Vol. XI1L No. 94, CONCOIUV N..C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1896 Whose NO. 1473 ANNOUNCEMENTS. i MOONSHINER IN JAIL. A wofLtan never really knows the hippmees and content mean' do or FOR SHEPIFP. ot th ontil she 'u the mother of a healthv. Jns. happy child. The health of the Caught in the Upper Edge County and Brought to Jail - IIpa F.mprnn rmnmllii llfii. I hereby announce myself a can- . T " ichiid depends upon the health of :didae for the office of Sheriff of kv; w"' j the mother, both before-and after Cabarrus county, subject to the snip nave gone at it in the proper birth.. Mcst all of woman's weak- Democratic nominating convention, way to break up whiskey peddling jpes and particularly the weakness Respectfully, in that section of the nnnntrv. Fnr ;tnat most strongly influences the THOMAS J. WHITE. ! xnni:.fhaxr i h lf alth of children, comes from son e M H KUJ UMV. 'CtU UCOICXU ' V tinctly feminine organs. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cjre trou blea ot this nature. It should he wnw'rha nnnnt.v. -nhit-to the Thursday last one D A Evans, dris ake regularly oy every. woman du X KJ 1 v . J w - -j , tK . I 1 : decision of the Democratic nomi- yinp an old gray horse to a little natmg convention. "uivered" wagon drove into the com- contents of his little -brown 'iug to mother and child. Thereby announce myself a can- , , - , . , i uereuy auu b: f took a part in the transaction and FOR COTTON. WEIGHER. I herebr announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher with this olass of itinerants, but one of the old stagers will molest "them or for a time at least. On no more Firemen Delegates. At a recent meeting of the N Con cord Hose and ReeV Company, Chief of Tepart merit J L Boger and Y C Cald ell were elected dele gates to represent the company at the Association meeting in Salisbury on the 18th. R Will JohnBton and J L Brown were elected alternatef. Our company will go in a body, wearing their prettv uniforms. ring the entire period of gestation. It gives strength to all the organs involved, lessens the pains of child birth and insures the health of both FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. rliHntA fnr the cfnee of Reeister of : '- -" . .t l . i - it. . j. -r-. Deeds for Cabarrus, county, subject carried tne peaaier betore Require Moore Emerson ana. sued out a war rant of commitment. Evans is now - . - .. . j. i i . spenuing tnese not summer days in j the county" jail. f ' oc T" . r x- nevenue omcer rt o Harris was notified of the arrest of the peddler I to the Democratic nominating con nentionl Respectfully, - W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. Send 21 one cent stamps to cover cost ot; mailings-only and receive f ree a copy of v D r. Pi tree's : Med ical Adyiser. Address. World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Buffi- lo, N. Y. i.;-r, ; Men aie ofte v?tser than they act They know how t be happy but some- lilies they are mi? onrt ntrftiorhtnroir mciHa oawnrj nf I mif?rity . f 04T FOR COTTOlf WEIGHER. Haying been solicited by numer- rmc vnfprfl nf (llbarruS COUnfV. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate the man'd property. for the effice of cotton weigher, sub- If people in other localities would ject to the action of the county sue out warrants and arrest peddlers Democratic nominating convention. 0j thi3 kinfd f before notifying the revenue officers, there would be a iitliere is no happiness out health ; yet tlie tieglect health. The3 allow dyspepsia and biliousness and' con stipation to ce' a hold on them and make, life wretched iuose inrec uoiiipia.inLs usuany v.uu. iu. gether. Constipation aflects the stomach and liver. , That b?ir.gs on bilious attacks and indigestion, headaches, nausea, dizzi tiess, queer sensaf.otis ot weakness ana pai oitation. Your nerves are unstrung-, you J system, is sluggish. You Ipse ambition. The fact is your whole constitution is uemg Blowly undermined. What you need; is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, r They cure constips-tion, dyspepsia and bit iousness in the onlv sure, permanent way. There is nothing-violent or irritating about d . I . i r j I laeill, LUCY. WU1K luiiuiy mwugu viAAvij a ho 7l the Populists do make They tone and strengthen, the bowels tc Vinti t tht Hr'rtft ' I Aninnriitin rnrrv on their 'functions naturally. The? Lit 1 i Offer this week 15 . cases of the best $1.00 shoe for ladies on the market They come in , Gloye, Grain, Button arid Lace We also have them at 75 cents and they aie as good as you can buy for 75 cents, but the 1.00 shoe is the greatest xalue to be found, -Ten Cases of Mens'- The Aliham election returns now place Johns tin's (Democrat) Governor at nearly 40.000 and m? 1 m! what a racket mi m Respectful lv, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. ' great deal less crookedness going on; FOR COTTON WEIGHER 1 hereby announce myself a candi- Tlie Concord Ul&rti School. The Concord High School will begin its next session on Monday cratic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRiEBR. date for cotton weigher for Cabar August 3lst. Ini resnonse to the rus county, subject' to the Demo 1 . . c , . .. , Deen aeciaea to enlarge the scope somewhat, and admit those who are prepared to begin the study of fob cotton weigher. ijatin or -Algebra. During .the . -i - I v . .... - . . . . . SI Feeling some degree of encourage-1 next year the , mathematics and ment by the genial attitude of my 8Cience will be taught by Mr. Walter respectfully ask your favorable con- R o.opson a brother of . the prin. sideration as a candidate for cotton F'- 1 uumpeuu rcueivtu uib weigher, subject to the action of the training at the University of North democratic county convention. Carolina and for the past two yaars Campaign Buttons, 5 cents each at frauds and counting. Yes, yes! iJon c - acknowledge deieat;.. cry fraud : that takes the place of strength, borne of the forces - that shut their minds against facts; and open them only to bitterness will believe, and hold the tighter grip to a waning cause. CA TORIA For Infants and Children. The fae- timila Elgtaturs ot ' Is oa errrj r We wish our Populist brethren would not be harDiner on their Jacksonian and Jefifersonian princi ples. Who ever heard of Jackson and Jefferson flying off bnd fusing with their bitterest political cne riiies when they could not get their whims satisfied? The bones of Jackson and Jefferson make no gently stimulate the flow of bile frpm V?t liver and the digestive juices of the stom ach. You don't become a slave to the ii use as with other pills. They'make you reg ular and then you can leave them. That ii the difference between Ir. Pierce's Jfieasam. Pellets and the something ' just as good,' which a shirp druggist tries to substitute Uon't let him do so with you. tf vo want to keen vour health and strengtt Without consulting- the doctor so often, the besl tnmg you can ao is 10 wrut to the World's-Dispensan Medical Association, But falo. N. Y.. for a copy at Dr. Pierce's great book, the "People's Common Sens Medical Adviser." Send 2! one -cent stamps to cove .cost of mailing only. It u a large book oi ioos pages with over 30a illustrations It is the same book of which 680,000 copies were sold a $1.50 each. - The only dif Jerence is in the binding which in the free editiot is of strong: manilla paper There is no other such complete family docto book in the English language. It is a ventabh medical library, complete in one volume. &enc now before all are given away. They are goini senamg 1m ove geuerom oner is limit ed to 500,000 copies. A ifACHB and Rheumatism relieved at $1.00 tp $1.50. That is a good . .fboe and easy .pair. Is guar anteed to be as repre sented or monev hack. 100 dozen Shirts in Laundried, Unlaun dried and Work Shirts at 15 cents, to 1,00 We can please ; all in this line. ..- - ...... .... - ISO DOZEN iHioTsiisie, y for Ladies, Men and Children. We bare plenty r.f those Low Shoes yer, for Misses aDd Ladies. L01 D kby Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. !errell' Jewelry Mi ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, - victims of. fever and aue, the mercurial diseased patient,' how Uiey recovered health, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. J. F. HTJ-RLEYr IiNSURANeE AGENT, Office over -. . FET ZEE'S DRUG STORE. Graded schools. President Alderman, of the Uni versity, eays of him: XJkiversity of North Carolina, .Department of Pedagogy, Ed wik A. alderman, professor, i mnftlV;:n a Ponnlist minstrel. Chapel Hill, N. O., June 9, '94. Mr, Walter R Thompson has been under my instruction for one year. He is ajoung man of strong mind, fine character, a strong sense of dnty and nieasant address. j f ... .- - ; . - He is a son of D Matt. Tnomp- sod, one of our strongest- teachers. Reared in an atmosphere of good work in teaching, surrounded by the best books relating-to Pedagogy and cognate subjects, I predict for him a useful and successful career in his cLosen profession, " I heartily commend him to those; seeking an effective, high-grade teacher. Yours very truly, We want to Beat CONCORD MARKETS, cotton market. Corrected bv Cannons & Fetzer. Good middling... 7 40. Middlings ....... ...... 7.25 Low middling ..................6.40 Stains ;.. ... ? to 6 PRODUCE MAxtHEx Corrected bv C. W SwmK. uacon..... 7 to 8 Sugarcnred nams. lOto 12J Bulk meats,8ides. .....7 to 8 Beeswax ...........20 Butter . ........................... I0tol5 Ohickena ...,10to25 Oorn..... . .................45 Eggs......... .......... imSho Lard....... 70 Flour(N6rth Carolina). ..."..."...1 S Meal......... 45 Oats V 35 Tallow ? . 3to5 Edwin A, Alderman. Any information regarding the school can be secured by addressing the Principal at Concord. Circu lars can be gotten at the St. Cloud Hotel or at Mr. J O Gibson's office Holland Thompson, Principal, . the stlecord for July. JEW' The Clieapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in tlie World, t We are determined not to spend our time and fnnigy grumbling about dull times. We wilt pitch id and make times live! j. Now, in oin der to make this incoming month the bierere&t July we hav1 rver l ad. we cheerful spirits and good are nutticff out a lot of "Hummers" and we are goiner to iuakib them hum. gM appetite; ; they Will tell wfi arH ooinfir to do awav with Stickera We will make Movers out. of !MrWyou'by taking's,MMON? them..;. Here goes: :-- ' " . LIVER KEGULATOR. Uniit fifV nro rf T.aHioa tio chnoa nf '.oifTlftr'ii onil KPPfi TiilTAS . all small sizes, 2J, 3, 3J and 4 that we will tell at SI a pair. Not a pair among them but cost &2 and over. They must go. - NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans. Borne fine dongola pat tipsj all to go at 7oc. They cost from $1 to $1.50. They must go. " NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies line Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray. and black ooze and fine tid, sizes 1 to 4$. All to go at $1; Made to sell at 2 and $2.50- They must go. . - Vn A A irmf. 7K nra nf Tiflnipfl I lvrnrrla n.rH l-Rt.rnn SonrinTa YM&lP.Tfi. Bay State and Padan Brop., all to go in . at S1.2?. Call for them they won t be here long. TJaey must go. . NO. 5 A few pr8 ot Misses Oxfords, eizes 12 to 1, to go at sue. NO. 6. FOR MEN: ' A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at SI. They are $1.50 shoes, and are irean stock just bought them. For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, but is . ' ' i V PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It wiU CUT6 aU Diseases caused ly Derangement off tlie liver and Bowels. . The SYMPTOMS of Dver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints,- often mistaken for Rheumatism; x Sour Stomach ; Loss of Appetite ; Bowels alternately costive and lax : Headache ; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to ao someuung which aught to have been done; Deinityi Low Kririrs: a thfek. vellow anpearance of the Skin and A Houseliolcl Treasure. D W. Fuller, of Cana joharie, j N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr, Kings New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results" follow its use ; that he would rot be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, Drug gist, Cat8kiU, N. Y., says that Dr. Kick's New Discovery is undoubt edly the best cough, remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight y fears, and it has-never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Whys not try a remedy so long tried and tested . Trial f bo t ties free at Fet zer's Drug store. Regular size 50?. and 81. CO- Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Snmptirnes tnanv ; of these svmptoras attend the disease, at other very few ; but the LlVER, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of thle disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and IiIATIl will erue. .' The folio-win hij-hly-esteemed persons attest to tne virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen. W. S. Holt Pres. ftaSrW. R. R. Co.: Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Cel. E. K. Sparks, Albany.Ga.; C. Master son, Esq. .Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts. Bainbridge, Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H.Stephens. We have tested iti virtues rersonally, and know that for Dyspepsia, B liousaess and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best mediciae the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none ot tbcm gave us more tnan iem yrarv relief : the RezuSator not onlv relieved, but cured lei." Ed. TtiLEGRArH and Messenger. Macon, GAv 1 . ' MANUKACTURED ONLY BY J . H. ZEIIxIX & CO.: ThiUdelphia, Pa. FIREINSORANCE. When in heed ot Fire Insuiance, call and see us, or viite. We iepre sent only firstclat. Home ana a or eign companies. Respectfully, Woodh u K & Hll.BIS. SPECIALS. Womtns Solid Leather Shoes at eScAVomens solid 'Leather Pebble Grain aDd' Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are 1 shoes, all fresh aDd nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the n arket, regular Sl;50 shoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace and gaiters at 81. They are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday bhoes, 1.00 bolid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hat s. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail t h em . at whole sale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothiug and furnishing .goods. LverythiDg up to date and at prices that can't be beat anywheie in the State, Call ana see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers - ,: '.' !-."' JOB Twentyfive suits of finelAll-WooHCassimere in CatawajIFrock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit.! They aie 10.00, 12.50. and 15.00ssuit8v Call on us and see these and otheijittractic ns. CANNONS & FETZER