Vol. XIIL-JNo. 111. CONCOIUV N. C, FRIDAY AUGUST 281896. WHons NO. 1,480 ANNOUNCEMENTS. the women meet. auuuai tonventlon of the Woman's ; Home and. Foreign Missionary So ciety of the North Carolina Fynotl of the Evangelical JLutheran charcb The convention met at" St. Enoch's church, Enochville," N. 0., F0R REGISTER OF DEEDS. Thankful for past favors, I hereby flimounce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for n.LmQrhiintv. subiect to the ac tion of the Democratic , nominating Wednesday, August 26th at 10 a. m. t- r 1 1 prevention. ive?pecuuiiv, C0D JOHN K. PATTERSON. A large proportion of delegates were present and also quite a sprinkling of ministers. Miss Emma Line, of F0E ,. , ' St. Enoch's congregation, delivered flavin been solicited by many of , , , . . mSda, I hereby announce 'my. e uddress of welcome in; a , .er, Jelfa candidate for the office of polite and hearty manner. Miss Sheriff of Cabarrus county, subject Sallie Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant, gave to the county uemocrdiic .nominal the response, urging increased devo tion to the great cause that had brought them together. The re ports of the President and Corres ponding Secretary showed1 another vear of encouraging succeas. The I hereby announce myseit a can- TreaflnrpPv -rnnrfc Wf1 ht rlida'e for the office of Sheriff of An- 0rt , , . r , . Srrns count'.- subiect to the $860.30 had been raised by the so. Democratic nominating convention, c'ety during the year. Kev. H N Miller, Ph. D., deny .t , , fr . ..... to Durham, One to Hew York. ' ' jUabarrua furnishes two xonng ladies whose desire -is to become hos- pital .nurses, and Jihe same have gone forthTta different places to go in training for the Ibnsines8. ; Mies Annie Ferguson has gone to Durham and will remain for two years in the hospital in that city. 1 Miss Mary,. Winecoff, of No. 4 township, left this morning for Long Island, New York, where she will enter upon servica at the Astoria Hospital, I ir:: .' -... . DICK in? convention, Respectfully, W. MARTIN WIDENHOU8E FOR SHERIFF. Respectfully, THOMAS J. WHITE The Campaign Deepens. Today the primaries are held over the county while the different wards in town will meet" at their respective voting places tonight. LOW E . THE. CHEAPEST : : ON THE GLOBE. " The time is now near approaching when the trading pub- " lie will want to know where they can get in return for their cash the greatest amount of goods adapted to their wants, and we want to say right here that LOWE AJSD DICK will supply all of your, wants for less money than any other house, We haye all you want, and every train is now bring ing in for us new stuff that will be dealt out at such prices that it will make these old time long-price houses shudder- , UST LISTEN ! We want to show you what we are doing: 4-4 sheeting -r i ' . , , I C w -J ' -www . w muv -xugu o KJ XX IX ta - I 41IJ- Jill I ho no rv noinrn will annn lino nn a. 4 . - . , . . , , ' VK . vi r gesr xowe on tne globe lor 5 and 10c, Bleached Domestic 4c, and it will be in order to consider Ladies'. Black Hose 4c, Ladies mixed hose 4c Th W inA the work of our f usion legislature, suspender you ever saw. Boys' suspenders 5c. No better Heretofore little has been said as to line of Ladies' Diess Goods in the city all the way from 5c tne1 merits or tne aemenis or mai w tue yaru. oee wnac you can buy lor r.nmhinatinn. Tfc will be left to the ered a yery thoughtful and stirring I . . , m & , & i people to say whether they are so F0K COTTON WEIGHER. ' 1 bereb? announce myself a can didate for the office of cotton weigher for Cabarrus county, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomi nating convent'on. F. A. ARCHIBALD. address on "The Church's Forget- fulness of Her Say iour's Last Com AFTERNOON SESSION, i . " v The afternoon session was taken up with the appointment of com mittees, consideration ONE CENT - 40 hair pins, 2 papers needles, 1 bo Mourning Pins. Ladies' well pleased with the work of that , . - 0 . , , , . Iegislatare m to want a eecdnd dose nm-,fl o iflnfl' fl. OI it. I "P nm "Ki nr lin fa I .onnrlvTr Q . er, mi i ' . i " The men whose names are to be tobacco in town One box 3 cakes buttermilk aoan c. 9 40o considered in connection,: with the matches for lOc&l box 24 sh several offices are a good lot to be se- 5c, Ladies1 line shoes for 65c, Men's fine shoes 90c. Biff bar- routine I lonforl ' trrim tt'rfr? -' Ida f pp! -nnnfiflpTifc I erflina in AfPTl'ft Vlbntrir wrrlr oil noo rkirovo llo' QKn rl v. 51 i I v - - '' A w . . -1. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Reeister of Deeds for Cabarrus county, subject to the Democratic nominating con nexion. Respectfully, W. REECE JOHNSON. No. 11 townehip. m nUara ovtrl on .noa : VtT WoTT XT 11. . unHcioj auuou auuiMBj , mat a goou Bironj ucKet win oe uftujc natu uuuguiiii; uvu uii Lue uoiiar, ana we are selling Y Boozer, of Burlington, N. 0. nominated 'and the Standard them the same way. - Sailor hats 10c, large white quilts for The address was an excellent, one. i,ieuges itself in advance to be of 65c, 100 dozen shirts of re ery style at bargain prices, 100 Thursday, morning. 6nch sirvicea aa it can render to Pces outing 5c yard, closing out the balance of our ladies' FOR COTTON WEIGHER. IT -- - I I rxxr ahnaa n t- A l r RAn rrii., i. m. i. : $700of its funds to the; Board .f UfoW,exp,d choice at the 2cef cStrs!tDfl,hat ' lU fne unitea oynoa. ana me remain- pmaI1e8. - ; ; -. G?t in tha procession and follow the crowd and you will aer 10 ,10 uuye mmiiicoipavx? oeuey&, mucn is. bu .sijr. (Ju soon land at-oltr-statioirr aird you will always find willing: tneNonn anwina oynou. a uih i tnis campaign, ana tne yigor 01 eai nanas to wait upon you. was made by a unanimous vote. nestness shonid characterize our ef- Miss Clara Oehler, of-Mt. Fleas- forts to place the State in the hands Havirjg been solicited bv numer- ' T . . 4. n ham nffnAtttn m an. I IL .1 j A. ' XV t n m n m nn oas voters 01 uaoarrus counry,; 1 au, reuitcu m cij cucuuijo ma- jiaat ran K9 auairo bu iuug auu cu smoothly that theie was scarcely ' a j ir and certainly no ju3t demand for a change; We thought it a settled conclusion that when the Divine formed the Democratic nominating convention. Respectfully, GEORGE F. BARN HARDT. No. 9 Township. ' : herebv announce mvself a: candidate I her a selection entitled So Much forthe ofece of cotton weigher, eub-Un Do at Home" Prof. E B ject to the action of the connty Mf Tfnrth Carolina Golleee. I '.J . 7 - a ' delivered a scholarly' address on "Foreign Missions Why ?" Miss E-jsiA Fisher Tead an unusual lv hhe different races, he fixed upon the paper, appealing for increased' de- Caucasian the talent and the duty yotion to the Master's work. Key. to rule' and push civilization and L K Props t, Secretary of the Boird enlig'htenlnents to' the highest meas- 1 herebv announce mvself a candi-! of the United Synod, gaye a yery nre of pidgresj. This is as certainly , : " mJ ' .1 ! ' " ' . . . . -v . ' oate for cotton weigher for Cabar interesting account of the work an'unwritteh law as anything thpt m county, subiect to the Demo4ft W'thA!rin&rd dnrinff the1 last hiarka the' .'.-evolution : lo man; from cratic convention. ; few years.- : :Ul - his-lower to his' presehr;hi LOWE & DICK. CHEAPEST ON THE GLOBE. Want to We Beat FOR COTTON WEIGHER. the "Record for July. Respectfully, HARVEY A. GRE BER. years. The election of officers resultc d stages. We have no disposition to We are determined not to spend our time and FOR COTTON WEIGHER. energy grumbling i as lollows : Mrs. J 1 vv enz, rresi- deprive tpe negro - race, oi a aiugic about dull times.. We will pitch inland make.times lively.: Now, in ors dent MiBS iissie Fishier, Vice Hnt as"a citizen; but we. record our der to make; this incomios-month the'biggest July wehay ever hadwa . . j ttt " ttt p l . . '; at tkuiia iv are Pttmr out a lot otrHummers" and we are going' to make them hum. ' President y Mrs. A W Winecof, of protest against the scheme that by We are going to do away with Stickefs. : We will .make Movers out df Mm jk 1 tnrno nr nnrnhprs. nor or inteiieci or i tneiu. rxxere coes: : . . Feelina Hnm of onnror: Salisbury, ' Secretary tteht bv th cronioi WtiitnHa hf x tyiv Heiliff, Treasurer :MrsH N Mil- iellow-men in the county, I- most ier, Corresp'ondihg Secretary." respectfully ask your favorable con- . Salisbury ' was selected as the filderation as a candidate fnr nntton . mu ' higher, subject to the action of the ' P,ace 01 "eenD " bcbbiuijo CGlOCrRt in nnn n t Ann rr an f i nn - Respectful iY, HEZEKIAH MCNAMARA. of the convention Jesting. ft ere yery, inter- NICE LINE OF- STICKPINS at OPPOSITE ST.. CLOUD HOTEL JiWilry Store, A ISew Afternoon Paper. ; Charlotte is to haye another after noon daily. Mr; H S U Bryant and Mr: Minor Elliott will be , tne pro- nriptnra ! and "Cedirs.L ' MrV Elliolt f-' will do - toe. r epor torial workand Mr Bryant will haye ch-ire of the edit torial. Just when the nrst issue will appear has not been announced, but it may be looked for almost any day. I ' .- The Observer wishes,these young men success in trieir.- new endeavor. They are just the two te deserye and haye it. Charlotte Obaeryer. fnrne of n timbers. Ui.tnoa W,il nlftPfl ro lftWfl and so Aoout tu pre or jjauies nne shoes of fleigier's and Keed's m kes, all virtues, jwill place so arge ana so gma?1 BizeSt- 2h 3f 3j and 4 that we will fell at $1 a pair. , Not a pair among valuable a part 01 ouroiaie . uuuer tnem but cost ?2 ana over. They must go. . ' , . the rule Of the race that is sure to t a. About one hundred pair -or .Ladies me Oxford Ties, some i - , patent leathers, some tans, some hne i dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. check progress 4 and endanger the rhey cost from Si to $1.50. They must go. well-being of themselves and the ; ,-NO. 3.; -4boutp0 pairs Ladies hne Oxford?; all Zeiglers, tan gray . .t a & n,n :Aama nf and black ooze and fin Kid, sizes 1 to 4i. .. All to go at 31, Made to sell &i vrxiikc avv(niu vw. 5z ana ajou xney must go. government. We trust that after ? NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords arid strap Sandals Zeielers. noral . ftHSPmhl v wa shall J KU"3. Jvttuy" 0 '"' bu in an ox.zo. lor mem mey tiuoxibAw c.wuw&m. "J " I nrrtn r ta hero Inn 'hor Trn o f . ;? hear no. more of electing negro mag" istrates'and riiegro1 county vcqmmis- eioners by which to humiliate our own race and return to the scenes of reconstruction days. J',,F''HiU.R,LEY, OHAiSeE; AGENT, ' CASTOR I A For Infants and. Children. NO. 5 A few prs. of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1. to aro at 50c. ' NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Bfack Vici Eid Oifordx at 81. They are $1.60 shoes, and are free a stockjust bought them. - ' S P,E CIA'LS. . onckiens ArnisaiTe, .. : Womfins Solid Leathfir Shoes at 65c. Womerta solid Leather Pebbk The Best Saive in ;tne world' for Grain and Glove. Grain Lace and -Button .Shoes at .75c. These are $1 Outs Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt) shoes, ail irepn ananice. adies nne xipngoia na button jsnoes, maae at Kneum, ever oores, j ettera onappe ft1 Mo -p,. R . n chn. in j ftf. &i rhp Isb'TTARl fivfirv-ftVfihnfiS. 1.00 f Snlirl " Skin Eruptions, and positively cures as leather can make them. Big job in -straw, hats at; 10c, Borne, of them Piles or - no pay : requi -ed. It is are 50c hats. . We buy Trun.ks in car-loads and "retail them at whole sale guaranteed to give statisfaction or prices. " ' One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at ? just half price. . We have monev refunded. Price 25 cents per everything in the line of clothm goods. . Everything up box, i?or 8aie at r- x reizers lrng R HaTTlnfiS nf ;nA f rfi , firavon Pictures we are haviner made for nnr c,uc tomers -; ' . . - stores 6; .. . V.-J-t mei wanted areniaie. J OB 1 w entyhve suits of hne All-VvoonUassimereinlUutaway irock S10 to $18 per week to Men and Suits, -sizes 34 to 36 lor 4 00 a suit. ;M hey are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00 suits. (n. .nan. Hrtma nnvb- .. w a von uo auu oto uwov wuua. wk.vuu. VV ULL1K3U 1U1 COOT XAWiiiw uia ... "VT - "; - - 3 I hooES or can vasBi ne vt o ex peri- . ; . i - . ? . - ., ? ' . j ehcer -Bona-fide: oner.-- No catch. IS 08 titt d A N N G N S & FETZER Office over S DRUG STORE. " " Street, Philadelphia, Pa. o31 . . . Tripper. Tbsfao- . sinila el mature cf S2?

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