ArrlYftl of Trains. . fmm Richmond arrives at 11:15 a. m. No. lT?, Washington V " 9:58 p. m. " Atlanta " " 7:22 p,m. " Jl " Atlanta " " 9:35 a.m. " 36 New York " " 8:51 a. to. " 3 " Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. " , Northbound freight leaves at 12m. '! Southbound " ' "5:15 P m. J 11 andi2 are the local trains between , v trains between Atlanta and Washings h os 37 and 38 are the Washington and tonwttern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop Concord on signal. r - RKMAINS UN CO N C 1 0U3. V J. 11. While H.rJoasly Hrt by Flllnf UmnK at . the Odell Mill. . . Today. - 8 A BATCH OF LOCAL NEWS. Picked Upland Put in Slinpe By Oni Hiistlins PencilPusher. Mr. W S Bingham is now salemau for Lowe & Son. - See change in the advertisement 0 M L Marsh & Co,, druggist. Go to A J &J F Yorke'd and see their new lotof silverware. President Cleveland will pass Concord next Tuesday; that is all he will do. - Miso Loula Davis, of Poineer Mill?, will teach the public ehool at Poplar Tent this winter. ! D 1" Swindell, who recently died in IU-ei-'h, left his entire estate valued at 58,000, to his wife. Mis-? MattiePharr, a very popular young lady of the county, has ac cepted a position as saleslady with Lowe & Son. Mr. T L Ritcb, of Charlotte, has -n-.P tn Knoxville. iu answer to his 6 - snn'a'letter He took Jadze Bur well with him Stop at D M Walker's if you want anything in the grocery and notion line. Don't forget the place op posite D C Fun's at Forest Hill. tf. Mrs. Bowden, who spent several months here from the North during the spring of 1S94, is expected this week at the St, Cloud, where she will emam for the winter. Mr. R J Walthall today laid off the .foundation preparatory to the erection of a neat, five room cottage oa Weat Depot street, for "Uncle Billy" Cook who is ready to build, Mr. James N Bell is quite sick at the home of his brother, Mr, W L Bill's. "Jim" was to have accepted a position with Cannons & Fetzsr on Tuesday, but has been detained. D M Walker pays the highest market prices for all kind of countrv produce, cash or barter. While the machinery wac Handing till at noon today (.FridaO Mp J H White, Crawford Lyerly and John Ballard were engaged in hang, mg shatting in the spinning room of Alul 4 at the OJell factories. when the scaffold fell with the three men, Mr. J H White being seriously uurc ana nas since been unoop scions. It is not thnno-Vif. fVQf -fauu vuuu HUf uuuco were broken: hm. terrible blow upon the head. The otner men escaped with alight bruises. - Mr, White is about 40 years of ago and has a family. He ayes in rear of the Presbyterian Chapel at Forest Hill. Iiilccs That Kind of Tricks. Cleveland has been foolishly charged with, in Jaddition to our .THE RUSH OFh UMANJiTY. I I'eople Who Travel,, s Seen by Oar . R J Holu-eg, cf Salisbury, spent Thursday here. - Mr. Herman Dowd was over from Charlotte last night. ; Miss Mamie Pharr, of Rocky Kiver, was in th city today. Mr. J W Propst, of No. 7 town ship, spent the day in the city, : Mr. Broomfield, of the Gastonia Coffin Company, was here today. Mrs. H 0 Owen, of Woodleaf, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Dr. Smoot. Miss Carrie Neisler, of Rook Hill, is visiting at Mr. Elam Cas tor's. Miss May White, of No. 11 township, is visiting Mies Sue Nicholson, Esq. H S Poryear and Mr, J F Hurley are spending the day in China Grove. - LOWE & SON. $16 OOO aches and pains, the fault of h reduced the price of cotton. Onef Mis8 Addie Boger be one of rr Populist leader, was saying to anoth er Populist: "Cotton bringing 9 cents is only a trick of -Cleveland's too fool us and stop the free coinage uwth etc." "Well," said the Populist, "f that's the way Cleveland p!ays tricks put up the priceof cotton then he's my man aod his party is my party." - The man came right in, subscribed to The Stand ard, stating that he had stopped all his Populist literature and connections. the Mt. Amceaa delegation going to Atlanta tomorrow. - Mrs. Dr. Stevens, of Enoch- ville, spent last night in the city at Mr. J W Cannons. M?ss Josie Layden, of Lexing ton, and Miss Winecoff, of China Grove, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. McEinney Broadaway came n Thuraday from Danville, ya-, where he has" been living for several months. 18; Just received a new lot of silvers ware at A J & J F Yorke's. Jno. P Allison is selling the kind of guanoa he has made good wheat with for seyeral years. Seed wheat for sale, Fulcaster, Fultz and Red Chaff wkeat at J P Allison, Silver knives and forks. Fancy spoons of all kinds at A J & J F Yorke's. i - x Miss Shelby Harris has resigned her position with Lowe & Son and accepted one with Cannons & Fetzer. Feed your cow and family hors3 on good clean hay. J P Allison I a clover and hay by the bale or ton for sale. Or uarter. r p Ali;arm inafe rAfnrnPfl Don't forget the place ppposite D u . rT, - burr's at Forest Hill. - , , , . full line of dry goods, hats, shoes Mr. J L Brown, one of The fln(3 1' D WORTH OF DRY GOODS, SHOES AND CLOTH-INGr Will now he thrown on the market that; will be sold in the next 90 days at the greatest SLAUGHTER OF PRICES ever heard of in Concord. Our entire stock was bought through the summer when prices were at the lowest point. JNow we are going to give tha Concord trading people ihe benefit of this stock at prices far below air competitors. We want you to listen and be govern ed accordingly to what will happen. TAKE PL AIDS Something that every farmer will have to buy, Until what we have is all sold, will gosat Si cents per yard. They are worth 5 c. One hundred pieces outing, you will have to buy. W e will let what we nave go at oc " This is the 8 and 10c kind. CHEVIOTS, The 8 and 10c kind, will go at 7c. styles and new goods. EucKleu's Arnica Salye. ' '- The Best Salve in tke world for Cuts, Bruisjs, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter4 Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. " Nice Ladies Wool Press Goods Have been cut to the quick. 'Tis im possible for us to make you'appreciate the bargains without seeing the stock. Our price isbelo w all others. PRINTS Deaths of Two Aged Ladles. Mrs. M J Talley, mother of Mr. James Russell, who works at the bleachery, aged about 80 years, died at her home at Forest Hill Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Talley had been afflicted for fourteen or fifteen years with rheumatism, and for the past few years she had not the use of her limbs and' could not walk. Her re mains were interred today (Friday) at the cemetry. Will go in endless quantities at 4 and 5c. These goods have all advanced, and will cost wholesale what we ask for our stock but they mnst go. 'Tis out of question, to duplicate our puce on THE COM MAW" If the fash ion plates are to be believed, will wear black, and there neveir was such a demand for BLACK; DRESS GOOD& - to the exclrisin of all col ored fabrics. Nothing: adds more to the beauty" and dignity of a woman's appearance than a fine black gown, which is alike economical and ultra fash ionable. We' have just gotten in our black and" navy blues bought when the prices were low cart . sell you 75 cent Henrietta Surah for 50c 46 inches wide Can sell you a $1 goods 50 inches wide" for 75c. Our stock of Black: Creapones are the latest production. We askiall Ladies to see our dress goods belore buying else-: where. Do you want to see the prettiest line of LAD1ETS SHOES ... ever shown in Concord , Then come and'see us and be 'convinced. Our No. 49 narrow Opera Toe perfect beauty. Cur No. 71 v Needle Square Toe prettiest ssoe on the mar ket Our No, 69 Pointed Razor Toe the most stvlish vpt. Our No, 70 Round Toe a grand seller, all at low figures. UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Our city trade "Leader" pure Linen Bossom "extra heavy muslin double front and back, patent continu ous facings on back and sleeves, custom cut and at the low price of 50o. Gibson & Morrison. MEN'S WOOL CVER AND UNDER SHIRTS. There were about 100 bales of cotton on the market today. The Standard's good parisioners and a splendid citizen, came in and said manv pnnnn r cri nor thin CS. He 13 j r, o a - I ; . j a, a i one of the best farmers io the Mill P""J section; The Hook and Laddr Company Dr. J H Odom, of Washington, Para,led the, th!. aftoraoon, N. CisinthecitTfor few day P" 8S'on being ed--by the ,iKi.i..iH ThP dor.. Belfontband. A featiTal is the tor has been sick for a month. He programme for ton.ght. is practicing his profession and in- HumanMife is held too cheaply the "individual who needs a ILILQLCU 111 n U.1 LI AU ft I We will sell a lot of Outing shirts at 10c. Ctton under shirts ail at whole sale price. The largest stock of ladies vests, in rs. Joiner, mother of Mr. Bill lowu wm , joiner, wuubo ueniu waa uutou. m . FLANNEL, Thursday 8 paper; aiea at ner nome -w w' 1 mi l i JNart townsmp JLUUrsaay nignr, wvv wnol trill Flannel wiU eofor buried today (Friday) aU 12Jc. These oods cost more now by me uoii. HAVE YOU . THOUGHT OF BUY ING A FALL DRESS? in and was the Catholic churchyard. She was about 75 years of age and had been sick and feeble for some time. Fine BLANKETS STIien Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla. ffhen Bhe was a Child, she cried for Castorla, - When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, Wberi she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Bought at the lowest notch ever reached, ill A. . tt,. nIll An -rmal nni1 Will go UUl UUW, Luaii y in u.u jruu gwuu( Shoes, Shoes. 44 inches wide 40 cents per yard; 36 inch Woo - ington. Ayer's Hair Vigor, which has out lived and superseded hundreds-of similar preparations, is undoubtedly the moat fashionable as well as well economical hair-dressing in tonic for his system, seeks to cover his wants Jy purchasing every new. mixture- that is recommended to him. Eemember that Ayer's Sarsa parilla has a well-earned reputation of f f ty year's standing, Every person in the county knows that the wholesale price on shoes has advanced from 25c to 50c pair. . . 1 I t 1 ri -r i x-v t rK A T T) wow neie is wnere we can uo you onr line oi laaies H I ) r rk M , Pi the most good. Ye have.. 27 cents per yard. See AT- $6000 the market. Kv its use. the poorest head of hair soon becomes luxuriant operate a special train Wednesday and beautifnl. and Thursday, October 23 - lri 9i for fhfl State fair from The roof is being put on the new Greensboro to Ealeigh and ' return. vannon ractorj. Mr. u8Be. u Ketnrning 8pecial train will leave caarge 01 that work, 'ine waua vi . s.aft n m ri at Qreens, ibaicigu trm -j The Southern railway will M, L. MARSH & CO'S. W DRUG STORE. this mill were built by Mr, H O Mc Allister, of j Mt. Pleasant, and have round corners (a new thing in Con cord), and are the prettiest brick work in this whole section. Mr, Dwight Morrison, brother to Mayor L M Morrison of this city, died at his horns irear Mooresville, Thursday afternoon. He had been unwell for seyeral months, but his death at that time was unexpected Mayor Morrison and daughter, Miss Pearl, are in attendance upon the boro 8:30 P. m. if are for rouna trip including one admission to fair grounds $2,10. 9latice. All persons holding claims against J W Burkhead, deceased, will please present them to me or to H I Wood- house promptly, All persons mn utH fn BftTTift will pleaae call ana UCUkbu vw ----- FINE LINE OF MedLiciiial arid. Toilet Soaps, TOOTR BRUSHES. HAIR BRUSHES, COAT BRUSHES AND SHOE BRUSHES Yours to please, worth of Shoes that we bought when the price struck the bottom. Everybody will have to buy shoes, and if cotton has run up to a good price, it will not bring you so much cash, but what you will feel like, you want to save as much of lhe money as possible. Now we will place you in a position to Keep a good part of your money in your pocket aid wiU distribute this m - Dress s - Good's Crepons, Crovenetts and Henriettas. They are the lattest. Bonjt misa them if you want a black dress. Our settie at once. o7 lw 2w A LID A. Ii. BUBKHEAD, Executrix of the last will and -testa, ment of J W Burliheaa. L M. k Mffl GO. Idruqgibt3 and pharmacists, 0OJN0OBD, C. nut to those whowill take advant age of it at prices on lots of stuff- even lower tnan we soia tne same shoes last winter. It you want to save money, you will want to aee our stocK Dexore you ouy a smgie pair. This is a great opportunity for the buying: public . LOWE & SON. iiml are simply elegant. ' - - " .... . rlt ' ( I t i 1 . funeral.

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