t - I 11 list to 10 mm mm. (J0XCORD, N. 0. i L 'the a uditoriu m burned; A Bic Fire That ThvnntDM.A - . a w U V Town Charlotte's Auditorium Building Wiped Out bv Fire Water Scarce and a Great Blaze I'reyalls. r President, Cashier. gcoLiRANE, Assistant Cashier I.,, $50,000 Cap1' 'jurplm . 'DIRECTORS: T he big auditorium building was turned this af ternoon. The fire was first discovered at 3:30 o'clock, and very soon there was a blaze in that $16,000 locality that drew people from all A 11. " ml pans oi ine town. , mere , are no r n . rxr water plugs on Church street within t v ii w. j a m i . - - Tfl J, W. Cannon, a bJock 9f auditorium, and there MR;: ROB it GADD'S DEFENSE. The iWftmaii jn f -US .Jt i i . t .... BXtne and Resided SLAIN BY OHAKLES RITCH, A NOTED CASE. TIT TT T t -w utation, HAMMOND & CO. Stock &3icL 130 & 132 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. was delay in getting streams from ' . . UV9VU mh ine , A inariOtie HOT KHll B Mftn in Trial Fa Nonillne- nWan. lllA in .New ToiU a I Ilnoxvllle It Was in Defense of a TTia ffsila Lonsr Time-Persecuted Because or Disreputable Woman. Who Had En. mi, A r rr j r HiiDemn;;ii; . . - . . - 1 he case of J -D Hubbard- for uisuemoerac), tieed Him Away An Estimable . - .. . . . To the Editor of The Observer: - Family Plunged Into Grief, v - ending obscene matter through the The sensational article reflecting! That was a yery bad piece of news "w-hwbsra'on trial in the U. 8. on me in your issue of the 5th inst,; receiyed in tne citVtbis horning Court ainqe "yesterday, contains but very little truth. There from Knoxville, TnHT It was to ArSam.ent was completed at noor are no shaf ts'being sunk at the Reed the effect that Mrr Chas. Ritoh, the todaiand the case given to the jury, mine, except one tinder my direc- youngest son of Mr. Thomas L 4abbar ,i3.a negro school teacher tibn, s No articles; as 'stated, have Ritch, of Charlotte, iad shot down and is charged with writing a scur been found in any shaft in the mice, and killed a'manon the "itreete of rilou8 and extremely finflecwit letter Simply a chain and charm of the KnoxyiUe. The yi6tim of ybnng to a womaP bufc he demes that Le? tinsel variety were found o the ' : Tryon street When water did come, surface by par tiesj who were wash- young tailor of Knoxville indecent that Judge the pressure was weak. The build iW fnV iV ? tW vrinm w in ii Dick very properly would not allow OPeCUldLIUfli ing was fully ablaze from end to teeth or hair or anything of the on a .street in a tough" part of theiV1 10 be r?r ln ??en court- - enu oeiore a stream was piavea on kind i ; . tnwn ThA nrpsa d?onftfH tiiof l uuuuolu "aV uco" .wumug vuw It was an immense structure As to the charges made by my Breen was walking along the streert of pi tie wood frame, covered with tin brother, they "were investigated some in coiripanv with a friend, when he and sheeted with corrugated iron; yearo ago when he and nlyself bad met young Ritch and Emma" Clark.! fte onl pml 11 maIhaum laild burned like tinder. ' ' P : thft snil;: m v Pntirfi innivwinA fSen I RrPPn KrrrtliA Tiftinif. tho vnmani aia De WHte It. it I. t - . . , . 0 - - . - m O 1 1 . . . . , . . ' spn was xiamagea by nre ana water tbe legal authorities and the public. Ritch drew a pistol and shot Breehl - - v" au .Fuuu to the extent of $500. Insured. Mrs. The woman in Question was the throueht the heart. Ritch and tiM b mPTi80nmnfc for BOt les W H MillerVwho occupied tte ad- housekeeper at the Reed Mine and companion were arrest n4 iiUcdfban 0ne n0more five -earft- Bond3 and Grain bought and (adjoining houses lost $200 by break- left here in the day time for ' New to await a preliminary trial. : - i- ? - . age. Mi. Wade H Harris, next York, and it can oe proved by a Mr. Ritch left herd about seyen .. xuo; 4ury' ees- door to ' Mk. Miller lost slightly by gentlpman of high standing there months ago for Knoxyille. He had veru. mj breakage of furnituri. , . tnat sh was residing iiilhat ci been billing clerk at the freight de an n,uuuaru was sLceu 10 mre The residence of 1 Mr. Algernon fen vears afterwards and then went pot of the Southern Railroad Com Pe"8 lu ine A1Dany penuent.&ry ana Reese, corner of Sixtn and Church West. She wrote to Capt. Orchard, pany here, and was considered an W a fi:ne ot f 100 and cost . ofrnnt tooo Kolv aTYioffxl nnrTnlVnf ooVinrr' vrirr aAAro'aa tpViiri Wt aarst PTnllpnt, llinr in all rPRnpnf a A hnnf. priSODer WaS, naturally Very Lo3S considerable, covered by $1,000 to send her some money to bjay a Clark woman also appeared: there insurance. sewing machine.. I have been told and enticed him .SHe'hMiofmrly VA cottage on Siith street, owned that she wrote to Mrs. Elizabeth lived in Charlotte and' nad caused by Mr. Charles Wadsworth and oc- Grose, widow of Samuel GroseV ot much" trouble by Her seductive: ways, cupied by Mr. Lon Potte, was burned, your city, asking her "what eort of a She was indicted in the Criminal Both losses insured. ; - woinan l had married etcC 1 court on charge of hiring a negro The Tryoh street Methodist I trust you will give this the same boy to burn her house here. Qdge church and parsonage, and Mrs. E 0 publicity as yoc did tne slanderous Meares sent the negro to the pen!. Springs' reBidence caught file, but statement o your special corres- tenuary ior len years, aaa anisnea were oniy Biigntiy aamageu, r""" - Ti,a .nifAinm nnof nnn swA We hone to hed some mere iiU C 14 Vi 1 vvl A IA Ul VViJ W U v W v 1 - - - . woman but they had a rumpus. and ihe letter followed. - ' 1 Thebnly point for the jury waa hel did he is in for.it, for it certainly comes within. pun less. gold, or carried on Margin. p,S. Send for explanatory circus far on speculation, also weekly mar ket letter. (Free) dwly iini i ra mwa (LITAKER'8 CORNER ) ; M 1 much oyercome at his convictioa and seemed. to be all broke up. Oreen8b jro Record. ; i EBHlTOBEi. " IhaveoDened mv MEA.T MARs KET in the Litakir basement ' fbrs merly occupied by Swink & Day vault. When yea want .nice,- fresh meats, beef, pork, mutton, etc., call on or send m your orders to . 4 S. Ii. KUUTTZ. P. S. 1 am in the market when beef cattle and hos are for sale. 21 MANUFACTURERS 07 nXEGLXGRdMS, OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SHEETING the Woman from the State. She' sold I went to Knoxville aDd had not boon COFFINS &C. AND SALT BAGS. 0 DEALERS IN General Merchandise. BUYERS OF Country Produce was insured for $5,000. The origin chains. Fobs, teeth and buhchea of heard from until the news "of last of the fire is riot; known. A colored gold hair - will an De accepiaoie, t m" WUO U1? ft'rPiif; wan 'Tfinairinflr the buildind Anything oi gold . is what we are wires. Vnot hrfnr firft broke onL after, and we shall DC nappy 10 una & . CC1 The Oryatil Palace, Ool. Robt, it in any atiape or iorm, ior we are "i1.'."-'".,:- V-" Oates' and Mrs. Yates' residence each old-buss of'the' strictest tjpt. I hsa well nigh overwhelmed theffl, caught fire, but were only shghtly haTe instructed my lawyer, Mr. WG they have the deepest sympathy of i.-.j :.-w.,n.i.S,-. fft hv0 Mfiana ' tei pet' the i deDOsition taken all onr people. Charlotte News of . ., i ' i. L rinAltna Vbnnnff Jprinnaf.Trnislpr i the loth. 108t JpoUU WOrin OI Biage prupertjr " vi..vwiusu , ww-v, x: ! the auditorium. Charlotte News of New York City; Whitfield Van. of the 16th. . UOttj CierK OI iue currouu a AMuley Cow Causes acen.; police Oourt, and Gabrial VanUott, Mr, Mack Kimmons came to town AMappy Negro. Bnd they will cbDhrm - eyery : state- t'l3 Thursday morning with a muley A large farmer, of No. 2, was in mentl Have i made in reference in his wagon pen, ? The cow Wedn6sdaT ,with one of his coiorea this matter an J put a quietus on it waa peaceaple and quiet until reach- tenants, - For seyeral years the col- forefer. ing the front of the .bank on the ored man has just about made kj Mean tW she mad& a . , .. Li 1.211 SlW I i .... litf.lVAd 'fVlttf. I . J. 1 i; TTT1 'il iL-. 1 L enough to pay nis rauona um wxtu- reaay to answer auj : vuoi6 Dreau ior noerty., wnne me Deast out enough left to ouy a pair oriay be made oy ine con-iusiuuiai wa3 at her anticaiin the wagon, the mu les oe?ame aiarmea anu eiurieu to run. This; frghtened the three men in charge, and they jumried for fear of being kicked to death, having been stationed between the cow and the mules, but before much could be done to auiet matters, the mules had become unhitched and the backed bu Lffie f f bht end of ; tlie wagon and stood straddle the tongue in an imposiLg position, for a few moments. The scene : Main street, bid brindle fu'rioui; mules kicked'; men j u niped the'eb w ran I have now in stock at niy. roomas opposite the court houg a splen did lhie of well-made Furniture such as : of al Kind . AND P-oar-Foot wood, always Wonted best prices for saBe- We invite an in Action of all the goods .Manufacture.' Bedsteads, Tables, Wash Stands Safes, Chairs, defy competition .in regard to quality '-and price.' You will bo surprised when you hear my prices Come and see. If not in stock c$u suprjly you ru a few dajs. I have" a nice line of . shoes. conspirators wno are.eugagcu m cu Last spring the colored man was cieiybring ) to make an excitement adrsed to bnv and eat - on the about the- infamous lie thatj strength of 5 cent cotton, jle did started my brother. My being so. On Wednesday ne soiu iuu uj. an uunincning jLuiuuru uuc cotton; he paid all of his year's ac- cause of their hoaiity y " counts and obligations 'and had $29 1 have no fear as to the result, as left and the beauty of it all is the it is pnlv the guilty that run from colored man has four bales of cotton the law. Very respectfully yet to sell. : v ' v Robert Gadd. He's one of the happiest negroes p. S. My brother had me bound something to tn " thA rSekce vesterdavi and Dr. 1U lUC JM-l- MM I f : w w be happy on, too. Old People. Old people whorequire medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but: acts as a tonic and alterative.,. It acts' mijdiy and bowels, .adding Btrength and sivtog tone to the-or gans, thereby aiding J;nw. -m; trie Bittorfl is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old peoplennd it just exactly what they need.Pnc? fiftycents and $1 P bottle at Tet zer's Drug store. '. . - Lisla very promptly and cheerfully went on my pond. ; iv. u. Reed Mine, Cabarrus County, N. C i Oct 14, 1895 Tira'cncord Tduntf People to Marry 7 The maifiage of Bliss Ha ttle Cas tor, daughter of Mr. Elam Caster, and a moai excellent young lady of theity, and Mr. for several years1 . the efficient tele- graph operator at the Concord office, is annonnced. The ceremooy will take place next Thursday evening. It will be a home" marriage. -.COFFINS z ... f a at prices that will surprise you. I keep a full lline on hand for irn mediate supply. I buy : 7 lumber; . -. .-" . and run my planing machane, and all persons who wish any thing in this line, wid do well to call and pee me. ' Very Respectfully,, J. T. pounds. Concord. N. C. July 13. 1895. FIRE INSURANCE. Mr. TV. B. Joiner is Dead. News reached us, .tob late Wed nesday evening for publication,, of fh4 death of Ir; William B Joiner, of No, 5, who livedo jnst north of Mt. Pleasant and Concord road. Bir Joiner Had. been sick I seyeral days with pneumotiia. He died Wednesday between 12 and 1 o'clock. He wa s a member of. the Catholic church iii No. 5, and, was aged somewhere in the fifties. He leaves a wife and a number of children. Havin? transferred my Fire In suranc business to Messrs'. H I WoodHouse.and BE "Harris, I corns mena theni to any who may bo in need of fire insurance, md oaspeak. for them a liberal vatrouap-v Respectfully, 7 J. WBU . flEAIX. . We have as8umed the F-rd Icsur ance business of MriJ.W. Burkhead comprising, the agencies for , several first-class and well establishe I com panies, : and respectfully solicit a liberal share of business in 'Valine. . WoODHOUf & HlKiUSi August 26. U

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