. tmm Richmond arrives at 11:15 &. m. No " "Washington " " 9:58 p.'ip. " 3 Atlanta " " l - Atlanta " " 3f New York " " 7:23 p. m. 9:35 a. m. 8:51 a. m. freierht leaves at 12m 9:00 p.m. r c 11 andi2 are the local trains between T Lid and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and36 are the Richmnu 1 between- Atlanta and Washing Jit Kos r and 38 are the Washington and ,on'fhwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop Concord on signal. . V A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. ricked Upland Put In Snap By Our HuHtliHsr Pencil Pusher. Freeze it did. For the pa it two mornings there has been ice. The tank on the tower of No. 2 mill at the Odell factories la com plete. The german that was to have been giren lat night at Patterson's 'hall did not ma'erialize. . V M L Marsh & Co. give you Borne practical advice in their advertise cent today, See it. Weather signals say H will be w&rmer tonightfollowed tomorrow by local showeTS. Mr.. Lee Kindley was down from near Mooresyille with cotton. . The Concord market is at the top. The meeting at Forest Hill Methodist church continues in in terest. The at endance is quite large. The front of Yor&e, Wadsworth & CoV hardware store is being trimmed with a very bright coat of yeliow pamt. v . i i The man at. the wild west show in j Salisbury to-day who lost his hard- earosi money is not as short as he would be had he lost his head. Siop at D M Walker's if yei want anything in the grocery and notion line. Don't forget the place op posite D C Furr's at Forest Hill. tf. A fence ia being put up 1 around the Baptist church on Spring street, which will greatly enhance the ap pearance of the church property. Some one in Salisbury has lost a pocket knife in the shape of a beer bottle. The loss was a very sharp one and nd doubt has been keenly felt.- 1 1 11 i-rv V 1 I epienuia izo 6organ ior saie , cbeap-in good condition. Can be bought for cash or on installments. For particulars call at The Stand ard office. o7 lw. Mr. B L Corriher, of Enochyille, was in to see us. He is one of the - - good old time farmers, and says all though the cotton crop is short he is content with the result. When the band began to play on the streets Thursday night, seyerai people thought it was a contingent of Buffalo Bills Wild West show, but they were disappointed when Belfont "struck up on "Maggie." D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of A - country produce, cash- or barter. Don't forget the place opposite D O Qrr s at Forest Hill. tf. Wednesday, October 23, is Presin dent's day at the Atlanta exposition Many will go from here, not altO' gather because they are admirers of Urover the Great, but through cu riosity and because it is a great aay. Mr, William J Alaxander of, oodleaf,N. C, a native of No. 5 wwnghip, this county, has' been on a visit to his brothers in No. 5 for Several weeks He rfinorta cbttbn his section fwn-tliird r.rnn and eom a splendid yield. To remove the constipated habit, onlv 8afA fWmpnf ft course of Ayer'a Pills, followed by a laxa- live dipt it'nA "oreharm than .ood, therefore leaain? nT,VDiIa. nnmmATid Oyer's Pillsespecially as a "family Physic. ; ft this Horning. Master Johnnie Goodman, tne red headed compositor of this shop,' has gone to Salisbury o see Buffalo Bill. Belfont brass band struck town last night in all its glory. It came to furnish music for a festival. V Sheriff Sims will begin his tax collecting rounds on Tuesday next, starting in No. 1 township. Ministers will greatly oblige us if they will -send; in their announce ments for Sunday early tomorrow morning. About twenty people went toSalis- this morning from this place. Whether they saw any of the bufs falos Bill caught is yet unknown, rut it goes without saying that they saw not a few suckers." Confusion as to the choice of a blood.purifier is unnecessary. There is but one best Sarsaparilla, and !jhat is Ayer's. This important fact was recognized at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, being the only blood purifier admitted to be placed on ex hibition, . . - OB JumpsdUp Aeain. ' Only about thirty "fire bales of cotton were upon the market today. The price early Thursday morning was 8;85, but late in the day had fallen off 15 points, and remained at 8.70 until this afternoon when it jumped up to 8 86 again. This was an unus ually dull day in cotton trading for Friday. Biotice. . ; All persons holding claims against J W Burkhead, deceased, will please present them to me or to H I Wood promptly. AH persons inn debted to same will pleas call and settle at once. o71w2w Alida L. Bufkhead. Executrix of the last will and testa ment of J W Burkhead. Will go Monday. Editor John B Sherr ill, secretary and treasurer of the North Carolina Press Association, has completed all arrangements for a trip for its mem bers to the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition and an excursion to Nashyille, Tenn., via. Chat tanooga. Of the entire" State Association about 125 members have signified their intention of attend ing, and will flock into Atlanta on Monday and Tuesday next to see tne . after Which the v will -reveal tQ tne curioaB public many wonders and advantages of the Exposition, He is Her ior Hands. Mr. James Parker, of Concord, is in the city securing hands for the new cotton mill, the Bnffalo, at Con cord. He will, probably take a good mber of the night hands recently nu cut off at the ,Vance Mills.-TSalis bury World ;Woman Shot Through a Window JACKSON. MlSS., Oct, . 9. Mrs, Hathearne, wife of Mr. F D Hath- earne, farmer Hying near oms- town, was o0o r - ence of her family last night, by beine shot through a window with SOU VYaae, ucg.u www- -- The citizens say he will be lynched W.Du Ice Sons &.Ca- 'THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CQA DURHAM. N.C. U.S.A. U MADE FROM ABSOLUTELY PURE THE RUSH OF HUMANITY. People Who Travel,: as! Seen by Our ReDorter. Miss Lallah Hill is visiting friends in Salisbury. Mr. John D Heath, of Char lotte, -spent today in the city. Mrs. H?K Oranford and child- renleft this morning for Lynch burg, Va, and Mrs, M V Sberrill re turned to their home in Xexington this morning. Mr. Cutler Lee, of Wilmington, was in the city yesterday and last mrs. tt. o iyxuguuit-ry mm c tit r ir.i ' jj daughtr, little Miss Shirlie, re- turned last night from OHnton.- - I Mrs. John Jones left ihh morn 1ng for Statesville, her home, after visiting relatives at Forest Hill for seyerai aays. . Miss Nannie Craiff, of Wash lngtonrU. U;, wno nas oeen visuing relatives an. this city for seyerai weeks, left this morning for Ral eigh. . Mrs. W G. Campbell, after spending a month witn Mrs. J S Fisher returned toher homejn Me- chanicsburg, Penn., She was greatly I teW.DuiceSona8iCo.CSTl J I I . ErERICAN TOBACCO CDVf I n . -m . v l t J I IV O Will a U Ul w IA out, va benefitted by her visit haying gained 10c gotton nnder shirts aU at whole in TioolfVi ' I Rale nrice. - V u n..,,. a ,:iJ -.Dir. v ? J"- xxeuurii auu inwc daughter of Mt. Pleasant, passed through the city today en route home from a visit to Mr. Hendrix's j old home at Walhalla, S. G., and the Atlanta Exposition,; with your fi lends : but not with your enemies mm and We have something that will knock IS Mill TOIIIC. Yours to please, , . ' 'em out Groves' ICONIC Oil! DRUaaiST-3 J3AND1PHARHACIST3 , rl CONCORD, N,: 0.3 LOWE WORTH OF DRY GOODS, SHOES AND CLOTH- --'; in a Will now be thrown on the market that will be sold In the next 90 days at the greatest SLAUGHTER OF PRICES ever heard of in Concord. Our entire stock was bought through the summer when prices , were at the lowest point. Now we are going to give tha Concord trading people the benefit of this stock at prices far below all competitors. We want you to listen and be govern ed accordingly to what will happen. TAKE PLAIDS Something that every farmer will have to buy, Until what we have is all sold, will go at 3 cents per yard. They are worth 5 c. One hundred pieces outinr, you will have to buy. We will let what we have go at 5c This is the 8 and 10c kind. CHEVIOTS, The 8 and 10c kind, will go at 7c.Nice styles and new goods. Ladies Wool I . Haye been cut t0 the quick. 'Tis im- possible for us to make you appreciate o'nrfce ishe W Jl oSS?' PRINTS will eo in endless quantities at 4 and 5c. These goods have all advanced, and will but they must go. 'Tis out of question, gto duplicate our price on MEN'S WOOL CVER . . AND : UNDER SHIRTS. We will sell a lot of Outing shirts at The largest stock of ladies vests, in town will go at cut price. WOOL FLANNEL. Hea 12Jc These sjoods cost more now4by LW wool trill Flannel will go for the bolt, BLANKETS Bought at the lowestlnotch ever reached, j will go out now,inai wiu ao you goou. ShoesSlioes. Every person in the county knows that the wholesale price on shoes from 25o to 50c pair. Now heie is where we can do you the most good. We have worth of Shoerhat we -bought when the price struck the bottom. Everybody will have to buy shoes, and if cotton has ran up to a good priceit will not bring you so - much cash, but what you will feel like, you want to save as much of lhe mnnAr M TlOSaible. NOW W6 WUI place you in . a position to keep a erood uart of your money m your pocket and will distribute this nut to those who will take advant acre of it at prices on lots of stuff even lower than we sold the same shoes last winter. ' If you' want to s&va money, you will want 10 see our stock before you buy a single This is a great opportunity for the buying pubhc . . COMING , 1 WOMAN: If the fashion plates are ; to be believed, will wear blacky and there never wa? euch a demand for , black: :dress goods to the exclusion of all col ored fabrics. Nothings adds more to the beauty ' and dignity of U woman appehrance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash- ionable. We have just gotten in our black andv navy blues bought when the prices were low can sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches r wide Can .sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide for 76c, Our stock of. Black Creapones are the latest production. We ask all , Ladies to see our dress goods betore baying else where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LADIE'S SHOES ever shown in Concord Then come and see us and be convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty, Our No. 71 Needle Squar9 Toe prettiest seoe on the mar ket : " Our No, 69 Pointed - Razor Toe the most stylish yt. Our No, 70. Round Toe a grand seller, all at lowifigures, UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom extra heavy muslin double front and bac&, patent continu . ous facings on back and sleeyes, custom cut and at the low price of 50c. Gibson & Morrison. AVE: YOU THOUGHT OF BUY ING A FALL DRESS? lias - Wod 44 inches wide 40 cents per yard. 36 inch 27 cents per yard See our line; of .ladies i lack - Crepons, Crovenetts and Henriettas. They are the lattest Don t .miss them if you want a black dress. Our are simply elegantl , All Goods Jacquards . M if the coroner's jury implicates mm LOWE & SON. . - : - A

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