yXIl.-No. 26. ' DECEMBER 7, 1895. . : j ' ... ; ,Wnnr TCn 1 w it'll 5 mm oiuiu See cur Sterling Silver Novelties. Ji $ 1 oo If yon find any thing in tills that is not exactly right CAIS NOIN S & FETZER. TODAY V Re sell Men's all wool Cassimere suits at $3.00. Jlen's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.00. Men s Uray Melton suita at 2.00. Mens Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Ooats 75 cents. Bey's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents. Men's Black Worsted suits f cr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS TED SUITS, Guaranteed- all wool $5.50, Cutaways ana oacKs. in2se are tne Kind, mat some merchants price 812.50, Of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of Seniors Bros.' make at 810. These : - would be priced $25 by people who ' . . j pretenuto save you 25 percent If you want any Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to . trade with us : 1st. We buy our goods in large lots and buy tbem low. ... ; ; ; ;. 2nd. We put the lowest possible price ouhem. We don't try to make you think they are worth morV by pricing them at doubts what they are -worths - 3d. We do exactly what we say we will oo. We are here today and expect to be here as long as we live. 4th. We rwill sell you goods that will nt and please you. 5th. We will give your money back "goods don't suit you You run no risk in trading with us. we guarantee the price on everything eselV Shoes, hats and all kind of inrnishing Goods. Caaaoas 8s ifi'etzer iial Bank. Cokcohd, N; 0. jj M. Odell, President pB. Ccltrane, ; , Cashier. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier pital, $50,000 $16,000 J. DIRECTORS AiiKiNGt- J.W.Cannon, Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTBANE, FIRE INSURANCE. all Jn h eed of Fire Insurance Bent iEeJ? us or. write. We repre ien nr8t-class Home and For gu companies. -Respectfully, al WOODHOUSE & HaBBIS. Jiwelry timt Give I Mini n GoBfcord lb ew Business. . I xutz nas opened out a stock of Christmas goods m the red "freeze ouesfcore room. He will not be allowed to have any fire. UrK Q E Smith is in charge of a display of books and albums of C W Rwink's, at Fred Swink's market. The room is nicely decorated, the hangings all being fre3h. . Engineer link RoTcht, Home, Engineer George Link, who was in the freight wreck, near Spartan burg, Thursday morning his home in this city last night. His injuries were slight and were confined to his job, and one of his legs. The blame, however, does not rest entirely upon him. There was a great deal of. trouble: with his train and they lost time by its breaking loose, and then he had four cars in front of his engine. He! and the conductor thought they could make the station ahead and took the i isk, hence, the collision Mr, Link has been regarded as one of the beat and most careful engineers in the em p loy of tne ; SoutKern.Qharlotte News. - ; " ' ' hniiicrgrlinr in Balloon Sleeves. Mrs. Margaret Morrison, a prepos sessing young widow, whose father is a prosperous farmer living near' Port Angeles, was arre3ted recently by the customs officials and charged with smuggling opium into this country. s Dpi urn valued at $100 was : found concealed about her wearing apparel. She was accom panied by her twelve year old daughter, on whose person four pounds of opium were discoyered. While comiag across from Victoria the inspector imagined her figure was unusual plump, and upon iris spectibn fiye tins of the drug were found ingeniously secreted in her balloon sleeves. At the custom house she fainted arid went into. hysterics, and requested that her daughter tje sent outside ; into the open , air. Hardly had herchild reached "tbie sidewalk when she began running and efyingr tnrow of onium into vacant lots. Liafcar Mrs. -Morrison. in consideration d ciuinur uuarges not Deiog presente.u against her daughter, pleaded guilty. The officers claim the woman has been regularly engaged for several months in smuggling opium for jar Chinese firm -Morning Oregonian., Original Observations. j- The road to economy Js a prudent buy way. ! " What a drunken man sees, may be described as a circular saw. H Students who attend the school of experience have no foot-ball team.' The sweet buy and buy will soon be here, the costliest time of all the year. . -v " . . -. We have a strong suspicion that our best girl will make us a Christ mas present this year by giving us "the mitten." . t Though the days be, dark, and iireary" keepa-smilin'. do' not fret, for the blackest clouds will roll away and you will be happy yet. ! The world is full of microbes. The tramp is a parasite who eats the bread of honest toil ; the bore is a parasite who devours the time of the busy man; the gossiperjs a paia site that destroys the happiness in many a home witn words of sugar coated venom; the hypocrite is a parasite that entraps the unwary with falsehood while -wearing; j a mask of fairness. Orange (Va.) Obseryer. HARD TO DOWN. Voted ibe : Democratic . Ticket 62 ; Jea "f8 a reachd 55 Tears : h. Bev, Nathan Albarty, a Primitive Baptist pieacher who Dives five miJes eouth of Cobscnas recently, stricken with paralysis, but is now improviDff;Mr;bMty Is 83 years old He has preached the1 gospel for 55 years, and has Jvbfced the Democratic ticket at every t lection since ho was 21, He :;say3 be has seen the flagr of Democracy trail jn the dust many times; but at the next recurring election it would "kick tbelid off its coffio," come up smiling and scora a signal victory, tie has been the Democratic party meet and vanquish many foes; and he believes that today the pricoipies of ib e peo p) e as th ey ever were. He do doubt believes with Sain Jones that Adam was a Democ;at, and that when Gabriel blows his horn there will be Dflmnnnfa n tVm earfch to respond to tho summons. hQ principles of Demqctacy are1 immortal, Mt. Airi News. . Election of Officers. " At the meeting of the Knighti of Pythias .Friday ni-hV the!fbllowing officers were elected : - v ; ' H M Barrow, O. C. ; J O Fink, V. CL ; i E Hamilton, P. ; M B . Hart sell, E, and S.:; K J) Freeze, M. of W. ; J F Hurlty, M, of F. ; C A Pamphni M. of E ; J P Query, M. of A, Four of these officers are elected every six months,7 tha others annually, . "Y 1H Yon Hear the Whistle . JAtan'early- morn?rig, people on North Spring et; eet were called from their break-, fasttabh namo whistle, which was sigr-al for the fi-emeri- to show up at the home of Mr. JL Hartsell, whose chim ney was on fire, out of which was streaming a vast frame, presenting an. - exciting and .. neryous scene. The flra was qaenched "in time to save the roof; from catching. Mr Lpjnanj while ;;pulling: the i whistle cord, fell and was hurt, not serious ly however. ; "'; "'-Cy : "j Marvelons Resnlts, From letter written, by Rev. J' GunderjxiariiaOf J) imondale, ; Mich, we are permitted; to make this exv trj. haye n o hefiitatioa'in;re- mmending coyery, as ' the results were almost riiarvelous in the case of my wife.' While I: was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rives Junction sho was brought down witEtpDeumonia suc ceeding La Grippe, Terriole ;parn ysms, of .;coughibgr woiUd;f:ias Koura with little interruption and .it seemed'as irhe -could riofc "survive jexn'fjnend'. recommended Dr KirigfsiNewv Discovery ; it was quick inteork ank- Highly f satisfactory in .resultsVolftialt Fetzerte drug store;- ' Regular- size 50c. and J. t " '..X i.rfi : : ; t I. in the corp'oratioD.Enowri as tha'Con. uaie ueing n o, o in tne oooks or tne corporation, tand said? share of the value'of $50. ill persoES are warned against Kholdihgasaid ; certificate of stock and notice is. hereby given that I shall apply for af duplicate certifi cate of aid8bare of stock t : :Morsison;H. Caldwell ' ConcordrN. C.VNby; 25, 1895 ' t8tocl'forvSaI.-- " .-- - . - - .:f"hav(i onCbxX-year old mare and one mule for sale '"on easy terms. -Apply to me at 5ft; Pleasant by mail,i or at my home two miles west of Mt. Pleasant. " William MisEKhEMER. THE VIOLET'S VOYAGE She la Bringingr the President to - w;he"f; tfne Dnchs are Plentifnl. 1 Norfolk, Va., D?c. 6 President Cleveland, accompanied by Secretary cf War r Daniel S .Lamont, , Gomi mander Wilder and Dr. rjant, , ai rived here on the lighthouse, .Vender Maple this.morr.ing at 8;45 o'clock and at the bony' yard were, trans-. ferred to the Violet, which started at once for the ducking e rounds of North Carolina, amying off ' Cufri tu 3k light late this afternoon where the Violet will remain oyer night!, proceeding tONmorrow morning to H at teras, where, according to ret ports received to night, thousands of ducks are waiting to be slAUgb tered1. At; Cape Channel, near Hatteras, "blinds" have been provided for four people, and in one of these blinds the President will secret him- eelf early Monday morning and wait for the game. v The presideatal party will hot reach Hatieras before to-morrow nigbt, and Sunday will be devoted to rest and preparing foi Monday's shoot. , ' . ! The Maple last night anchored in Chesapeake Bay for a .while, as all traveling will be done by daylight. The Bishop After Them. That the evangelist ciaze is being: viewed seriously and the evils of it becoming known more and more day afterday, we may "expect Kail our people to soon return to the erood. old, licensed' minister, who" besides being amoniable to some ecclesiastic1 body does not have to be a drunk ard, a scum, a thief and a gambler a' number of years before he becomes; fitted for the high office of preach ing the : gospel. It is said that Bishop Duncan-spoke, at Reidsvilie, in no uncortain tones, Thi s comes out from Raleigh,;; - lt: appears,, - accordmg to people' who were the Methodist Confer Once at -Reidsvilie; last Sunday that Bishop Duncan rather, rubbed it, on evangeUsts, 'especially Jones anil Jj ite, t pa, .names. ..were , mentioned,, but the allusions were! extremely pointed. ; A large number, of the chinch peopla appear . ,to0 bear f no! love forfthfi fivaiifrfiUsfH- - Weekly iton Statistics. ; TivEBPpOLi jDec ; 6;--T6tal sales of ihe week, 73,000; Americal bales; ,trade takings, inclucji n g;.for- warded fromTship's side. 83,000: ac- tual export, 9,000; total , import, lboO'Araericaii stocky JM,00b; AmencanJSllobb fefts. ;aI afio cani2ibobC38pecoJatora tbok i2,200 nates;; expqrtera r took 2,400 'bales; Ivlien Baby was slclc. we gave her CastorlaV Tfien she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. J7hen die became Miss, die clung to Castorla, 1 fShen she bad Children, she gave them Castorla, ,..L tost. - '?t f Mr. ;i Thomas .Litaker, of . No. township, lost a single case purse; containing $21 thit morplngir Tlje money was divided into two $5 bills: ten dollars in silver, one $1 bill, and &SM teen cents infchahgei It .F?; in ,anpon:nl9k 0lptC Brown" Broj Stables, or v between town and Furr'u store 'aVFofek Hill. Finder will' be' rewarded by leaving sam at this office or deliy-i erea to him. . - 4&'&w. , " ' Forecast for tomorrow says : Gen erally fair, warmer in the morning. For THe Hoiidays WINCHESTER ONYX CLOCKS, WA.LNUT CLOCTT, ' OAK CLOCK. Gold Witciies Silver Watch ai d Nickel Watches. Sterling Novelties by the Gros Sterling Goods in. cases. ; SILVERWARE Call and see us before you buy vour ho!:- .day goods , we have what you wanr. . J. I J. F. iflSIE. Professional Cards. L. M, ARGHE Y, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. : Concord, N, C. OFFICE: ST, CLOUD ANNEX. JN0. R. ERWIN. C. A- MIS2KHEIMER ERW IN & . MISENB-EIMER . -'- -Pbysiciansnd'Surgeons ' Office No. 3. Harty bnildin-,' ops posite2nd Presbyterijnr church. Charlotte; C -1 MORRISON H. CALDVTSL ' ATTORNEY AT L UY, GOMOORD, ' X. a Office in. Morris building, op- osit Court House. i I Mm Hit . MANUFACTURE US OF FINJE' GINGHAMS ; . . . " , i -' !- OUTWG; CLOTHS, if PLAIDS, SHLETJJVG AND' SALT BAG -O- : DEALERS IN BUYERSJOF : V! of al Kind - .... ; -r-AND -vjFi)ur; Foo wood always , wonted'-- best prices .for sarne. ; We invite an in: spectionol all (the goods : we Manufacture. . ' ! I General Merehandis Country Produce : s r V

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