oi. XIH.-NO. 122. CON COW), N. C.v FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1896. Whole NO. 1,501 MR. PRITCHAKD'S SPEECH. 1 Xn '93 In Good Voice and Mild, Though Misleading. Bode an Old Exploded i Cheap Store. when Cleveland came into power. I , J. " V? , . 'J- ... . ; ; ;: " H e said tne Democrats said in '73 nobby. , : that thev wanted tor capture the The Senaier was happy in his marketB of the world for the farmer preliminary remarks and took an and quoted census figures to show J early occasion to disavow any pun. that our imports had decreased P8e to array any class or race under the tffort. He dwelt on the against another. tobacco icompetition: that he said lne colored man is free in every had ruined the industry. sense m North Carolina and can He claimed that the Wilson bit! vote as he pleases and should do so. caused all the decline in prices. He He. said the Democrats wanted said the Democratic party is a costly ,mce m Ashevilie, N. C., within 30 I I n OTTO T 1rtm 1 rln hn.nnif . n. tniH He said that under Cleve- ZZH ."c,uaw UV !? , prupcrty win oe aeciarea iorreiieu Notice of Seizure, Seized near Concord, j N, C.,;on the night of August 31't, 1896, the ; following property for violation the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, to wit : Two small bay horses one two horse wagon and harness, about 15 gallons of whiskey and four empty kegs, s apposed to be the property of Jacob Hartsel). Notice is hereby given to any one claiming said property to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by law to the undersigned at his ces declined, under f Harris t0 the Government of him to discuss only the financial is- luxury, sue. In '92 they said "4 years more land pr of Grover and we will be in clover," son they advanced. Tnat the Dem- States. Filled to the top now witn No more 5 cent cotton, but we will ocrats used to yell "nigger." now B? new goods. Everything you have 20 cent cotton. The Demo- they want his vote and they yell want in the way of ; a new Crats always haye the cry of "free" free silver, that manufacturers are dress from a 3 cent Calico, something. In '76 they said not stopping and many were saying Ginghams or Plaids up to ; the free fiilver but fiee whiskey and they could not hold out much vnDnmOQ II TIP. nf . J J i ! lldUUpvXAJ. I PAH Tin mnnov Sttin tiro Xi11 nina I lnrvcv t-ia ooM fhflf PannVilionn a TTrtll nknn n ll f n rm V- -rm '. n h a I A. 1 n M s- -am m aSam r-m m i t uu uuca v uiuiuiuti ,iucv vvun u i iiul u i ;i r 1 1 1 iiii uui iarui uruuuuuuuH. m i i mi i . - t i - ' L&UBS ! WK 1 M the United tocknolders and Directors Meet- . There. will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc tors .of the Concord Southern Kail- road Company, held at the office of W M Smith in Concord, N. C., oa Tuesday, 29 th of September, 1896, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are - requested to be present. J W Oaistkon Elam King, Jno. P Allison,, V D K Hoover, W M Smith, . Direct9rs of Concord Southern RaiU . way.' ' Rogers, TUB Collector 5th District N. C R. S. Harris, I " v Deputy Collector. Art Sclioo . Mis. Jennie Klutt'z Art School will open on September 14 Recom- mendationB. Atfi.. n,r in thn liftridfl great victory on it. They had every including milk, butter, etc., but 0f the principal of the graded i -.. I j' T 1 I.. -r-v I - ' . ' 1 . i 1 1 " ! - Drancn or tne government ana naa tne JJemocrats raisea tne tarin on scnoois. si every He pictured the town of chance to- fulfill all their linuor. 1 - l . l l i TT 1 r i ? - 1 l l . I . - " . Dress Goods at S1.00 per yard promises, out aia not go h. ne uranopy, Dooming ana oiooming $i0 to 618 per week to Men and ill town. The Styles are abso- saia tney naa bankrupted tne gov- under Kepublican and declining un- Women for easy home work. No lutely correct and the price is ernment and j made a deficit of der Democratic rule. He eulogized books or canvassingi No experi- rilit. $13,000,000 per month. He said McKinlev and promised the South ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. Two hundred Pairs Blankets that the Republicans had turned to blUm with : prosperity if he KLS 4 50 per pair. 75 cts to over to the Democrats $128,000,000 were elected. He would not speak Street, Philadelphia,! Pa. c31 FULL LINE OF- m 92, that 32 per cent, or the la- much boring men were out of employ-1 hated of Cleveland the people him but would quote Mr. Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes M en s Pants ment, that the great consideration Bryan 'who had said it was immate- and jobber Clothing, Tires, and a was to get work for the laboring rial whether the Wilson bill raised full line of Rubber Goods, (Part or man. He claimed that Republican the price of wool or nor. He said Mr. all of). Free samples, and prorected factory '. u from 75 cents to $3.00, rule employed men and capital, that Bryan wants free lumber for Ne- grouna to worKers. under the Harrison administration braskans to build houses. He did ' the public debt was reduced $452, j not blame him. We must each look Twenty-five dozen Men's 000,000 and that every obligation to our interests. He told us what Work Shirts that originally was met, that the Wilson bill in- filled; cheese is and- said Democrats sold ior 4U cts fiave Deen re creased the public debt -8263,000. were oDooaed to taxint? to protect - I . I I i L ' c. Jfeadaclie and Neuralgia cured toy Dt MILES' PAIN PILLS. "One cent a dose." J. F. HURLEY, INSURftNCE AGENT, Office over lETZERS DRUG STORK A NICE LINE -OF STICKPIN at mm i Jiwelry mi OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL duced to 2fict.s. Ten . dozen mm 1 i 4 t lflli-fM th?t sold for 75 cents hove been reduced to 50 cents. The G O. -A- 3L ! K L Craven is now receivinc: the best Jellico Lump Coal. Also superior Hard Coal, Egg unconstitutional, rect to say that Republicans wanted pree delivery. Orders 80s irs to change the gold; only, thaT they wanted gold, 'lcited7 "" ' " . j---- the price. 100 Boltsti 000. He-said that the Democrats the maker and the eaters of eocd had depended on the income tax out cheese.. that a JJemocratic iupreme vourt , He maintained tbat. it was incor- had declared, Jt that it took two years constitution.1 now snouia we avoia silver, and naoer money, tnat we i I the S134000,000 per . month ? By now have 52 times - more silver - ed than we had before '73, that Ripublicans wanted interna al besmetalism and that the get COAL BURNERS. Every citazen Concord who intends to burn coajl during the coming .winter-, will save money and trouble by purchas ing from n.-. We will handle the beat JlllICO 1 and will deliver any quantity in any pan of the city. Youi orders are solicited.' kvolltr I HiiffiH Headquarters at' Black welder's store, on West' Depot street. -;- oB . qvality can' t be matched for taxiDg the foreigner with a tariff , or coin! by laying a tax o:her property r on our land and the tion We want to TTa Qfrnnorlv nrcrfid a tariff tax as onlv wav we would ever set free w vut-M - e -. I j j i ft UUL J Cmf 1 .O Hel woutd liaye Americans to make ment, and that reciprocity would whatever she heeded. He claimed force the nations to adopt it. He that Americans could not compete said that Mr. Bryan .admitted that with Europeans unless they went free coinage would cause a panic but without clothing. He said the that it was like giving a sick man Democrats thought we ought not to medicine that made him sicker at tax importeis, that Senator Gorman first, then cured, him.. The Senator was willing to tax the coffee that ridiculed the idea. necessary supply, He touched lightly on Mr. Dock eat that will" go at the extremely low price of 15, 20 and 25 cts per yard. NEW : SHOES. Never haye we been so well "lixed in the shoe line as at present. We have the cheap- n. nnor man s K conniri tmt tar th wool that was firv's leaving and thought he would ..-j. . : i :ii X! n www - I " . saoZ y , wm nWu "y blon8bt ioio eompe'titton . with the fin& out his foil j at "suoKing time. 10 cent ' farmer. ; 'He said the people did not Mr Hlpveland so well now. He been . used; for over: fifty years by , , i i r. 4.i-i-M' mil liona of mothers for their child- woula oniy say ne wo cuuicij uuu t: r, .. , -.. vu t , Tor Over .Fifty Tears like frs Winalow'a Soothiner Svrnn has e 3t. and was fearless in the con vie-. reii while teething, with perfect sue- ppga ' Tt nnnt hpfl thft fihildl 8of tens that sold so fast, . White tion of duty and that ne was abused fcte gum8 aiiays all pain, cures wind Quilts all the way from 50 cts for things the constitution and laws cdlic, and is the best remedy for up to Si. 75. Our house is compelled him to'do upon his oath, Diarrhoea, It will relieve the popr now full up to the top and we . he appealed to congress to little sufferer immediately. Sold by still get new goods daily and ,nnip to t he rescue and avcid the druggiat iin every part of the iworld, "St? tektiS ts wmooo ing Syrup," and take no other kind . i . . - . i r-v i iii Hof. wnn Iff riftVP TtlftC in order to get it, You loose wmgiej . . the want, duii iu wouiuuianu money to make a purchase without seeing us. LOWE i D CHEaP store. . Ik Senate sat sullenly and would not do anything and the. President had to issue bonds and now they were find ing fault with him for it. He said that the Republicans wanted to tax foreigners, the Democrats wanted to tax our own people and asked the people to vote as they wished, for the Republicans if they wanted to tax the importer, but for the Democrats if they wanted to ba taxed them selves 1 He said bnsitieca began to decline Installation Seryice. ; On the third 8unday," September 20th, the installation of Rev. S D Steffey, pastor of St. John's y an gelical Lutheran church, will take place. Rey. V RStickley, President of the North Carolina Synod, Rev. M G G- Scherer, President of North Carolina College, and .other minis ters will take part in the ihstalla tioti services. Two sermons will be preached, at 11 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the after . the "Record for July . We are determined not to spend our time and fnojy grumbling about dulJ times. ! We will pitch iu and make times lively. Now, in ot der to make this incoming month the biggest July we l.nvf ever had, vtn are putting out a lot of "Hummers". and we are going to make them hum. We are going to do away with .Stickers. We will make Movers out of them. Here goes: About 60 Drs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reeds mkes, all small sizes, 2J, 3, and 4 that we will Fell at 81 a pair. Not a pair am cTiigr them but cost 2 and over. They must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, somo patent leathers, some tans, some tine' dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. They cost from 1 to $1.50. They must go.: NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fin kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at $1, Made to Bell at 2 and $2-50. They must go. ' . . NO; 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeielers. B8y State and Padan Bros., all to go in at S1.25. Call for them they wont be here long. They must go. ' " NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. J NO. 6.-FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfprda at SI. They are $1.50 shoes, and are tresu stock just bought them. Women s Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens solid Leather Pebblo Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. -These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button " Shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. I Solid as any shoe in the market, regular $1-50 shoes, to go at SI. Mens Pine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at SI." They are regular 1.25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday shoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50o hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholesale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Everything up to date and at prices) hat can't be beat any wheie in the State. Call ana see samples,of the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus-v tomers ; : : " " :; l . " t': ' ; JOB T w entyfive suits of fine'All-WoolICassimere in CutawaylFrock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 4.00 a suit.1 iThey aie 10.00, 12.50 and .OOsuila. Call on us and Bee these and otherlattractions. , bANWOiVjS & FETZER -1 t 1