Vol. XI1I.-o. lit). CONCOlllX N. CM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1896. Whole NO. 1,495 T. B. SEIGLE'S' DUORS CLOSED ; Poisoned Another Fine Dog. Lawyer Wm. M Smith is certainly Bad Collections and Pressing Claims JDrlye Him to the Wall Mr. J o 'lhomas Assignee. playing in fbr having CENTS Sale of Dress Goods, Sat urday, Septem- - ber, 5, 1896. Mr. Thad B Seigle,' conducting business under the firm name of T L Seigle & Co,, made an assignment yesterday at 3.12 for the benefit of hia creditors, Mr. J 0 Thomas, his book-keeper, being named as as signee. The new 8 spread over the city quickly, causing genuine regret, for Mr Seigle's estaolishment was one ! Summer r i''VPTiandauf m iuB uuy. mr, oeigie nas oeen pressed for money for several months owing to bad collection?, but his friends who were aware "of hia em barrassment and need, thought he would pull through. A claim of hard lock. He is noted the finest bird dogs that can be had,' 'He was owner of two, Poco and Prince, of which , he was very proud. It wijl be remembered that The Standard several days ago noted the fact V that j Poco had scome to an. untimely end, which was generally regretted by all of the local sports, to say nothing of Mr Smith's displeasure. Added to that case, some one reoloaded and gave ; Prince, his other fine pointer, a dose 8 o'clock' this morning . s t . - the dog died. Since the above, was written, we MAGISTRATES' COURT. Table county, to earned by Two Interesting: Cases That ; -I Up an Afternoon. . Ambrose Wallace, an old colored man of Mecklenburg county, Thurs day afternoon brought suit against Mr. Andy Neal, of this recover wages j that were his adopted son, Sam Dorton, a mi ner. The amount sued for was $57.50, less amount for clothing and tobacco, as provided for in con tract. '" ' " The case was argued before Es quire Pitts, who gave the negro judgment for $7.20. Mr. Neal says he will appeal to a higher court. At 5 o'clock Esq uires W J Hill WHAT IS IT? are informed that not only ihe dogs, and c A ritts 8at jointly upon the but the cats are dying along Bell suit brought by A H Neweom, of Avenue and m that part of the city. Rowan county, against Register of $52 which was presented and pressed kicked a 'Possnm-Now iie is sorry, Deeds Weddington for the sum of AT yesterday at 3 o'clock, and which could not be met promptly, brought matters to a crisis, and 12 minutes IE & -EVERYTHING IN LAWNS, DIMITIES, MUSLINS, : OREPONS, ETC. That we have in stock will be closed out Saturday for the small price of 5 cts per yard. The former price William Gaston Vickers, who $200 damages, for issuing license to liyes on the outskirts of the city, is bls 16 -year-old daughter, Endora S carrying liis great toe in a sling ewsom, who very romantically atter Mr, Seigle made an assignment, these days. Lst Sundav night weaaea one lioodman, or this News of his embarrassment was when he was undressing to retire, 00? nty jQet one year ago. The case known at the law building, and at his dog began to bark -at- something was argued by J L Orowell for the fha Kftw xmrH Mr Vini-o 1 plaintiff and M H Hi Caldwell for the following parties, but too late went out there, and saw what he the defendant. The court decided the assignment had been recorded thought was a cat and kicked at it tnaL register weaaington naa tne four minutes previous. with his nakea foot, right to isaue the license and sua- T L Alexander, Son & Co., for The supposed cat grabbed his bie ained him in his action. $52; Ganna Bros'., Baltimore, $133; toe and held on until it waa kicked Mr. Newsom ia net satisfied with rT,rtwpll Ar. T?iVhorda Hr Sttfc. nff. Thpfi Mr. Vintpra ' fnnnH f hat: 6 reSUlt ana UaS appealed tO the Goldertrank, Sampson & Co , Balti lit waa an opossum instead of a cat. Superior Court mnrp. H M Rnarnhladt & The ' Co., Philadelphia, . $36; Grifilth a box and Mr. Tickers says he will The Best Salve in the Manufacturing Company, Ualti- get his revenge later. His toe Cuts, Bruises, Sores; Ulcers, Salt more, $11; Traleicht, Docker & Co:, was bitten quite badly. Durham Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe $14.50: Lamb, Pindley &-CoNew Herald. -I w i - , .. .. Hands,. , Chilblains, . Gorns-jand all York, $199; WO Do d, $47. The "-f - DKin iLmpwons, anuposiuveiy cures Tne Ideal Panacea. j. iico wx uu icuircu. w The Strange Performances of an Ani mal Cause Railroad lien to Fear Railroad men are naturally super stition?, and for the past Beveral weeks they have had great cause to be, especially the freight men. At the deep cut half a mile below - the depot at this, place some kind . of an animal resembling a cat ' jumps fro'm the embankment on to the cars and runs up and down the entire length of the train. The strangest part of the mysterious . performance is that it cannot be : seen on any but southbound trains. When the train reaches the section house, two miles down the road, the thing vanishes away. Capt. N Ed. Patterson and Night Operator John M Young say that railroad men regard it as an omen that bids ' evil and ihat while the strange ap pearance and disappearance is in teresting to watch it puts a mcs 1; dreadful spell upon vthe men who have seen it. world for i i 1 i i ; - .....s , mu, i ne laeai ranacea. i v "w liauuiiicB were uuu uivcu, ; iuc , .i;nM "ThP James Xi. Francis, AJdennan, a j j d . J.nei. f, 'I mnnAff rpfnriflPrt. Prino v.fi r.PTfn rPT Chicago saya : I regard Dr.-King s doed of assignment says: J. F. HURLEY, INSURANCE- AG EN T, Office over r: tETZEICS DR UG STORE. ANICELINE OF STIGKIPINS at ffi A iOi Pachk and Rheumatism relieved toy Dr. MUes Nerve Plasters. mone v refunded. Price 25 cents per part, of the first part (Seigle) as- box. -For Bale at P B Fetzer's Umgl piornfl forftver all that stock Of frooda. I i t-, -. . " Store. "tw -t; o . ' ior uougns, uoias ana juung uom wares and merchandise, furniture plaints, having used it in my family and fixtures, now situate and being for the last five years, to the exclu i at and in the store rooms No. 11 sion of physicians's prescriptions West Trade street and South Trvon or other preperations. . .. ''- . . . I "Rait. .InVin "Rnrcns-TTfinlrnir Tr.TPft. 0., and all and singular the goods J rfife? "V7"9illt) tO BGftli chattels, stocks, promissory notes 50 years or more, and have never Jewelry MX OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL d3bt8, claims, demacd?, property and found anything so beneficial, or that ejects of every description,' real gave me such speedy relief as Dr. and personal, belonging to the party King's New Discovery. Try this of t W first rmrt. wherever the same "ai ougn ixemeay now. xnai Vb r- - - i -n in m' " T-k r-1 1 TTmn in 101 rA nd I . potties nee ac 13 eszer b lrug oiore. wao lu, ctiiu. jlo vio imay oe, eiuept hucu piupcitj, ao ia exempted by law from sale under execution." 1 "I'm . the Becord for July. per yard. Instantaneous. WeTare determined not to spend our time and rnergy grumbling mum mm WM tired to death." declared about dull times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now. in or Mt. onVprprl hia rpal estate! Ma Matmniv aa flhp rpaohpH hnme der to make this incoming montn tne Diggest juiywe nave ever naa, we 6 , J t i. m j I J - . . are putting out a lot of Hummers" and we are going to make them Jaum. she house and lot on 'West Irade from down town the other evening. We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Movers out of jetreet to his stepmoiner Wednes day afternoon, to secure to her the $3,000 legacy left her by his father.. Charlotte Observer. - "Whot'o ftio' matter?" ' aalrpd TlPr them. Here T06S: 1 A Vrknt fin nm nf T.mlifta finfi nTinAn nf Zfiicler'a anil "Rpp.d'a mpkea ' all hUSOandJ ' I omoll 01-00. 9.x a. 3i anfl 4 that we ivill pell at &1 a rair. Not a nair amonsr It'-''- Pa A U M 3 - J W w ' w - W A. ' " A. - ' them but cost $2 and over. They must go. m . . . JNU. U, ADOUt one nunarea pair 01 uuuies r me viiuru xiee, suiuu . 1 .-! , ' a l H J a nr Been ALL MUST GO: Tt efcs Convey Disease. Mr. McD. Wadkins, a dairyman of Charlotte, suffered great loss from a pestilence among his milch cows re cently, losing twenty in one day. He called an expert veterinarian know." ''How taken, j They have a way of taking patenrleafaerB eome tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. tnemv lnsiantaueouaiy now, yuu iney costiromi to$i.ou. j.ney muse go. , JNU. 3. ' About ou pairs juaaies nne uxioras, aii Zieigiers, ran, gray and black ooze and fin kid, sizes 1 to 4f. All to go at $1. Made to sell at $2 and $2-50. They must go. : NO. 4. About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padan Bros., all to go in at $1.25. Call for them they wpnt be here long. They must go. NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR M$N: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords long were you at it?" "Three hours and a half." Sir. Blume Improving;. Mr. W A Blurne, father of Mr. Martin Ulnmft who ia so low with fit $1- TVipv are shoes, and are fresh stock? i us t bought them. from RUeigh wno pronounceu n t hoid feTer at the home o hig gHEaP store. Teraa fever. It seems mat tne contagion is conveyed from one to the other by ticks. The surgeon as sured him that no further symptoms would appear if ticks were kept off. This looka rather strange and we can give! it only as we read the re porta. To say the least the tick ia a very undesirable appendage to a cow and it would be well to have them off. . ; grandfather near St John's, was in town this afternoon and says that his eon is imorovm sr. although not " w yet out of danger. Motlec HnlKnts. ' There; will be a regular meeting of Concord Knights of Pythias, No. 51, tonight at 8 o'clock. " Work in the rank of Knight. Members es pecially requested to be prompt. I G. L. Patterson, O. C. M. B. Hartsell, K. nf R. and S. CASTORS A For Infants and. Children. " The fac simile cigaataro cf v. . SIP ,z- i8 ea - eTery wrapper. Hlp Wantecl--remale. S10 to S18 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. Bona fide offer.. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth ; S P E iG I A L, S Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the irarket, regular SI-50 shoes, to go at SI. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at $1. They are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens Heavy English Ties, everyday fehoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholesale prices. -One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. ,We have everything in the line of elothing and furnishing goods Everything up to date and at pricesthat can't ie beat any wheie in the State, Call ttna tomers . JOB Twentyfive suits of fine All-Wool ICassimere inCutawaytFrock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 ior A 00 a suit, i They aie 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00iSmts. Call on us and see these and other attractions. y CANNONS & -Street, Philadelphia, Pa. o31 T -

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