: " " -v ... ! - I - . , " ....... . ......... : . Vol. XIII. No. 96, CONC.Oip, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1896 WHonE NO. 1,475 ANNOUNCEMENTS. I anothergqld find. FOE SHERIFF, Having been solicited by many of my friends, I hereby announce my self a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the county Democratic nominat ing convention. Resptctfully W. MARTIN WIDEN HOUSE. I Contract Sigrned Up. v I 1 Concord's progressive march is Struck a Rich Vein In So. tt Town-1 : j n u u ... Kt,i . , identified with all the business cities ship-Formerly Worked Bat Mot to i a Paying Advantage. as among the most prosperous in Q ! North Carolina or the South. Some time ago a syndicate con-1 4v , , " " otinrr nf ' AT m T?ifK? I Every day some new building is .. . . t, 'Started up and accordingly, the city is rapidly striding' forward. The FOR SHEPIFF. George G Kitchie and Calvin Ba singer was founded and purchased a tract of land that is known as the Goodman mining property in No. 6 township. The mine had not been operated for several years until the recent new banking company signed up the contract with Capt. William j iPropst on Monday evening for the new bank building on the lot that Capt. Fropst has just had cleared $5.00 Reward, a On Monday my bicycle was stolen, from J T - Pound's' shop It was a Lovell Diamond, weight about 47 pounds, steel rims painted yellow, frame black with yellow stripes, one handle on left guide bar piece bro kn out and nickle worn off. Any one returning wheel to me will re ceive $5 00 reward. Respectfully, Li d2 wlJ purchase, and for several T - V Vt nnnnnP TTlVfielf a Can- .1 i.u J - i . i . , j lU1 PurP XmoT Sheriff of ?e days now until the masons for the purpose. It is only a matter nty, subject to the wwiiout prtuu, uum ionaay, wnen j win mako the mud fly. didare for the office Cabarrus cou Democratic nominating convention Respectfully, THOMAS J, WHITE. a ncn vein was sirucK. xne ore is said to be the richest eyer produced from a Cabarrus mine FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce-myself a can didate f or theTcffice of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to tpe decision ; of v the Democratic nomi nating convention. F. A. ARCHIBALD. . A HoaMbold Treasure. D. W; Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. and that ; Y., says that he always keens Dr. nuggets a? large as ordinary mar- 'Kiss's New Discovery in the house U1 - '. - , j and his family has always found the wuv .u 6iCa. uuluucxo. very Desc results ioilow its use : FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. . I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating cen nention. Respectfully. W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. The find has created a little sensa tion and excitement in gold mining circles. Several thousand dollars worth of ore has been (taken out within v the past twenty-four hours with proppects for an enormous supply yet imbedded in the yein. - FOR COTTON WEIGHER. JUeillg and Sontn Kowan News. Chilis and fever are prentiful in this neighborhood. . Mr. Lawson Brown, who moved to Cannons cotton mills lust April, is back to his old home. Mr. Weelcy Brady, a young man of this neighborhood, who has been that he would tot be without it, if I procurabJe. G. A. Dykeman, Drug- pist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King s New Discovery is undoubt edly the beat cough remedy ; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried aud tested. Trial bottles tree at Fet- jzers Drug s,tore. Regular bize 50c. ana si5uu. , and jncCanless is . Having been solicited by numer ous voters of Cabarrus county, I hereby announce myself a candidate confined to his bed for ten weeks for the office of cotton weigher, sub ject to the , action of the county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No, 9 Township. y,, ... ' . . improving with' typhoid fever, now. Miss 'Mattie Fisher, of Heilig; and Mies Mattie Linnard. o Rii - - . 4. , - - i i i ri-ii . x mer, SLariea-ior AjatawDa vjouege last week, where thev will enter school. 1 hereby announce myself a cimdi- aui Por ui date for cotton weigher fpr Cabar- Ea3t Rowan charge, gave in his FOR COTTON WEIGHER. rus county, eubiect to the Demo cratic convention. ' Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRBER. 'FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Feeling some degree of encourage ment by the genial attitude of my fellow-men in the county, I most respectfully ask your favorable con- ; . , , . , , -. ; i school convention of weigner, suDject 10 me action oi me Democratic county convention. Respectfully, HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. ' s r .. Thomas Evans: Is there "any reasoa for dodging and ig. noring a great and vital fact simply be cause a few preju diced, misguided v people liave anti- quatea ideas of wnat sTT constitutes morality and modesty? Rea son anonesty say ertai'Sly not. Men and women are at tracted to each othet because they are men and women and be cause it is right and necessary that they should be so at tracted. The thingi that make a man. at tractive are the char acteristics caused bj his , inherent manlv ness by" the strength which makes him a perfect man. The same is true of wo man. There is strong attractiveness in per feet health. There it fascination and mag netism in it. A wo man cannot be en tirely womanly she cannot be a perfect w6man if she is not in perfect health. In just so much as hex Misses Alexander Gone toParls. Mi88Bettie V Alexander, the ac complished artist who for seyeral years has conducted the Marion Art school in thf"s .pity, left Monday night for New Yorke. She was joined at- Salishrirv hy Mias Harrip VrClftn- dekness affects the organs that make her a ai paiisoury qy uaisa arrie wcyan- L.ntn,fl; jn illst sn moch she loses attractive- less and the two will sail for Pans !ess- This is the vital part of her health. II anytmng is wrong mcic, n ixiay jwuu m all manner of ills all over the body, Care tK nr tnn hnsv nhvsicians freauentlv treat mam there for at least One year a8 the symptoms of this kind of disorder a9 MnM;ir. r AJnm- a separate ana aistinct ailments, ine symp. pupils of the J ulian Academy, one tos many and varied, so much so that qf the finest art invitations in TJiZZStSLTlu world.' r MISS AJexaDder8 natural tinctly feminine. Aboat 9 times m io the ... , v . . cause of the trouble will be found there, gifts and energy insure for her 8UC- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures all - e disorders of this kind. There is no guess- ut;oa iu c bi v ucrai tuicu i, uv ucf work about it There is no chance about it. Campaign , " Buttons, 5 cents each at . I v.' resignation Jaatv Saturday. it )8 quiie lkely that Mr. Barringer will take the Mt. Pleasant charge, Con sisting of New Gilead and the new church atMt, Pleasant. A large numoer or our young people went on the excursion last week. . .. . -. . M . ' The , eleventh annual ; Sunday Gold Hill township, Rowan county, met at G race Reformed church Wednesday, August 5, at -10 a. m. It was largely attended and it is hoped that eyery body present . derived somp good information therefrom. ! While Miss Lillie N ussman was gone on the excursion lastwtek, thef school aft Oak Grove was under the care of Miss Blanche D Fisher. Fob. profession. Her , numerous fliendS It is a fact that has been demonstjateQ m yr - Bolid years of extensive practice, in this City wish for her a pleasant Thousands of women have written grate- . . , . ful ietters, who have wished the whole nourney ana soiourn across the deep world of women to '.mow the wonderful . . ; ' L.- i 1. J thintrs ,the " Presctiolioa " basdone foi Offer, this w;eek 15 -cases of the best &1.00 shoe for ladies on the market -They come in Gloye, Grain, Button and Lace We also have them at 75 cents and they aie as good ' as you can buy lor 75 cenis. but the $1.00 shoe is the greatest xalne to be found, -Ten Cases of Mens' - UCE &E1D CONGRESS at $1.00 to $1.50. That ! is a good f hof arid v easy pair. guai n teed toibe as repre sented or money back. 100 dozen hirtp in Laundried, Uiiluuu dried and Work Shirts at 15 cents to $1,00: We can please all in this line. 150DQZEN h:o sizing for; Ladies, Men sod Children-, We have plenty .of thOEe Low Shoes yen, for Misses arid .adies. E & DICK. I gtl I I II HI IBWIMi We Want to Beat . tlieotleord for July. is complete. Only a few of her most intimate friends know that she contemplated the trin and the an nouncement will doubtless be a great surprise to many, The party of 'North ..'Carolinians that wilt board the t. Louis" to' morrow for the shores on the other side of the Atlantic consists of Mian A lovarif!fr Miflfl T1r( lanlpRS UAUu j . - i: j ,i. tt V,. , n vve are ueerminea not 10 spenu our iimo uuu enwgy xvumviiug a d the Hon. Oharles lrice and about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in prs wife, of Salisbury. Secretary Eer- der tamake thiB incoming month the biggest July we ha y. cvti lad, we lilt) pill LIU 4 UUb lUli Ul UUUilUCiD OUU WO fllO UlXig tU lUO&O IXiClJU UUUIt We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Tovrs but of them Here goes: V ... k S - About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Rped's makes, all small sizes, 3, and 4 that we will Fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost 2 and over. They must go. - NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some bert, son and daughter will sail on the uSt. Louis" also. Girnli Jv Store, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. rl Bank CokCORD, N. O. J. M. Odell, D B. Ccltbanb Cashier, D. CoLTRAjri;,t5 Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, DIRECTORS; J. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon Elam King, J. W. Cannon W R. Odell, ? W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTRANE Rednccd Rates. Reduced rates as follow will be made on dates named with final limit 12 days from date of sale. Concord to Washington $13.00, to Baltimore via Norfolk Baltimore line steamer $11.00, to New York via Norfolk and 01) S.S Co. $19.00, all rates for round trip. Jin connection with these rates there will be 10 day rates. Washington to Baltimore and return $2 00, President i Washington to . Philadelphia and return $6.00, Washington to New York and return $10.00, Baltimore to Philadelphia and return $io6, Baltimore to New York and return S8.00. Tickets on sale at Concord August 10th to lltb, final limit 12 days from date ofUfle. ASK the recovered dyspeptics bilious suf- and ame the mercurial patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to gaat 75c. diseased patient, how lhey cost from 1 to $1.50. They must go. . , N ( I '. A hnnt hH nftira I .ftflicua tino 1 1-Yfnrrlo All Y.MCtlara tnr - WAxr . and black ooze and fin kid, sizes 1 to 4$. All to go at $1. Made to sell at 2 and S2. 50. -They must go. ... ,1 NO. 45 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Jay state ana raasn JDros., au to go m at i&ix. iau ior mem mej won't be here Ion sr. They must ero. NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN:, A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxforda at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are fresh stock just bought them. . SPECIALS. $50,000 $16,Q00 hey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World ! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK. HKADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercvsy, or any mineral substance, bUtlS PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Serbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused, by Derangement of the liver and Bowels. The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a'bitter or bad taste in the mouth; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; i Sour nf Annetite Bowels alternately costive and'lax; Headache; Loss of Memory, witn a 1 95 fthrPS. AT fin R hPAVV English Tl6F. everyday bhOe8, 1.00- bOlld painful sensation of hing aiied to ao someimng ' u . 1" " :Tv, " i 1 kin ofrow hoi nf. lOo pnmfl nf thfim whicn aught to nave Deen Gone; ueouiiy, juw i ieaiwcx vaii mntxr njcux. T . V T T i , Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and arfi cnft t,fti8 - we hUY Trunks in car loads and retail them at wnolf sale Vw- a Hrv Pnii ph. often mistaken for Consumption, l w rLVr . - . - r r. c-t . a -i. ' i. T7. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the prices. UffB nunOreO JHCDS line Oeipp LOHW ttl jUBl, laaii vixw i disease, at others very few; but the Liver, the largest everything in the line Of clothlDg 8nd fUTDlSUlDg gOOOE. jTerytniDg Up organ in the body, is generally the seat of he -disease, . , . and at prices lhat cn't be beat anywbeie in the State, Call ana afad if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch- IO Unit? aiJU at yi -r 7 v, t edneis and death will erjsue. see ssmples.of the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus ine oiiowmg .mgiiiy-cicemcu jjcnji .urai w t.uv jQjjjQPgt vinues oi cimmum v t.n Atuvjutiun. v-u. .... Holt. Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. t elder, JOB Twentyfive suits of, fine All-WoollCassimere m Cutawaj.Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 1 or 4 00 a suit. Thfy are 10.00, 12.50. and 15.0(a9uite. Call on us and see these and other attractions. "Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c.&WomeEs solid Leather Pebble. Grain and Glove Grain Lsce and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1' shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Jongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rrarket, regular SI-50 Bhoes, to co at SI. Mens iine Satin Uil Sroes, lace ana gauers ai 5i. ny aro oit, rres. ua. a. . iv. iv. vo. ; ivcv. j. tv. ru, trry.Ga.; Col. E. K.parks, Albany, Gau; C. Master n, Esq.,Sherifr Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, t-n A frf achb and Ehbttmatism relieved Jay Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. Dr. Miles' Pain Pills stop Headache. Pe Ga.; Rev. j. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgif Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H.btephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and kaow that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, ana none of them gave us more than tern- Crary relief: the Regulator not only relieved, but cfered Ed. Telegraph and Messenger, MacoxGa- manufactured only by ' J. XX. ZEIXJN & CO.. PhHadelpbia, Pa. FET2ER sis-- r