r- j p i .- - 7 . 1 f : , xiiI-No. no CONOOTU), N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1896 Whose NO. 1,4S& ' I I I III -u M I I l I I . V M m I ' 1 -- i i . w H i OLD SOLDIERS MEET. jjJoUNCEMENTS. ner, touching upon their ; braverj, I T r0B KRISTER OF DEEDS. . t fn, rat. favors. I hereby nee myc". - , . nnou L office of Register of Deeds for the Democratic nominating .(;nn .Rpppect'ullv. ionveuv"V;xT i: PATTERSON. 1 tbeir BacriGceii thei trials and i - 5 .kfetTK lruent, Were Together for the First aaraSUip8, BUd. j expressing hlS de-r Time in si Tears a Day or Great light at being one of the honored Pleatmre - Rey. Moose Addressee! ' guests of the reunion.' ' ) m ne 111 a. rerumnent urganlzatlou -Twnty-Mx Present A n Elegant Dinner. FOE SHERIFF. During the mo ith of March, 1862, Company 52nd Regiment of,N, C. State Troop3 was organized in the Oapt. Alexander, Messrs. J N Brown, AlfredjH Smith and Daniel Stiller made impromptu speeches. t this lancture, a motion was made to make the organization a ON THE GLOBE.. The time is now near approaching: when the trading pab- lic will want, to lrnnw whftrp. th-r p.nn crai in rotnrn fri lmr- cash the greatest amount of goods adapted to their wants, , and we want to say right here that LO WE AND 1)ICK will SUDT)lv all of vonr wants for Iass m htiav than nTiir Whur - v friends, 1 hereby announce, my promoters. An enlistment of about"61? year li 0Dg 88 - five P? ;the house v We haye all you want, and every train is now bring- -D? - .rMjitp for the office of . , . . . , icomnanv survived. This waal inir in fnr nanow stnff tTit wi'lllio rfoali nn ot onAKnrW., u i"" UK man mod mnvAliArl tr rt xrrort mi h ! ' ,. l I n " w wvuu. vuw ' J J vvux w VUI, ML JLJ 1-1. UlLUCO v - . T .. . . ; permanent one, and that: the corn town of Concord, Capt. J M Aiex- , , . , - .. - . , rJ, "vum uum a iouuiuu cauu nuu Having been solicited bj many of ander and Mr. J S Fisher being the elf can 0 w E & CK THE CHEAPEST ip i t;aii"'-- yj men was marcneo. on. co war witn ,r -v , . n - v muw wut, u. kjiAwu. jjhivv? Sheriff of Ciibarrua county, subject Ueore a Pronst as caDtain. doPted makips: Concord' the place that it will make these old time long-price houses shudderi n the county ucmua uum . ;,: ,, ... . ..iror holding same. The renni( a tee UcoDtent.on.- itespeunuiiy, Many of that number never returned to the dear ones at ' home, while a for holding same. The reunions will be held on the 3rd Thursday in JU ST LISTEN! W.MARI wiuo, g00d ponion .landed 8,fe m the;----o fKJ. We wanVto show vou what Ware doins; ,4 sheeting humble homa in the dear old South- 0mpanv the UQe'of hali viand 4c ingnams 3 lv2c, Dress Calico 3c, Men' k Shirts 15c, lar- : iana irom wmre tne true, tne orave ljom" for these crand occasionfl gest towel on tne globe lor 5 and 10c, Jleached Domestic 4c, myself a can- and the courageous went Through M . v , , . . Ladies' Black Hose 4cJ Ladies mixed hose 4c. The best 10c ida-efor'the office of Sheriff of the battles and hardships: of the. ' l"?- ." u" suspender you ever saw. Boys' j suspenders 5c. No better Cabarrus county, subject to tne bloodie8i; war known t0 the world, ' Tfi UIUB? Ime of Ladies' Diss Groods in the city all the. way from 5c Democra.ic r.:;."' this little band of soldiers strug- ' " f rur I : -. - y yaru. oee wnac you can ouy ior i re ou riff i i ii i iv. i , . i rti rar lv a r n a mam nnra t .vi THOMAS J. WHITE.' Rled, and today thesuryivors, num-1. ; RiTnpn. North bered twenty-six present, asEembled f; rfi:n- Rtft- Trnnr.f,n 4nr for cotton weigher. . v at the elegant home of their comrade, h., balls sewing thread, box blacking, 10 slate I'wfliis Annonnce mvself a can- Mr. M 0 Walter, on West Depot .-'-:r , .., -nencila. 3 lead Tiencils. 2 -naners trins. , , 1U v 1L aww -;w - J " .M " ; 4 ' v ; soiaier, al u ?waiter,ior nis Kina ' v; - r m, , t , Wor the ace of C0"0D welghr street, where the day was pleasantly Mfl A Lh:, nnr KShaif ?wo ig bars Laundry Soap for 5c, ,The best 5c plug. for bsr flroina in' Man'o' hooirw nrnrlr'ohnoa I Worn 1 1 a QR o n H n -rv tr ft sgreatful for the Sample Hats bought at 50c on the dollar,1 and we are Celling - HiaarSkir AHA 4"Vl ATVt 4 Vl A QQIVia TTTOIT ftollni llO'fcT 1 . l I O YfTpik " TTrll 1 f k' ft 1 f Q . f . . hraA snlioral 65c. 100 dozen Rhirts nf ftiflrv Rtvlft at haTirain . "nrirAs- i:jj f,u rffloD rf PomatAr of j The company formed at the C0art4i.wti liT.1ftP,fls nnHnir Flo. vnrrl p.lftsintr nnt. th halanr.A nf . nn r ladiPtfl Deeds for Cabarrus county, BUbject houBe at 11 o'clock and at the comJ Je8 iQn wA i8 ; i low shoes at 40 and 60c. The Greatest store onthe Globe !tn thfl Democratic nominating' Cbn I '.LnA f nif T ' nf A to;ratw:)or' I 1 : . ... . fnr Knreralna WTrortr train "hrinori nor in now ftf.nflF thot will m ' IU i y"" r r i frrrr i ecopa, We extend to wrt. waiteri -r?& . "o-- rr-- -r-;- uwvmi . i mawnAM ?n nonnnarrprH hit WMiurMi . . t 1 ai auvu a ui ivjO aa laj auula. uul ijuuiuoLibuioi iw REECE 'JOHNSON. !."?"!"" w """" "" -ionr oign siempa. sincere. LDauKa i ' . , . - ... 1 . v - v. v, - f " Hall, where the roll was called. li.Mn i v-et in the.procession and follow the pro FOR SHEBIFF. I hereby announce ONE O'F'TVrnp 40 hair pins; 2 papers needles : box Mourning Pjns, Ladies' FOR REGISTER' OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can ' telling intensely interesting remind .we Bhoald eyer be cences of the days and struggles that 0Lj-i.r:iif.A:' J tried men's souls. - ... - :r . f'nw U, .i' ,ni FOR COTTON WEIGHER. their names and places of residence name oeen soiiciieu ov uumct-x vimk , aoe hereby announce myself a candidate J H laxander . 67 for the Democratic nominating contenUon. j myj q VanPelt 66 itespeciiuuy, . v GEORGE F. BAKNHARDT. No. 9 Township. r - r; Hall, where the roll was called. i. wn.LV .wt in the,procession and follow the crowd and you ilt Tjheiollowing snrmorsanswered to TTI : will always hn4: wililng l,nu""u"t",liV reipect for the Uonfeaerate sowiers. hAiids to wait nnon von wavft thpir rpfl And f' M-rt. ' J i5Si nanus vo wait upon you. gave tneir ages ana we sfialfeTer respect ner and nejer i ce: depart 'fromtDolding FOB COTTON WEIGHER. Daniel Stiller 71 AjH gmith; , . ,6 Joseph Blnme 53 Geo. W Rice 56 Lm. UtaAtinaimAV nl I hereby announce myself a canai-1 - date for cotton weigher for Cabar Ui?. Waiter : oo rns county, subject to the De'mo M C Walter 5. cratic contention. '' Benton Barnhardt 54 Respectfully,. W H Blnme h . 54 HARVEY A. GRIPER. JwnfnaRntw 54 FOR COTTON WEIGHER. , , x,iw . Feeling some degree of encourage-1 lcnara Su ther 53 ment by the genial attitude of my , A Daf 7R fellowmen in the! county, T most G Pf " respectfully ask your favorable con-1 A W Isenhonr sideration as a candidate for; cotton, !Lum Blackwelder 52 weigher, subject to the action of the, TimeB xr Brown Democratic county cbnvention " ' f k 5o RpnoMfni: - J - Daniel Lipe HEZEKI AH MCNAMARA. R C Blackwelder 66 . on Jiudwig EEsiDENCB the Sbutbera Iadieav Concord I Thii; following . cornmutta wss- t. Jjland tnat notning wsb lacrmg xo insure Mm& asonVlgc OMideon der, FHlnme'c Walter'Beri-' Concord Lucjwig and Alfred SinitK FIowph 1 Tle secretary; l?as then ftskfidio Concord U?ad the original enl&tmeof tie E & DICK CHEAPEST ON ' THE (3-LQBE. 5 v. V '.if : e want to Beat t r" . . the Record for July. C0nC0rdJw UJ nuvn ouvnvu mo W.Jiii Adionrnment was next in order I llllll'lll II I V kliinvA when Uie company tody re- , . , sr ' Concord tired to Mr. WaUes me, where 1 o , tlie biggest and main feature of the1 We are determined not to spend our time andifnergy ervmflBn& v?9?W i- f.rnfYiin IVe will pitch m' and make times lively; Now, la ots. Gladstone . v... i them. From 1 to V'W ty&wz Qii;, are puttine out a lot of Mfiummer8,, and we are going to make them hum. Concord Jjli:ij,V.:Aiilm. them. .Here goe 1 , '...'i.! LiLl ipwyv ."-j t I - ' Ahnnt ku nra or names nne Buoes 01 uvitzivi ts nuu icu o luna I'fimfkll BIKMjz. A. '.1' iUIU 4 Lllau WH Hwlxx Bt wl B'UlHt Avrw-w tiwu cthmh y, Mooresviue 5 fiA. -n. hv klL I w w I j - . mtmmmwmmm . a " : DrvVM UL a i1 rZ Omtoneh Tiea,e ury a w.m ge0Di waa present and parUcipated patent leathers-, some tans; Borne fine dongola pat tips, all to eo at TSa. and black Ooze andifinoKid, sizes 1 to 4i. 411 to go at $1. Made tOBetiat ANICE vw wnenainner ifw coDauuou $a ana jKfi.ou. xney muss go. . , - , r- t ,n- Concord Benton Barnhardt addressed the - SOUAbou rt'W T: uenion Daruuam.auoo State and Padan BroaniaUto'gO'm-atv-Ol.-U'iorthem SftMffer? conpany. iin a , spwjv t.puwly, wont be here long. They must go. , J . : t TTvT ; Immediatelyafterrollcalper origiw. - - lo S LINE manent organization was effected, -OF STICK PINS Oapt. J M Alexander being,: made 4 iomtpr uWence, ? f L I president and Mr. M 0 Walter sec- The flay Ms oiie J tbijl Wng n 1 . . . : . a wawi Am namiT. minimi? 11 i,uw Rey. J EMooie wag" present ana " "T " - betoreme ousincs y- tT""- taken up. maae a ueauuiu SPECIALS. at Jewelry Store, OPPOSITE. ST. CLOUD HOTEL J-'F..H',TJ.R.LE.Y, I 'NSCIRANCE AGENT, : ' Office over -EnEtVS DRUG STORE. prayer, in which he asked the Sas vious blessings to rest upon tnem and to succor them when they had passed from this field of battle. Mr. Walter naving mviwu uu cbnirades to meet with him, took it upon himself to address tne re union, bidding each ana an a neary welcome, expressing his delight at having so man of the "boyb" with nnon this occasion. In response to Mr. Walter's words of welcome. Rev. J B Moose ad. I dressed the soldiers in a happy man-j i ina. AST f. 1 For Infants1 andChildren. Tk fift- 1 Umllt BfUtVI . nelp Wnnted Female. $10 to $18 per -week to : Men and Womeii ior easy home work. No bck)ks or canvagsine. No experi ence. Bona fide offtsr. No catch. RAnd Btamn for work and particu lr; E.'Herrmarii 2lBS6nth:Bixth Street, Paiiadelphia,. Pa. o31 Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c, WoineBS solid Pei&fet Grain and OlOve Gr'ain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. hese aw.OJr shoes.allfreshahdtnicei Ladiea fine Pongola kid button shoes majl, 33SVfc "fiolid as Any shoe in the ntatket, regular J6OahMi0 ts? go t $liM Mens Fihe Satitf Oil Stfs,; laceand , gaiters at . ffj regular:! shoefc Meneeavy English Ties, every-dayfehoe, 1. 1 . 1 i-. Aaxvw. xtn inn in ormw i nnrji hij i iu?. huuid i m araSOb hais; WeuPTrunks .featloM prices. Une nunarea mens nne oew uu v jud 1:" everything in the line of clothing and. f urmshin ; goods. to date and at pricest hat carift be?beat anywheie m. the State, alVffJ tomers , . s .- :- 3 ' v 1 - JOB TwentyKfive suits of fine All-WoolICassimere inlCutaway Smte; sizes mo 36 ior 400a suit. They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 su Call on us and see these and other attractions; CANNONS & FETZER 1 ( Jr. 1. 1 1 r 1- it 1 '. . ... r h I- . i