Vol. XIIL-No. 92, COEC01lT, N. C, THURSDAY AUGUST 6, 1896 Whohe NO. 1,471 i ANNOUNCEMENTS. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Wbnt 10 to 1 Is KocU Hill Camp Meeting Begins. FOR SHERIFF, Some of the Cases Disposed Of Dnt- Inff the Term. A reader of The Standard has Presiding elder J W Thomas, I. herebv announce myself a can- Fannie Melton vs. P B Fetzsr. didator'the office of Sheriff of Suifc for damages. Verdict in fa- nfthrrns nnuntv. SUnect 10 iue Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, ' THOMAS J. WHITE. FOtt COTTON WEIGHER. ! hertrbv 'annoance mvself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decisoi of the Democratic nomi nating convention. - , F. A. ARCHIBALD. vor of defendant. Appeal taken. . M A Sloop vs. Jj M Morrison, administrator V of Jim Judgement for plaintiff. Kelson Shoe.va. GFrnith. Shoe required to give $50 bond for costs in 30 days or suit dismissed. Joe Scott vs. J6hn A Craven. Verdict for defendant, , W C Colemau vs. Fannie Melton continued on condition that defend ant increase bond for appeal from . for register of deeds. I hereby announce myself a can- justice of peace court, didate for the office of Register of - Tallin r vs. .W Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating con nention. Respectfully, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. ; :"'. J"'" " asked us two questions -which will bo recognized by our answers, v r ; Free and unlimited coinage of silver means that any one holding silver, be it sbarey old watch cases, i plate ware, spoons; etc., or any other Xluttz. 1 form, may take it to the .mints and have it coined free of charge, the expense being borne by the govern ment, and no limitations" as to quantity. " - ' "; 2 Vv, Sixteen to one means - that the ratio shall be such, that a pound 'of gold shall make just r 16 times : as many coined dollars as av pound , of silver. There is lo be no refusal to coin either gold or silver when pre- JbeSaliirjg ys. JoeLoye. Appeal isented aod no matter what :quah- Court adjourned Wednesday even- for Vjotton weigher. ': Having oeen solicited by numer ous voters of Cabarrus county, I hereby announce, myself a candidate for thft office of cotton weisaer. sub- Kednced Ratesj ,i V M Reduced rates as follow will be made on dates named with fioa? limit 12 days from dat'e of sale. Concord to Washington $13.00, to altjmore via Norfolk Baltimore 0 A Q R For Infants and Children. ject to the action of the county hinfe steamer ;$1100, . to - New - Democratic nominating convention -Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. York via Norfolk and O 0 S S Co. 19.00, all rates for round trip. In connection with these rates there will be 10 day rates. Washington to Baltimore and return S2 00, WftaViin rrf nn fr Philorloli-kUio date for cotton weigher for Cabar return 6 00, .Washington to New rus county, subject to the Demon York and return 10.00, Baltimore cratic convention. 1 ; to Philadelphia and return ' S4.00. I. 9 Baltimore to New York and ") retnTTi HARVEY A. GRiEBER. Uonn r.. August 10th 'to lltb, final limit 12 (days from date of sale. : I. ' : FOR COTTON WEIGHER. eeling some degree of encourage- .mejat by the genial attitude t)f my fellow-men in the county, I most respectiully ask your tavorabie con Cure For IleaUaeli. As a remedy for all forms of sidp.ratinn a randidntfl for o.ntt on Headach Electric Bittere has proved weigher, subject to the action of the 10 De; tnevery oest. it eflects a i Til -rDemocratic county convention. RespectfaliT, HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. Campaign Buttons; 5 cents each at permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield .to ts influence. , We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this rem6dyt a fair trial. In cases of habitbarconstipation Elec trie Bitters cures by . giving: the needed tone to the bowles, and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once, Fifty cents and Sl.UO at tfutzer's Drug Store. Ul's klrv OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. " : ' ' I J. F. HUR.LEYT INSURANCE AGENT, Office over FETZER'S DRUG STORE. CONCORD MARKETS, COTTON MARKET. ' Corrected by Gannons. & Fetzer, Good middling.......... ......;.; 7 40. Middlings 7.25 Low mitdlinf ... . "f? 4ft Stains ... f to 6 ; PRODUCE fAttlE Corrected bv C. W Swmk. Bacon........ 7 to 8 Sugarcured nams . . ... ....... 10tol2J Bulk meat3,sides... . . ; . . .. .t 7 to 8 Beeswax.. .......;........... 20 Butter . .....'." "iotol5 Chickena... ...;.....ioto25 Corn..... ............................45 . Eggs......... ................... 10 Lara...... ....... ,f ,..........,; 70 Flour(North CarolinaV.,'V.'l!!Vl Si Meal...... . K, 45 uats..v.;v;.. Tallow ..... ' ! simila elgnatars 1 : ' - IS 08 erer wrapper. Rev. A M Mclver and Rev R A Simmons, pastor in charge, will begin the Roc E church ' campmeeticg four miles west of this citjr tomorrow, August 6ch, to continue until Wednesday August 12, when the series will close with the grand Christian march. Provisions nave bee a made to accommodate all who may desire Up attend. Vhitej friends are in- viiea to go. ; Kven Blacksmith wbo are supposed to represent great strength and perfect health, are likely tl die of consumption M e r e muscu,larit3 isn't always health. Disease will develop rapidly once let th germs of consump tion get 4nto a man's system, and it will kill him certainly anc" surely! if he doesn't take the .propel measures to get ritf of it. Exercise anc work and dieting and all that sort of thmj are good enough it their way, t ,bUt copi , sumption is one; oi thelhings that they won't cure. V The.bacil lus of consumption is a living organism, 1' is infinitesimal, but it is alive. The onlj way to get rid of it is to kill it. If it isn'; killed, it ill develop and multiply. Gerntf are wonderfully prolific. In . the quickes imaginable time, one becomes a thousand and a thousand a million. Dr. Pierce't Golden Medical Discovery is' a germ hunte: It i i Offer this week W cases of the best'SI.OO shoe for ladies on the ;: market ; They come in Gfloye,' Grain, ".Button : and Lace. .We also have them at 75 cents '." and they- aie as i gobct as you Gan buy lor 75 cents, but the $1.00 .! shoe is the greatest, 1 xalue.tp be found,, -Ten" Cases of,AIensr- V. T.l I i Professor Boone's Bnrled Sinn Woke Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 5. Proffc880r Boone, a WelMinown hyp- andagerm killer Wherever a disease gera noti8t, put J J Wyatt tinder his mysterious influence yesterday, and announced that he: would bury his subject and bring him to next Fri day, after an interval of three days. Wyatt had previously consented to the arrangement, arid the burial took place at Fair View Park lar.t night, at 10:30 p. m.,' a tube being passed down to , where he lav. He was buried four feet under the ground and a guard was placed at the grave. Shortly before noon to-day Wyatt cime out of the influence and began screaming like a wild man when he both young and old. The profits on the sail ble this free edition. Address, World's Di peusary Medical AfSoc:nt.iot. Buffalo, N. Y lurks in the bodv. the "Discovery1 find it will render it harmless. It doesn'; make anv difference what you call your dis ease, or what kind of a germ it is. - All germ? circulate in the blood. The ' Golden Med ical Discovery" purifies the blood purges it of germs enriches it with life-givmj properties. It not, only kills disease, but i builds up health. It is a tonic, a nervine or nerve-food, or invigorator and blood-po tifer, all in one bottle. . . if you want to know all of the facts abon ?iis vronderful - remedy if you want tt know all about the human body, and humai health, and sickness and ho to get rid of it, send for Dr Pierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser, a standard med ical, work of 1008 pages, pro fusely illustrated, which wi! be sent free on: receipt of 21' one-cent stamps to cover oP of mailing only. This worl is a complete family doctos book and should be read 03 D HI realized his situation. He was hur riedly dug up and it was some time before he could be cooled down. He protested against a second inters ment, but Prof. Booue soon got him under control and Wyatt was again pat down in the earth. TheexperN ment is attracting much attention. at $1.00 to $1.50. That is a good ' phoe and easy pair. Is --guars-anteed to be as repre sented or rnone' -liaok- 100 dozen Shirts in Lauridried, Uulauii dried and .Work Shirts at 15 cents to $l,i)0. We can please all in this line. 150 DOZEN for Ladies, Men and Children. . '.We have plenty of thoseLow Shoes yet, for Misses and Ladies. 1 i We want tfj Beat Forest II ill News, Mr. John F-Troutman has closed out his soda fountain on Spring street and will retire to private life. Mr, Robert Early has moved to the cottage recently occupied by Mr. G F Stewart.' Mr. 0 T Troy left this morning for Liberty, N. 0., tc visit his father, Mr. A.LTroj, of that place. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J F Blalcck died last night and will be buried this evening: at the cemetery. One ft f the mules on the new rail rod received a sun-stroke yesterday evening which proved almost fatal. Miss Bettie Walter, of Cannon ville, is visiting Mr. A E Walter on North Third street. ' ! Some of our pseudo-patriotic- free silver-fusion howlers need a new fashioned gun in the coming campaign one that, while it hurls one missile at the enemy in front, will crash two into us irr the rear . tlie Meoord for July. We are determined not to spend our Jfcime and enoiy ;rurnbliig about dull times. We will pitch id and mae times lively. Now, in oi der to make this incoming month the biggest July we hay ever LadwB are putting out a Jot of 'Hummers and we. aregoing to make them huau rank who can't quite keep up with We are coing to do away with Stickers, We will make Movers out of their hop, skip and jump rate. ASK the recovered . m rK'snpDHcs hilioiis suf- i'TTI'ferers. victims of fever . 35 ...3tc5 "Blow Hot and Blow Cold." , The Southern will do everything possible for the convenience and comfort of - its employees who work in the new 1 shops at this place Among other devices tor the com fort of the workmen the company is arranging a system of fans in each department of the shops that will, in the sammer months keep a cool breeze stirring, and in the win ter a warm breeze that will keep the workmen comfortable will be carried by them from .the engine room.Sali8bury World. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills stop Headache. ippltand ague, the mercurial M. feSS diseased , patient, how uiey recovered health, sft:m$S appetite: theywul teU Liver Regulator. Tlio Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in th.e World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, JauruHce, Bilious attacks, SICK. HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particls of Mckcvky, or any mineral substance, tUU5 " PURELY VtCiTA8Lt, ; " Containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise- Providence has placed in countries" where T.?vr ripa? mnit nrevaiL It Will CUTe all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Lfver and JSowels. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in, the Back, Sides or oints, often mistaken for Rheumatisms our tonaachi Loss of Appetite: Bowels alternately costive and lax ; Headaclie ; I-oss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have beenj done ; , Debility ; TjOW Spirits a thick, yellow appearance -of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption.';' Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the disease, at othirs very few ; but the- Liver, the largest brgan in the body, is generally th seat of the disease, and if not Regulated time, great suffering, wretch-, edness r.nd'TiJcIATH wiff-ensU'ev ;,".'.? ".?' j 'The foil owing;. highlyeeiMed-' persons, attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator: Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ca. S. W, R. It. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, rcrry.Ga.; Cel. E- K. Siarks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Esq. ,Sheri;f Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bain bridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R: ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. Ws have tested, its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and llirobbing Head ache, it is the 'best' medicine the world ever saw. We have triedtfortv other remedies before .Sinim ons Ii-er RegTilatorj and none of them gave us more than tem oorary relief: tl.e Regular v not onljHrelieved, but cured ti." Eu. TlO-SGKAPH ANET MKbSfejGKRrMACON, GA MAKUFACTUSFH ONLY BY T' J. II. ZUJJls Si CO.. Philadelphia'. Pa. them. Here goes: About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Roed's makes, a& -small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 that we will Fell at $1 It pair. Not a pair amoug them but cost $2 and oy er. . a They must go. NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford .Ties, some patent leathers, some taDS, some fine dongola pat tips, all to eo at 75c. rbey cost from $1 to 1.50. They must go. ? .... NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers. tan. crey end black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at 31. Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. t NO. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1- strap Sandals Zeiglers. Dnn Sfhtn On4 -;Tr Ann T? TCS- oll-fr tf r 5n nf 61 OS! rf'nll ffw lYi cm lilt Tf won't be here long. They must go. . - . NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to J, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: 'A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are f res a stock just bought them. : "Womens Solid Leathf-r Shoes at 65c.fcftWomens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all freRh and nice.' Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made ht Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rxarket, regular bl-50 fehoes to go at SI- Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at $1. - They aro regular 1,25 shoes. Hens heavy, English Ties, everyday shoes, 1.00, bolid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at; wboitsale prices. - One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. ,Ve have everything in the line of clothing end furnishing goods. Lyory thing up to date and at prices that ctrn't be beat anywheie m the State, Lail ana see samplesof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our customers- - . . . ; . JOB Twenty-five suits of finelAli-Wbol Cassimere in Cutaway'.rock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 0Q a suit.1 jThey are 10.00, 12:50, and 15.00suits. Call on us and see these and otherjattractions. . . CAN WO WS & FETZER s

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