'" ANNOUNCEMENTS. f POR SHERIFF. I herebv aunonnce myself a can clitWe for" the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to 'the Democratic nominating contention. V Respectful I y, THOMAS J. WHITE. FOR COTTOX WEIGHER. V-; I hereb? announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of, the Democratic-homi natmg convention, i ; ; V - F. A: ARCHIBALD. ' FOR REGISTER OF (DEEDS. I herebv announce myself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating con nection. Respectfully. W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Haying been solicited by numer ous ivoters of Cabarrus county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of cot too veighex, sub ject to the , action of the; county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce myself a candi ! ii v date for cotton weigher for Cabar ru8 county, Bubjtct to the Demo cratic convention. : Respectfully, HARVEY, A. GREBER. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. iFeeling some degree of encourage ment by the genial attitude of my fellow-men in the county, I -most respectfully ask' jour favorable con sideration as a candidate for cotton weigher, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. I J T 4.r., HEZEKIAH "MCN AMARA. SILVER SHUT SET! 25 Cents. GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A. B. CORRELL, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. I J. F. HURLEYr : INSURANCE ;agent. -j Office over FET ZEE'S DRUG STORE. j CONCORD MARKETS 1 COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.... 7 4ok Middlings ........;725 Low middling ... ........ ......6.40 .Stains .................. ... f to 6 , . PRODUCE MAitJtEl Corrected bv C. W Swin. Bacon...;.... 7 to r Sugarcured nams...... ...... lOto 12i Bulk meats,8ides. ................7 to 8 Bees wax , . 20 Butter 10tol5 Chickens . . . .......... 10to25 Oorn 45 m 10 Lard.... 70 our(North Carolina). ....... .V.'l 8 J laiiow m 3lo5 SNEAKS IN DARKNESS. I ! Ea, Wayne Enters the Bed ttoom of Nome of the Cases Disposed .Of Dur Two Young? Girls While Under tire j I ln the Term. Influence of Honor With Ilcllish ' : T t r l j -i i A i intent in Ills IIeart-mKhtened V. In caSO of Rifoda Xulp, E8 poted and Fscaped- Warrant Issued for in Saturday's iS8U8; of STANDARD, Wayne Henry McCane in Jail for a the COUrt changed Punishment Similar Offence and Will Wait Nix Months for Trial. Whil nld T.iina r.rpnt slnwlv nvAr J " r: ' 'j - beams over this broad land of 5 ours Sunday night, Ed Wavne, a native I South Carolinian, once an operative ' j in the Cannon cotton factory at this plact?. stole quietly into the bed room of Misses Lula and Maggie Ritchie, j 1 and 15 year old daughters of Mr, John A Ritchie, who Jives in New Town a V Can non v i ilep wi t h hellish ntent ' in his heart, Wayne was drunk and gained entrance through a window. When reaching the bed on which lay the slumbering misses they were awakened instantly, and at Vonce gaye a'arm, running into the room occupied by their parents. At this -juncture Wayne escaped through an nd window, leaving bis hat behind, which was picked up an'd placed in a bureau drawer. The, young ladies were greatly frightened and the parents enraged. Mr. Ritchie endeavored to get a warrant tor Wayne at 3 o'clock this morn, mg but could not find a magistrate, and while up town attending! to the matter at an early hour after day light, Wayne re-entered the houde and ransacked the bureau until his hat was recover, d, when be took to the woods; s Mrs. Ritcnie was getting breakfast at ibis time and was una ware of .Wayne's presence, A war rant was obtained but Wayne was on his way to other parts, going towarda Davidson College, where he was once employed. Wayne is a .heavy-set man with dark moustache- and hair clipped . short. He is a weaver by trade. Mr. Ritchie is justly indig nant at the conduct of Wayne and will prosecute him to the fullest ex tent of the law, when caught: HeDry McCane, an ex-convict and well known to the criminal courts of Cabarrus, was lodged in jiil Sunday night, charged with having entered the home of a white man living in No. 1 township, where iMcCane at templed a nameles3 crime on the person of Bettie Herron, a daughter of Daniel Herron, His hellish pur pose was not accomplished, how. ever. He was captured and brought to town and will answer for the 4 charge for which he is held at the January term of Cabarrus Superior Court. It will be remembered that Lacy Campbell, a negro of thetHarrisburg section, was tried and acquitted at this term "of court for insulting the Herron woman on the public highs way, and it is thought that by Campbell being acquitted, McCane would go a little further. V Backlcn'g Arnica alye. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures riles or no pay ,requied. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or monev refunded.- Price 25 cents per box, For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. Of Great Importance. - The mo3t important thought with young men now, except mar riage, in this hot weather, is where can I send my shirts, collars and cuffs to hayc them laundried in first class style. See -Tom Johns ton; agent, for Model! Steam Laun day, Charlotte. an 4 COURT PROCEEDINGS. from three month's confinement in " w au;jB U1 twuuty uuiiars ana Monday morning session, court regularly called, minutes read and urs qualified. Cases of Henry Archer under charge of attempt at rape was con- tinUed from absence by sickness of ;Kate McLaughlin, an essential wit ness for the defense. 'The bond by Archen was increased from' $200 to $400 ... Ben GrahamplintifT vs. Melissa Smith L for divorce, v the , said Melissa haying left him' and mar ried Tom Smith. Melissa was proven (an adulteress and prayerfor divorc granted. ' 1 :::: Thef case of I Archer hav ing been postponed, nothing avail- took reCfcM at 11.10 until 2 o'clock, Wm. Whitney V8. North Carolina I ! i Railroad Company, for injuries re- ifTi; sflP 4; y?y 6".-.u6. mu "uB at Cnnnnrrl1 Honnt. Dfifflndflnt moved a dismissal of Claim EO ruled by tW court, and" an appeal was taken by olaintifi. ' mw To Embrace the Second Sunday. W i " V . MR EDITpR: I Wish do announce through your paper that the camp meeting at Bethel, No. iatownshi), will embrace the second Sundav in A uinsAn jrtTT ui. August, beginning on J? riday night before.! A number of preachers are expected. No stands or sales will be allowed on the grounds or in the com munity. - R. F. Bryant, f Pastor. A Cure For neaclacti. As a remedy for all forms of Headach Electric Bitterg has proved to oe tne very best, it enects a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to ts influence We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitbal constipation Elecw trie liitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowles. and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it Qnce, Fifty cents andSLOO a : Fetzer's Drug Store. Weather Keport for July. Prof. H T J Lud wig, of Mt. Pleas- ant, sends us the following weather report for July, 1896 : Highest temperature on 6U:h. Lowest temperature 61 on 9,h. Average temperature 78 2. General direction of wind, south Number days clear r 4; ; partly cloudy, 3; cloudy, 19. Number days on which rain fell 19 ; Rainfall for month 6 83 inches. . I! KAIN FALL FOR YEAR, January February Much April May j June July; 206 in. 5 89 41 2 19 u 119 14 J.53 4 33 M 6 83." 25.02 Tota - For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been i used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes -the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for, Urarrnoea, ic win relieve me poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every, part of the world. Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs.; Win slows , Sooth ing Syrnp' and take no other kind A Gold lius Bnrglar. Editor tanard ; Recogniz ing in you one of the noble half dozen or so of sound money editor in North Oaroliua who boldly and fearlessly fought for what they honestly believed to be right, 1 send you the following ; The burglar beat upon his breast; . . And madly tore his hair; . For when he broke, into the bank : He fpund 'free silver", there. V Yours truly, J f J. CJ. bTEPHENSON . Statesv.ille, N. CI .- getting up a,, wed iag- trptisseaa, think how many women are tired outr Dress. ; makers, seam s tre s se s j " shop irls," milliners all hard-worked and weary over .it ; to say nothing' of ihe young ' lady herself. j Kittiner or standins? : all , day is the haf d estTcind of work ; it pives you no healthy well - balanced ex ercise ; part. of the-, body is over?orked and the rest1 of it ii -under-worked The pish; the appetite is poor, the stoniach is 6ut of order ; the bowels are constipatea, you nave neaaacues ano dizzy spens. 41 s 1m exercise in the daylierht as you need. Tha test ueio vou can nave in tne circumoiances is a simple laxative medicine like Doctor nearly as any medicine can supply the want ot iree exercise wmcn w lacKing in all in-door's woik. They cure dyspepsia, biliousness andiconstipation in a pleasant or weakenincr effect with the " Pleasant l .'ySkl I strengrth to the stomach and intestines to ao gular the " Pellets V can be stopped. You don't have to take them iorever. 1 1 ne curt I ts permanent. Dr.: Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are small children like them sugar-coatea granules ; agreeaDie xo iaKc. t.JZ&a will receive a samrile tackae:e free if you will send your name and address to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, B! N-! The Peoole's Common Sense Medical Aa- viser. riser. By R. V. Pierce, M. D. Chief Consult- huj Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, a book of ioo3 large )ages, over 300 niustraiiqns, some ui wem n colors, bound in strong paper covers will be sent to any one sending 21 cents in one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only Over 680.000 copies bf this complete family Doctor Book already sold in cloth biudis t regular pric of $.so. 1 We want to ' - v: v 'H;' We are determined not to spend our lime and energy grumbliBsr about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. 'Jvovt, in 03: der to make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever h.-iJ, "sa, are butting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to mke them hc We are going to do away with Stickers- We will make Mvere out thera.; Jlere gojs: a small sizes, 2j, 3, 3f and 4 that we them but cost $2 and over. They - NO. 2. About one hundred rjair patent leathers,) some tans some Xhey cost from $1 to 1.50. Tfcey NO. 3. -About 50"oairs Ladies and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 S2and$2.50- They must go. NO. 4 H-About 75 prs of Ladies Bay State and Padan Bros., all to won t be here long They must go. JNO. 5 A few prs,ot Misses Uxiords, sizes VI to 1, to go at &uc. NO. 6. FOR MEN; A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfoida at -SI. They are 81.50 ehoes, and SPECIALS. - " . Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c.fc,WomeES solid Leather PebbJe Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are SI shoes, all fresh and nice. JMies fine Dongola kid button ; shoes, made at Alexandria, VaJ Solid as Sy shoe in the uarket, regularSl.50 hees to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil ooesv lace aDa gaiters uc ; resularvl.25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday bhoes, 1.00 fpolui are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads nnoV retail them, at wbolfEaio : uA.aA Mono flrio HoroA flnftta at lust half trice. ve cavf everything in the line of clothing and urnishing , goods- Everything up to date and at prices that can't be beat anywhere in the State Call atJ see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cna- tomers JOB-Twenty-five suits of fine its, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit.'- Swits Call on us and see these and o thereat tractions. GAWWON'S FETZER It , Offer this week 15 cases of tlie! best $1.00 v shoe for ladies on thev market They come in Gloye, Grain, 'But too and Lace ; . yVe also have them at 75 cents and they are as good : as-you can buy for 75 cents, but-the $1,00 shoe is the ? greatest xalue to tie -found,- a " :-Teri Cases of MensT - UCE MID COHOBE.SS at $1 00 to $1 . 5o; T h n f isyx Igood , shoe . And easy pair. Is"" iin'rv nnteed to be as rpit sen ted ornior.ey bspkv 100 dozen iLirtb jn. Laurjdried, Unlauu dried! and Work. Shirts at 15 cents to Sl,00. We can please all in this line. -150DOZEN- HOSIBE for Ladies, Men and - Children. - We have plenty of those Low Shoes-yec. lor Misses and Ladies. Beat tlie Record for July! r, will pell at SI a pair. Not a pair amons must go. of Ladies Fine Oxford Tiee, sora fine dongola pat tips all , to go at .T5ct must go. ' I fine Oxfords, all Zeiiglers, tan. gja. to 4i. All to go at 31, Made to sell at ' i Oxfords and 1- strap Sandals Zeiglnv go in at S1.2. Call for them tbsy 1 ; are fresti stock ust bought them. in Htraw hats at 1UC. some 01 iiieiii.. - All - Wool Cassim lere iyrc: iThey are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00Asuifc3. ,