Vol. XIII. No. 101, CONCOlllJ, N. C MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1896 Whose NO. 1,480 ANNOUNCEMENTS. MORE TO ELECT. I TO ENLARGE THEIR PLANT. I Commissioners and Magistrates to be Stockholders Sleet and Increase the Elected bv the Peonle at the No- vnrt RFGISTER OF DEEDS. v - Thankful for past favors, I hereby Beside (be National, State and i T'nnfwckl ftQA AAA. A HaaH hlviilAnil and; Handsome Surplusi : At the annual meeting of the announce myseii a caDuiuaw. ordinary county tickets to be elected stockholders of the Patterson Manu ruTcountyrsubject to the a thi. '. there will be three." com, jfcctu ing Company at China Grove tion of the Democratic nommaum missioner? ior tne county du inreejittou weo&, mcjr uowuou upuu convention, inspect-uiiv, -! JOHN K. PATTERSON. lusticea of the peace from each township and a'so one justice of the peace for.eacb one thousand inhabu tants of the incorporated to ns and cities. ' We quote the law below and set j FOK 6HERIFF. Haying been solicited by many of my friends, I btreby announce my flftlf a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject tie all doubt : to the county Democratic nominal Section 4, chapter 135, Public tensive enlargements to their plant. ' The capital stock, which is now only $75,000, will be increased - to 0 E D I C LA, THE CHEAPEST V ON THE GEOBE. The time is now near approaching when the trading pub lic will want to know where they can get in return for their cash the greatest amount of goods adapted to their wants, and we want to say right here that LO WE AND DICK will SUTVnlv all of vnnr anls fnr less mrniftr than nnv nthpr eictnnn mu :n :n u " TTr"-' .r vu,vw au Uiiu win u nouse vve have all you want, and every train is now bring- equipped with 5.000 spindles and other necessary I machinery, for which t h e $90, 000 increased capi tal ing convention. Respectfully, 1 W. MARTIN WIDENH0U8E Laws, 1895 : "There shall be wiU be expended FOR SHERIFF. elected in each county of the State at the general election to be held in tne year l9b, ana every & years This plant was established only three years ago, fcince which time JTD LISTEN thereafter, bv the dulv Qualified ; I hereby announce myeelf a can- el e f 3 persons to Le j jm.. k offlna nf Sheriff of I ' r : uitm . ------ r ch09en f rom the body of the cotmty 77 . : . ' :f Cabarrus county, subject to tne .... . , J - , - -president, which, insures its Democratic nominating convention. wuu Huau ne sfcjieu tue uuaru ut Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE. I FOR COTTON WEIGHER. ' -5 I 1 hereby announce myselt a can ) didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomi i natmg convention. ; 1 F. A. ARCHIBALD. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can-cjtv or mco commissioners tor tne county or -, and shall hold their office for 2 years from the date of .their qual ideation ana until tneir successors shall be elected and qualified.' Section 4, chapter 157, Public Laws of 1895; ,4That at the next general election (1896) and every 2 years thereafter, there "shall be elected in each township in the State 3 justices for each township ing in for us new stuff that will be dealt out at such prices that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder. ST We want to show you what we are doing: 4-4 sheeting dividends of 8 or 10 per cent, have 4c, Ginghams 1 3 12c, Dress Oahco 3c, Men h Shirts lfic, hir- been paid regularly, besides laying gest towel on the globe lor 5 and 10c, Bleached Dumbtic 4c, aside a surplus. of $23000. Mr. J Ladies' Black Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4c. The best 10c W Cannon, of this citv. is its supenaer you ever .-saw. ijoys' suspenaers oc. jmo Detter guc. line oi .baaies' uiess uooas in tne city ail tne way from oc to $1 the yard. See what you can buy for TVTTP iTLpTVrrp 40 hair pins, 2 parrs needles, JJLM Hi KJJJJIM JL i boi Mournine Fms. Ladies' cess. The NEW COTTON. First Bale of Cabarrus New crop Handkerchief, 2 balls sewing thread, box blacking, 10 slate cotton was Delivered Saturday- pencils, 3 lead pencils, 2 papers pins. From capt. j. m. odeir Farm. Two big bars Laundry Soap for 5c The best 5c plug Capt, J M Odell, one of the most tobacco in town One box 3 cakes buttermilk soao 8c, 2,400 successful farmers in this section of matches for 10c, 1 box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for thejbtate, ins the tJietinction of 5c, Ladies' fine shoes for 65c, Men's fine shoes1 90c. Big bar- ia'tlin"nnr tliA fia Kiln in9 m1i nnina in llnn'a Yianwir TAlr aVinaa AiTAtinllo QRt 1 w 11 r f and we are seuing arge whi te quilts for bargain prices, 100 didate for the iyecuo iui vauauuo-wuuj J v IQne to the Democratic nominating con nention. Respectfully, W.REECE JOHNSON. . No. 11 townehip. . I - . i m . - I LT I 1A 1 . A. r - . Xl. J .11 lifl noflAo anH I uuuuu ur vauariuo uuuutv vuie year, m mhw wuuw m v uuuui, "in which anv which was delivered.tD him at For- luem lue same way. oanor nats iuu, J rnorated townia sitnatedi eat Hill on Satnrdsv Uat Anirnt auzen smria oj ery aiyie at office of Register of one ju8tice of the peace .for every 15tb. bv hia croPDer 'Jim Ei Ha. an Pieces opting 5c yard, closing out the balance of our ladies' rrus county, subject onft honBand inhabltanta in BucrjL,' Jv:- v V1: : 1 low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store on the Ulobe thousand inhabitants in such town or city, who, shall hold their office for 2 years.' n Rock Thrown ' klbw. ' s irouffti k ' : a Car Wln-1 . .-. . i f indu8trioua colored man. The fact was reported to the Standard Sat urday afternoon, but too late for pablicatiob. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Haying been solicited by numer-r ous voters of Cabarrus county, I It has been ft long time since so serious a crime as train-rocking haa I occurred in thia ' section. y Sunday low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store on the Globe for bargains. Every train bringing in new s'aff that will go at such a price as to knock out competitors. Get in the procession and follow the crowd and you will soon land at 4ur station, and you will always find willing hands to wait upon you IP hereby announce myself a candidate I night as No 38, north-bound veati for the office of cotton weigher, sub-1 Daje traiD, was speeding up the grade lect to tne acuon oi me uuuuljt Tor Infants and Children. LOWE ills, Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE P. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. u CHEAPEST ON THE GliOBE. lies TIT7 FOR COTTON WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher for Cabar rus county, subject to the Demo cratic convention. - Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRBER. : jaat this side the section house two 1 . A E J I - A. a. mues oeiow me city iimua.' suae miscreant chunked a rock through i nnp nf thn nasBpncrer noach windows! I Nafnud.. nam. .-www w m w O " - ' ' I K VlllUtOI .1 MBSSSS) Wr""sV Fortunately no one was struck by iili:WrapgliDg : naaally asaocia I AAA A 7tT $1.H T. . " Tn".' Kfta.t. me sioneor mjureu Dy uying giaea. tea witn oasedll, tne game batur. j.ne mauer was reporieu at me uo- day afternoon between a mixture of S!4 .f 9WlU 0ioUe and Concord boys and the rorest am ieam, was toe worse inac FOR COTTON WEIGHER. For Over Flfly Year Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. has occurred in a longtime. It was a kick oh both sides from the begin ning, and was amusing if hot inter esting throughout. Mr. R F Coble . the Record for July. We are determined not to about dull times. spend our time and fnigy grumbling It soothes the cnild, softebs umpired, and quite naturally made der to make this incoming month the biggeet July we have ever hud, we .pain, cures wina decisions that didn't nlease everv- are putting out a lot of Mummers" and we are going to uke tb eni bum. best remedy for hndrf ori . tha novna mna . f We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Mov r out of rpli-vfl th-ft nnor Mwr-" "u'4 "wuMthein. Here eoes: fellow-men in the county, I most little sufferer immediately. Sold by half through it looked as if it would Ab9ut 60 Pdies i fine shoes of Zeig Reed's m.keft . all them but cost 52 and over. Tney must go. : NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all "to go at 75c. rhey cost from $1 to SI. 50. They must go. - NO. 3.-About 50 pairs Xadies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan, gray and -.black ooze and finA kid, sizes Tito 4. All to go at '31, Made to sell at ana s2ou xuvy tuui gu. the 'gums', allays all Feeling some degree of encourage-1 colic, and is the ment by the genial attitude of my Diarrhoea, It . wil respectfully ask your favorable con- druperists in everv nart of the world, come to a close. Matters , were ad. tsiuerauon as a canaiaate ior couon Twenty-nye cents a bottle, Ue sure justed, bowever, abd the game was :UC1' Buujtsui, iu iu wuuu ui o and aSK IOr "Mrs. WinSlOWS CJOOtn- finishPfL rPsnlHntr-in n fionrp nf 1Q tn 7 n - " - ' Democratic county convention. Respectfully. HEZEKIAH MCNAMAR A. ing Syrup," and take no other kind 10' in favor playing was of Forest Hill, The decidedly "rotten" on of A Disappointed jonf?regratlon. It was announced in Saturday's both sides. The good throw issue oi The .Standard that Rev. Scott on the Charlotte team and the Dr. Bikle would Dreach at St. fannv and PTnpllent fiplHi ntr fit (.AMPATfLM RTTHPTYMO Jame3' Lutheran church Sunday. Pethel, on the Forest Hill team Ln..n.i:niir lna I wpfA ahoot thp inn v ffnpp.ial fparnrpa auu. aLwuiuiUKiy . a laieo wuuicKa I J w tion assembled at 11 o'clock Sun- Coble has a clear conscience of being , . u honest in his decisions, altiiough day morning, expecting to hear a tre was coneiderable kicking, grand permon by the esteemed About tbe largest crowd that ever 5 cents each. at falls mm hi reverena gentleman, dui on some attended a eame in this city wit- account Dr. Bikle did not return to nessed the wrangle Saturday after the city from King's Mountain, noon where he went Friday last. It was a disappointed congregation when it was announced that Dr. Bikle t was out of the city. OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL. J. F. HU'R'L'EJ, lMSURAiSCE AGENT, Office over FET ZEE'S DUG STORE. Bnckleii's Arnica Haiye. The Best Saive in tke world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuni, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. x It ia guaranteed to give atatiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzert Drug store, f il Male Help Wanted ; Wanted, quick. Salesmen to visit trade and supply canvassers for sel ling' Bicvcle Specialty of the age. 100,000.00 behind the guarantee. Dun's, Bradstreet's or Bank refer ence. Fine chance; square treat ment. Buffalo Specialty: Mfg. Co.. . Buffalo, N.Y. notice. " There will be a regular meeting of Stokes . Lodge Np. 32 A. F. & A. M. MoodAy oiRht at 8 o'clock.. r- ? - K AV.Bro wer7 SecV- NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1 strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Broe., all to go in at 81.25. Call for them they wont be here long. They must go. - wu. o. A lew prs or juisefis wxioras, sizes iz 10 j, io go at ouc. NO. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and. 'Black Vici Kid Oxfords at 31. They are 31.50 shoes, and are freso stock just bought them. ; r : S E G I A L S y ' Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womets solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice J Ladies fibeDongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the narket, regular SL50 shoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace aDd gaiters at 81. . They are regular 1,25 shoes. : Mens heavy Ebg'ish Ties, everyday bhoes, 1.00 Solid as leather cau'make them.- Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. ' We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholesale prices. 'One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing ; goods Everything up to date and at pricesthat can't be beat anywheie in the State, Call ana see samples.of the free Crayon Pictures we are havjng made for our cus tomers " . . y t '. JOB Twenty-five suits of fine All-WoolICassimere in Cutaway Frock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 i or 4.00 a suit; They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call on us and see these and other attractions. v ' GA iMW ON S & wh! wBI wW

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