Vol. All. JNO. 29. Jwrj s -twin nanasonra una o warning gtlpKO; See them at Cor rells. if you find any thing in this that is not exactiy right fclARNOJNS & FETZER. i j TODAY We sell Men's all 'wool Cassimere suits at $aoo. Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits at 3.00. Men's Gray Melton suits at 2.00. Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boy's Odd Coats 50 trad 75 cents. Men's Black Worsted suits fcr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. MEN'S PINE CLAY WORS TED SUITS, wuaranveeu au wooi oo.ou. AJUiaways t onH Rrva tt.ooo vt,,i ,o -I . 9 11 1 ftp r y-k --. I some merchants price $12.50, A li Of very Une Clay Worsted Cutaways of I Schlosa Bros.' make at $10. These would be priced $25 bv people who you want any Clothing at all, it will pay you to see us. Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade With us : 1st. We buy our goods in large lots ana buy them low. 2nd. We put the lowest possible price oa them. We don't try to make you uunk they are worth more by pricing tnem at doubts what they are worm. 3d. We do exactly what we say we will do. We are here today and expect to be nere as long as we live. 4th. We will sell you goods that will fit and please you. 5tk. We will give your money back n goods don't suit you You run no risk in tradiuff .with us. "We guarantee the price on everything we sell. Shoes hats and all kind of Furnishing Goods. Ufl.tt V fXY Cl XT. WGV&A'F w ca wmvm i;inL Cohcobd N. O. J M. Odell, Presid en t r I li. D. fiAT.TTj a xnr A ofliflfant Cashier r. i Capital, 50,000 Orpins, $16,000 DIKECTOBS : J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon y-M King. J. W. Cannon " B. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTRANE. FIRE INSURANCE. When in heod of Fire Insurance, caU and see us. or write. Wo repre ent only first-class Home and 4 or- Cl?n companies- Respectfully, tV i-vWooDHOucE & Harris, ADflA HI m it; lit 1 Give H Concord imial a CONCORl), THE SENATE COMMITTEES. Many of the Old Fellows teft In tne Places-The Finance Commute in tiwNQTdir;rneo. 10. Both of te political Committees appointed PJUiWniWtteea of the Berate held a short session this af ternoon but reached no definite conclusions. until, the Republicans, reach some positiye conclusions, Mr. Gorman this afternoon appointed t remain. irig three .members of his committee by designating Messrs. Murphy, of New, York, White, of California, an d Walthall, of Mississippi. The complexion' of the finance committee has been settled, inasmuch as the ilepublicans concede it to the silver men. It was a silver com mittee last year. turns has been nicely adjusted, none of the Democrats being required to retire owing to the expiration of the term of - service of Mr. Butler, of South Carolina. The Western men have. received a concession in the shape of at least two additional chairmanships of im portant committees dealing entirely with Western matters. Mr. Dubois, of Idaho, is slated for public lands, and Mr. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, for Indian affairs. Mr, Chandler, who was chairman of the committee on i mm Deration. . O -i, . , it e n will take the old committee of Mr rjale, on the census, and the Main man, .regardless of the fight made by "young blood" in the closing hours of the last session, will be ghen the chairmanship of the very 4e3irable committee on printing', the" place held by Mr. Gorman. The old-time chairman will not be disturbed. Mr. Hawley, chairman of military affairs: Cameron, of naval affairr Squire, of Coast ; defences. irye pi commerce; McMillan, of the District of Columbia; Cullom, of iniertaje commerce, and Qaay, of public buildings and grounds, will doubt less be. given the old places. . . . It is belieyed the whole mattter will be settled before the Hsual holi day recess is taken Hand Hashed. While working on the dummy hine near the depot Tuesday evening Doc Jjindsay a colored man, was lifting a rail with several others and all turned loose but Doc, who was not strong enough to hold up his end and in letting it down his hand iwn AO n rrVi t nnrfprnpafh thft rail. hondinhia finders to the back of o .o his hand and splitting the palm en- tirely across, howeyer. U o bones were broken, Marvelous Besnlts, From a letter written by Revv J Gunderman, of Dimondale Mich, wa flirA permitted to make this ex tract: "I have no hesitation in re commending Dr. King's New Pis ih a vaaiilfa rtrara ftlmfifit covers, d wu " -J - Yv.oi - xrAlnnfl in the case of my wife While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Bives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia sue ceeding La Grippe. Terrible par oxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50c. and 1. IUIOB vv- China store during the holidays. Ar;oa.iPimifl arnun is ac uiosoQa; .IT;. C WEi)1Sli8t)AT, DECEMBER 11, 1896. THE HUNGRY FED 14 j t7"Pr- wSr. Ar-XMi at Board, In a Body Attend A Desola tion. - ; -: h'dOD"" ' ' " - At the Tegniinjjr meetlne of the boardiW town comfeussioners Tuesday 0ficthin routine riff resolution .r.rrj"- this djTfciioi? In Wee. hihllhe face otterh,-JSn ana.under tha ponderous pressure of man. plic! wanii linC rieeJ &m brayely stood at tih? helm and so safely guided- the affairs of this growing and important city, and x , Whereas, He has occupied the chair . of administration with so much e8ol?ed, 1st. That the esteemed J head of thb honorable body, as here in aforesaid, be allowed the ecstatic privilege, immediately following this present convention, in joint pleasure of assistance by the efficient clerk and ireasarer to lead the members of this honorable bonrd in a body to theArmory Hall and there provide sumptuous refreshments foe said hungry members, and that the ex penses incurred by said kindly act be met by the private funds of the two honorable officers, herein before mentioned, and to whom this earnest appeal is humbly addressed Resolved, 2nd. That as,, the said recipients of .this anticipated repast will, after partaking thereof, be. tco full for utterance, that the heartiest thanks be Tand is herenj .tendered in adyance by hps.wbo stand J ri hun gry expectapc.waitiufi: the result of these, resolutions Very res'pefetf lifly submitted, j, M. A LEXAKDER, ... .w Jab. CFink. A Christmas .tVeddinff. 4 fiABRiSBtTRa, . 0., Decembtr 10. Miss Lticia .Parksr of Pioneer .Mills', is in tbwn visiting Mis3 Mr. IB.B Parks left fox trip to the&bbsiVioi Tuesday night. . Chalmers dime i.ind 'JWss'.Fan nia taffordi of dohcord spent Bun day in town; ( itr. j&y Harris reports having walked a mile in five minutes last jSnnday,. winning the chatnpionsbip of No. 1 township. "Hurrah for Jay.7' . ; Messrs. Parks, White and i Query, of Concord, spent Snndayjat Booty Biver. v , , Cards are out announcing the jmarriage 6t Mr' A D Wilson, an en terpri8iug .fdif'-Hter-pi; Kocky JBiyer to MiBsTahnie Alexander, a beautiful and charming young lady, a!so of Bocky iiTef,t)n December 25. ; j -We.iire eorrynote thajb Gen eral jMomsoii iV still on the flici ijst, bi ing unable to get out of lys room. Lost. .. i ...i. . a . . . Mr.. Thomas . JjUaer, of No. 4 township, lost a single case pnrse, containing $21 this morning. The money was divided' into two $5 bills, ten dollars in Bil ver, one $1 bill, and ten or fifteen cents in change. It was lost n Cannon's back lot, Brown Bros , Stables, or between town and Furies store -at Forest Hill. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this office or deliy ered to him. 4 d&w. ousiness oajcre? ; ceptmgi -thkLf ol ism An Eleetrte !.-:?; Iff. Jfa traitetj of Forest Hill, has si cat named Maggie, which is an electiic wonder. The animal is jet black, all.oter with the exception of iJ: whitp99n $fee Try .Up,.o.f her tajU aggirt jur ,tiil crisp and sparkle when yoi; stroke it in the dark on a cold night, but . al- most any black cat's: will do the came, However, almost any black cat.anpptjdo all that Maggie can Jim says.it is the white tip to he? tail that does the business, for If you touch the extremity of her cans dal appendage, dav or nieht winter or summer, it will ilve you a stioclc "that Will knock von sill v." ka U exp-esses it. Maggie is herself well " " - . I aware of her secret power and in her scrimmages with other cats, or a chance stray dog now and then she has but to brash her tail across her . . ' 'i enemy, when she knocks him out completely. In a fight with a big cat that strayed into Maggie's quarters .the other day the electric mis3 gave him such forceful and repeated shocks that poor Tom could not be revived thereafter, . Jim has no end pf ,iun matching his pet against customers. II, B. Shops to be .Reopened. bublto n a. Dec. lo.-The people of this town are jubilant over the prospect of beginning work here in the railroad shops. It is believed here that -the shoDS are to be put in good condition,, and the This will mean an addition of 1.00 at least, to Burlington, grains will beein to run throueh to Norfolk via January, and then there wUl be quite as great need tor worK nere as at Manchester or Alexandria. Charged With Mnrderldg a Woman. Cummin g,. Ga., Dec. 10. Newton Edwards and W A Wright are in jail here charged wih the murder of Mrs. Ann Mason. She : left her house about dusk November 23rd, - . . :. .,. . . i , ; it i - if telling her children she would b back in a little while. Wright ha met her shortly- oetore near ner house and talked with her, and she went in the direction he had. taken. fche did not return, bnt late ihatl night Edwards went to her house and inquired jf she w& a;home. Her pody was rpuna ine nexp,,aay. 1?ilnfA.Jci mill . Viotta a rtra1tminoi trial in a iew uavs. ioe motive ion the murder has not beeu developed .otorNtolen. - A large black hound, yeUowctan breast, and nose, name. Tom. and has been with chain gang two years. Any person that will return him to me or furnish any information tnal mil lead to his recoyery w X'. be libfci erally rewarded, r v ... f 6. F. Babkhabdt, Concord, N. C, Dec 11, 1885. , Rev. W H Abbptt, arri red, from Yonkers, N Y, and will preach his 1 fPAmn1r his new charge. - The colored Meth- odi&tsare proud of their new pastor. building and Joan 13th Merlea Opened. The fifteenth series of stoc In the Concord Perpetual Building and J Lo&n Association opens .paturaay, December 7th. Call on the secre tary and treasurer and subscribe. The third series of stock matures and will be paid off this month. A good paying investment. , J. P Allison, Pres. H. I. WoonnousE, 4 Secretary and Treasurer. d410t Whose NO. 1,367 f flfe HOLIDAYS. FOR -WinchesterOnix ll$S.nl d6ii Zm&k Sft uiocirB.ifair tiinp.trff. ver . -1 watcnes ana nicKle watches; rft - Sterling lvelties by the groip. Ster ling ocdi in Cull ami ectr a. frtre bdying yonr . - holiday ooda. . . cWe have what you want. i. j. & j. imi J PfOfBSSiOllfll Cfir(iS M; ARCHEr, M, D j j m -Sl - a ? 3 : rnysician ana burgeon. Concord N, C it ' ' ;" OFFICE : -ST.- CLOUD ANNEX IJNO, R. ERVViNa t A. HiSENHSIMER ERWlN & . MlSl4NH.ElMER Liilj c.;. , .ruwa. .uiiu oui geons Office No. 3. Hartv bnildiiic, orts l8" MOKBI80NH. CAL.DVV.EL ATTORNEY AT V,' CONCORD, .iff.' C. Oflfice in Morris building, opposite Court House. JIAKUFACTURERS OF FINJ GINGHAMS OUTING CLOTHS. w --v 1 vj. wwxyx JJuu DEALERS IN ILL Uerohandise 6U YfiBS OF I) Country Produce of al Kind ' r ' ' ' Foux-Fobt wood always woitiBd test prices for same. We invite an in spection of all the goods we Manufacture. I-;. 5 SILVERWARE 11 11 ail s i 1 ' N M nflAtMtAfiillBittfj OS., a yucu itt? auyui uur GeheRtt