Vol. XI1L No. 90, CONCOIUVN. C, TUESDAY, ; .AUGUST 4, 1896 Whoiye NO. 1,469 A TWKTfiTTNPFMF NTN Pne tnamunns iroaoie. . 1 Leffler Said; BO, 1 Will nQt whip if I Preparing for the Tournament. Aiuwuiivwfu- -The court of county commission- u Viin it- win on i. ohf K.'a fAJ Th tnnnff nonnio Ant of rwB ers went into session this (Tuesday) j bacco. Lately heard convicts- Bay mill are making extensive prepare uiuuiiig. unauuiaa rc, wwu. taey naa n lent v, and some more nons ior cne tournament, oase call than they needed." and picnic that is to take place next Wiley Earnhardt: "1 know noth- Tuesday. It will be one of the larg- FOR SHEPIFF. I hereby aunounce mylf a can- Wil,iam Propat, J W Foil and John didae for the office of. Sheriff -of flaharrnn rnnntv. snbieCt tO tQ6 .vwv. bvc Democratic nominating convention, business was to hear complaints iQg of these charges, was with gang et gatherings ever in thatsection of against Mr. H 0 1 tier with regard jn February or March. ; When men the country and a great time is wanted more they icalled for It arid promised. The' to ornament, which Respectfully, THOMAS WHITE, , FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the effice of cotton weigher to treatment of convicts. Mr. VW Aj Parish was present and accorded the privilege of asking witnesses such questions as the . t . - - - .. - i -"Was with1 san? last month. natang convention. materially important or relevant. (Hand srot plenty, and threw away t. A. AKUnilAJjU. TTnhhpVf. Smith had nnthin tn i u-; '-t1 ;lu -.iu1. - . & uieau iuiu tue wiicio wucu puvj, gut testify ggamst Mr, Letter. for Catenas county, subject to the court.adjudged pertinent.- . . ;) decision ; of the Democratic nomi- Alex. Shuuiin testified to .nothing u got it. Shuman victs fared well, victs rations." r Ed Litaker ;- seven months prioVto cooked then. ; Cons will take placiHn the afternoon, will No eatiDg of conn be one of the main attractions. vnn TJPRTRTWR CT? DEEDS'. ' t . lr M Dolf Fisher said: "Hands did I hereby announce. myselt a can- :A , t f ;'t. ' didate for the effice of Register of not have enougb to " eat. Much Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject Complaint was made by convicts. to the Democratic nominating con-1 Did. not know anvthine about the nention. .. Keppecttuny, W. REECE JOHNSON.. a chance, to keep it from being warmed oyer for them. Sometimes under their pillows. put Mr. ( In cuiing con-. sumption there! nothing like taking Time by the fore. lock ; Doctors say consumption can't be; cured j they have acrguments to prove it. But when , they see it cured ' right! under , theit face and eyes by LI No. 11 township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Having been solicited by numer rmc voters of Cabarrus county, I letters." (Complaints of treatment by letter were before .the court, signed jOhaingang.') Disobeyed Mr. Lefler inUeavjing tent.". " " .Tom Cole : "Did not write but knew who wrote letters Did not hereby announce myself a candidate get enough to ; eat - Mr. Letter's ject - to the action of the county Democratic nominating convention. . Respectfully, GEORGE F.BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. Leffler gave berries sometimes at re- U ,Va p 'k ttU 1 t , i . Or. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery, quest of men. Kne w, of Mr. Ltffler lheyadmit that them's something wrong, tvi swajJ rations." " " ' about tlieir arguments and ' something' I : yr- t.'w- vjfu'. jtn-; J wonderful about the ' Discovery ,;fIt uaiu u S ''.Tr . -UAU& . icn't miraculous. It won't cure everv t 1 BICK Offer this week" 15 cases of the best $1.00 shoe for ladies on the uiartet! They come in Gloye, Grain, Button . and Lace. We also have them at 75 cents , . and they aie as good v, as you can buy for 75 v; : jcents,., but the S1.00( . sh'oe is the greatest value to be found; , . -Ten Cases of Mens' - week and some Sundays along before case ; but it cures a supnsingly large per?. v li'O' ' ' ' r ' u ' i : ; ' centage of cases, even when the patient was with gang. Men had plenty. is pretty far gone with a bad cou&, and FOR COTTON WEIGHER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigheT for Cabar- boys eat our rations, "threw sand in our aces; drove over my ; leg.1 I told them they ought to go slow I had locks on my legs. Mr. Lefler said if they don't get out of the way, drive oyer them. When they not sustained got mad he kept our tobacco. I know of one letter.' heard of the otlier. Was afraid to ask for any. I gave them more when they wanted bleeding from the lungs, and reduced al- . ' - - r"-' r u i - j : 4i most to a shadow. Consumption is a it. Mike Ltffler helped to cook con- aw r,e want frh victs food 'and ate one ' dinner, supply of pure rich blood and plenty of Sometima molasleslwere exchanged but always paid - back. Always plenty. Buckets, generally had some left in them." , y ' . Decision of court -was: Charges rus county, subject to the Demo thing, one . was whipped bo badly. C.ratic Convention. h? T.i'faVor Hr Irnnnlra nn mift nf nespectiuiiy, HAEVEY A. GREBER. Cure For. Head neb. As a rmedy for - all forms of Headacb JElectric Bitters has proved to be the very ' best. It effects a it : that is what the "Golden Medical Dis. covery" gives them. .It is a blood-maker. ; It gives the . blood - making functions . power to produce a large quantity of the nourishing red corpuscles which make healthy Itfe-giving blood. ;This stops the wasting; drives out the impurities; heals . the ulceration and begins a rapid building-up prpCess, of 'solid, substantial flesh ancl vital energy. . ; -l ; : j ; , It isn't only consumptives vrho need the Discovery. It cures every form of chronic blood-disease and all scrofuloui and eruptive affections. Mr. Isaac E. Downs, of Spring Valley, Rock land County, V., writes r " For three years 1 had suffered from that terrible disease, consump tion, mid heart-disease. Before taking Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 1 nau wasicu way to a skeleton; could not sleep nor rest, anq luce; id. mm hi in permanent cure and the most dread the men. Got not much but bread, ed habitual sick heaaaches yield to blackberriwBnd-ter-iai berry dJfi0 , , . v . - - - i otnirttort Tft nrnniiro o. nnrr.ia onn i oh - . . i time. Been , fainne badly since, crixra fhin roTYirtrlv . fain trial:. xTn VCiTl COTTON WEIGHER. xi . . i ? ' ' r.... Would not Rftv anvthinff Thev cases ot habitbal constipatiori Elec reeling eomeuegree uieuuuuragu- - fv --j n - gitters cures by giving the ment by the genial attitude of my would be meaner. Saw Lafler boy d d , onQ to tne bowl es, and few fellow -men in the county. I most I eat convict's rations. In berrv time I case loner resist the use of this respecttully ask your tavorable con- -fi kooh rT rut aftnfo0ri i,w medicine. Try it once. Jbifty cents weigher, subject to the action of the molasses and colored with berries. I democratic county convention. Respectfully, know that side of tent and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drhg Store. i VI hoitVi leirtwiv hut surelv develooed themselves while taking the " Discovery." Today I tip th scales at one-hundred-and-eighty-seven, and am vell and strong. The ' Golden Medical Discov ery has also cured ray daughter of a very baa nWr Incited on the thiirh. After tryinsr almost everything without success we purchased three J bottles of your ! Disco 'ery which healed tt J perfectly." Yours truly. -' - ar $1.00 to $1.50. That is a good f-ho and v easy pair. Js nar- ( pnteeel tovbe us r-xr-:-' sen ted or money b'a ck. 100 dczen-iriitir :"n I- Laundriedr Uiilauii- dried , and Work Shirts at 15 cents to $1,00. We can please all in this liDe; - 1 150 DOZEN . . for Ladies, Men aird Children. We have plenty jf those Low Shoes' yet, for Misses arrd Ladies. 9U CLCkC HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. T J 1 1 I i J .Dreau raw ana oau gomeuaies aau of Great Inmortance. - not enongh sometimes Did not The moat important bought feSSSsSSftS put with young men now, except . mar SILVERSfllRTVlllSTSETS 25 Cents was down to k?ep us from sticking our riage in tnIS hot weather, is where i ji a. i uii r i. tj can l eenu mv suirce, couar& ana , . r r t cuffs to nayo them laundned In on qonaay. j.nouKnt ic was jpui fi rBt cla83 ctvie. See Tom Johns- down to keep us from seeing them toa, agent, for Model Steam liaun- teat our rations. Soiders in our dr?. Charlotte. au 4 peaa, could not eat them, some got sick. Did not say they would have School wm wcvlemoer ",ni to blow me down- Did not scratch At the regular monthly meeting We want to Beat . the Ilecord for July". ALL GOODS AT GRHATLY my meat under bed or in the ground! of the graded school commissioners Mr. JPansh asfced me if I was going Monaay aicernoon, it was aecmru to be at trial. Did not vet marl At to open the city graded schools on about dull times. We will pitch id and make times lively. Now. in or o I - - ' 1 n i. i iL z at- iL i x r. i i . ; v. j Mr. Lefler about clothes ' Did not Monday, September 14, to continue er lut l"1B ?A momu oul .we .uavo ,Vif u' uAr, ucuer BUUU6 oiuiues. iiu noc .wa0J yr are puttmgr out a lot of "Hummers ' and we are going to make them hum. We are determined not to spend our time and energy grumbling REDUCED PRICES.- A- B. CORRELW OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL get plug of tobacco every Saturday for eight mouths night or Sunday morning. .John Cole "Did not write the We . will make Mo vtrs out of J. F. HTJRLEYr INSURANCE IAGEMT, ' Office over . FETZEKS DRUG STORE. letters. Did not get enough to eat sometimes. Had meals without meat. Blackberries and bread for dinners, once for supper. Saw Paul ana DiiKe x.ener eai convict s nour oreaa ana molasses, sometimes e We are going to d6 away with Stickers. thera. Here goes: . . . About GO nrs of Ladies fine shoes of Z eider's anil Reed's mskes. all small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 that we will fell at 1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost $2 and over. They must go. u NO. 2.About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some one dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. CONCORD MARKETS, COTTON MARKET. ; . . r - ... Corrected by Cannons & Eetzer. Good middling.......... ......... 7 40. Middlings ......... ...... 7.25 Low middling ........... ......6.40 Stains ... to 6 PRODUCE MAjsKEx . Corrected bv C. W Swms. XSacon 7 to 8 Sugar cured nams .. a . ... .... loto 12 i Bulk meatSjSides. 7 to 8 Beeswax 20 Butter ......... iot0l5 Chicken..: ..10to25 Oorn ....45 Eggs......... ... . ................. 10 Lard....... 70 Flour(North Carolina) .....1 Meal...... ......... ...... ... . ...... ... .. 45 Oats ; "...735 Tallow 3to5 whole meals. Got my tobacco reg nlatly till two weeks before I got tesSgS-SSffilgSSb uii, men got none. uia noi gee enough after Shuman did not cojk. Last H months was trusty. Went in tent and eat enough sometime?, sometimes they fried more meat arid we ate it. Sometimes did not know but is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will core all Diseases caused ly Derangement of the liver and Bovls. 4 ' ' . The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back i Sides or . t . i . m . I fnints. often mistaken for Rheumatism : bour W naC We WOUld nave IOr. dinner, gtomacli; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how Uiey. recovered health hey COBfcfrom tb SI. 50. They must ffO. - - fi f 3 Al-niif Kfl nAira T.oniaa fina flTrfnfri a nil 7amlaia tort erraxr and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to i . All to so at$l. Made to sell at $2 and $2.50 They must go. NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeigrlers. Bay State and Padsn Bros., all to go in at $1.25. Call for them they won't be here loner. Thev must ?o. NO., 5. A f ew prs of Misses Oifords, sizes 12 to lr to go at 50c. NO. 6 FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords This unrivaled remedv is warranted not to contain I of. SSI. I nPV fiTft .Sl.nO shnfla.,.ttnri ftrA frAsh sfnrtr inftt. rmncrht fripm. a smgie panicie ui iviiiJccuKt, auj buwjov.. cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine In the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, SPECIALS. woe oernes two or tnree times per wesek. Nobody asked me to make charges against Mr. Lefler. Mr. Parish and others asked me how we fared. - j Miles L ilisenheimer was guard under Mr. Lefler. I don't know a thing about this ration busi ness. Have heard them ask for more and they got it One time I heard them! say they could not pick without more rations; Jim Wil liams would not work right Ur. "Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c&WomenB solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes 'at 75c. These are 1 costive and lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, witha BDOeP, all ireBU &DQ B1C6. UOieS DD8 JUUUgUitt KlU UULLUXi biiucb, jxiuuu au painful sensation of having failed to do something Alexandria, Ya. Solid as any shoe in the market, regular 50 shoes, to gpirLTareno &o at $1 Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace. and gaiters at $1. They are Eyes; adi-y Cough, often mistaken for Consumption, regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English lies, every-clay bnoes, l.W bOIJCl .somedmes many of these symptsattdjhe a leather can make them.4 Bigjob in straw hats at 10c, some of them 1n?heto?vef are 50c hats. - We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them, at wbolfsale and if not Reeulated in time, creat suflFering, wretch- tmc, ira VinnrtrArl MAnn fin A Sftrcfl CjCihta at lOfit half uriCC 'We haVO edness and DEATH wiil en,ue. .. - I ..t. U 1r4-V:. rA ftimfahi'niy trrxnria. P.voTirtniTlfr n-n Attest to tne I cv ci j itu xxi ui tuo uuo vi tiiunuiuf, . umuf, . . . -w- j our cus- ions livoi regulator: Gen.w.s. Uq date and at prices that can t be beat anywnere in tne btate. f S. W. R.l Co.; Rev. J. R. Felder, I lf t- rfAi PfnvAo xtra oro hnvrrr rrtaria fnr rrv.Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks Albany, Ga.; C. Master- BaiUtliOBJUi wo wlU4UO w i,.,SheriffBibbCo.,Ga.; J.A.Buttr.Bainbridge, I tOmerS . " " ' : - ' " ' - The following highly-esteemed persons virtues of hiMMQNS Holt, Pres. Ga Pe ion Ga.; Rev.'J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Power, Supt. Ga. S. W. K. R. ; Hon. Alexander ri. btephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it .is the ..best medicine the world ever saw.'- We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem-porm-y relief ; tbe Keguktor not only relieved, but cured k."tx. Telvkafii and Messkmgek, Maco,Ga- .V . ; . MivVACTURKII. OKVt BY v: . $" J. XX. ZEXXI2V A CO.. Pbiilphia..Pk.J 1 ; JOB Twentyfive suits of nWAll-, Wool Cassimere in Cutaway.Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. ? They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call onus and see these and otherjattractions. ,! ; : ; J 3 CANNONS1 FETZER