Xll.-No. 12. 17 nT-. JilGARETTESll W THEAMERICAN TOSACCO COWfrE.-' MADE FROM iraia Tohaeeo ; fc AND 'ABSOLUTE L Y PURE ' CON CORD, N: C., WEBNES DAfY NOVEMBER 20.' 1895: .Whoiib NO. 1,350 AN OLD CAB AKRUsITE. A Soldier Writes Mr! Ooodmaa and Rends a Letter From a Comrade. Mr H M. Goodpiaa handed The Standard a letter, written hi ni by Mr, J M Sloan. We print a letter below, written to Mr." Sloan by an old comrade. The letter to Mr; Goodman starte out "Dear 15abe," Mr. Goodman's pet war title. f Mr. Sloan was raised in. Cabarrus by" the late Br. Dolph Gibson. . ;. We publish in the sequel a letter received by Mr. J M Sloan, of Eore- ka, from an old comraie in the "Lost Cause." The name of the writer is orpe is Jewelry .0 01 Bouthlond. Sometimes' r through pressure of busin'esa (I am a very busy man) 1 may seemingly-neglect my old friends; but L assure you it is not - intentional, for my heart ever yearns to the loved ones of yore. Your life and mine have been clo3ely interwoyen. For did you not on that dark day in November, 1864, near the Black waterj at - old Simp son's farm, cut asunder tfie Jife of thatjankee captain whose deadly aim ! was direct upon .me ? ' ' " ' Did you not, share with me the prisoner's couch and bear the dis grace and ignominy of yankee envi- Ornrnfint? ' DA vnn nnf rottli mo on. Geo. U Shadljurne, now a very J0T the glorious happiness of - escape prominent, lawyer in San Franoieco,- from.thralidom and death, inglori- ,uc rtuu.iui, o.uau were nans -i j j.j - -v ; i.., ,:":. uu ueam. &du uia you noi alter tared by the northern army, hand th. Ior.tr nf h.ftU .iih .. cufitd. together for foatteen days, to ;the MiSissipm? And i then did ana condemned to be shot,. but es, we not with anfl P,M V.Hb caped from prison and "this letter is bld ad.en to r.h 'other arid tb'tfie a portion of a correspondeDce, the nfti' nH V :-'-w. m since '65. a . - -". . THE DROP IN CO TTON. m Concord Souvenir spoons with "pic ture of Confedeis ate Monument .. . . B5WIUCU tU U9AU11UUI UUb UU1U1U1CB x ijc iuuuwiDg irom "x ne n auon," en f u turt? pnblished in San iTrancisco is a par- Ah, nol dear Sloan, we may for- I 6-w "Jii4J Ul HiC JWJO Ul 1UC, UUU UIO ET T' t sorroSshat eat intoihe . heart, ney- ton; and they are not going to giye r ' ! cr. And those who have stood by it np for WiVthan eight Sife.mtt Greneral the treaty lowest Point ReAcbed Since the Sea son OpenedHopes ToreR Cent CoUoniire jrdw BHm; ' ' Charlotte News : Cotton ib still on the decline; 'The Ne York mar-r ket to-day was lower than f it "has been any time since the opening of the present season ' This decline is a puzzler f or the cotton men, who are not able to understand n. .When receipts were heayy, .the; price was higher, than now, when the receipts are Iiht. The receipts?" are not oyer sixty per cent of last year's receipts, yet in the face of all that, the mart ket is now at a point lower than it has yet been. The only way to ac count for the low price is that the cotton is being held bact, and are afraid that a a rise in the price might bring on a flood that would overwhelm them. ' The farinerpj though, still haye the best of the bargain, for they are in such a pb sition that no combination 'can be formed that can force them to sell for less than eight cents, unless they. desire to do so. They haye the cot- a0 IN GRAND DISPLAY. Everything ornamental and serviceable Besides an elegant line of . linger rings, ear drops, broaches, ; bar pins, si ick pins bel t buckles and S I D E COMBS we have a large assort ment of gold pens. . theni at once. We have everything in the silverware line yon : want. ! ' . . I. J. I J. F. IS1!, Professional Cards. bee f ot ' " : er. And those who have stood by it Up for less than eight cents. That - lione bear Kepuwic, ana and fought for us in those hours of they will be pretty sure to get. Con T 1 A P PTT17V 1U "H Houston was President. By triaf'rftnVprhRfo : : - ..r , . JLi. M, A tiVjllJCi 1 ,M . li. ' t r iL J trial, can e er oe lorejpc. ditions, howeyer, are such as.tc.m . ' y pf Quoretaro .the citizens T often think of you 'and portray aicate a slim chance for ten cent ! :Pbys!cla and Surgeon. ' Ui Jiwelry mi Ic fill Give Ii 7: - 0 you.tomyson,sVYaaeMampton.wnoc6tton. Some weeks ago itjooked Concord, N, C. rignis ana pnyueges, inciuaing tne t,rtM . fn Qi; i : , , .- ' :.T V - i ,r " , - jy - : 'r"i' zavoraoie ior mai u'ure, out u is nT7CTrT7 QT PT nTTTY A MTJtTY nresidencv. Mr. Shadbnrne's father - us - i'h i .-v.- - U .'f hO;: Urritr, . bl, LLUUD AiNijlA, ; - , 7 u ouwuiu oyci twuio . wma way, u-u now naraiy probable tnat tne ten ha4 gone to Texas in 1846. :He f ellW, I would hand over unto" you cent rotch is going to be Realized.; ' JN0. R. ERWIN. C- A- MISENHEIMER ju'uc v"c , wclUi" tne-Keys ot my locKer, ana ay: if ifc does reach ten cents, it will be a. I 1 ? . 1 J - -1 - I X. . f I ; ' i N- . - '! - I .. - T . l. , rauiea ronDa wnerai noustua jior RnfeAr.-Antj-drinV - and he merrv " i:: v v,A llK.W T1V Ar. AT TSlCrV H K 1 At Kk. vuo mucpuucuuovi vUC wuumj j, -Aave a strange longing, to visic ;ine cent figures. w.fw" u 7vuo iuuirv lana'OrmyFpirtn, agar oia rxexas uuuci luftu ;ki5r1 .:V4 anQjagaiu trayerse ine pains i rny was ' m the enerapement of San T. ft . - . ,1 :- ' -.- O O . . UVTUVUU.WH VUtWMUlKH ft .vu'. vuuw xi juu axij tlAAe Jacinto, the last great struggle, and pleasure is not in et6re;for me. Tte The Supreme Court Tuesday ren- that is not exa 1 GO The ftupreme Conrt Acaln the Pops. Physicians and Surgeons Onice No. 3.Harty buildinr, op positb &fd Presbjterian cLurch Qharlotte..NXJ.u - CANNONS & FETZER. cacti y right ; witnessed the capture of Santa Anna, treadmill of life has so many de- dered a decision in the very impor- v . 1 the Mexican general who had ) taken mands on'us that pt! will ,bu1 ibut tan t case of, Sbndf ord " vs. illlihgtob, refuge m a tree top; In Texas Mr fate's must be observed. (Justice lurches delrverwg the Shadhnrne passed his vounsrer vears. Th nv thprA ia a time bevond opinion'). The case - involves the m W X W I MJ ...w. w -w , M I . - . - -, . , - . IV Mi - He finished his education, however, fViA tnmh whftn mfn dinf one mbnld.- title to the office of State librarian. We sell Men's all wool.Cassimere suits at h. M . q. i I . ,i- . -J iu io:f;ff Tn ii' 'aAhA 'ww : 13.00. Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3 Men's Gray Melton suits at 2.00. Men s Black Cheviot suits 2.50. . -' Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boy's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents Men's Black Worsted suits fcr 3.50. ilen's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. . MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS TED SUITS, Guaranteed all wool $5.50,, Cutaways ana backs. These are the kind that some merchants ptice $12,5.0, isll iasiciiif "Bo., MANUFACTURERS OF 'at the well Jfnon - St. Mary's col- hearts of one sympathy may meet in: the pla:ntiff, E B Standford, basing JJjy GINGITjlMS .00. lege Kentucky, When the;ciyil war Uppyromi I ; ' a iu mo eartn ourwaiKS snouia not irena io , v v. y v . ?v u U L ljy U- UluUTjtlo, consider herletus at.leait ;he ! for ; this Assembly amending -the seiopf. - r : W TT UiUU ill a w f broke out Mr. Shadburne was nineteeth year. When we his training and how imbued ' he felicitv. must have been witb the heroic storj iorir : former comrade and devoted for an elecupn of State;Lihrariany bf :ine Texan! struggle, it .is not to'jbie ffienU,' Gbo DSha1burne; he Bl51" i wondered that he was eager to take ; -fr,: ::v'ir-:r-' election the Legislature the plain- ' part in hostilities,' and: ambitions of writ ItoTi.. - tiff receivea a majority of the yotes PLAIDS, SEZETIJSTG AJVD mm of a - Mrs. S E White, of ort Mill, cast, ine memoers young nnmoew was C,:spent Monday night at Mr, u r ea j5eora:aDa iuuo ul Hutchison's. Mrs. White, Itr will be the ; Mouse, xne Japreme uourp Uf very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of ocnioss Bros.' make at $10. These would be priced $25 by people who pretend to save you 25 per cent- If you want any Clothing at all, u win pay you to see us. , . the glory that is the romance soldier's life, ' His first service Wi fch the Jeff Davis Leeion operating at'the beginning of the' warm' Vir temembered f ell down. the steps at su stains J;he judgemnMf .thcouH the Springs-Scott wedding, and near- neiow ana noias ,inai . ine piainiw,; Tk nnk InnT. however, before Iy broke her arm. She is stall carry- &tanatora,i8 noi enuueu iV rerayer. the intrepidity and dash that oharacJ ing it in a sling. Oapt.; aid ' Mrs. that the election was inyalid br rea-. terized him commended himio Gen.' White will go to tne exposinon soon, uwuo mV Wad 'Hamoton. and he was, in and will continue -tneir trip w uujkbwyb.. iiijuifc.vvwW- vk SALT BAGb -0 DE ALERS' IN General Merchandise, consequence ' appoih teoV chief of TexasCharloite Observer. nf the a Will pay you to army. We may say here that since BUYERS OF trade with us ; J;1 e ouy our oods in large lots uuy mem low. ; .; . ; n,2fi?' We Put 1116 lowest possible price uim jey are worth more by pricing at uoudis what they are worth;, ; that earl ? time a try -waim . friend ship has existed between General tLampcon ana Mr. ouauumuD. ' The following in his letter : 1 San Francisco, Cal. June 10th, ;'95. My Dear Sloan V Asf time goes by When Baby was sick, we gare ber Castoria JHien she was & Child, she cried for Castona, When e becaiine Miss, shb clung to Castoria, Wben she had Children, she gave them Castoria. i- X a both houses of the General Assembly and that the members.voting did not nnnafifntp ft ntinrnm as' the total nnmber' is 50 Senators and iao COUntry PrQdUCe , members of tne House. - ic was inr ther held that voting by roll call is a "division," and as! the names thus reoorddd were -Jess j than a quorum ! arising lQrmtne tact tnac a qgorum I had voted upon a division on a pre- vious vote at tne same Bicung, is re. of al Kind AND d. We do eiactly what we gay: we will the sheen of : former , Jfiars grows ,0 We are here tnctair unH n-rrAot. t.n a 1 1 t untTA viatroi Inofc faith in( Wrr Rftd condnet as w.lISr o ."ir"."." " r T ":7. r c:.i wpnV thT won1d batted. This case appears to carry -.Wc wiU sell vouda thatwil 1 P".ff ot pau,e ; our ,6 -r , " ,r " 1., '- -k. wnh it the case of the fasionists ailll T I An r, - ' I A J l - AV-IW T-M I Q Till I 11 III I1IH. Aim 1 UBIC DUiUV w - ""f J 1 r rm mrm r w u 1 ex a a a a - i - : Or, A - t ' uu piease you. if " c win give your money oacK Koods don't suit you . '?jj runno risk in trading with us y, iiitee the price on everything furS- Bhoes hats and .aU ,kindof nlshmg Goods...., A . 0rR ;The 8t0fe room, next to Dove & now occupied by Sims &Alex4 goedV ' t0rrent' It is 22x75, with r uoicut Possession giyen 1st attar7. 1896. Apply to. " J 1 J. DOYE, An dpnt place on the tablets of memory ; and the oldwarv songs, we used to sing have still a martial echo in my . heartland my soul 'leaps with joy when I -hear of some heroic deed of a southern brother. Hence, my dear boy, do not think I haye forgotten or ever can forget that" partner of my "joys and $sor" rows, who eyer willingly marched and-fonght with me ovr the his. toric battle fields . of our beloved hiding themselves in darkness on wnom .tne legislature fi w itr-;- of -Anil ' ATinnoIr rnnkR at additional directors of the ' peni-, Auma bwvvw FDur-Fpot .Tvood always wonted best prices for same. .V, We Invite an in, spection of all- the goods we Manufacture. some young men whd were out calU ing. The result was quite. different from what th?y thought for, as they mistook another man for one of their prey. ' Although --the man did not get hit he was'successfnl in securing their names and will doubtless pre sent them to the police. This Js very bad conduct for little fellows Who should be at their homes, in bed or atr their books. tentiary. Prepare for It. The Standibd, as usual, ecdeav ors to prepare its readers for any calamity tbat might befall them, so it now behoves us to tell you that a cold wave is predicted the tempera ture to fall from 30 to .40 decrees. indications at present, are very con i vincing of the truth in tne forecast. FIRE INSURANCE. , When in heed of Fire Insurance, call and feee us; or write. wo repre sent only-iirst-class Home and for eign companies- -Eespect fully, "WOODHOUSE & HaBElS . ii

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