Vol. XI1L No. 88, CON COllT), N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 189G Whouc'NO. 1,467 ANNOUNCEMENTS.! FOR SHEBIFF. i I herebv announce myself a can didate for" the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully THOMAS J. WHITE. 11111; BEE FRIDAY, AUG. 28. i meaning that the case may be heard Mr. Archey Cline, cf St John's subsequently if cause for absence is neighborhood, brought shown. to The Standard the first pod ot cotton FOR COTTON-WEIGHER. I hereby Announce myself a can didate for tlieffice of cotion weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomi nating convention, F. A. ARCHIBALD. Frank Howard to Pay the Death Penalty for Arson Calm and Col lected Were tbelftterancesof Jndge Greene When Passing Sentence- .'he Conntenance of the Condemned Negro Showed Jfo -Wffns of Emo- OD W,m. WilsOD; not guilty. tlon When Told lie Should Be Hanged by the Neck Until Dead. When Criminal Court convened at Rufus Krimminger was tried for we have seen this year. He says larceny and found guilty. He was that there are many open bolls in sentenced to one year on chain the field from which this one came, gang. Cotton is opening rapidly and will Henry Melchor, for assault with continue to do so as long as the hot, deadly weapon; not guilty . . clear weather lasts. " State vs. Robt. Johnson; called His son, .Mr. Ed Cline, of this city, and failed. Judgement nisi. who is sick at his home, was thought State vs. Alfred Sanders, assault to be better this (Saturday) morning. FOR REGISTER OF DEEIfS. ' I herebv announce myself a can- 9 o'clock this (Saturday) moraine didate for the office of Register - of the walls of the court house enclosed Deeds for Cabarrus county, BUDject i a cnrioua crowd of eaeer lis! to the Democratic nominating con nention. Respectfully, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. , who had swarmed into the hear His Honor enepass sentence had been irdy who teners murky room to Judge L L Gre upon Frank Ho war found guilty, by a jury ot twelve Haying been solicited by numer- men, of arson, the penalty for which ous voters' of Cabatrus county, I h8 death When His Honor asked hereby announce ray ielf a candidate thQ prI80ner t0 arise, a stillness per for the omce of cotton weigher, sub- - V FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Lum Boger f. and a., appeared in court unable to pay cost of $50: was assigned to labor on chain gang for six months. State vs.. John Barringer; de fedant plead guilty to attempt at criminal assault upon Margaret King. He was sentenced to a term of five years in the penitentiary at hard labor. , ' Siate vs. Lizzie Parks and Cora i urn t ' - When a little one ir expected in the family hew lovingly the parents plan together for, its future well- fare. They sometimes even forecast its education-and career. Does this seem ject to the action of tne county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, ' GEORGE F. BERNHARDT. No. 9 Township., vaded the court room that would make the heart of the moat hard hearted quake, but the doomed crim inal arose with a steadiness that showed no sign of emotion. ' He was told to sit down, and immediately FOR COTTON WEIGHER. th inrW. nrPAAnrpH in a for rrnrHa I hereby announce myself a candi- the penality for the awful crime of date for cotton weigher! for Cabar applying the torch, referring to rus county, subject to the Demo e yidence fa. whicn . crimiQal sald. era tic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRiEBER. C,I meant to burn everything on the premises, Gillon and all his family.'' The Judge said: - - ; "Frank Howard, the jury- has Feeling some degree, of encourage-1 found you guilty of arson, the pen The court that did all FOR COTTON WEIGHER. ment by the genial attitude of my aity of which is death, fellow-men in the county, I most a8Slgned' y0u counsel sideration as a candidate for cotton that could be done for you, but the weigher, subject to the action of the facts were so plain that a good, able, Democratic county ( convention. intelligent jury and able counsel nespeCUUliV, nnnlrl nnltr find xrnn anVArr 'Ph. HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. ' " ' - law says a man guilty ui bo nemoua a crime is not fit to live in a civil ized community. You will be rev inacded to the county jail till Fn Coleman, assault with deadly early to anticipate while the child ia I . : J yet unborn? lit isn't. The chad's des- weapon ; J U d ge m en t b eretofore as to tiny has already been partly mapped out Pnm Hnlomon . BtnVlron nnf on by Nature according to the disposition fined penny and cost. State vs. cost. A Grand Tournament and Gala Day. 'The young people of Cox's mill Rpp.tion nf t.hi ennntv are nrpnarinc r j . x i f I -1 ' f-. . 1 1. - fora sreatakd .laiut event A I . J 01 uUBt' o'clock. toarnament Jnd baseball game, with tffeen the h0UrS f a big dinner, will be the features of m' when the aher,ff f Caba"ns the aa,'8 entirtaioment, an'd Tnes county, will take you to a place day, Auenst 11th, has been' set prepared for execution, when he apart for the day. Messrs. J J Cox. shoU hanS J! the neck until J P Cox, Ed. Henderson and Mor Joa are dead- And. may God have ris Caldwell are the committee of mercy ou your soul. In the mean arrangements and will, exert all time 1 advise you to solicit the aid means to make the day a red letter ot Christian people, to- look after one in old Cabarrus. A baseball your spiritual .welfare." The man game will take place at 10 o'clock 8at f acinS " tha 3adSe watching as -in the mornine between ConWd tne woras tnat seaiea ms aoom leu and Huntersville teams. Twenty rom His Honor's lip brazenly, and regaled and plumed knmhts will wnen tne sentence naa oeen con- compete for the handsome 'tourna J cluded' the ; negro made a sickly ment prizes. Everybody invited. Sria and turned ms head away , Lw.. - Not once did he wince, t Don't worry. The. country's safe. ' Judge Green congratulated How The peach crop for this year from lard and spake in high praise of the the Delaware; peninsula is estimated I community in which the foul deed "Dii uiiaion bix nunared tnousandl "ao uuuc ,ttb c rT uw"6u baskets. i I him a fair and impartial trial m stead of Wreaking the vengeahce of an enraged people. - j - OTHER' CASES. In the case of the State vs. Solo mon Einstein, violation of the local option laws, found guilty ih sentenced to 18 Chain gang. Appeal taken and bond of $200 required; if sustained, will involve three more similar cases. ; ' ' ' ' ' ' v :" :. ' ; State vs. Clarence " Fispermao, carrying concealed weapon; judg ment suspended on payment of State vs. Jim Farr, called and nnf nn ana nanus 01 me parenis. me oesi pian a mother can make for the future happi John Cagle and Rosa ness of her unborn child is .to maintain Culp, f. and a., guilty ; Cagle one her child's undeveloped being is still i year On CUain gang, Kosa UUlD, P4" OI ners- aer neaim anoiscnucai . . i I penou is or tremenaous consequence la three months in jail. ; &ie little one's whole future existence. Stats VS. Lafayette Ury, Called Every prospective mother wirl find direct ana tailea to answer. J udement I -.rrt rw- paxrf tv nisi. 4 : i scnption. ii.-wiu maintain ner vitaiuy State VS. Eddleman and Castor, od of confinement and make labor easy and assault with deadly weapon. Nb 1 almost painless. It imparts strength and damage done, submitted and judg- turitionf invests mother with recuper- ment : suspended on oavment Of l ttive enerjnr 'against any Alter penod of i i I rotrrifcQ nnri npnrpKinn anri atn-s in tne secretion of healthv nourishment for the. btate VS. Uan UOOK, plead guilty child. I It is the unfailing cure of all " le- of illicit eellin& of .lionnr. iiKfrrmont W weaknesses. , " - I fear Zfac&YofljrFft write Prescfiptlon," ! aUSDended On Davment Of COSt- I tle best medicine to take before confinement . . 1 .1 a. - i e Jt Tl 1 . iV. State VS. .Will Luther, larceny; never suffered so little with any of my children I M A U1U IT11U Ui V lOOl. aUU 0UV A3 VXA V V V. One year On CUain gang. I have. When t began your treatment I could not f. . ir lr-iTTM V 4 i fiana on my ieei iong enougn 10 wasn ray uisnca State V8. M M WldenhOUSe, Ot without suffering almost death ; now I do all my ai, iur uuiawiui uuuipruuuiBO, iaiu l inmg toj my lainuy UVC1 UH1UK vu tuo ausouuo UI JJUIUBI I :. 'If I A rs J-f thanked and dismissed the petit jurors at 12:15, and the grand jury at 3 o'clock this afternoon, taking Teces8.until Monday morning at 10 Offer this week i5 cases of the best $1.00 shoe for ladies on the nkarket. They come in GHoye, Grain Button and Lace We also have tliem at 75 cents and they aie as good as you can buy for 75 cents, but the ,$1.0Q shd e is the r greatest value to be found, -Ten Cases of Mens' t LICE HID COIIGRESS at $1.00 to $1.50. That is a good shoe . and easy pair. , Is guar anteed to be as repre sented or money back. 1 00 dozen Shirts in Laundried,r lOnlaun dried and Work Shirts at 5 cents to $1,00. We can please all in this line. r ISO DOZEN - for Ladies, Men i and Children. We have plenty of those Low Shoes yet, for Misses and. Ladies. OWE I DICK, We Want to Beat SILVEH SnrnTVfilST SETS : 26. Cens. -4 Of (Sjreat Importance. The moat important thonglit with young, men now, except mar riage, in this hdt weather, is where can I send my shjr.ts, collars and cuffs to hayo them laundned in first cIaB8 style. See Tom J ohns- ton, agent, for Model Steam uaun div. Charlotte, i an 4 ASK the recovereil dyspeptics. bili6us suf ferers, victims of , fver and ague, the mercorial diseased patient, , how hey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by. taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in tZie woricu T?or TVSPEPSIA ' CONSTIPATION: Jaundice. Bilious itacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres- sion of iyirits, SO U K biUMALn, Heart Dura, etc. This iir ivaled remedv is warranted not to contain a single Article of M ercuk y, or any mineral substance. butii I - 'r - : PURELY VEGETABLE, contaimt those bouthern Koots ana iieros wrucn an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where liver Iieases most prevail. It will cure all Disease caused by .Derangement 01 tne laver tpa liowew. '1 ALL GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A. B. C0RRELL, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. ! failed.' . Judg one Ctise an months on rraent nisi. "Judged j j. ;eeifl for July. We are determined not to spend our time and enererv crumblinsr about dull times. We will pitch iD and. make times lively. Now. in ors der to make this incoming month the biggest July we, have ever had, we are putting out a lot of ' Hummers", and we are going to make them hum; We are going to do away with Stickers We will make Movers out of thera. Here goes: About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed's mokes, all small sizes, 2$, 3, 3i and 4 that we will fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost &2 and over. They must go. . ,. NO. 2, About one hundred pair ot Ladies Fine Oxford Tiee. Borne patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, fall to go at 75c Ihey cost rom $1 to $1.50. They must go. NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeierrers. tan. " errav and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4i. All to go at 31, Made to sell at 2 and 2.50. They must go. NO. 4 -About 75 prs oi Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeielers. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to go in at :$1.2. Call for them they won t be here long. They must go. -'.- NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to I, to -go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are 81.50 shoe?, and are fiesn stockjust bought them. SPECIALS. Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. 4 Women s solid Leather PebbJe Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are SI shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at nsat.on -cf having failed to do something Alexandria , Va . ' Solid as any shoe in the market, regular S1.50 shoes, to jht to have, been done; Debility; Iw 1 t,, T?-n A:i sufl0 Ism ot. aJfo f C1 TViv r a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and I jgu u spx. 'uicud jl- j.xir uitaii jxx i-wcd, -''., v i -V ry cough, oite& mtaken lor consumption. ; i xenlar x,2D snoes. Mens heavy Cingiisn xies, every-aay fanoes, i,w oonu vLutlKS.SigSt asleather can mate theimu Big job in straw ; hats at ,10c, .some of them vve ouy JiuDiiS in car luaua auu icittn iucxu ab uun oaio The HMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad tJte in the mouth : Fain in the .Back, bides or Toints. Bten mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Stomal ; Loss of Appetite ; Bowels alternately costive lid lax ; Headache ; Loss of Memory, with a painful - . . . whicn aht Spirits fc,yes; a bomet disease, orean m and if n edness The virtues Holt, Pj Perry. X son, isq Ga.: K Supt. ( We that for ache, it have trs Regulav- s bodv. is freneraSiv the seat of the disease. I 8TG oUC II at 8. ReuUtted ki tim, great suffering, wretch- I rnaa ' HnA Kimrfro Mono finn SfirPfl Hnfetfl ftf. 'lllflfc hftlf nrice. Wft have pwing highly-esteemed persons attest to the Jsimkoss -Iivhr JiEKiCLATOK :- Oen. vv. b. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder. Cf l. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C Master herHT Bibb Jo.,Ga,; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, J. V. Lurke, .Macon, Ga.; virgu lowers, ti. vv. K. li. : Hon. Alexander U.btephens. e tested its virtues personally, and know r-spepsia, B.liousness and Throbbing Head- tne best medicine the world ever saw. vve fony oth;r rcn;edies before Simmons Liver and none ct teem gave us more lixan tern- porary ri ; tns K.eguat'r not oniy relieved, out curea IB.' Li 1 ELECJU.VfH AND Ttl ESSEN GER, MACOUA. everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Everything up to date and at prices that C3nt be beat anwbeie in the State, Call and see samplesjof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus- .TOT? T co PTi fvfi v a suits nf finfi'All-Wool Cassimere in CutawaylFrock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 tor 4 00 a suit.- They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00.suits. Cail on us and see these and othei "attractions. ' ' MANUFACTURED ONt-Y BY - ZH1LLN CO., Pnilauelphia, Pa. CANNONS & FETZ

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