"DUKE (IBABETTIS8 i i r Ttheamericiih tobacco cawL2 gr durham, n-p- u.s.a. jyvjfr Gov. Carr Appointed November 2Stn MADE FROM High Grade Tobacco ABSOLUTELY PURE Why Did Be Marry So Soon? . ..uv una i,utj canrcn over the marital relations of a preacher? is a question that is trnnhimw i u . . , I oAwouBuujr, vriiv. . Alias .uarr.'i From the debate, which we publish yesterday issued the following oeiuw, n appears that a voune Thanksgiving Proclamation : Methodist preacher has shocked The people of North Carolina some of the older brethren by get- tave mucl1 for wnion to bo thankful tine married within t mnf u. "Almighty God, in the year which after hftvinr Wno fu r. has. gust past. The earth has nCnferenCe: bought, forth abundantly of the j-ne aeDate was as follows: food Drodaota When the name of Rev. Thomas bors, the prices of raw materials E Johnson, of Rappahannock, was have advanced, Industrial progress reached, quite a warm and unusual as een awakened in our midst and discnaainn arnflft Mr iWc the future looks brighter than the ir iii'a -,wi.- J Past few years of disaster and want :ir ;. T J . Our people should be thankful year ago, and m two or three months for the blessings vouchsafed to was married. Dr. Whitehead brought them, and, in grateful remembrance IState. And Dr. Oroweli tne matter to the attention of the f His goodness and in obedience to peatedly endorsed by his conference, saying that, it: was a our laws and the time-honored cus eenous matter for a von mn f torn of our forefathers, devote one THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA I "THE DOCTORS DIFFER," i TION. A-resiaent ii. litre Opposes Football ffblle Ills Predecessor Introduced It Into tlie State. The position President Kilgo, of Trinity College, has taken on foot ball, is strongly combated by the advocates of this great American sport. A prominent gentleman who has had a deal of experience with college boys, and who is in the city for a few days, said yesterday: ; "I notice that you quote what Dr. Kilgo says against football. It is fair to state that Trinity College introduced through its president, Dr. Oroweli, modern football in this was re I tu i j: : enter the mmistry m that way, and Therefore EUa8 Carr.Governor immediately afterward take upon of the State of North Carolina, do nimaeii an additional Durden and hereby aoooint Thursday, the 28th Prorress at tne cannon Factory. expense. The doctor thought Mr. day of November. 1895. as a Several car loads of machinery Johnson should be called upon by day of solemn and public hiye been unloaded at the Cannon the conference to explain why he Thanksgiving to God for past fcctory for the new mill, and married so soon after entering the ?ssine8 and i applications for tf7erl more are standing on the minifltePial work - WhifphPAri His coned kindness and care !? Mi;flfl9 tn h t mmterial work. D. Whitehead over us as a State and nation, ddttriek m readiness to be tran 8aid he had heard of a man's taking j earnestly request every ciUzen erred ints the building. a wife unto himself within a year of this great Commonwealth to lay Hangers and shafting are boing under such circumstances, but that aside his usual business, assemble placed on the first floor, the boilers tn B case waa YerY unusual. ' Noth either at the churches or around the Wd engine nve oeen piacea in ing o the kind had occurred before xum wmm wu rtPir nroDer Dositions. the a tt:. tival a day of prayer and thanksgiv J ing. Let not the day be devoted to "7 s. A , . . uerence. : amusements, but with grateful washed inside and outside, the presiding Elder Watts, of Mr. hearts rive nraise to God for the emoke sUck ninety feet high, (from Johnson's district, defended the preservation of bur liberties and the top of whioh one can get a YOunff preacher , said that he should for fcn advancement of our nation nof. h hoM nnhiA fn f.hA nnn-lm prosperity and greatness. ferenca for his marriage. Dr. Petersen 'Eaid his Brother r Whitehead had served in that con- ready for the operatives and raw ma ference a iong time, and had had ter.l8 ' I mno.Vi PTnpripnnA in annh mn.f.fru Many other such instances, said Dr. trustees and great regrets expressed at his resignation. 'Doctors differ.' cmlid yiew of the city and sur rounding county) and with the com pletion of the boiler room and stack the mill will then stand complete, Fifteen Trains In One Day. Thursday next, November 21, is Peterson, had arisen, and he thought New York Day at the Atlanta Ex- it was strange that Dr, Whitehead position. The Southern has airang had not previously taken the stand ed for the transportation of two he had. thousand or more visitors from New "1 deny that," said Dr. White York City to Atlanta and will run head, somewhat warmly, adding that No. 37, vestibule, in fifteen sections a man never came into the confer- on that day. This will be the great ence as a single man and married ut number of passengers trains ever within two or three months. He passing over this road in one day in thought Mr. Johnson should at ill of its existence. least make an explanation of his conduct. a nonsehoid Treanre, Df peters0I1 replied by saying D W Fuller, of Cana ;ohar ie, N. that tne conference was wasting siys that he always keeps Dr. Hmft in telkinff ftbont ft cag8 when all the talking in creation couldn't p.hanpe the facts or make the man anything other than a married man Kev. Dr. Clarke referred to Shakespeare's maxim "Loye is a KiDg's New Discovery in tne house Mid his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be ; without it, if pro curable. G A Dykeman Druggist, New Drr ia ,iWsfliv th Pce of insanity," and intimated be8t Cnn,V rpm.rfhat he has that when one of Cupids darts wed it in his family for eight years, pierced a young man, he would net md it has never failed to do all that stand upon whether or not he was a ia chimed for it. Why not try a minister of the Cospel or an ordinary remedy so long tried and tested, citizen. Tml bottles free at Fetiers Drug Kev. Dr, Tillett said he thought Store, Regular size 50c and $1.00. Dr. Whitehead had entirely missed the point m this casa. It was, he went on, whether or not Mr. John Ann's duties as itinerant worker of for Rent. . - The store room, next to Dov & st, now oocnnid bv Sims & Alex- aner, is tor rent. It is 22x75, with J tne conference had been interfered 6ucu Dasement. Possftssion giyen 1st Ja?uary, 1896. Apply to 32 Koti J. Dove. ce of Dissolution. - that the : i i : 2? of C. Holshouser & Co., com JEW of 0. Holshouper and JL "juer, was dissolved by' mutual consent on Nov. 1st 1895. C. Holshouser. t 1. L. Miller. a will continue the business and jume b all-liabilities of C. Hols JJ?8er & Co., and collect all notes dn0Un.1? anl other indebtedness said old firm. W 495 J. L. Miller- SILVERWARE L Elegant Bridal presents and brithday presents in8terling and Plate. ONYX TABLES ANI LAMPS. Five o'clock teaket tles. ' Lock Bracelets, Diamond Rings, Watches and Jewelry. Call to see us and we will show you the most complete lines of these goods that hav& ever been carried in Concord, and they are cheap. "As to the dangers of the game, ft I Xi I ll KRf let me make some suggestions. I -- Many Uvea are loat among bathers. Professional Cards. onouia Datning oe aoonsnear reo pie are constantly thrown ' out of buggies, limbs broken and lives lost. L. M , A"RCHE Y, M. D- Should buggyfiding be abolished? Physician and Sureeon. two sunaay scnooi scnoiara were killed by their teacher? (Durrant), Concord, N, C. Should Sunday schools be abolished? OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX. Children fall out of trees. Shall This State has ever been the home of freedom and the abiding-plaoe of a virtuous and noble people. Let the day not paBs without acknowl edgment of ail these blessings; and let us remember in our prayers and offerings the charitable institutions of the State, the wounded and needy soldier, the orphan, the poor and afflicted, and , by substantial givicg, show forth the thankfulness of our hearts In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my (hand and caused the Great .Seal of the State of North Carolina to be affixed. Done at the city of Raleigh, (Seal) this Hth of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetffive and in the one hundred and twentieth year of our Amen can Independance. ? Eliis Cabr. By the Governor. S. JF, Telfaib, Private Secretary. Sam Jones and Bill Fire's Laundry. After Key. Mr. Price had preached his last sermon to the colored people, a few nights ago, he announced that any member of tne congregation that desired to testify for the Lord could do so, several made short talks, the most pertinent one . of which, per haps, was by a colored brother who remarked that he had heard some people say that Sam Jones was the grea-st man that had ever vieited Winston; others said Mr. . Fife wa while others thought Mr. Price was the greatest. The brother said he would tell how it was : "Mr. Jopes carce here and did de washing; Mr. Fife and Price are here now doing tree climbing be stopped, etc., etc, "That there u little real danger in football is proved by the fact that the game goes on in all the col leges, and many of the schools, towns, villages and cities every day for many weeks, tens of thousands of players, and in proportion to the numbers engaged, the serious acci - dents are few.. . "If the players do get dirty, ought we not to rejoice that dudeism is no the fashion? Raleigh Obseiyer. A Night in Jail. Dr. Reed, Messrs. Quint Smith, Prof. Keesler, J P Query, John Bost and W M Stuart were confined in the Cabarrus county jail last night to await the approach of an angry mob. The. undaunted courage of the young men as they rallied to the assifttance of the determined sheriff, is deserving of great praise, for there in that gloomy prison with all its forbidding aspects, these bold men stcod shoulder to shoulder, expect ing momentarily the midnight at tach which would bring death and disaster to ail. But as the minutes and hours rolled on and the wee small hours of the night approached no signs of brewing trouble startled those listening, ears, but in silence these men waited what might be in evitable. But soon dawn, in all its glory shed over the silent prison the rays of the morning sun, and from the silent corridors, these men, with slow and steady tread, left the scene of anticipated blood shed and riot "One of the Boys." JNO. R- ERWIN. C A- MISENHEIMER ERWIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty buildinsr, or posite 2nd Presbyterian church. Charlotte. N. C FIRE INSURaNCE When in heed -of Fite Ia.su ranctv call and see us, or wite. We repre sent only firs class Home and For eign companies. -RespectfuUy, Woodrouse & Harris. Old! uiciB 0 MANUFACTURERS OF FIJf GINGHAMS OUTING CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SE&ET1JVG AJVD SALT ' BAGii 0- DEALERS IN General Merchandise with. As the young preacner m quest;on was not present, his Pre siding Elder spoke for "hira, saying had done faithful and efficient work, and had himself de ironing "-Winston Sentinel. borne the additional expense neces sary on account of his marriage. The Presiding Elder thought that the young man would be able to render just as good service to the church in future, and Mr. Johnson wis con tinued as a candidate for deaconate orders, baing adyanced to the class of the second year. FKaminations and . Consultations Positively Free, -Fourteen years'experience in the treatment of Cancers, Piles and Chronic Sores. , Any casertaken. A cure guaranteed or no pay. Office at Morris House; office hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. s Old Db. Odom. six mile3 of Barbee, News from Stanly. Mr. John Teeter, a gocd farmer of Big Lick, Stanly county, ,was in the city. He reports that in his section everybody is feeling good oyer the bountiful crops and the rise in the price of cotton. M Teeter runs a saw mill and is pro gressing in that business, as ho does at farming. He state3 that a mob of one hundred strong went to'AIbev marie Tuesday night last to take charge of "Dr. White," : who has gained considerable notoriety within the pa3t few dajs. He learned this from a friend after his arrival here, when he got his first intelligence of the affair, although he live within BUYERS OF Country Produce. of a! Km fl AND Four-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in: spaction of all the goods- we Manufacture. i m 5 S f t f! immmm y J. L- Miller. -