Vol. XIII. No. 102, CONIIORI), N. C, TUESDAYj AUGUST 18, 1896 Whose NO. 1,481 ANNOUNCEMENTS; WANTS HIS PISTOL. Frank Howard, Who is Doomed Kane Threatens Sheriff Sims. A COMPROMISE. io nine hots Arresiea tor itoillnsr a photograph Gallery Out off Town. A month or more aeo. quite a I L vnn REGISTER OP DEEDS. ., ft favors. I herebv I Several J8 88 Sheri2. Sims had announce myself a candidate for occasion o put shackles on Frank J number of . young boys 'at Forest the office Oi KeglSier oi AeeuH iur jauwaru m uruer 10 iseep me uoomeu Cabarrus county, subject to the ac- negro quiet and was forced to dis tion of the Democratic nominating play nia pistol. when the sheriff convention. Respectfully, f r - . , . JOHN K. AT'l JJittBUlN. uu ceil, Howard told his companions in sheriff. . jail laai me neii ume onerm cams 0 H & DICK THE CHEAPEST FOE Having been solicited by many of visited his cell he intended to take my friends, 1 UtreDy annuuuuo my ,uia pibloi irom mm ana gam nis self a candidate for the office of liberty. SHeriS or uaoarrus um u.j, ---J- Howard is a desperate necro. but bA will rnh a a Vila tn norrw nn t Viip Itespecuuiij W. MARTIN WIDENH0U8B FOR SHERIFF. ' . -: 1 I herebv announce myself a can emulate for'the office of Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject to the Dempcrauc nominating contention. Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE. FOR COTTON WEIGHER. Thereby announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton, weigher threats, as the sheriff will be pre pared for him. Sirs. Nicholson Dead. For many days past, anxious ones have been hoyering over the bedside of Mrs. Bettie Nicholson, whose serious illness haa been through The - Standard time to time, momentarily mg for the inevitable noted from Hill congregated at one of the stores on the hill i and when some one proposed to roll out of town the ON THE young men i I 4- GLOBE. The time is now near approacMnff when tlie tradinsr "nnb- photograph gallery that Blood near Uo want to know where they can get in retnrnfor their the old McDonald house, the idea casn tne greatest, amount of goods adapted to their wants, took Rn did the horn- and rff wAnf. and we want to say right here that LOWE AND DICK will the wagon. " 8UPPAy a" oi your ants ior less money than any other Policemfin -Fiiw th. airt f"u- "ayaii you wanp, ana every tram is now Drag- j.u lur uauuw atuu mat win oe aean out at sncn tirices tnac n win maKe tnese old time long-price houses shudder. ST LISTEN! We want to show you what we are doing: 4-4 sheetine wagon $20 and the costs of the suit. 4c, Ginghams 3 lv2c,Dress Calico 3c, Men's Shirts 15c, lur- gesr rowei on tne globe lor o and 10c, Bleached Domsfic 4c, ladies' HlacK Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4c. The beat 10c suspender you ever saw. Boys', suspenders 5c. No better line of, Ladies' Diess Goods in the city all the way from 6c to $1 the yard.; See what you can buy for lnnk. f i II 1 W H I H ll I JUrtAi fiuo, pmu nctJUies, Charlotte, Aug. 18. At Lam- vr-in1- I w-r-AM . i pox Mourning j-rius, i-adies' I .. i I - ' . ..... which occurred' this (Tuesday) af berton today on the tenth ballot in Handkerchief, 2 balls sewing thread, box black 10 slate ternoon at 1 o'clock. t rs. Nichol- l"e iraPUU8t yenwun, congress- ijcuxio, o icau; pciiuna, a paptjrs pms. and as a result nine walked 'jato Enquire Monday high t for trial. T be boys submitted and compromised the matter by, paying the owner of the POPULIST NOMINATION. Congressman Marlfn Defeats Walter K Henry for tne nomination in tne Sixlb. ! JU man Martin defeated Walter R aiuiui ,UC ouio son bad b resident of this city man aaarun a ieaiea wa forbarmcounsuta the ffl- movin, Henry for the Opngressional ueClSlOu, Ol iue ucuiuwuu wuLJui natmg jconvent'on. F. A. ARCHIBALD. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can for several years, moyine here Lutenry ior mc vpugressionai nomi from her former home at" Rocky nallon bv 0Qe vof; Henrys moving . . - i rn rnio nrmnrroHHirnai niarrior tuiib nn ?,yer. otM . , n . gains injeHg heayy Work shoes, Overalls 35c and ap to 81 leaves iour. cnuareD, jausea a.ie, ;'-r 7,, Sample Hats bought at 50c on the dollar, and we are selling Two big bars Laundry Soap for 5c The best 5c pine tobacco in town' One box 3 cakes buttermilk suap 8c, 2,400 matches for 10c, 1 box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for 5c, Ladies' fine shoes for 65c, -Men's fine shoes 90c. Big bar- didate for ..the office of Register of! funeral service from th residence Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating con nention. Respectfully, , W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 township. . on Mill street at 5 o'clock, tomorrow afternoon. them the Jennie, Lizzie and Sue Nicholsoo. Rev. A K Pool will cenduct the r Aainat join 65c, 100 dozen! shirts of ex ery style at bargain prices Free Pills. FOR C0TT01T WEIGHER. Send your address to H EBucks ilen & Oi.. Chicaeo. and get " a free sample box of Dr. Kinc s New Ltiie - 3 ' AtrialwnVconyinceTou of when tne evidence was concluded Justice Kimmoi8 dismissed the case. hereby announce myself a candidate I tive iu the cure of Constipation Btatin that beound the youthful Haying been solicited by ntimer- theirmerits. These pilh are easy ous voters of Cabarrus county, 1 1 in action and are particularly effec- same way. Sailor hats I0ot large white qnilts for ozen shirts of ex ery style at bargain prices. 100 Tr'l JnfltiVA LTnbn A Kimmnnn 1 Pwa uquug oc yaru, ciosm out tne oaiance or our inaies i,Li-U:i Vk J M low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store o the Globe i!.;To - W for bargains. Every tram bringing in new s'-aff that will go this (Tuesday) nnrmng, when John at su6h8a a8 t6 knock out Competitors, r way was tnea it overunying. anu aet in the procession and follow thft crowd and von will foundering a hone belonging to Mr. soon iand at our station, and you will always find willing ax u, vyfj. o.-iuucjf v; couo jaanas to waic upon you. v appeared tot , tie oef epaant, snd LOWE for the office of cottoa weigher, sub ject to the action of the county Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. . I and rip. It hflnHftp.hfi T?nr mftkriftft nd fever . troubles thev have been I aeienaant was not gamy. proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly vegetable I They do not weaken by their action but by civmg tone to the stomach and bowejs ereatly invigorate the system. Beeular size 25c ver box bold at Fetzers Drug Store, : DIG CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. K FOB COTTON WEIGHER. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for cotton weigher for Cabar Firemen In tne Swim; , Some of the firemen that were in their hall this morning left the water rus county, subject to the Demo. cock;ppen, and about 2 o'clock this Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRiEBER. afternoon the floor was found cov Did yon ever woa derwhat that heavy weight on one side of alQcomotive- wheeVwas there forf Anypue who under stands mechanics knows the need of si rnnnter'-Tialance to equalize powa: and keep the machinery going with a teady even motion. With ont it the maminery would wrench itself out of sha-oe. ut is the same way with the 1 machinery of the human -body : it need to go on steaily and regularly to be We want to Beat . . . i the Heeord for July . FOR COTTON WEIGHER.Y . - Feeling some degree of encourage ment by the genial attitude of my fellow-men in the county, I most. respectfully ask your favorable con sideration as a candidate for cotton weigher, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. Respectfully, HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. ered several inches deep with ;water. fiteSd'lterto. The m. . 1 1 1 1 L i : 3 1 V,inVt aa xneir carpecwas soaKea anu naa io be taken , up. Nothing else was damaged. CASTQRIA For Infants and Children. The fac simile, slgaaturg cf Is OS in every mapper. Campaign Buttons, 5 cents each. at mm Married Touay. Rev. Dr. Bowman, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, of Char lotte, passed through the city this morning on his way to Mt. Pieas -ant, wnere he was married at 4 o'clock this afterncDn to Miss Mag- gie Barrier, an excellent young; lady of that place. Dr.. Bowman and his bride will take the -North bound train from this city this I eveninff for Virginia, where they will spend several months. OPPOSITE ST." CLOUD HOTEL. J.' F. H U 'il'LlEj 5T, INSURANCE AGENT Office over FETZEWS DRUG STORK Baehlen's Arnica saire. The Best Saive in tl.e world for Out3, Bruisss,, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Cbappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. Itris guaranteed to give statisfactibn or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box, ' For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, - t We are determined not to spend our time and eneiy gruinbling oVtnnf rlnll firoaa V7o Ttrill nit-nil in onrl mnfe-A fitnft HvpIv Nnw in nrw pation, give aviolent strain to the lntes- der fco makQ this incomiogf month the biggest July we hav- vi ld, we tines which akens; them, so that th &re utfciDg oufc a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to Make them hum. We are going to do away with Stickers. WewilL make Movers : out of them. Here goes: , ' x About 60 prs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's anil Rds mkes, all small sizes, 2, 3, 3 J and 4 that we will eell at $1 a pair. . Not a pair among them but; cost $2 and over. Tney must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies l ine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. Ihey cost from 551 to $1.50. Tney must go. NO. 3. -About 59 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine &id, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at 31, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. "' ND. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Bros-, all to 1 go in at $1.25. Call for them they won't be here long. They must go. . NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and" Black Vici Kid Oxfordo at $1. They are"$l; 50 shoes! 'and are fres stock just bought them. SPECIALS. Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. WomeES solid Leather Pebb'e Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria Ya. Solid as any shoe in the nr arket, regular SI-50 shoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, h ce and gaiters at $1. They r.ro tegular 1,25 shoes. 'Mens heavy English Ties, everyday bhoes, l.OO Solid as leather can make them. Big job in straw Lata at 10c; some : of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholfsnle prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at Just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing Vgoods- Everting up to date and at pricesthat can't be beat anywheie in the State. Call a see samplesof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers' ; , . , ' . ; V ' !: . . , . ; ' , .: JOB Twenty five suits of fiEe All-WoolICassimere in Cutaway Frocl Suits, Bizes 34 to 36 lor 4X0 a suit. They are 10.00 12.50 and 15.00 suits. Call on us and see these and ether attractions. sudden wren ding, medicines "which peo- nle someti:i les take to overcome consu costiveness is kterw?irds worse than be fore. . What costhl people need is a natural laxative like If. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet! which are po erful without bein vio lent, They r ve the bowels gradually and comforta y but surely. You can regulate the ose one, two or three " Pellets ' e: ictly as you need. They strengthen thantestines to do their own work, so that i ter their movements have become regul : thejr keep on naturally of themselve The "Pleasht Pellets' gently stimu late and invigfrate the liver to throw off biliousness ; a d tone up the stomach to secrete the d ;estive juices, and over come dyspepji. The entire digestive, or alimentary .ract is put in motion in the regular s :ady way- of nature and health. This s what makes the ' Pleas ant Pellets" 5 immensely superior to the numerous urging pills which wrench and weaken ti system. Druggists may pet more prol out of those other pills but you donH The V Pleasdt Pellets M are tiny sugar coated srranull 40 or more in a little one-inch vial Jghtly corked, hence, aly ways fresh ant reliable. Send 21 one stamps to cover cost of mail ing only, and g-e lis great book, The People' Common Sense W lical Adviser; absoluUlyeiB.. Address. World , Dispensary Medical Associ- Han. No. 66 Mp? $treeU Buf&lo. N. v 3Iale elp Wanted Wanted, quck, Salesmen to visit y canvassers Tor sel pecialty of the age. ind the guarantee. et s or- Bank refer- square treat- trade and supi ling Bicycle 100.000.00 bd Dun's, Bradst ence. Fine Oance: ment. Buffalo Spe4lty Mfg. Co.. Buffalo, N.Y. CANNONS FETZER

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