.Vol.. XII I. No. 100, CONCOIUV N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1896 Whohe NO. 479 DEEDS. FOR KEG1STER OF I Tbankfpl for past favors, ! hereby announce ravpelf a candidate for Ithe .office! of "Register- of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the ac jtion cf the Democratic nominating k-ontentinn. " Rspect'uHv, ! JOHN KPATTERSON. SHOT AT THE PREACHER nis.,i ti. The ReliirioiiN Services Bislm-Iiel Kowdies -fYIio iloeli tlie CSinrcb :;uu i tktj Shoot Thrbncrli the Windows. ! ba A report comes from .' thapart of ar shouM be public. The; matter Rowan, cooimofjiv- cdled the ias ine H-ading topsc lor discussion ml e Tjerai opinion or many ot most prominent countrymen is t the execution of Prank How- FOE 6HEBIFJF. Having been solicited by many of my f ritcdB, Lhrrehy announce my self a candidate for the office of Sheriff or Cabarrus county, subject to the county Democratic nominat ing convention. Respectfully, W. MARTIN WIDENHOUSE FOR SHEBIFE. I herebv announce myself a Can dida' e for'the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE. Rocks, t hat savors of Wild West j on or dark African jbarbarism. Two divines have been .conducting relig ions services at Phanuel cbutch and the story gees that on Wednesday night the band of worshippers wa3 disturbed by the appearance of a crowd of rowdies who, it seems, were determined to brek up the meeting. Rocks and missiles were' thrown at the church and the rowdies (growing more desperate began firing pistols ihrough the windows. One of the bullets lodged in thenuloit within a few feet of one of the revs erend gentlemen. What the final result of the toughs' raid upon ihe worshippers was not learned by our informant, Salisbury World. the Ueet8 today. The ' private execuiiou is very: displeasing: to tnQm. : For Infants and Children, Ladies Frightened. Friday night several young ladies were going out Academy street, be tween Spring ana Main streets, and when opposite the barn vard gate of Mr. R E Ridenhour, they stumbled over a drunken negro roan." The man was "dead drunk" and vonly groaned when stepped upon.' When he grunted the ladies discov ered that it was a man. They were j terribly frightened. . j, Y In Hi! li jiCiC We art Tie fac simile signature IS C3 everj wrapper. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 bereb? announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the dpcision ot tne Uemocratic nomi nating convention. . F. A. ARCHIBALD. Killed By Lightning. On Thursday evening last daring an electric btorni down in No. 10 to wnship lightning struck 'a tree in the pasture of Mr. Thomas McCar hern, killing two hogs and one cow. The lightning was ; vivid and did other damage in that section. Jilling our hcuse full to tlie top with new goods, and nave got them to sell at tfich a price that will interest you. Onr Mayor Initiated. I. Mayor Caldwell left Wednesday morning for Raleigh to attend the Populist State convention and to be initiated into the full fellow ship of the Populist party. The Raleigh correspondent of the Char lotte Observer savs the Pops, re- : a u: : iu 1 ; I hereby announce myself a can- :eivt:u ucuiuusiriuua didate for the office of Register of joy. ie spoKe at a mass meeting Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject in Raleigh Wednesday night and FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. to the Democratic nominating con- nention. Respectfully, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 townehip. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Haying been solicited by numer ous voters of Cabarrus county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of cotton weigher, sub- lect to the action of the county Democratic nominating convention. y Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. among otner tnings saia tnf! Democratic party had kept no pledges and he stamped his feet upon it. He declared he was afraid of Sewall and wanted Watson." Landmark. Male IScIp Wanted Wanted, quick, Salesmen to visit trade and supply canvassers for sel ling Bicycle Specialty pf the age. 100,00000 behind the guarantee. Dun's, BradstreetV or Bank refer ence. Fine chance square treat ment. "'' Buffalo Specialty Mfg. Co.. ' Buffalo, N.Y. Bams Kot General. t -,- ' . r For the past several days rain has fallen in all sections cf the county t - - except Nos. 3, 4 and ,5- townships. the lower part of the county Itussell to Come Down. The Charlotte Observer savs that 1 m - 1 1 on a ranroaa rraiQ last nignt was a prominent Republican politician, on his way to Raleigh, where the Re publican State Executive Committee meets today. He was going there for conference with it, and said that Russell would be taken from the 1 herebv announce mvself a canai. Repablican ticket and Gathrie date for cotton weigher for Cabar placed at ita head in his stead; that ma rnnnfv Hnhipnf tn flio. nPTn- tnis naa oeen aecioeu on at least good, soakiug rains have fallen and the neoP c are verv thanktul tor it. a cratic convention. - Respectfully, HARVEY. A. GRiEBER. month ago. FOR COTTON WEIGH ER. Bncklen's Aruicn MaiT, The Best Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Feeling some degree of encourage- Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all ment by the genial attitude of my Skin Eruptions, and positively cures fellow-men in the county, I most Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is respectfully ask your favorable con- guaranteed to give statief action or eideration as a candidate for cotton monev refunded. Price 25 cents per weigher, subject to the action t)f the box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug democratic county convention. Respectfully, j HEZEKI AH MCAMARA. All Free; f Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value and those who nave not. nave now tne opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. ! Send your name and address to H E Bucklen & Co Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide toHealthand Household Instructor free. ll of which is guaranteed to do you j, -Vv. WWUW J - w zer's Drug store. j A brilliant complexion is a beanty fa It self. It pleases the eyes of thoughtlesf people and the minds of thinking people. They know that a really good complexion is a sign of health, and created by Nature. There are different ways of imitating a fine complexion : cosmetics, which deceive no- body, but ruin tne smn ana masc iac u&ci look silly and prematurely old ; stimulants which only give a temporary nusn; danger ous drugs which drive pimply disorders from the face baclc into tne Diooa. ajj thee "counterfeit" complexions are un safe1 and easily detected. But the genuine, unmistakeable, much -admired color and clearness of health can only be obtained by clearing all bilious matters ana numors out of the blood. . The first step towards creating a good complexion by Nature's own method is to eet the blood clear, and the circulation free and active., mere is no compicnuu au low muddy or pimply but it will be cleared and brightened by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery It is the best natural complexion-maker on earth. It sends the fresh glow of real health to the cheeks by thoroughly clearing all bilious and eruptive humors out of tne Diooa. 11 sirengtnens the digestion and regulates the bowels in & mild, natural way. It gives brighter color to the blood, and not only beautifies the complexion but makes the eyes brighter and the bream sweeter. m: , If the bowels be very much constipated, it will be advisable to take small doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, conjointly with the use of the "Golden Medical Dis covery." One or two each day just suf; ficient to get their laxative ana aut-Tauyq t blood cleaniu. tfiect vilV be sufficient Calico Dress Styles 3c 50 pieces Outing 5c Nice Ginghams 4c 12 Balls Thrd fori Matches "(200' l()c Best Tablet for 5c' 10 Slate Pencils -for 1 Buttermilk o:ip- box. Sailor Hats 1,0c Ladies' Hose 5c to. 40c pair. We are selling shoes cheaxer than evp.r. The latest Shoe on the maiket for. Si. 00. Everything c h e a p, and if you waii I t save money come and see nsj Notice. ' There will be a regular i meeting of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. f Afnrlir nierht. nt. R nVlnirtlf- K. A. JLJnowER, oec. "We "vVatLt to Beat . . . . the "Record for July. Campaign Buttons, 5 cents each at fi y mi Jewelry Stiti; store. Services at St. James By Dr. Bible. Rev. L Afcikle, D. DM of King's Mountain, will hold divine services in St. James Lutheran church to morrow at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. By request, he preaches in the morning a sermon on the ."Future Punishment of the Wicked" and at night "Marriage" will be his theme. The public invited to all these services. OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. Ci H. BARNHARDT, M. D. Physician and Surpreon, MT, PLEASANT, JN. C. Calls 'received and promptly at tended to at all hours. Office at my resdence lately occupied by Dr. Moose - 3I9. 91y Sr. miles' xsrm jnitm are gaaranteed to. iMnaacsicix. manures. ime cwut Jt'ree Pills. - V Send your address to H E Buck len & Go., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. 4 foi&l will convince you of their merits. These pills are fasy in action and are particularly effec tive in the cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malaria and fever troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly vegetable. They do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to the stomach ASK the recovered dvsDeotics . bilious suf ferers, victims of " fever and ague,' the mercurial diseased patient, how "hey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Farruly Medicine in tlie World ! For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic; Depres sion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, but is i PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an j: all-wise Providence has placed in countries where : Liver Diseases , most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the stiver and Bowels. 1 . The SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a titter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism;' Sour Stomach; Loss of - Appetite ; j Bowels alternately ; costive and lax ; Headache Loss of Memory, with a ; painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; Low Spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption." Sometimes many cf these symptoms attend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and D1SATH will ensue; The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen. W.S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Esq. ,SheritT Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, Ga. ; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We other remedies before Simmons Liver and bowejs ereatlv invigorate the system Regular size 25c per box- j 25 ff uuiu ab X' olZiOt o iiu Miutc, . ooraryreuei; tne Keguuror not only relieved, cut curea m:: - r-T J s." Ed. Telegraph and Messenger, Macon, Ga. Dr. Miles'Pttf n Fills are guaranty to tm ! TlV, ' J . JJeacf aci cin 20 minutes. "One cent a closed i JflS ZI1in & CO.. Pbikdcipbia. Pa. We are determined not to spend our time and enfigy e rumbling about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. : Now, in ors der to make this incoming month the biggest July we hav- ever had, wo are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to mbie them hum. We are going to do away with Stickers, We will make Movers out of them. Here goes: r About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed's m; kesf all small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 that we will fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost S2 and over. They must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine dopgola pat tips, all, to go at 75c. They cost from SI to $1.50. They must go. NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fin kid, sizes 1 to A . All to go at $1, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1 strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to go in at $1.25. Call for them they won't be here long. They must go. r ' NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. ' N0. 6.-FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxforda at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are fresu stock just bought them. SPECIALS ' ' - : x . . Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womets solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and 'Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice.; Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rtarket, regular SI. 50 shoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at $1. They are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday hhoes, 1.00. Solid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wbolf sale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing 9 goods. Everything up to date and at pricesihat can't be beat anywheie in the State. Call ana see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers 7" ' , . ; JOB Twenty-five suits of fine All-WoolICassimere in Cutaway Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. They are 10.00,-12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call on us and see these and other attractions. CANNONS & FETZER

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