on ire s yon can get anything you want in Silver Novelties, ens graved without extra charge at talk Jewelry mi C0IiC01lI' - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1895 YESTERDAY'S SALE. I 1 $100 If you find any thing in this that is not exactly right CAISNOIS S &FETZER. TO DAY We sell Men's alLwool Cassimere suits at Men's Black Wool Cheviot suits -at 3.00 Men's Gray Melton suits at 2.00. Men's Black Cheviot suits 2.50. Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boy's Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents " Men's Black W orsted suits fcr 3.50. Men's Fancy Melton suits 2.50. MEN'S FINE CLAY WORS TED SUITS, Guaranteed all wool $5.50, Cutaways and Sacks. These are the kind that some merchants price $12.50,--" tkiificeii 0 Of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of Schloss Bros.' make at $10. These a. would be priced $25 by people who pretend to save you 25 percent. " If you want any Clothing at all, ' it will pay you to see us. Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade with us : 1st. We buy our goods in large lots and buy them low. 2nd. We put the lowest possible price OTthem. We don't try to make you Uunk they are -worths more by pricing tnem at doubts what they are worth. 3d. We do exactly what we say we will Jo. We are here today and expect to be tore as long as we live. 4th We will sell you goods that will flt and please you. 5th. We will give your money back " goods don't suit you - You run no risk in trading with us we guarantee the price on everything Resell. 8hoes hats and all kind of burnishing Goods. .. Cannons Ssi'etzer nri National Back. COKCOED, N. O. Odell, p B. CCLTEANE, J CoLTRA-nnr President, flash ?'at. Coltbajte, r Assistant Cashier .Pital, Orpins,. nHoftheActlonorthe,. holders Approved. ' . Everybody seems to be satisfied with yesterday's sale of the N. O, Steel and Iron Company's property to Dr. Worth and his associate?. The deed is being prepared tonday and the money, so we hear, will; be paid over as soon as the work is com pieted, ' ; Dr. Worth's associates ars well known North Carolinians and mn of wealth five in all. , As to what is to be done it seems to be settled, or rather it is the general opinion, that the furnace will be put in blast after matters have been settled. ' ' The clause allowing any stock holders of the old. company to come in equally with Dr. Worth and his associates will necessarily delay ac tion for sixty days from yesterday, as a full and complete organization can not be had until it is known exactly who constitutes the new company. When this is settled Messrs. Stephen U Noble, of Alabama, and James F Jordan, of this place, have a proposition to submit, looking to tho working of the plant. Our understanding ib that the proposition is now really ready, but cannot be submitted for the reason above given It is the evident intention of 'the parties who bought it to woik it; they believe there is money in it and they propose to test the matter.- - It is not generally known, bat it is a fact that Mr. Noble and his as sociates made a d.rect proposition to the reorganized committee several week 8 ago. It was by them en dorsed and sent on to the board of directors, who ih return referred the matter to the stockholders, who met yesterday in accordance with the call; but in the meantime Mr. Noble's associates, having been told that tha directors had full power to acton the matter, decided, after it was deferrtd to the stockholders, thus making a further delay of two weeks, to withdraw their proposition, so that at yesterday's meeting an en tlrely new deal was made. As stated above, however, it is understood that it is a a move in which Mr. Noble is interested and the belief is fully expressed that after all the furnace will be put in blast, Greensboro Record. New Mall Carrier. Mr. Jacob A Shoe, who lives on the McAllister place, two miles west of M. Pleasant, has secured the con tract for carrying the mail that runs between Mt, Pleasant and Con cord, , Hia contract is for four years, beginning next July, r f His bid is $95 per year. The present mail carrier, Mr. Jim Black- welder, has been carrj mg it for $125. This is one instance where the shortest pole gets the persimmon. $50,000 $16,000 J ir DIRECTORS Odell, D. P. Cannon EKiwg, - J. W. Cannon, Odell, W. H, Lilly, D B COLTfiANE, HS INSURANCE, cJS h"J of Firs Insurance, Wrj us or wriie- w rcpre W 2? y Jirclass Home and Tor- Respectfully, DHOUSE & HAKBIS. Care for Head acne. . As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved to baHhe very best It effects a per manent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Elec tric Bitters cures by giving tho needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist tho use of this medicine. Try it' onco. Fifty cents and $1 00 at Fetzer's Drug Store- 3sv WAN IED ANOTHER WIFE. ... . t A Yadkia Farmer nid Kot Want ills e r oiigpt Back to iife. The Winston Sentinel is advised that Mrs, Bullo& the lady physiv cian, of Chicago who has been stir., ring up Yadkinille, on the claim that she can cure all kinds of dis eases, is now at Tobaccoville, For syth county. - One: of her rjatients in Yadkin, the wife of a farmer, died a few davs ago. The Sentinel's informant tells it that the bereaved husband ap pered tc be greatly grieyed over the death of his wife, especially after he had gone to so much expense in trys ing to restore her to health. Mrs. Bullock, it is said, decided that it would be to her interest to say something to the husband. Sitting down by his side, she gave oat this comforting message : v "Your wife was so low when she began taking my treatment that it was impossible to eaye her; howeyer, if. you desire, I will raise her from the dead V . The "grieved husband did jot speak for a tew moments, but when his reply came it was to this effect; "No, she is dead now; I don't be lieve I care to ; haye her brought back;, I believe I want another wife, anyhow.'' : Located at Cierl.ick. Br, F E Hartsell has located at Big Lick for the practice of his pro fesnion. He iai a young physician with a bright future, . ' . WHoiiE NO. 1,374 A.NU COME AND SEE WHAT .WE HAVE SUITABLE FOll YOUi! HOLIDAY GIFTS. v ome More Big: Hogs. Mr. Charlie H Cooif, of No. 4, kills some big hogs. Mr. G A Pat terson tells us of it. Two hogs, aged 444 days each, weighed respectively 478 and 427 pounds. , - 'I mn m i . Harried at Enoch rllle. - Mr. Tohn R McKmdley and Miss Laura Wright, were married Wed nesday in St. Enoch Lutheran church, Enochyille, N. C. Rey. V R Stickley performing the marriage ceremony. Killed at m&h Point. Mr. J E Whisnaut, of Danville, who was running as flagman on the local freight, No. 61, was killed at High Point Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock. He was caught bet ween the bumpers while coupling cars, . , Sliss Grler to gro to Chicago. Miss Olaud Grier leaves some time in January for Chicago to remain indefinitely with Dr. and Mrs. Boyd. As before mentioned in the Obser ver Miss Grier intends going to the foreign mission field and will pre pare herself for the work under Dr, Boyd. She is an active member here, in not only foreign" but home mission work, and will be greatly missed in Charlotte circ-es. Char lotte Observer. An Annoyance Still. Wednesday afternoon when little Clarence Graber was on hia wav . . . . j home from his father's market, car rying several glass jars in his arms, Amzi Phifer one of the many col ored "sports ' of the town, who was riding a bicycle, ran into the ' little fellow at the corner of Depot and Spring streets. The handle of the bicycle struck Clarence on the tern pie, knocked him down and bruised him upr pretty badly. Itiaeis ebonid be more careful, eyen though they are compelled to stay off the sidewalk. Souvenir Rnom'js Bon Bon Boxes, Cane, Jyiavhji Jewelry Boxes. Table Knives, Fruit TCninee Paper Knives, jvtiih JXTiives, lableForlcs, Olive Fnrhs Pichle Farley Bicycle Marks, juaucure sets, Shoe Sets f Desk Sets, ea sets, , JVeck Chain Rings, ' Stamp Boxes, JU Tea Spoons, Kerchief Boxes, m Scarf Pins, Dresden Clocks, Baggage Check Belt Buckles. ' Qotfee Svoons. (r.mio. : 7?s-i Umbrella Marks, Book Marks, Individual Sets, Vara Sets, Bon Bon Walking r1 m Canes, Tea Kettles, Lamps, N Vinegar etts, Gold Thirnhles, Gold Bcnr Card Cases. - Nut Pickers Also the nicest line of Watches and Jewelry in town. . A. J. & YORKE Cards. Death Wear Mill KiH, Near Mill Hill, this county. Mrs Jno; D Fisher died Wednesday night oi pneumonia. She bad been sick for a very short time. She was be tween 35 and 40 years of age and leaves seven children and husband bereaved. The remains were interred at Trinity .Lutheran - church, Hev. Stickly conducting the funeral ser vices,. ; . . - - professional 800 Gallons or Spirits Poured Out. Passengers coming down the West ern tell of an incident which hap pened in Morganton Sunday night. ' v Some one entered the bar room at that plac6 and knocked the heads out of barrels containing eight hun dred gallons of different drinks. When the owners entered the next morning the cellar was flooded with six inches of whiskey. There is a strong dissension between the prohibitionists and antiprohibition ists in Morganton and this was proi bably the work of strong prohibit tionist. Salisbury Worldv IhaiiKtulIy Enjoyed by the Preacher and Family. , Oh Monday merning, Decomber 9 th, Rev. B F Davis, accompanied by his wife and little son, Emerson, left the city for the purpose of assisting Rev. Paul Barringer for a few days in Evangelistic services at Bethel Reformed church, Kowan county. Upon their return about dark on Wednesday evening, the 11th, they were agreeably, surprised to learn that "necessaries of life" not con tained in the parsonage .when7 they left, had found their way thereto during the absence, In the kitchen and dinning room and backyard were unmistakable evidence that some persons, having been in tem porary possession, had not taken away with them things -which they brought when they came. A key to the front door had been left in the possession of their litiledau h er Lottie wUo was making her home with Mr. S Shuping during her parents' absence, and by the U3e of said key entrance was made by the generoushearted brethern and sisters To thoie T7ho. participated ia this occasion and to those who in person or by repres:nt3tive haye since call td at the parsonage with "additioual' supplies, pas or Davis and family are indee! thankful. L: M, ARGHEr, M; T). Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N. C. OFFICE : ST, CLOUD ANNEX. JNO. R. ERWIN. C- A- MlSHNHEhMER ER VV IN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons Office No. 3. Harty buildin- on Charlotte, N. C church MORRISON H. CALDW.EL ATT0BNEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. O. Office in Morris building, oipcwitc Court House. idlliiBtiri MANUFAOTU EEBS OP Fine Gringhams, Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. Dealers in G-ENERAL MEROHADISE. o Buyers of COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted best . prices for same. We invite an inspec tion of all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord, -N. O-

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