Walkr; Miller ... Wa1i'ao To do SO " ' m ' ' ' An -TJ'nrfli Trrrin streak wliArft tliA 17 Produce of al Kind AND ; Qt-Foot wood always : Sl0ated - best prices lor -: ae-. We invite an im "ouotall the gooaa Manufacture. . J - I. such suicidal policy. To do so would bankrupt the country, and reduce the great majority of the people to a state of serfdom. Thus it is setn when looking backwards at what money we have in circulation, every dollar of which is a hundred-cent dollar, we receive no encouragement to cut our ;fetaijd ardotvaluemiddla.ln two.ULet us see how it may appear when we look forward, ilt is, important to keep in mmtliet the. law, cannct change yalues. If one bushel of wheat is worth two bushels of oats, no matter what the money prices of the two commodities are, one bushel - r ; Jfrce Pills, i r". ., i SenLyour address5 to H E Buck- len Co.1.eMfag6itid Bamplel)br of DlrVffing:New "Life Bills. A trial) wiUcince 3 ou.of thoir rnerits: These t ipills ; aro Jeasy iirSctionacd -fire;; particutolyc. ef fe6tire; in the cure of coppatidii aiid : sick : headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been prayed invaluable. They are guarn t;ed to be perfectly, free, from eyery eleteriovs substance and to be -purely . vegetable. They 4 do v not WCaKeil UjwUMIA aww-u wuu Kfj giTing tone to the stomach and bowles greatly invigorate the sjstem Reguler size 25c per box, Sold at ifetzer's Drug store. - on JNortn uryon . street wnere me reribiiaihld.": : ; Mr. and Mrs Hook are both well haying lived ." here ' and the groom haying; freqently ayisied,: here since his residence in Charlolte. rBound, Gagged and Bobbed. ? - -PiqxtA, O., Oct. - lOlBarney Pietza German, aged 82, jand his housekeeper, Mrs. j Mary Pfeistner, aged 65, were hound ;.ahd: engged ; by jewelry and valuables takes. The couple were warned not to give an alarm. 'The robbers escaped by stealing a horse and buggy. the ujffnest Dioaer ior cash, one tract of land adjoin'Tg-L M Soesos mon and Qtheris, and .described as folio wa ; 'lieginniDg at a willow on we st bank of "l?ocky River, corner 6t Tji N 8 oss mon, opposite the inouth oi ta small brkticb, v?hi.;h'i3 ' tn me juasiieiae ci tne jKiver, ana- .;- 1. '." 1 " t nr -ci i knojm; in hu wjj, the brjde onceWgg- m6yri xfAtSO chs. . then N. 2 Wi 18 chains to -a f,touo in. fye z field then v.N;l-. 741 W; 3 chains. to a stone in . Monroe How? -ell 's line; l.eh; N.: 21 E 15J chains t o a Email - sweet gum on tb bouth bank xf the branch, H T.tcL&rty's corner; then, with his line I 32. E. Hi chains - to a stone in the old' hue; then the , old, line S- 41 E. 61 chains to "a branch' on the went. bank. three maakedrmen this morning, andjof y the RiyerViv thence down the ning containing ninetytvA 92l7" and one half acres mor o or less---being part of the D M Curri- er lands. O. Sosso-ion, T"' z j By W. M. Ssiith, Attorney. i ; i 'tl 1 t I 1 1. i t : 4 I'' - I- s '