Ii ..XIL-No. 10 .'X ' 1 vol 1 1 Ziy'J' 1 CONCOllp, N. GM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1895. Whomt NO. 1348 HEIRS-TO MILLIONS, Ibut IGARETTES W.DukeSons&Co DURHAM, N.C. U.S. A The Messrs Cross Notified of a Prince ly Fortune Whicn is Theirs- Cotton town wasezcited Saturday, bat not over cotton, It was thrown oat of its state of everyday mono tony, from the fact that a legacy had been left it. Here is the good news in a . nnfc' sbfiii iwv rs.OB cutter and buyer for Heath & Reid, was notified Saturday morning by Mr. Wm, Smith, of Concord, who had been for years counsel for the family that he was one of three heirs' to an estate valued at from one .to two million dollars, part of which is io mis country and-the rest in Brazil. Thos, Loyd Halsey was an uncle of tho Messrs Cross' 0. B., J. M and D. Brooks Cross, He went to Proyidence, R. L, and there amassed a considerable fortune, and. after ward went to Brazil, where he made SEE OUR LINE OF his millions. He died recently T T V 17 P XKT A 'R- J7 without issue and hia estate goes to 1 L V i XV VV ii 1 Hi his next of kin the Cross heirs of this r.nnnttr And nahftrrna Mr IF WE HAVEN'T GOT B . ' " "3": WHAT YOU WANT Mr. Foster, a lawyer, of Providence, . R I , and will leave in a few days urn r k KT I "Cm TfTI . J wr, oiixM wiii ii for Providence, with power of attor ON SHORT NOTICE neyfrom tne 0ross heirs to aet.with iiir, rosier in seining up me esiaie He will also go to Brazil to represent the Messrs Jross. Charlotte Obi eerver. as yet this matter has not been I decided upon. , The South is in luck. The AU lan ta s Exposition and Providence are turning loose much filthy lucre in this section; ' . ' - " - The funeral of Mrs, Eiam Castor will be conducted by Rev. 1IGG Schercr, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the house. The inters merit will take place at the Ceme tery.- Friends of the family are lin vited. " x MAD. r HUM Sigh Grade To&aoco ABSOLUTELY PURE AT - COIRIRIELIIL Federal Court Jurors. Jours for the next Federal court it Charlotte have r been .drawn. Those f;om 0barru3 who will help ran the business for tnat court are : IT'S A GIRL. I Daughter Horn to the Czarina The lilttle One Arrired JLast Evening; SMother and Child Are Reported Dolus Well. RT P"EVn?T?QTJTTln "Watt IK ITUa accouchement of the Czarina occur I mA 4.1.:. '. - j. r . :i -1 iru tijio eveuiog at y ocioca A daughter was lorn to the Czar and Czarina. . Both mother and child are doing well, 4 - ' The C zirma (Grand Duchess Al er.andra Feodorovna) was born at Darmstadt, Hesse, Julo 6, 1872. She was the Princess AIix Victor'a Helen Louise Beatrice of Hesse, and was married to Czar Nicholas JL on SILVERWARE I ' Eleeant Bridal presents and brithday presents in Sterling and Plate. ONYX TABLES AND LAMPS. Five o'clock tea ket tles. Lock Bracelets, Diamond Rings, Watches and Jewelry. Call to see us and we will show you the most . complete lines of these goods that have ever been carried in Concord, and they are cheap. Atlanta Party, To-day (Monday) Esq. T A Flem- mine; and wile, R U Kimmons and Nov. 26, 1894. ; In accordance with wife, J C Alexander and Mrs. Geo. tae aws of Russia, she was renamed 0 Goodman left for the Atlanta Ex Alexandra Feodoroyna, and received position. Esq. Fleinming has been hte title of Grand Duchess and Im.. ... . ... . a . I there before and liked it so well that penal Highnes3. he has persuaded his whole family I Princess Alix was the daughter to go. , of Grand Duke Louis IV. of Hesse, and of Alice, Princess of Great PpofftSSionl Cards. turnery xkinie. KritAin nnH Ireland fhird nhilH And This morning at half past nine second daughter of Queen Victors o'clock at the home'of Mrs. Wm. C I Shft mfit NinTan'AH- whn was in hin T, M A K.(! H K Y M Ft i. J. I I F. TOE The Standakd mtery ie seed Ats iorney WM Smith about ail this matter He baauthe will of the late Thomas Lloyd Halaey, who died m nwflawnrrh KVpiWinV HI ma. and $2,000,000. By will, Messrs. Jno. ' I a t L j nr.... Tn.M Robt. Caldwell, colored. warier mown uu iuuc iuwu Ives, or rrovideuce, it. i.f were ap- A Thief Cftnght. poinieu iruaieea IO lUUtw avci vxio John Harris, the conspicncmalt estate and pay the income from it for life to Mrs. Maria .Louisa Ann at the club room some time ago and drea del Valle, who lived in South who, for quite a while, has been at America, She with her family wera tending to the rooms of Messrs. Ed to return to America make jth is their White and B E Harris in Cannons home and adopt the namecf Halsey, &Fetzer's store, was-canght in the within five years. This they bailed act of "swiping" money from the to do. . , cashier's stand onf Sunday - morning. Thomas Lloyd Halsey had three Having missed money - several sisters: Mrs. F-M Cross (the grand times before, some of "tho clerks mother of the Crosses in- this ' sec ure suspicious of this negro and on tion) Mrs. Commodore Creighton Saturday night a trap was set ' to and Misa Sarah Halsey, who died catch him. On Sunday morning without issue. Sometime ago the Mr. Maun Stuart crawled into a Supreme court of the United States Roods box and after the negro had decided that Mrs. Andrea del Valle fished his work and was descend- was entitled to 'life interest, but the H the stairway, Mr. Stuart, from other points were not settled. , W place of secrecy, beheld the thief Now. that she is dead, it seems Plck up the key, unlock the drawei clear that the descendants of Mr. H take therefrom the sum of $2.60, Halsey'a Bisters become the legal reor less in change. " heirs. Indeed there seems to be no ter the thief had left the store, doubt. The final settlement of the 'fe Stnnrf no, f fka mot for TinWflVfir. must neCeS- oscnrity and proceeded imme- ;sarily be when the United States tely to E quire Hill, who issued Supreme Court renders another : de J urant. Chief Boger arreited cision If the result ia as expected, thengro,rwho atated that a trial one-half of this estate " will fall to not necessary, for he had taken the heiri cf. Urt, H Cross, tQemnnfTT t j.i. -i. t i w-ik inf. - without rume on unurcn street, miss iVYie sixteenth year, at the wedding of Kime and Mr. Clarence P Emery her sister Elizabeth, wten she was were joined in holy matrimony in a twelve years old. Th3 children be- short but impressive way by Kev, M came attached to each other. Six A Smith, The happy couple left years later her father visited the for a visit to" the Exposition. They Russian Court, accompanied by the will return to Lynchburg, tVa. The Princess, and their liking was re i : j . j j ... i . i i . v . ... -v. , unue v8 uresueu iu a nanusome npwArl. W W brown traveling suit. Concord re- Their attachmentjcontinued until, greta losing this fair young lady, owing to the ill health and subse- tthe nas many luends in Concord auent death of Czar Alexandra III , that would have - been exceedingly I their marriage was hastened. glad for her to have. made this .her . A abort ' time after, the birth of home but Concord's loss is-Lynchnl the Princess . she was christened burg's gain. "We extend our con-1 oiga gratulations and'wish all the suc- ce-s"' and happiness this life can on Tiiausffiviuff Nisrnt. afford. The presents; were many In behalf of the Ladies Aid So- and beautiful. Miss Annie - An- ciety of - Forest Hill Methodist thony accompanied them to Atlanta, the firemea have; decided to postpone V lfhir "t Tfrnma" that was dpoiilftfl upon for Thanksgiving eight, in or 1 Smith Dreaohed fin able d that the society might bo aided i -moi -jsteraay from the text liberal patronage at their icuud in Uatthew-25th chapter and coniempiaiea oysier supper sec ior Au r: TOafl frrtlv Pr- that date. The hremen will haye Kev. Mclurin preached for Kev. M A Smith Sundays night to a large and attentiye congregation. Messrs Hay wood Dennies and H L Maberv Returned from Atlanta - Physician and Surgeon.', . ....... . Concord, K, C. OFFICE: ST, aOUD ANNEX. JNO. R- ERWIN. . C A MISENHEIMER ERWIN'& MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty hoildiop, op posite 2nd Presbyterian church Charlotte. N C . .. , ' ...... ...... FIRE INSURANCE .When in heed of Fira Iaauranoe, call and see us, or write. VV repre sent only first-class Home and for eign companies. Respectfully, "Woodhouse & Harris. I immwt Qy. In default of $100 bond, A dude 3 was placed in jail. issue, leaving Mrs. Creighton and Mrs. Cross, the granamoiuer ui Messrs, Brooke Cross and his, two MANUFACTURERS OF - FIJV GINGHAMS The Work of a Drnnken Prisoner. Salisbury, Nov. 16. A terrible affair occured here about 8 o'clock OUTiNG tLOTRS, to-night. Sam Kimmons, a white man. frrttn noor' Hfiinft d-rcwm.. ' nrf Saturday night well pleased with i B()b BovdeD coiored, were burned. the iixposiuon. The alarm was sounded at the first .... i , . . Mr, J L Robinson, of Charlotte, discovery 0f the fire, and the fire was yisiting his mother and best girl men responded and made heroic ef- here Sunday. I forts, but owing to the building Mr.x J H Kizzah says since he (being made secure, it was some time quit chewing the filthy weed he is before the door cculd be broken getting so fleshy he can hardly I open. When the men "were reached get about; he weighs 97i pounds. I Kimmons was so badly burned that MrJ A Kennett left . Saturday ifc is thought he - wi 11 die. . Boyden night for the Exposition. ' I escaped. It is beheyed that the HonC M'Cooke,Seoy. of State and latter set the briilding on fire. Both wife worshipped at the Forest Hill men were placed in the lockup for chtircb Sunday: they being In the being drunk. Pttv viMtinor their Bon. Mr. O M 7--: n ' nKike. Jr.. who i learnine the cot: PLAIDS, SEltETING' AJYJ SALT BAGS DEALERS IN General Merchandise. ? : . All Free. Those who have used'. Dr.. Ding's New. Discovery knows its value, and BUYEBS.OP is one-half in Buenos cofi,IS801nU011 It - 1 . Sna ofCni8 feeVy given that the Mothers, sole heirs posed rv,aoi8nouser & uo., com "1, . t -f fcff of c. Holshousfir and .T L Tho estate left C0nseiurfdKsoeob mutual Umerlca. and onehalf in C, Holshouser Ayers, South America. U;n .. J-L. Milleb. The Standard understands that Ne.rffi, business and A ffnrnpv Foster has nothing to do Ser n ilttU"lMeS 01 U. 101S J A unrnfllf Qmif h ount C ',and collect all notes with this matter. Attorney Smith De8aidoM fi oiner indebtedness has alone gathered tne races anu ,tikVi5 T j: L. Miller. will in a few days, with, powers of the public for past ffnrpfiv. leave for K, L, to further 1Clt ' tTL0t prosecute the matter m t in r nf the Cr.6?3i heirs. . It maybe y of al Kind AND - ttori 'i. manufacturing business -with the odeu Mfg. co. hog6 haye ave now th-j Country Produce. Mr. i? u Juiy mm wuf lopoortunity to try it Free, ' all on Emerj, of Lynchburg, Va.,- were th advertised Dnisrgisi and get a shaking hands with f riendi and J Trial Botile, Free- Send your name acquaintances here" Sunday, land' address to H EBucklen & Co., Key. M A Smith will, hold hia 1 Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life if ills UYee, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing. Fetzers' drugstore I last service next Sunday before go ing to the annual conference at Reidsville, N. C. The ofiBcials qt Forest Hill M. E. church warn the good Bishop beforehand not to send any lone-else until RevSmith completes his,four years with them. Mr. W F Tucker, of Anson county, visiting Kev. Braswell of this 13 en Eniscopal Cod vem:on 4.sb6vule, O. iicketfl on sle November 10th 11th pnd 12th final limit No vember 15 1895. Continuous passage in both directions, Far for round Ftnr-Foot wood always wonted best prices for samfe. . WTe invite an in-, spection of all the goods we Manufacture. Oil liiteii! Sra W fd fm to South America place. - trip $7.00. j ' necessary tpTgp ......... .".r" ' 6'