Vol. XIIL-No. 105, CONUOlUy N. C, FRIDAY.. AUGUST 21, 1896 Whole NO. 1,431 ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. J fcfnl for cast favors. I hereby announce myself a candidate for ' Special to Tee Standard tne (irice oi itegisier oij lteus, iui Cabarrus county, subject to the ac tion of tie Democratic nominauns LG W E JOHN K. PATTERSON. F01 SHERIFF. Haying been solicited by many cf my friends;! htreby announce my geif candidate for the cffice of Ser;f of Ouharrus county, subject to the county Democratic nominat ing convention IxesTKCtfullv, W. MARTIN WIDENHOUSE received with a great demonstration The RecomlDay a Great One and a f Cheef8 and Stamping of feet. i.arjye crowi in Attendance j The convention was anvthing but Greensboro Won First Prizes in . ,v it - . . . ' s 1,1 entnU8ia8tin and thf thrPA mpn rohn fienmer uomesi ana nana Reel ; HHT T T"' t t T t -r , : -Knee. : . ; Were 80 bacllv left RfiPmprl tn a man 1 f H I k H A H- U W I ! !t ; ' "w L A. X X J J V- vL JL JJ jLX X' . JJ VJ i i ; up u. irev very mucn disappointed. Salisbury, Aug.. 21. Thursday I : was one of thi biggest days Salie- Recovcrel Bicycle. foe shefiff; I he rt-bv announce myself a can didal for the cffice of Sheriff of Catu.rriis cennry, subject to the DiDCcriiic nominating conyention. Respeotf nfly, THOMAS J. WHITE. FGII COTTON WEIGHER. lherehr announce mvEelf a can dkiafr for the cffice of cotton weigher fcr Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomi-. natiE: convention. F. A. ARCHIBALD. Fun REGISTER DEEDS. I hereby announce myself 'a can didate for t ho cflice of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus couniy, subject to the Democratic nominating con rteniiou. ) Rpppectfnllv, 7.REECE JOHNSON. ' No. 11 township. FOR C0TT0U" WEIGHER. Haying been solicited by numer ous voters of Cabarrus county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the cffice of cotton weigher,'sub : ject to the action of the county Democratic' nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARNHARDT. No. 9 Township. - . ' bury has ever had. Thousands of , ja3t week some one entered visitors are in the city ani are being Pounds' machine shop on West Cor royally entertained; and the day is ! bin street and stole a bicycle belong one of great pleasure and exciting n1. Thomas Evans, an ems jployee at the shops. The theft was incidents; Tree Pills. The programme of the day began Properly advertised through the with a grand procession at about 10 tonclard, and now Mr. Evans has o'aock. At 11:30 the steamer :onw i ma heei again A negro named test, the first on the programme, be- l0 Johnston was Lba thief and gau. , There were two of these, first, 1 was caught in Stanly county. He quic-knesslof time; second distance. ,ia now in Cabarrus jail. Entered first contest: Wilmington 'j Johnston was wanted-here during Greensboro, Winston; Newbern. lus ft cent-term oi court nut couldn't IVinatnn wnn first nr'sr 7 - timo OS found. 3 24; Newborn second . prjze, $40, r.. . , nr-i i , i oena your address to H E Buck Distance con tes-: Wilmington and leu & Cd., Chicago, aid get a free Winston entered. Wilmington made sanipla box of Dr. King's New Life 4 iceij, winsron o i o. i ro- tWif .v, r,;nn' wA te3t entered as to measure of dis in action and are particularly effec tance. No decision reported as vet c.urf -Constipation ! t "uu biuiv xieaauciie. or maiariaa na At.3 p.j m. hand reel race. Eight ( fever troubles I they have been fPftrna'pntPrprl ia follow??- AsWiIIp 1 proved invaluable. They are eruar- c , i , n . -p - i iinteed to be perfectly vegetable. Salisbury, Charlotte, Durham, Egle, ( They do not weaken by thur action of Greensboro: Atlantic, of New-1 but by giving tone to : the .stomach kW: t?-Jli qia.v,. o4.u c;! "a;Dowej.s greatly invigorate the bern; Eagle, of Salem; South Side, ! &ystem. Regular eize 25c per box. Greensboro. First prize, 7o, won i oojd at Fetzer s Drug Store, by South Side, Greensboro; second prize, $40, won by Atlantic, News bern. Score by teams, cMtance 150 yarde; Abbeville 36 2-5 seconds; ruled out, having lost nozzle; Salis bury 36 seconds, Charlotte 34, Ea- gle, of Greensboro, 35 1-5; Atlantic,: of Newbern, 33 J; Eagle, of Salem. 35; South side, Greensboro, 31 1-5. Some of the visiting boys gathered oh the square last night and chunked; eggs at' a. medicine mn, running him and hi3 musician from the streets, and with this one exception the very best of order prevailed. DIC ON THE GLOBE. : The time is dow near approachins: when the trading pub- ; lie will want to know where they can get in return for their cash the greatest amount of goods adapted to their wanls,' and we want to say right here that LOWE AND DICK wilL supply all of your vants for less money than any other house4 We have allt you want, and every train is now bring ing in for us new stuff that will be dealt out 'at such prices that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder JUST LISTEN! FOR COTTON WEIGHEK. 1 hrety announce myelf a candi date for cotton woigher for Cabar rus county, gutjict to the Demo cratic convention; Respectfully; HARVEY A. GRJEBER. FOIl COTTON WEIGHER. Ftfciir.g pome degree of encourage- ttent by the snial attitude of my men in: tne county, 1 most your favorable con- ;;-cr, subject to the action of the Derc'.-crrtiic county convention. Rpectfuliv, t-tK1KkIAHMCNAMARA. . Campaign 'Buttons, cents each o -f- a U ;V. HlVV mi i Largest Cave In the World. Manfiyld, Mo.; Aug. 20. There has been great excitement heie over the repcrted disepvery of gold and the f finding " simultaneously of the largest cave in The world near the new town of Hudson- For two or three nurd the earth has been smk ing in t'hese'pars to such an extent as to cause uneasiness among the population. LUer there has been a recurrence of this strange phenom enon. Upon investigation, an open ing. to what is Siiid to be the largest cave in the world was found. Cav ern after cavern, lined with -pure onxy, and traversed by subterranean streams have been explored vithout finding th end. Portions of &ta Iac3iilt6 in oae of the caverns were found to contain gold. I For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Window's Soothing 3yrnp has been ua for over .fifty. years by millions of -mothers for their child ren wUle teething, with perfect sue cess. It Eoothe.B the child, softens the gume, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is" the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every., part of the world, IVenty-fiye cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslosv3 Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind We want to show you what we are doing; 4-4 sheeting 4c, Ginghams 3 12c, Dress Calico 3c, Men' Shirts 15c, lar gest towel on the globe for 5 and 10c, Bleached Domestic 4c, Ladies' Black Hose 4c, Ladies mixed. hose 4c. The bet 10c suspender you ever saw. Boys' suspenders 5c. i No better line of Ladies' Diess Goods in the city all the way from 5c to $1 the yard. See what you can buy for OTVTTjl fltTHP 40 Lair Pin5' 2 Par needles, AJ JLA w-yll JL . l box Mourning Pins, Ladies" Handkerchief, 2 balls sewing thready box blacking, 10 slate pencils, 3 lead pencils; 2 papers pins. , .Two big bars Laundry Soap for, 5c, The best 5c plug tobacco in town One box 3 cakes buttermilk soap 8.5, 2,40u matches for 10c, 1 box 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes for 5c, Ladies' fine shoes for 65c, Men's fine shoes 90c, Big bar gains in Men's heavy work shoes; Overalls 35c and up to $1 Sample Hats bought at 50c on the dollar, and we are selling them the same way. Sailor hats 10c, large white 'qnilts for 65c, 100 dozen shirts of every style at bargain prices, 100 pieces outing 5c yard,' closing out the balance of our Indies4! low shoes at 40 and 50c. The Greatest store on i fie Globe for bargains. Every train bringing in new staff that will go at such a price as to knock out competitors. Get in the procession and follow the crowd'and, you will soon land at our station, and you will always find willing hands 'to wait upon you. j ' OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL J;'F. HfQ.R.LVEjY, 1 N R7N C E j AG EN T, ; Qfflceover FETZEm DRUG STORED Dlsnpiiointetl Aspirants. At the seventh district Populist congressional convention held in Salisbury .Thursday there ere three aspirants to congressional honors that vere. disappointed. L 0 Cald-.j well was! pretty certain before the Ciucusmg in the morning that his name would be put in nomination and that he would run Shuford a close ruce. In his speech to the convention after he had been put in the chair, he gave the Damocr.itic party particular fits for abusing the Populists and Republicans two vears ago, bat! not once did he refer to his own" powerful shirt-splitting speeches :agiinat them, nor did he wind up by singing about their "Sweet Mary Ann." But he's in the wrong pew, and didn't take, j v Aestler offered a resolution want, ing the convention to postpone he nomination! leaving . the matter in the hands of the Republicans to select a man (himself we suppose) from the Populist party that would be entirely satisfactory. The reso lution did not -take, an d' was im mediately tabled. , When Sheriff Sims arose to put the name of M E H Caldwell 'f be. fore the convention, .the famous Morrison H. scooted out of ne court room. His name was received with a chilliness that gave every body the shivers. " . Some1 man from Davidson then nut in nomination Hon. A 0 Shu ford, and was backed up by every other cbuty except Cabarrus and half of Iredelb Shuford's name was p. Miles' Pain Pills stop Headache. LOWE & 'DICK ' CHEAPEST ON THE' GLOBE. Notice liliiffSits. There wilt be a regular meeting of Concord Knights of Pythias, No. 51; tonight ar, y clock. Work in the rank of E. quire. , Members es pecially nqueaitd tob? prompt. - G. L. Patterson, O. C. M.l 13. HAETSEIiLi K.f anlb. We "Want to Beat . tlie; Record1 for July. Wo, are determined not to ispend our time and energy grumblicjg: v about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in civ der to make this incoming month the biggest July we.hs.vtj tver had, wu are putting cut a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hum; We are going to do. away withS tickers WTe will make Movers out ji them. Here goes: About 60 Drs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reab m keo, ail small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 tnat we will fell at 1 a pair. JNct a pmr amsiiff -thtm but cost 82 and over. They must go. NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladie3 Fine Oxford Tiep, some patent leather?, some tans, some tine don'gola pat tips, all -to 0 at 75c," They, cost from 1 to $1.50. They must go. , NO. 3. -About 50 pairsLadies fine Oxford?, all Zeigler?, tar. grer and black ooze and fine Hid, sizes 1 to 4. All to' go at 3L Made to eell at 82 and $2.50- They must go. NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Striata Zeiglers. Bsy State and fads n Bros-, all to; go- in at Sl.2c. Call for themthey won t ce nere long. ineymuEtgo. NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot cf TrGoatui B?ack Vici Kid Oxfords at 61.. Tney tre 1.50 ehoee-, and are iiesu stock just nougnt tnem. E GIALS. In Jon'ti Caroiiuw. the news from Btump ia't 3 Womtns Solid Leather Shoes at 63a : Womens solid Leather Ptbbk d Hutton Shoes at 7oc. Tnese aro b. Khoeg. all IreKh and nice. . Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at tkVh nnpakir5g V7 Well, Jones "called Browaa liar." "Arid-what "did. Brown do?'' Called Jones anoth.r one !' CASTOR I A Alexandria, va. &oiia as any suoe.m iue ui, 1 rrV Z go ai ei.1. Mens Fine Satiri Oil Shoes,' lace and gaiters at $L I hcy ra tegular 1,25 shoes: Mens hevy. English Tien, everyday -h bees; l.Cd bcl.d 11 leather van make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some o ! thoa .re 50c hats. We buy Trunks in1 car loads and retail them at wbokEala L? t Tira firo Ratpa C.nttts at iust half price. We hava IlIll.CS. JliJ UUUUlU iUVUU Jtuw - " T . , i . everything in the line of clothing and furnishing ; Roods. Lvcryth inS to date sxd at pricesrhct f Fr4t bp brat onywhcie m . the State, Call and sambies of the free (Jiayon 1'iciures we aioxaviuy tee tomers For Infants and Children, Th.9 fao slaila Cf iff OS ever vrapper. JOB Twentvfive suits of fii e All-WooCas8imere inrCutaway Trocfc SmtssizeB 3?fo 36 lor 4 00 a Buit'. They axe 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suit Call on us and see these and other attractions. - , GANNO-N.S---&-FET Z

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