r i '- i FOR THE NEXT 'FIVE. DAYS.' Thelsalesmen-willJmarkJdownJtlie'pHoe of JFarniture, . ' . , . today purchased fromCarmons,Fetzer &JBell. After teh stock has been goneJthroughwi,tht'we w:ai Kot Interior. Washington, IX 0., Dec. 5. Although there is talk before Con greas , that Southern Republicans might endeavor to influence Con gressional action of the new State constitutions of Mississippi and ' South Carolina, claiming that they are! deahed to disf rSnbhise' the ne grJqesVit etasdaHbereHip little hlceli&w- thaf any: effwjtnr steps hi brtaleni : The oicfgressraen aTcftjinctnaf ke- onljfj 'practi, (nau?e 0 ikf thtfmaWer be Shipren Gourfr' SLAUGHTER THE The stock was'bought for spot "cash money, and t a price that our customers canjhave the benBfit. will sell ' FURNITRTE OF ALL KINDS CHEAPER FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS . ;.. . . V ; - . : .-.'-. , TbanJanyJFurnitufe dealer in North Carolina, Seeing - is believing, "come.and see us. DRY & W?A D SA0 RT H REDUCED RATES. ATLANTA 1 A. plenber 18 December 3f, !C95 1?5T th abw occajsloa the Southern R&lhrty Co. win sell low-rate round-trip tickets to S&TI.ANTA, OA., and return on tlie follow-' 4njrbuis: - 4' 136.25195 Aezandri&,yAi Asnevuie, r.;..... iz.t ..- Culpeper, V...,.- Aiw 13.60. CliarlottesTiUe, V... t23.25'l7.05l.-..fe.40: Conoord, N.C. giarlotte, N. C..... a.nvll1-VaI Durham. N.C... C0.40 15.001, Front Rovah V. l2fl.2S!9.2?il Ooldsboro, N.C. liendcrsonvule, N. C. 4 1i ml hn ni -5 HIckorv.l-J.,.... " Hiarli Polnt;N.O....i Hot 8prinsf, N. 0 .... Henderson, N. 0...7.. Lynchburg', Va....... Lexington, N. C... ' Morjr anton, N. Q farioa, N. C.:.... .... Newton, N. C ......... - Orange, Va .; Oxford. f! ft f 1 . i. jiucnmona, va........ nasvuie, . u....... mthflnatnn. Va 8trasbura Va. fiallibury, N. C fitatesvllle, N. O TaylorevlUe, N. C .... Tryon, N. 0.. ......... Washington, p. 0 .... arrenton, Va: vt"Ke8Doro, . u instonalemN. C. 20.40 15.00! llOS IU.15J... 10.151 110.20 10.45 14.00 17.6512.051 I 0.20! 121.7515.85! UJX) 11.70 .....1 8.00! Ion inic vW 122.0,16.501 16. 115. ii5.so:.....ni I. - ml A 1 I E0.4015.00! O.tLK... J .75 1 v. a 1AA.ZaJ4 m a a a 14.83. ...illO.COl..... .001. iii. 113.101...... .a. 10.45!... 123.25 17.05 .... .tl2.40'..... 18.8513.80U...I 9, I. i M1 4 ur..,.u.w,...t I2i.55l5.80l.'..' lia:' i.-. . i i - i - r mm 15.80 ..... .... 165!. ..112.001 i i r . w, 110.75.;.:. I 7.85 LvA .1 23.6517.8a..... lo oe in e XV.JbO ..... 122.9516.85 1a ivkio n; .... 5.C5 ,12.451.... 10.45 6.25 7.25? 3.40 6.75 8.C5 7.t$ 7.10 7.25 7JB 75 8.15 4.S 14.00....1, i4 v. r 1 111. 80.... k 9.80 . . . ' C&tee from Intermediate polnta ra proportion.) i EXPLANATION. r' Column A : Tieketa will be sold September 5 daily from September 15 to Decern loer 15, 1895. Inclusive, with final limit Jinmn 7,1896. September 16 to December 15, 1895, mclusiVS with final limit twenty (2Q) dayg ?8wiSt Column B : Tickets will be gold dally froa fi Column C: Tlcketa will bo gold dally froia Boptember 15 to December 80, 1895, inclusive, with final hmit fifteen (15) dava from dateoi ale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1896. .jmn D : Tlcketswill be sold on Tuesdays ; S&S&JS. September liJTiT r1 lo inclusive, witn nnal limit ten (10) day from date of saleV T j irom lusivd. of sale eeptemberW to December SO, 1835.Tln6 wim nnai limit seven (7days from date 9 SOUTH ERIM RAI LWAY r It f i ' I- t Ifis Gate, .Ml?. 1LEA3ANT, N.' 0. REV. J ft SHIREY;.:D. D rRES ADADE MiO,H30M M M KOI AL spcitjy I t6;tb CJblumbia Stat frbtiJ 'Gbtiw'av.v savk Near Pioe Blu$ ft from the SoutE Garolioa' line, quite a! re inarkable ioitance of sWinJah feoc itVbccorrcd veduesdav While Mb'aH Wiliratidion, negro schdol teaohTfT waTaFsenf from" homel one or ma cmiareu was auacKea in ins yard by a hog. One aVnl and one eide- of the chijd'a face wa eaten off Dy the-YioioQ8"cre&tnre before the child was re8Coed. - There ; were no grown people, around . at the time. and as the child was small, the brute made a meal of it without much tronble. The child died last night; As only children; were pres ent at the time - it;,is : riot known whether the child did anything to the hog" tfo. cause the . attack, or whether the animal attacked with out provocation, . ' Bncblens Arnica nir. The Best Salve in tke world for Cuts, BrQisss, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains,- Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay requi-ed, . It is guaranteed to give, statisfactiou or monev refunded. Pries 25 cents per box. For sale at P B FetzerVDrug c C71S) ' I I I "iVi i 'i i u for Infante ana Children, f niltTT yarw obwvatica of CiMtorU wUh th wV- nllTlon of pcr6na- permit uu to gpeafe of if without gneasln " It la mnqneatiomtbly ih Wst remedy fby Infants and CMldyftn the trorld has erey launra.; itii harsilw! ' Children liVJ ftlvea them healtlu It wflT gmweihefcr livkau 1 jtotnTT ww-- -, f "il!!!l"ia, child's DodioiziA.' : - 1 Cartori dertrwya X7orgia, T Cartorift aHayi yprrihnisaa. Cbatorift proreata wogdtinSr Sotuf CttfC CafctortA inri Piarrha, and Wind Colicu Casiorla relleraa -Toethins Tronples. ' Caatorla our Cemrtlpatlon and Tlatttlaoy. Caatorta nantraHgga the ogecta of cartTonlg' ael-feaoy pofaonena afr Caatoria doea not contain morphine, oplrun, or other, naroo tie property . Caatorla a Imllatea tk food,1 xgaUt the- gtomaea mi towel giving healthy and natural aleep, , Caatoria la put pp in oneda h'ottlea only. It ia not gold la bulk. Pont allow any one" to aell yon anything else, on the plaa or promlia that it ia "jnat aa good and will anawer every pnrpaia." pee that yon pet OAST"Q"It-I- JU The fac-lmlle " iseneTery wrapper. signature of Children Cry for Pitcher's Cactorla. 3j If lA'ND COLLEGIATE' COURSES. Total Hces8ary expenses se.ssibn0of 38 Vktfe; $85.00 to ? ext session begins . Seut 189Si . For cotklo&ne and becTal: inf QmatiW address tuo jt j. rrjiut? ii i as auove,,or rm. r zcra C-Eaxiulty, f ... cote -.1. SALE r BLOCKiGOAL. ; 8TOYE COAL, SMITH COAL BesCoal inv theSonth. Orrsketf lto Wisher's orX glVen tb:iny drivers, or at my offlcewill be" prompt ly attendeo: K.: L; &R A V EN. $he -only line entering the Exposition Grounds, having a double-track, standard. Siage raUway f rom the center of the city ol hanta to the Exposition Grounds. VOr tloketS and full infnrmaflnn o-l. v i M . . -J. M. CCTLP, A Traffic Atanafirer, lO0Ponna. Ave.. Washington, D. 0 W.A.TUEK, i Genl Pass. Afti - TMnes''win Wf ttt are guaraaieeoiioStar1 -JTeafceltcin20 minutea. "One cnt a dosev - Ifotlce of Seizure -Jplfhereby given of the seizure of the following property for. violation of the Internal Heveune las of the United States, tdt: .1- ' 18-? ?vP-.Iberl9 n 5?Pi hcrses;,Tl two: horse wagon anaiiarness, Ivalisa and fcbntents, sup- yAny person claiming, tald property is nerepy; notified to; appear beore. the un dersigned at' his office in. Ashville, N. C., within thirty (30 dayVfrtf the date hereof and make such claim in; the form and manner; prescribed , by law, or the KPPe?ylll te,acclareaIorfeted.to the United; Slates; 'nf. v;(U Death In the Nauaae. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 5. -As a result of eating sausage eleven chil dren in Sandwich, Onfc; across the river froth here, was poisoned. One of ; them', ; a thlrteen-months old baby. Lonis CoubLllebn is dead, and the others are seriously ill. The family of Albert Coubilleon gave a children's party, at , which bologna sausage was freely par taken cf. , , r Jt is feared two more children will die, but the others areon the way to' recovery; r,v. ML ML EL ilFR IF IT COMES FRONT BTS iILilLmnGHT rn S OFSTANDARD AHDTH0ROlJ6rlBRD IxFlNE JERSEY CATTLE SHB0PSH1RE AND DORSfcT $HEEP. BLACK ESSEX' AND DUR0C JERSEY HOGS. FINE POULTRY. BROZETLRKEYS.PEKIN DUCKS &C iOi'VXtJ I T P' Fntt CATALOOUCr ADORESS. OCCONEECHEE FARM, DURHAM, N.C. IE H0R- AM For orer FlHy Yenra. , ; Mrs, Winslow's. Sooth'ng Syrup has .been : psed for over. fifty , yeara . by imillions of mothers for Jbheir children. While .teething, with -perfect. Buccess. il& t soothes the cbildi eoitens the gums, allays all pain, cores- wind colic, and - the. best , i xeniedyi tor Piarrhoear j :Iv will relieve the poor, little sufferer immediately Sold by ;irnggiats, t in, -crery u part- :ofA the worlds Twenty fivef-cents a bottle Be sure and ask f or- Mfs.r- WSnslows Soothing Syrup,-' aiidH tahe no other JXednced nallroad Itates. Cotton State and International Exposition j Atlanta, Ga. Tickets - j i" on 4 sleItSeptemberl 5 and 12 and daily from September 15 to Be6em ber 15. 1896, inclusive with, final limit January , 7, 1896, n Fare for round trip 8129. Tickets on ale da:ly from September' 15 Iq Decen erv30;"ittclusIvevwUli' filial limit fifteen days from date of salir Fare Xor, round trip $10. iO. Ticket? on sae daily; frpm September : 15 to !becember 80, incluBivejwitlr toil limit seven days from date of sale. Farer for round trip S& W - . ! OOKCORB MAHKKT8 COTTb'irlkETl ' Corrected by Cannons. & Fetzer Good middling.;:.;.;.;. B$5" Bdiddlings;;.;.. ......... 785 v Low middling ;i..7iU ' Stains ,..5. to 6f 1 1. , - -y t. Harris, D, C. i PEODUCB MAxslCET Corrected bv 0 W Swink. Bacon.;.1..... i......;...!, Bugarcured namS;..;.v.;t... 12tol5 Bulk meats, sides; .;;;;,;.. i ......8 to 9 Beeswax 20 Butter, . .. . . . . 15 ChickensV........ . 10to20 oji u . - ...'.. ........... .,IU Lard....... ..M..;;,.;i.,;;;i;..w.i.;.;8 IVlQur(orth Carolina). . ..1.7 Mean:.;.:::....;;v.5i Pata..;.;;...;,.;.!v;;;..:;;36' rallow...... 3to4 HAMMOND ,&.CQ. ISO & 132 Pearl Street)- ( 1 i., i '.i Scock, Bonds, and Qrainbousht an j j soia on Carried , on tMargins v ) t ??r:d Kr explanatory circujv Ja 0Wpecu lation, also weeky,.mafi leiier ; tree). . ; dwlv I. ' '-'NOTICE TOWN TAXES." h ' i . The town taxfis for fit"!' ufl'ii:''ione are now due and placd in my hands fnr n-r 'Yl?" - wui, -a.1 4 persons i 1 ... -t. 9iotlc. . - All persons holding claims against J W Burshead, deceased, will pltase present them to me or to H I Wood house promptly. All persons in debfed to same will please call and settle at once. o71w2w ' A LID A L. BtJBKHEAD. Executrix of the last will and teste ment of J W Bnrkhead. rntMcdiqlncsj beloog to one r eqsop qnd some to another. DR. ' KillG'S; ROYAL GERMETUER IS IN SEASON ALL THE YE0R ROUND. It pimne's tne blood, removes languor and depression, invigorates and esnila rates the whole system. It fcvf&mes the relaxation and debility caused "by JiQt-jWeajthrwand corrects bowel troubles that are so prevalent Jgntrul and refreshing drink. If? " . r.-1 t f - f t ry. ' j I . . 1 . . ,1.1 When malaria " rides on every passtoff- ilincnre.of troubles ru .the iunf ailincr, cure It is still needed-f or curing Colds, Grip, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills uw Ibeldng-to "cold seasons. ; -It does.these thingrs, not in . and triumphant power. costs. ThYow JlN "V 2m,R9?'fe.luw. been changed,. J. L. BooER,-v X'own Tax Collector. bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar.- Manuiat. , "only by " ! '' THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL' CD, ATlttU FETZER' JSXDB TIG STOW