J Vol. XU I. No. 98. CONOOIW, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1896 Whole NO. 1,477 vfNw i y i i i ; v v i i i i t i ij if i i f i. i i i i ii i i i ii i i i- i i i i X4S MZ.Li.S2sr SO. VisLi . llil U Wiaii . ANNOUNCEMENTSr T&Ll REGISTER OF DEEDS. Thankful for past fay ore, I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the ac- -f v nomnoratin nnminatiner HUU VJ1 lUCXCiuuuiiv convention. Respectfully, JOHN K. PATTERSON. FOB 6HERIFF. A GRiDAT MISFORTUNE. 1 HENRY YORKE CAPTURED. The Disgraceful Proosition of the ihe Noj;ro Alnrderer Caplnred at 5li. No-called Democratic -Executive j Airy and Will Be Brought ""Here Committee to Ilvy" tip With the 1 Tonight. ' Populists. j lt wilj be remembered that on A most unfortunate affair iu the Vat Christmas Dy, at - Wallace's deal the State Democratic Executive tbre, in No. 3 township, this committee is endeayorjng to effect ' county, one of the moat daring with the Populists. -It is shameful ! murders ever committed in this for any Democrato . entertain such ; section ' was enacted when tHenry UUUUM VL urimt- cry one Yorke. a 4. burly. dePnerate nero. Steele, ho i(Qi unity and ocraVic 'nomSit: fhe.cbmfjittee: on last Mohf y8 ever since, until jesterd Having been solicited by many of me plan wouiu De the assassination ! turned upon hin crony, John tnenas, 1 utreuy uuuu "y; icmuurauu pnuoipies, A(reEoanti 8ot nim to death, and w t v,r Hnfa tor . T flfi OIIM!H 1)1 I 1 . k U t i T . l J . 1 2 1 I I . . ' 4X .u?u wV"c 'u, iUQ result joi me ueuoera-' med atelv left the nomm f c i M v-fcy-k i- w r tt . on rn an r t t r s j-j . t i - enn or kj my se Sh to the conn iner convention Respectfully W. MARTIN WIDENHOUSE Joint Sanaay School Children's Das'. The Children's Day ezeccif es of the two congregations, Mt, Hermon and Cold Water Evangelical Luth eran churches will be held at Cold Water; on Thursday, the ; 20tb, be ginning at 10 a. m. Several promi nent speakers have expressed a will ingness to contribute to the interest of the occasion. 'The public artt cordi al ly m vi ted to par tici pate " in the pleasures and bent fits of the day and dinner baskets of appropriate dimensions will bear no little part in their particular, sphere. LOit in.;;; day night, is as follows : "VVhereae; The chairman of the State Democratic Executive com- FOR SHEPIFF. I hereby announce myself a can mittee has presented to the chair man of the Executive committee of the People's party, a resolution of dida'e for the office of Sheriff of the committee adopted July 31st, fjahrtrms countv. subiect to the Demccratic nominating conyention. Respectfully, ; ' V THOMAS J WHITE. FOR COTTON WEIGHER I hereb? announcerrfyself a can' didate for the office of cotton weigher this committee is authorized oh be for Cabarrus county, subject, to the half of this committee tot offer in decision of the Democratic nomi nating conyent'on. ' F. A. ARCHIBALD. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. writing: to the Peoples party, through its - Executive committee, the following plan for a joint elecs toral ticket, to wit : T hprphv annrrnnna mvRfilf a can- J ; . didate for the office of Register of shall be made up to be composed of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject six Democrats and five Populists, to to the Democratic nominating con- De chosen by their respective or nenuon. iespecuuiiy, . ... - I LfU.fl I '.Hl.ll II? W.KErJUE JOHiNSOiN. r " ; v No. 11 township. , - v "That said executive committee Of the Peop!e'8;Partybe requested to I M V f SI. W y -N AM Having been solicited bv numer- uu tuia . O - 1 . T I ous voters of Cabarrus lCounty, I "inat a copy ot .these resolutions hereby announce myself a candidate be transmitted to the chairman of for the office of cotton weigher, enb- the executive committee of the Pro ject to the action of the county piefl party." ; ieuiuuruiiu uviuiuu,,ku uuuvtunuu eluded the officeis. He was captured Wednesday morning at Mt. Airy by a Mr. Painter, who has been on Yorke's - traok for several weeks. A reward of $50 ; was offered by iiovernor Carr for the capture of Yorke,"-who will be brought here tonight. The tiegro was a terror to the commucity in which he lived and offer bVinAti nr rl r ttt n K Vi i n r -m !rx v v j! . I iuc, cucigics auu sums utaiuoinuu uj he dehed atVOne to Come near him women is directly traceable to some disor- "Rp?nlvpfl That tlifl rhairnan nf h : , , .... fler of the organs distinctly iemitune...inew nesoiveu, j pa tne cnairman. or jear tney Q murdered likewise. is no real need of such- troubles ; they aw lnvanaDiy curea dy yr., .ncrce s jravonic -- . . . J . irescription, wmcn reacnes anu strengxneni the internal generative organs as no othei treatment can possibly do. By restoring "Now, m furtherance of the effort of thi3 committee to secure the united vote of the silver ad vo- cates for the silver candidate : for the Presidency, V Wet ar8 filling our hcuse full to the top '"with new goods, and, have got them to sell at such a price that - will interest you. The happiness married life depend! on tile wife's healtl often er than on an) other one considera tion.- An ailing wo man is a source v of discontent to herself and a burden anc drag upon her hus band. Women bj taking more imprest in their own phys ical condition would lay the best founda tion for marred hap p i n e s v an everj other happiness. More than half t suffering which saps Respectfully, GEORGE F.BARNHARDT. No, 9 Township. , THE POPULISTS' REPLY. The Populists' repiy to the Demo cratic proposition for fusion, is short and to the point. The Raleigh Press-Visitor says that it. provides I hereby announce myself a candi- Ur fusion on electors with Demo- date for cotton weigher for Cabar- crats, the latter to name six electors FOR COTTON-WEIGHER. rus county, - subject to the Demo cratic convention. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GREBER. -A Household Treaisnrer D. W. Fuller, of Canaioharie, N. a I .4 ? . A.. . A V w t- r.eaitn ana strengm loxnis most imporxam ?aj "' axvYttjo jiccua xyj. of tlie feminine constitution, the Fa- Hie g 8 New Dl8C0Very in the house vorite Prescription " gives new tone and en and his family has alwavs found the ersrv to all the rest of the body. . Verv best results follow its nso : One of the most deeply interesting and that, h A wnnld r.nt. Via mrU.hnnf. if if muy euueuuve uoocvci muicu -w tm ' ,", U . " "People's Common Sense Medical Ad procurable. G. A. Dykeman. Drug- dpr ' hv rr v. Pierce Chief Consult ?18t, UatsklU, N. 1., says that Dr. ing Physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Kind's Nfiw iJisnnvArv ia nnrlnnhtf Sureical Institute.. Bunalo, JN. Y. lttu edly the best cough remedy : that splendid volume of ioo pages, inciuaei uaa uieuiomuw lamiiy ior eigut culiar- f0 women, with directions for home years, and It has never failea to do treatment rendering unnecessary the em all that IS Claimed for It. Whv not barrassing "examinations" and generally tTY a4 remedy SO inner tried and useless " local treatment," so dreaciea by ft? tested. Trial bottles free at Fet- zer's Drug store. Regular bize 5Cc. and SI.OO. '- s-: NEXT WEEK IN SALISBURY. The State Firemen Will Meet nt That Place ana Compete for 'Prize Our Laddies Will Attend To Appear in Uniform Monday Evening. ' . modest women The book contains the most comprehensive explanation of human tnvsioioarv ana tne rational principles 01 hveiene ever published. Illustrated with over -too engravings' a complete medicai - i -vT 4 1 ,1 ; . iiorarv in one vommc. iu umci lucuita.' book in the English language ever had such an enormous sale. 680,000 copies were sold at Si. so each. , Dr. Pierce is now distrib-1 utinsr a new free edition of half a million copies. A copy will be sent absolutely jret to anyone who will send to the World's Dispensary Medical "Association, Buffalo, N. Y.. 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of THE STANDARD is in receipt Of ail mailing only.- The present edition is in all in vitation to attend the eighth an- cept only that it is bound in strong manilla mm mnvftntinn and tnnrnnmfint PaPer cove" mswaa 01 cioui of the North Carolina Slate Fire men's Association to be held at HzHrT" j "Dvr - Salisbury next week, August 19ib, W G AAtBiIIu - XO- '-JD6cL U- 20h and 21st. Ample ar range- Calico Dress Styles 3c - .-, . 50 pieces Outing 5c ' Nice Ginghams 4c 12 Bails Thr ad fur 6c Matches (200' s) 10c est Tablet for 5c : 10 Slate Pencils for lc ' Buttermilk Soap iuc box. - bailor Hats 10c Ladies' Hose 5c to 40c pair. Ve are selling shoes cheaper than ver. The latest Shoe, on the maiket for 81 00. t Everything c h e u p, -and if you want to save money ccrne and . see uf. LOWE and the Populists five. Fusion on congressional matters is included. The Populists' nominees are to have the support cf the Democrats in the first, fourth, sixth and eighth dis- for cotton WEIGHER. . Jtricts and in return the Populists Feeling some degree of encourage- are to sappor fc the Democratic nom- ment by the genial attitude of my inees. ia the. second, fifth, seventh iellow-men in the county, 1 most and ninth districts. The third dis respectfully ask your, favorable con- , . L. . . , , . . u , , i fiideration as a candidate for cotton tr,cfcls not included in the deal and weigher, subject to the action of the the three partie3 are to fight it out Democratic county conyention. Respectfuliv. HEZEKIAH MC&AMARA. v Campaign Buttons, 5 cents each. at mi ' Jewelry E OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. there without any coalition. -Fusion on State matters is dwelt upon at length in the proposition. It provides'that one of the parties shall name the United btates Sena tor to succeed Senator Pritchard and that the other shall name the candi date for Governor, and that there shall be an equal division of the other State officers. ( ' Did Toil Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles ? If not, get a bottle now and relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adadted!to the relief and cure of all &5.00 Reward. j - - 1 . tlie "Record for July; We are determined not to spend our time and Vi ergy 'grumbling about dulJ times. "We will pitch iD and make times livt ly. Now, in or der to make this incomiog month the biggest July we ntvo ever had, w ments have been made ' to accom modate a large crowd and the ec tertainment of all those who go will be of a high order. Six hundred dol lars1 in prizes will be distributed among the firemen of the State those making the best record in their respective departments. At a meeting of the Hose and are putting out a lot of "Hummers ' and we are going to a.jlrthem humi Reel Company of this city Wednes- A!r Tr,a. I WisW' J-i.co guooi -i ' . . . day night it was decided that the About 60 pra tof Jjadies hne shoes 01 zieigier's .ami need's nnKes an company should meet at their hall sizes, 2, 8, 31 and 4 mat we will feu at i a pair, not a pair among A ST AAlj n or, them but cost S2 and ojer. , They must go. . uu luuuuay evcumg ucii ai u.ov . JSU. 2. About one nunarea pair 01 juaaies j? me uxiora iiep, some ifnrmfl. oatent leathers, some tans, some tine dongola pat tips, all to so at 75c. j r, j . -t They cost from $1 to 1.50. They must go. V . . and wita tneir nanasomely deco- , ijn o Awn, nn ra T.aioa a OrWia nil ZaTa fnr. errm rated reel, . proceed to the depot. I and black ooze and fin fcid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at $1,- Made to sell at The company will not go to Salis-ft&nii7Zli sinrf. 1 a l TT r J . I J . . . . . i ii i n Dory unui cexi vveanesaay even- may state and Paden J3ros;, all to go in at 51.25. uau ior tnem tncs won't be here Jong. TJiey must go. ' ; v f 1 "NTO. 5 A few rjrs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Jan, Goat and BJackTici Kid Oxfordi at $1. They are 1.50 shoes, andre Iresn stocKmst nougnt tnem. mg. Help Wanted female. 810 to $18 per week to Men and Women lor easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu SPECIALS, at fiSft. WomeEs solid Leather Pebble lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth Grayn and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at '75c.. These - are 5 Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. o31 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made afc Alexandria. Va. Solid as any shoe in. tne tcamc. reguiarx.uu buues. w C. H. BARNHABDT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MT. PLEASANT, JN. C. Calls received and promptly at tended to at all hours. Office at my resdence lately occupied by Dr. Moose 3I9, 91y ?riles'?5w are guaranteed to stop XleaaacheinW minutes. "On cent a aose? female complaints, exerting a won derful' direct influence in giving strength and tone to. the organs. If you have loss of appetite constipaW tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi-i cine you need. -Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 1.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store . . Zfeu&aeKs and Keardlol cured by p MILES' PAIN FILLS. "One cent a dose. go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace and gaiters, at 81. -They are ; regulaf 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday shoes, 1.00.iSohd tolen aaBiAfttw ran make them. Bigidb in straw, hats at ipc,-Some of theta are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them, at wboJfSate prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have r 4-v,; ;n f lino nf ftlnthincf and frfrnishine goods-- iVerytning up pounds, steel rims painted yellow, to date andat pricesthat can't bebeat any wbete m.-tteHtate. frame black with yellow stripes, one tree Cjon P.clnres we are havvng made for handle on leit guiae oar piece ore- -f . . 1lMWnAUnARBimere in Cutaway Froci 4 '" " W rill V WD DUlVkJ WA- UM W w w w w - kpn out and mckle worn off. vAny gttits sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. one returning wheel to me will re- Call on us and see tnese ana otner atiracuucB. - ceif e $5.00 reward. d2wl Thomas Evans. 1 ViHiMlMVIMo Ci FETZER

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