! I THE INDUSTUlALSOUTe. "'V FOR T E NEXT FIVE The salesmen will mark today purchased from Cannons, Fetzer & Bell. After the stock has been gone through with, we will - The stock was bonght for spot cash money, and at ' a price that our customers can have the benefit. JWe will sell - FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER ' ' FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS "... . - . v, - ' i - Than any'Fuiniture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing :i is believing, come and see us. DRY REDUCED RATES. JSotton States ana lijteailoiial Expasllloii ATLAJNTA, GA-. ' plcmbdr 18 December 3f, iS95L TPor the above occaBion the Southern Hallway VtJvttr JPf11 w-rato round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the folloir- FROM Alexandria, Va. .... .. Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. .... Burkeville, Va Culpeper, Va Chatham, Va Charlottesville, Va.. . Chapel Hill; N. C... Concord, N.C Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va.......... Durham, N.C... Front Royal, Va...... Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro, N. C ..... Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory, N. C High Point, N. C..... Hot Springs, N. C . . . . Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va. Lexington, N. C... llorganton, N. C. ; . . . . Marion, N.C Newton, N . 0 ........ . Orange, Va. .......... Oxford, N.C. Richmond, Va 26.2519.25 . ;i.00, .... 12.85 9.40J 6.75 18.7013.70 23.2517.05 9.65 11.95... . 25.30 U.55 20.8515.30 13.50..... 10.55.;... 23.2517.05 12. 10. H.20 13.15V. 10.40 i 6.55 00.0514.70 9.65 5.85 10.20 10.45 S0.40 15.00!..... 28.2519.25 i4.oa 9.20 17.65 12.951..... u.eo 11.70 O.UV .. .... q an 15.30..... 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 11.25 14.00'..... 16.95 12.45 20.4015.00 22..60 10.50 10.5ffl 10.45 U.50..... 10.05..... 11.80 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 15.30...... lr.25 14.85;..... 10.90 15.3U..... 11.25 24.5518.00 13.10' 10.45!..... 20.4015.00 23.2517.05 18.8513.80 geiasvme, N. C 13.40; It! Raleiorh. N. C South Boston, Va . . . . Stra8burg,Va..V. Salisbury, N. C....... Statesville, N. C Tayloraville.N.C.... &on, N. C Washington, D. C West Point. Vn 20.4015.00 10.45' 10.80..... y.vu 21.5515.80 u.oo: 7.25 11.25 16.35: 12.00 7.25 8.15 4.90 10.75' 7.85 23.65 17.35 20.25ia.25 14.00..... .ITT -.-..... 12.60 , 140..;..: 11.0 p WjlkesbotO. N. O. . . . . Ss.95 16.85 y.tsu.....: (Bates from intermediate points in proportion) " EXPLANATION. iunij JjFi9kets wil1 sold September 5 ami dai y from September 15 to Decern- 7 1896 - ' inclus!ve fi11 Umit January Column B : Tickets will be Bold dally from Zd limit twenty (20) rtays from date wimai iJffleceml 1805 delusive. IV i eSt"011 to bear longer limit than Jana- ary 7.189Q. 17 until mKW?1 Beptemoer limit tan Tnm -iAnciusiye. with final , " itvu ua.LtJ il sain Column E: Tickets wiii hfl ha, Septemberistocem with final limit seven (7) davs fWim XiiJlV!l ; seven (7) days from date of aaje! UTW E R NJR Al LW AY Omti-Oniy- ne nterinff the Exposition tlroundSv havine a doubtmnv .JSISSSP ' kZl . A. TURK. -A b Dr Miles' Nerve Plastfira. ' ' down the pne of furniture, FOR One Henley's Monarch, fence rnachmeXone itwo horse liar row, h one bis Oliver Chilled plotmli, one side harrow, three pi onghs. 'one wafeon arjil liaf-1 ness, one log chain, one feed cutter rotary and No. 8 one cross cut folding saw, lever power, one jnmp-Beat phaeton, one single-seated phaeton, one ppen;bnggy, two 3 hpr&es,v two thousand feel pailings, 600 f t; of 4x5 oak post, eight huns dred ft., framing lumber.' Pri vate sale, ' . Alida L. .Bubkiiead. , MT. PLEASANT, N. C, REV. .J. D. SHIREY, D. D fRIS ADA DEM IC-GOM M M RC1 A L COLLEGIATE COURSES. session of 3b weeJse, $85,00 to $137; 000 l ' v V - :rl :o ry Kext f eession, begins Sepi; 3. Jyo, Jtror cotaiogneait special; infoimation, address the President as above, or V lm. SECRETAfif OF FACULTY. JN0, R. ERWIN. C A-MISENHEIMER. ERW IN & " M1SENHEIMEB Physicians and Surgeons 6 ffice No. 8. HartyTJbuil dicer, fop MORRISON !H. . CaLDWEL Attorney AT LAW, 4 ' . CpNQQRIJ. ,CV , Oftfce in MorrS butlSixjlopposite Courthouse. - WADSWORTH SALE. to toe Started in ITortli i arolina, ' Baltimore, lid., : Oct. . .10. The Manufacturer's KecoYd reports tat for the week tbere lias been :no in crease of recent eeks Jn .tbernurhber of new industrial enterprise"3 ; pro jected irr; tliniattfripric' be ingfYigoronslyjpushe'd: vnpon I inaoy plants now. under cohstruction. ; mnltn&iaTe :dtn j sbap6 for anndnncemeht during the week. Boaife Jiaye beerplaced to the extent 15060 jntB " for deep ning Qd enlarging "n a .very oqn: siderkble scale -the Dismal I Swamp anallextending om "Norfolk Jto 'Carolina. -Afdispatch to the.Kecord fetaies'that trie plans ha?e been made Ifor Ihe con struction of : a cotton mill at:Newport : News ; to .have ;35,000 spindles, , :This is in addition to : the company recently; organized ln; Riohmond ' to y build a large mill at Newport News. ; Among other enterprises were a UU,000 co tton mi 11 in South Oar o-j iinaj cotton seed oil mill in Alaba ma; large ferterlizerplant inSduth Carolina and another i in Kentucky, a $100,000 lumber company and a $20,000 water works in Mississippi; two lumber plants of $20,000 and $25,000 . capital respectively ; in North Carolina, 500 coks ovens in Virginia, and $25,000 coal mining company in West Virginia, Tor over Fifty Tears . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yean by millions of mothers for their children while teething, wfth perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allay a all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It Will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. . Twenty-'fiye cents a "bottle Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and 1 take no 'other kind, mw7&w NOTICE TOWN TAXES. "The town taxes for the year 1895,' are now due ana placed in my hands for collectioD. All persons bweingr the same ere tc quested ' to 11- -1 11, -m rau ana settio at once, and save! costs. The law in regard to adver tising property has been changed, bo pay promptly and Bave being ad vertised -Office opposite court hoose in Town Hall. ' ' ' '- - ; " J. L.' BCGER. y ..Town Tax. Colitc tor. Dissolatlon ' of Firm. : ' - jjThe "firm Of Morrison, Ijentz & Co. is tbis dayBissolvea by mutual coDsent.All r persons indebted to said firm "will please.call and' Battle Thankful foifall pat favors we re main, . - Respectfully; i . i D. BJ Mobbison, , A, E Lektz, L ; v I A 'V- E E.-Gibson, Concord, N, O., Oct. 3.1895. j The-copartnersfilp heretofore ex isfcingltrader the'nrm name of ; Mor rison, Jjentz & Co. Tiaving been disi solved-by the withdrawal of Mr; A. E. Lentz the undersigned respect fully announce to the -pnblic thafc they 'hate -formed a copartnership under Ihe. firm name" of . Gibson & Morrison to do a eeneralTHArhhftTiH dise business' and hope: tormerit a generous snare ot tne publiap TJ i . B. Br MoBEISON. CohCdrd, .fD., Oct- 3ri895a :: i IreCommend the firnv rrf fJibnn &uri66ritb the public as worthy oi ineir patronage, .mv-..':-' 1 E?t JBesjpe6tlully:7 -r-: Joncord. N. C.OcU.3, 1895 . GOAL rEOR SALE lfBTOLNE :COAL, : BesM doar ;in iU South..' t Accnrate weight and prompt K. L. CRAVEN. Tir ft!2S.OOO ' Lamber plants s. ii mjm a mm ft -ff i m - ma - i . a & m m a Castoria: is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infanta -1 and Children. It contains' neithcr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmH substituto " forParcfforic jDrops, Soothing Syrups, and tor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years ? millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and iy3 feverishness. Castoria prevents . vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething 'troubles," cures constipation and flatulency; Castoria assimilates . tho food, regulates the stomach ' and bowels, giving i healthy and natural sleep. Cas. ; toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine forcil ; dren. : "Mothers have repeatedly told me of its ..good effect oxon Iheir children." r : -: Dau G. a'USGOOD, "T .-' " t --' ' Lowell, Mass. . Castoria is the test remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant -when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums which "axe destroying their loved ones, by forcing sopiumv morphine, soothing syrup and other 'hurtful agents down their throats," thereby ending them to premature graves." ' , Dk. JV P. Kxncbbxxb, I -"Conway, Ark.' The Centaur Company,' 77 Bnclilen's Arnica Salye, TThe Best Salve in ie world lor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Skin iEruptiori3, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi ted. - it . guaranteed to give statisiaction or money refunded. Jfnce 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzers SfA-o . Bedncea Railroad Kates. : : " Expositioi3, Atlanta,- (Ja. tickets on, sale September 5 and i 12 and daily from September 15 to Decern ber 15. 1896. inclusive -with final limit January 7, . 1896. Fare for rnnn frm ftU;2ft 'TiV.kftt nn raIa ber 30, inclusive witn final limit fifteen days from data of sal6. Fare r ii-n? om iA . rr:irf sale daily from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with rnnal limit seveo days from date , of Bate. Fare for round trip 6 55, I "Burke County Agricultural Fairr Morgan ton, "N. C, tickets on sale October 14th to 17th inclusive, "final limit October 18th, 1895. Continui 6u8 passage in both directions. :Fare f oi round , trip $3.30. t Buffalo Bill's Wild west Show, Salisbury, .N, C. Tickets xn sale Oct. Ill "Final limit Oct. 12, 18951 Fare for round trip 90 cents. Con4- UUUD kitt "r A- , JL.4JttB, ACAttB. ilCiiWlH UU Sai6:UCU 16 ; good proing on date of sale only. Final Jirnit Oct. 30, 1895. Continuous posssge 'in eacH directioE;. Fare for round trip $34,35, nIroncJad conf .1 diUons .to.be complied with. ' Convention of International Au sociation of Fire Eengineers Kuaut, xu. xiuolo on sale UCt o, 6 and 7, fifobd going'on data vof sule omy.. . ma. uct. pa tlon. Fare for round trio S7.4f? Iron-Clad conditions to be oompiied pih: v.-ii;r. iJ fK:nfy eeyDentucky.trot 11, JcV Hh and 8tk Roo4 going on datel pf 6aIeohly." lnal Iimit"pctiTi2ist Continuous paisage ;m tidhV Fare for rsurid trip via Chars i lottesville S16.00 via Vim. vZk .m. - , ... bm u xhuii n jicrth Carolina conf erence M. V church t Greensbcro K. C. OSckets on sale Oct. l4th to 17 inclusive finA! limit Oct. 23rd .1895. Continuous passage m each direction. Fare for round trip $3.65. . ur D Castoria. u Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescriptica known to me." . H. A. Archer, m. III So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. ?, ' " Our physicians in the children's depart, ment have'spoken highly of thir experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although-we only have among our medical supplies what is knovr i as regular products, yet we are free to confer that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UXfZTXD IIOSFITAI. AND DlSPENSARV, - . ' -' - - Boston, Mass. Axxen C Smith, Pres. Murray Street, New York City. CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MABKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling. ..8! is Middlmsrs 7. j pow mindhn .7 Stains 5 to 6i PE0DUCE MARKET 1 -CoTTtCted bv C. W Swink. I 'XJuCQQ ... . ....... ...... ...Go ;Stigarcured nams !2Hol5 Bulk meats, sides. 8 to 9 J Beeswax........ 20 I Butter ..15 Chicken.. 10to20 UOm. . . . . . .45 121 JfF -V" " " o11 lour(North Carolina) 1.75 Meal...... ..bo hff" 30 . rioauw -, This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing" and exhilarating stands in highest favor with all who know it best, as the great est -of all - medical remedies for both sexes; of all ages and in all conditions. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU, -' -S -VvU . ri n Iiclll glvs tea APPETITE. itwDI gtia you jssffiil refreshing SLEEP. 11 9 8la J?5. DIGESTION. (! restore your NERVOUS EMEP.SY. 1WI putjour KIDNEYS iaperfect crdeu It till parlfi jour Eisci ritKinch TcurwaaSnassJnbSTESSSTH. ' - TC3 021 0f 5lcins fttflu n' . ! ' KETT PAd&AOfi,XAHGE BOTTLE. 103 - r : DOSBS OKS bOLLAB. COLD BY AUt DRUCCISTS. : UANXTTACTUBED ONLY BY iliieluantaciiiif to DR. , WEITB FOB 48-PAGE 200S, HAILED FEES. FETZER'S DRUG STORE-

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