Vol , XII -No. 18, CONCOlU), N, C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1895. Wnons NO. 1;3.G LADIBS l rency which ia available foe the pur- Jerked nearly m two. . , .- We. have the Ptefiitg Siiver Forget-me-not Rings for 25c. INS J j Siore. 1 Give in ; OUR DUTIES. Bachelor Paul, the apostle, tella na to giye thanks "always in all things" that is under all possible conditions. There ia no condition in which we can be placed which will not yield some special cause for thanksgiving to Him, who gov erns, gives and protects, if we will only look at it in the right light. Tomorrow is, by proclamation of the Chief Magistrate of hese United btates and concurred in by tbe the North, Here in the South, it is r : ,aw Ul UUi8 uummuu i uuaerveu Dy mapj, om uy many wealth, the annual Thanksgiving, 1 others it has been couyerted into a The fretful, complaining soul is not happy audioes not make othera happy. But happy are those who think continually of God's love and who look upon all the dealings of His Providence with them as means by which He 13 training and fitting them to be His children and friends. (Thanksgiving day has lost much of its force and virtue in the course of time. It is very little observed in A smal 1 white girl in the west ehd of the city was leading a cow to pas ture in Buffalo creek bottoms this (Wednesday) morning, and came near being jerked in two. A rope was attached to the cow and at the other end was a loop, which was around the little girPs hand. The cow became ferocious, made a plunge to one side and dragged the child some little distance down the me. cademized road, bruising and INrR AND DISPLAY. scratching' her terribly. She will live. Cburch To-Morrow. Rev. Scherer preaches in the First $1GO The origin 6f Thanksgiving is general holiday of mixeand yaried Presbyterian church at 11, and Key. clouded m doubts.; The trst com- worldly pleasures a t - Alexander in St. James Lutheran at monly accepted belief as to its on Some preach, pray and attend ser- 7. The collection at the former ser gio, places the beginning with the vice;, some hunt, cavort and loaf yic2 will be for the Barium Springs Puritans. An occasion suggesting about.' It is a day of liberty and. if Orphanage, the collection at the lat a common, special day for Thanks there is anything the American peo giying, is told of in the records of pie dote on, it is their liberty. events in years prior to the Puritan The finite mind can not conceive occasion. .This was in England. of a condition 'on earth so low. so But origin has nothing to do with awful, so trying "as: ndt o see bors TO-DAY J it m the present, it is enough tor during the cloud a single sum lin- We sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at 1 ua that two rulers have proclaimed, ling of hope, of peace, ; of blessing. What you going to do aoout it? God's eternal promise, of returning Thompson orphanage. Grover Cleveland named the 28th seasons and harvest times is faith- . interesting to remember fully, fulfilled. r - y 0;flca ;t If you find any, thing in this .. . 1 J- 1 T. A. tnat is noiexacuy ngnt CAISNOISS & EETZER. $3.00. Hen's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.00 Men's Gray Helton suits at 2.00. Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boy's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents. Men's Black Worsted suits fcr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. ter service will be lor a mission in Wilmington. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. Services at 8 in the Baptist charch ; collection for the Thomas ville orphanage, : Services at 11 o'clock in All Saints chnrch ; collection for the Everything ornamental and serviceable Besides an elegant line of linger rings, ear drops, broaches bar pins, stick pins, bslt buckles and S1DECOMBS: we have a large assort ment of gold pens. See them at once. We have everything in the silverware line yon want. 1. J. & J. F. W Professional Cards , L. M, ARC HE Y, M. I), Physician and Surgeon. x Concord, N. C. OFFICE : ST, CLOUD - ANNEX. and it is that Gov. Oair gave his public en "Ask and ye shall receive, that 0 an church on Christmas day, dorsement to.it as a day on which your joy may 3 be full." There can consisting of dialogues, recitations, MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS- all should cease from labors and give be no failure enless the man or the music, and an address by the beloved TED SUITS special manss ior uoa s great gooa woman voiuniarify surrenders to tne pastor, itev, u ti uox, . 3ubject : . i r- I nf sa and nniYiprrttifi mprnipfl to na fivil: and fin fftrfpifq thft hpnpfih ' 1 Onr Ornhan Hnmp." ' Thpret will (iaaranteeu au wooi qso.ou, uuiaway , -.-w.-, T . ' r r; ' i rwn: T. -CPWTTJ. r. A. MT;i7NWVTMT7R sinners. But Paul said gi ye thanks Letk.us remember the orphans, also be gifts for the children of the . "always in all things." J the helpless, the widow. Go down Sunday school. And to teach the ERWIW & MISENH EIM E II - It's a mighty mean and good-for- in your pocket or your storehouses children the important lesson, "It is Physicians and Surgeons nothing fellow, that can't itemize and fetch out your appreciation of more blessed to giye than to receive." bfiice No. 3. Harty: building, opv , , r. j ... . A special collection will be taken posite 2nd Presbyterian church, the account and find something m God s goodness to yon, that the ir, c Charlotte. N C . Wmca ne can rrjoiue uuu ior wuiuu i muui, uccuv, mo wpuaua may , . ; , .u JXXf be ought to b, thankful. If you rejoice and hTe with Wm TfA would be priced $25 Dy people who can think of nothing else to be The way a man gives, according tiftna wnr iihiraf-rfl to run the j u Whfen in heed of Fire Insrrancc. w jum w " - scoooj, Dui nave ic on nanu, huu- i n(j ge6 ug Qr wrife. We repre Uoa while eating your turKey tnat ures now tnanKiui ne is to uoa. ject to the order of the children,- it sent onjiy iirst-clas3 Home and jifor- and Sacks. These are the kind that some merchants price $12.50. Li fafeot mo FIRE INSURANCE. Dretend to save you 25 perccnt- If you want any Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. won OM nnt in Tnrlrow hpintr crnH "Rphnld whqf. rnnnnpr nf InrP tliA io nnifo HVpIv Kpv -will m-ripr ih sprit 12n Companies. Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade with us : 1st. We buyour gobds in large lots and buy them low. i 2nd: We put the lowest possible price nna;nfannpB.for friends, for siffht. for oi them We don't try to make you . , . . " . ... , , in the mercantile business, think thev are worth more by pricing strength, tor appetites, ior tne iree isn to rrec over tne morns anu me . , , them at doubts what they are worm. . . - Mnn nprfc Mnndav: rnolra i hh ahonnd i in the nuth bv 1"1V aJC"4 wmwyu -v.. J I ; " T,, . .,. I M- i J 1! 1 Ul. bled up by the Turks. Eather hath bestowed upon us, to the Orph mage. Thankful yes, thankful you are that we should be called the sons of Mr, Whit Pow las, one of our en alivethankful for the absence of God We know that when He shall terprising young men has about starvation, for the presei.ee of ac- appear we shill be like Him." compietea arrangemenis to moye iu is it not unreasonable and child- ina uroye wnere ne Nwiu engage Kespectfully, - "Woodhouse fe Harris. MANUFACTURERS OF 3d. We do exactly what we say we will do. We are here today and eTpect to be here as long as we live. 4th. We will sell you goods that will fit and please you. able to afflicted for several years with a FIN GINGHAMS home in Salisbury. Whit. j t7.w 1.a.!n Vk lnia nn rJi. I nrViiV olnck Mir -TTafVi T ia j-JiGij nwiug roisuuj:wo nu.uu avu. ,uw canCer in his ndse, is in quite a tion what it may, whether free, rich lead us to so glorious a condition? criticarcondition. or poor, with a big dinner, on the Let us air give thanks-aud' may Allison Bost. formerlv of this 5th. We will give your money back chain gang and without a turkey, or the good iLdrd continue His good- S8Cti0D, later of Concord, but now of if goods don't suit you ' in the penitentiary, has something ness and mercy. Salisbury, is dangerously ill at his Weguarantee the price on everything to oe manwui iur. xmu u 6, pWer alectine Tonliit. ' Kr' aU thanks "always in all things' Usual prayer meeting services will ; Paul practiced what he preached, he held in the several churches to-i W w "tZ3? If aul could 8in8 Praiaes to God night, ahd everybody is earnestly in- wniie ne was connneu kiu mo luucr yitea to attena, ueuirai mciuu dungeon of the Roman prison at distj owing to the absence of the pas- AtivTVTQTPATiVR NOTICE Pnilippi, with- his' feet fast in the tor, the Epworth League will con ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. bleediDg from duct the. prayer and praise service at Haying been duly appointed and quali- the Roman Bcourge,sure!y,we who are 7:30 o clock, instead of at 7. fied Administrator of the estate of James ; . , .. . . . " W. Long deed. All persons holding not imprison can find something to two lives haved. claims ajraint said deceased are hereby hft ti.ankf ni f or: and those of us who : Mrs. Phoeba Thomas, of Junction notmed to present them, amy auiucun . , Til wa fnMhv h or doctors cated, to the undersigned for payment on are in pxison and treated better than City, 111., was told by her " S 0?!i?,ea7 JSf.fiSTS b to Pftul. even haye that much to be 0UT1MG CLOTHS, PLAIDS, SIIZETIJVG AJVD SALT SAGS O- . DEALERS IN General Merchandise; f am w r- 1 - their recovery. Also all persons owing thankf nr f or. aui aeceasea are nonueu man .pvmr'" payment is txpected. This Nov. 26 1895. L. M. Akchey, j Administrator. SALE NOTICE. Haying been duly appointed and quali fied Administrator of the estate of Jarres W; Long deed. I, as such Administrator, Dillon Wednesday, the 18 day of De cember, 1895 at the late residence of said James W. Long in Concord, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash : One sorreil horse, one cook stove.one lot corn, two bureaus, lot of beds and bedding - household and kitchen furniture, and .other personal property articles too .numerous to mention. ' This Nov. 26, 1895. 'The gret bulk of us can be thank ful that. w are not charges on the county, in the State's custody, or members of the Legislature this is much to.be thankful for. ' A thankful spirit ; is the only ground work on which a joyous or heal thy character can be built up. Honesty toward God is the beginning of true goodness and we are not honest toward God if we fail to recogniz3 His watchful kindness to na. and to pav eur constantiv in- Administrator, i creasing debt to Him in the only cur she had onsumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's ' New Dis covery completely cured " her and she says that it saved herJife. Mr. Thomas Eggere, 139 . Florida St, San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold,- approaching Con sumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which, these . are samples that prove the. wonderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds. ' Trial' bottk's at Fetzer's Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and 81.00. . For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow's ;Sooth;og Syrup has been used for over; fifty5 years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sottens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best" remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for '-Mrs. Winslows COUIltrV PrOdUCSj bOOtmng iayrup, ana laue ay utuot kind. : mwr&w b23,95 BUYERSJOF A Woman With 111m. Deputy Sheriff Hill returned from Charlotte Tuesday night with Min nie Culp, a negro woman violator, who had been in hiding over there for some time. The man that ne went, for gave him the dodge, but he wouldn't come back empty handed, therefore he brought a woman with him. v ro morpnlnd or oproxn In Dr. Miles Pais Ptlls Cubb All Pain. - "Wne cent a aose." of al Kind AND PDnr-Foot wood always wonted best prices for same. We invite an in: spection of all the goods we Mannfacture. ill V - ... 7 T

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