OLOSED OUT AT $40,000. ."JL Vw. FOR THE NEXT FIVE DAYS ' The salesmen will mark downthe -price ofFurniture, today purchased from Cannons; Fetzer & Bell, After the stock has . been gone through with, we will SLAUGHTER THE PRICES. The stock was bought for spot "cash money, and at a price that our customers can have the benefit.gaWe will sell FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR THE NEXT NINETY ; DAYS . """" . - , Than any Furniture dealer in North Carolina, Seeing is believing, come and see pSf t .,; ,r? i r..'; ? - DRY & WADBWOTH. REDUCED RATES.- CollonSlalesam Itfesiailonal Exposition ATLANTA. GA., ' $tpleciber 18 December 3f, 18951 VlYor the abore occasion the Southern Railway Wo. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to Exi.x id, ana return on the iouow sr basis: FROM I E Alexandria, "Va Lshoville, N. C iurlin rton. N.C...... 28.2519.2ffl 14.00 12.85! 9.40 ... .1 5.75 18.7013.701 Q PA! 11.95L. . 1 0 Prt JJUlixU V111C, tt.. Culpeper, V a tfth thorn Va 23.2517.05 25.80 U.55 20.85,15.30 23.2517.05 xo.ou,...;. 10.55.;... IChflrlottPRvilJo. Va... 12.40 Chapel Dill, N. C..;.. JConcord, N.C fcharlotte, N.C Danville, Va EDurham, N. C. tFrontlloyal.Va Greensboro, N. C fGoldsboro, N. C iHendersonville; N. C. tflickory, N. C... ... ,High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. C .... Jlenderson, N. C -'Lynchburg1, Va. ...... Iiexington, N. C . . . . . llorganton, N.C. ..... Marion, N. C.. Newton, N.C r.. range, Va Oxford, N.C (Richmond, Va...... .. Jleidsyille, N. C....... Italeio-h. N". n.....- 20.4015.00 10.35 14.20, 13.15 . . 10.4a 6.55 5.85 9.65 20.0514.70 10.20 20.4015.00 10.45 26.2519.25 14.00 17.6512.95 9.20! 21.7515.95 11.70 ll.CO..... 8. mi 5.25 7.25 8.40 15.30 11.25 12.45 10.95' 14.00 10.50 6.75 20.4015.00 10.45!. 11.50. (22 .50 16.fin 16.05 11. 8.05 15.30 11.25! 7.25 14.&..... 10.90 15.30 11 .25 7.10 7.25 24.551 8. m1 i 13.10..... 20.4015 00'. ...J 10.451..'.., 23.2517.0$ ! 18.8513.80! 20.40 15.001 21.6515.80!....-.! 12.40 9.70..... 10.45..... 10.80 . .... 14.00...;.. &outntioston, Va Strasburgr, Va. 26.25 19.25! wauouui y, ix. j. Statesville. N.C ay'.orsvilie, N. C .... Tryon, N. C. ......... Voshington, D. C . . . Wr-t. Point Va - 15.30 115 7.25 15.30' 11.25' 7.25 16.35' 12.00 8.15 10.75 7.85 26.2519.25' 14.00..... JL. w.-. u, TU. ...... ,U.J 14 .O.J; .... . .Warrenton, Va s.25 19.25 Wilkesboro, N. C 122.95 16.85! 37mston-SaIem, N. C. '19.00 13.95! . , . . 23.6517.35..... 12.60... 14.00 11.30...,. 9.80 tJJates rom intermediate points inproportioa EXPLANATION. i 5-omnJ .cketa wUi be Fold September 5 iTS'SS1 lJ from September 15 to Decern. 7 lm incluslve, with final limit Januarj . Jcolumn B : Tickets will be 'sold daily from eptembcr 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive. .TTith finar Umit twenty (20) days from date J :.-,aiO."- ' .... Column G : Tickets wiU be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit flttceu (15) days fioin date of ary 7 M98. l0Dffer Umit tmn Janu -.Pfe1111 ? : Tiptets will be sold on Tuesdays 7fiaayBSf each week from September i?her 1B tocliislve, with final .imit ten (10) days from date of sale. -Lunln EtV oets will be sold daUy from -eptember .15 to December 30, 1895, inclnsive, ith final limit seven (7 days from date of sale! v - l v . . SOUTHERN RAILWAY TKa onl llQ0 entering the Exposition urounds, havingr a double track, standard uaare railway from the center of the cityol -tlanta to.the Exposition Grounds. Z?JJiQliet? andVfull information apply ta , our nearest a?entt or address : ii. culp,. .";.!;; ' r . - j tt; a. turk; -9; 5 Tramo ilanaier, ; " Genl Pass. Agt liXX) Penna. Ave.. TTashlnfirton. D. GL A Fi CIi'J utic! Rhettmatism reueveo 'Vlw lr. Nerve Plasters. FOR LE.' . One Henley's Monarch fence machine, one two horse har row, one big Oliver Chilled plough , one side harrow, three ploughs, one wagon and har ness, one log chain, "one feed cutterrotary and No. 8, one cross ciit -folding saw, lever power; one jump-seat phaeton, one singleseMed phaeton; one open buggy, two horses, two inousand feet pailmgs. 600 ft. of 4x5 oak post, eight huns dred ft. framing lumber. Pri vate sale, 1 . , Alida It. Buekiiead. . f7- Ml :' Q :: MT PLEASANT, N. C, ... .... REV. J. D. SHIREY. D. Di f RES AD ABE M ICCOM M M HCI A L . : AKD . ' COLLEGIATE COUEES. Total necessary expenses session of 38 weeks, S85.0a to JN'ext session begins Sent' d. Jbyo. i'or cotalogue and special infoimation, address tne President as above, or l.m. Seceeta inr hi? Papttttv v5 sni in i - Lft v S E.M I N A R Y A Flourishing School for Young Ladies. ''- TEN TEACHERS, 1 oeuti 1 BraivchecKBeceive ' Cafef ui Atrntiorit v UE C. L..T. FT8HEI?. A . - M Mlm gPBINOIPiL, MOUNT1PIEASANT. N. C: Tbe Stock of Wallace Bros., Inclnd ing the Hoot and Herb Business,' Ifets lbe Creditors Ihat' Amonnt Tne Wew Firm. Statesville, Oct. 17. The trustee has closed oat the entire stock of goods and store fixtures, as well as the root and herb business, of the late firm of Wallace Bros, .at a price that will net the creditors $40,000. This stock was invento ried as worth $62,000. ; ' v The new firm is organized under the lawu of New Jersey-under -the Dame and style of The Wallace Bros. Company. The friends of Wallace Bro3. in New York haye come to their rescue and put up the : money to buy this property. The organi zation shows its confidence -in the members of the firm by entrusting the management of tha new com pany's basiness in . North Carolina in the hands of the members of the old firm, - ' . It ,is hoped that this new cem paay will be of assistance to the trustee in the collection of the debts due the old firm. It is certain that the establishment of a business un der the contrr.l of the sew company isbouid to result to the advantage of the creditor of the old firm, ao well as to the city of Statesville and the surrounding country. A House-Clean ills' Tragedy. It is currently whispered that Mrs. j-. while cleaning hoube, asked her husband to nail up some ; he 1 refused she looked t at him, told him his conduct was with out a , then beat him with her until he saw He now lies in a ,tose state, and - may soon be a fit subject for die. A man must be an his life in that way and put a . to his existence, 1 For over Fifty Tears.' Mrs. Winslow's Sooth;ng Syrup has been used for over .fifty years - by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, eottens.the gums, allayg all pain, cures wind colic, urd is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists : m every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for '"Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. V mw?&w s23'95 What Does All Tnis Mean? V ' Air. Rufus Crowell in his own paper, The S tanly En terprise, breaks out this wj: "The Editor was . proud Monday morning as Grover Cleveland, hav ing had an additional note added to lifes graud-sweet song 4n' the per sou of a beautiful little Miss 9 pounds, with dark hair and blue eje3 and all doing well." r Olrt People. Old people wno require medicine to regulate the bowels and: kidneys will fina the true remedy in Electric -Ritfo an,-, i. stimulate and ; contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, but . acts as a tonic and alterative, t It acts mildly on the stomach andtbowels, 'adding s trengl n and giving tone rt o the or gans, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Elecs trie Bitters islm excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need, Prica fifty .cents and $1 pnr. bottle at Fet- zer's Drug store. ,: : , Goose Grease.' si.i For .' hundreds; of years Goose Grease has been used for rhenma tism.? If ;vbu want the best liiimerit in'the world for all aches and painsr cu ts, and ..bruises go to Johnson's Jrus: totoro aia buy v a v bottle of Goose (Urease Liniment, made from pure gooee grease. ' Mfg. by River side Medicine Co., Ore HillN. 0. " ol8 mi Castbria Is Drv Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic 'substance. It is a harmless' substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and -tor Oil. Itr is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years , by Millions of Mothers. ' Castoria destroys Worms and iy3 feverishnessi Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. '; Castoria.-- 'Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effeet upon their children." T - Dr. G. C tJSGOOD, " ... : ? : ij - - : Iowell, Mass. Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant' Tehen mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are" destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup, and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves.", DR. J. F. KlNCHELOE, . Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 -.fci.:--:... Reduced Ballroad Rates. : Cotton State and Internationa Exposition, Atlanta, Ga. Tickets on sale September 5 and 12 and daiJy from September 15 to Decern' ber 15. 1896 inclusive with fina limit Januaryv7, 1896. Fare for i - round trip S14.20. Tickets on sale darly from September 15 to Decern ber SO, inclusive with- final limit fifteen days from data cf sale.. Fare for round trip $10.40. Tickets on salo daily from September 15 to December 30, inclusive with ' final limit eevec days from date of sale, Fare for round trip 6 55. Burke County Agricultural Fair, Morganton, N. C, tickets on sale October 14th to 17th inclusive, final limit October 18th, 1895. ""Continns ous passage in both directions. Fare foi round trip $3.30. General Missionary Convention, Dallas, Texas. Tickets on sale Oct, 16; good going on date of sale only. Final limit Oct. 30, 1895. Continuous posssge in each directior. Fare for round " trip 34.35.- Ironclad con ditions to be complied with'. Baptist'Educational and' Mission! ary Convention of North Carolina? Oxford, N. C. Tickets on sale Oct. 22, 23 and 24. Final limit Oct. 28, 1895.' Coutinuous Dassaere in fifir h direction; Fare for round trip $6.85.' Sells Brothers Shows, Salisbury. N, C. Tickets on sale Oct. 25. Final limit Oct. 26, 1895. Continunnn passage in each direction. Fare for round trip 90 cents. " . I: Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina, Fayetteville; N. C. Tickets , on sale to Greensboro and Selma "oVf 91 fnnq irT , uct- -51 to Final limit November 2, 1894. Continuous passage in e: ch direction. Fare lor round trip tc Greensboro 3.65 to Salem 7.50; The rate from Greensboro via C. F: &r Y. V. will be 84.65 and from Selma vU A. C, L. 2.50. . -v.r : - North .- Carolina ; State u Fair (colored), Raleigh, N.C; Tickets on sale November 2 to 9 inclusive. Final limit NpTember'll, 1895; Ooniinuous passage in 'each direc t tion. Fare for round trip including one admission to fair grounds $5 50.. icrth'Carolira cohf erenceM. E church Green Rbnrrv "NT n. rpfi ' i on sale Oct. 14th tn 17 iTinir.',;.fiT limit Ont Wr TOOK n 4 w . ji. v jluii. iiiimnnniici passage in each direction. Fare for - w J . uuu u i LI ip CO. DO. tIN(1. "R. "PT? WIN a' i-rroTTT., i , ' 1 1 1 1 ": Qr'fm'-. ViUi0nLlMiiK'r Physicians and Surgeons - Office No. 3. Harty buildi oosite 2nd Prpfthvt prior, Ju'.X Mm i -f ... ! . . f t r. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children tht Lrecomiuend it as superior to any prescriptioa known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., , r . Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, n. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among ou? medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it.' . United Hospital and Dispensary, 1 1 " "! Boston, Mass. sz Axlen C Smith, Pres, Murray Street, New York City. - : - - ?- CONCORD MARKETS I COTTOK" MARKET. ; Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling. 9 Middlings ......7 85 Lo w mi idling ... ........ ...... 7 i Stains ,;. 5 to 61 PEODUCE MARKET Corrected bv C. V S wink. Bacon........ ........8f Sugarcured nams 12itol5 Bulk meats, sides . . . . . ............ 8 to 9 Beeswax............... 20 Butter 15 Chickens... ...... .". 10to20 Oorn . . v ...... .... ... .... .,40 Eggs.................,...,.,....;;. -;12i Lard...'....,. ....8 Flour (North Carolina) ..1.75 Meal. ....V........... ...... ....... ... ..oa Oats 3q rallow;a.....(,4i.l .i .... . , 3to4 EOT m. There is a difference between nedi cines and medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those! of the, past in manyfrespects. Fully as great is the difference be tween Dr. IUngs and the ordinary medicines of to-day-It is tinlike them in TH ESE PIVE THINGS : 1. It does not taste like a niedi' Cine, -It is as ; pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. " ' ' 2. It never nauseates the mop' delicate stomach. v 3. It does not swan of one dis ease for another, It does not set one form of disease in order to relieve another as is so often the case. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is alw? y harmless even when given to a bcU' one day old. It does not patch simply cures. . It reaches as nothing ei&- I does, to the hidden sources of disease i ih the Worwl nrirl romnwc 'lii nnnz. I- i . - -1S xtn n eas( ancl Pver u have neyer been equaled. I v UlUULUCa UL LI1IJ IJ1UUU i Ui'" ;?.lAiatoeysand Nerves, and for all forK, ,JUAtt,AJLl roisoa It stands pre-emx"- witbout a rival or a reer. tW Sold by druggists, new package, large tot tie, 109 Doses. OneDoUar. Manufactured only s THE ATLAHTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. VJaTS P03 43-PAQS BOOK. HAILED IE2 FJSTZlttl'S DRUG ST0R& Charlotte. N. C tuulcu- A - A