.- - . Q Voi.XIH.-No. 124, CONIWD, N. C., MONDAY SEPTEMBER 14 18961 Whole NO. 1,503 GRADED SCHOOLS START. I - DR. PRESTON DEAD. I it The Enrollment at the Central Build Ins Numbered 318 Forest Bill Will e si ii Wednesday. Tbe'city graded.-school 'opened up this morning with a most favorable 8 tart. : - The enrollment at the central building, which includes those com ing up from Cannonville and the heart of the city.numbers 318, which is more than the total enrollment at the opening last fall, including For est Hill. Superintendent Sainn is very much encouraged by the presence of Filled to the top now with so many pupils this morning, and new goods. Everything you he will endeavor to make the school want iu the way t)f a new one of the. most profitable and sue- dress irom a o cent calico, cessful ones ever tausht in thia oitv. " j Oliea pSt ore. Ginghams or Plaids up to the handsomest line of kiss I I i pity rv ... . . ine forest Hill school will not open till Wednesday morning. The day was taken up in the grading and classifying the pupils. work will begin in earnest tomor row morning. I A Good and Much Beloved minister Dies .While Away from Ills Home. Rev. Dr.: John A Preston, paster of the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte and one of the most able divines in the Presbyterian church, i died at ( 6 o'clock Sunday evening at Blacksburg, Va. Several months ago this congrega tion, one of the largest in this whole section, gave Dr. Preston a leave of absence for a month's va cation. He went to Virginia and was taken with typhoid tever, from the effects of which his precious and useful life rapidly wore away until now he is cold in death. Arm Torn Up in a uotton Gin. Bob Biggers, a young white man of No. 10 township, who was em ployed ?at Dulin's cotton gin, in Mecklenburg county, i met with a serious accident Saturday while feeding the gin. In some way his left arm was caught in the ma chinery and badly lacerated, and the fingers on his right hand were all broken. Dr. Black says it is doubtful if the arm can be saved, and if it is, Mr. Biggers will be dis- figured for life. . Dr. (Preston has a number of close friends in this city and county who will learn with sorrow and sadness of this dispensation of Him who doeth all things well. Col. Car r to Be In Charge. Col. contro Bryan North at ail pr 4 per pair. -FULL LINE' OF Dress Goods at $1.00 per yard The nenry jiendaii school, in town. The styles are abso- Miss Laura Parish, of this city, lately correct and the price is who left eevtral weeks ago for rislit . - Muskoeee. Indian Territory, to Two hundred Paxrs Blankets t9ach in the Henr Kendal College, t all prices from 75 cts to u u - una uuaigo ut tuc puujary uopall' ment of that institution. There is a corps of twelve teachers, arid the college is second to none in the ter- lGIl'S IP&IltiS 8titution is clipped from the Daily News, of Muskogee : "The college bears the name of Henry Kendall-in honor of the occasion nrTrrTif xt fitTQ .1rcki-i M an ' a 1 crrn n d nl f hprn nf hnmA miHainnn I Since W"ork Shirts that originally Henry Kendall, D. D. Dr. Kendall sold for 40 cts hare been re was of English origin, which, with duced to 25cts. Ten dozen ! the rigorous discipline of a farm life, gave him- the stalwart man hood that carried him on bo firmly from 75 cents to $3,00, Julian S Carr will have the and direction of President during his itinerary through Carolina, m eting Mr. Bryan at Knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Clement Manly recalling the very successful "whirl" which Mr. Cair gaye Vice President Stevenson on the occasion of his tour through North Carolina some four years ago, has prevailed upon him to undertake a like duty inv behalf of our next President, so that our worthy townsman will be maste He'll Notice of Seizure. I Seized near Concord, N. C on the night of August 31t, 1896, the following property for violating the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, to wit: Two small bay horses one two horee wagon and harness, about 15 gallons of whiskey and four empty kegs, sappo3ed to be the property of Jacob Hansel 1. '' Notice is hereby given to any one claiming: said property to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by law to the undersigned at hip office m Ashevilie, N. O., within 30 days from the date hereoff, or said property will be declared forfeited to the Government ot the -United States. By Sam L. Rogers, Collector 5th District N. C. ' R. S: Harris, Deputy Collector. Iielp WantedFemale. $10 to $18 per week to Men and Women lor easy home work. No books. or. canvassing! No experi ence. Bona fide oner. No catch. of ceremonies on the greatest Send stamp for work and particu Stockholders and Directors meet. There will be a meeting ox the stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern Rail road Company, held at the office of W M Smith in Concord, N. C, on Tuesday, 29th of September, 1896, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present. J W Cannon, ' -1. i : Elam King, J NO. P ALLISON, D R Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern Rail way. '.' . J. F. HURLEY, INSURANCE AGEWT, . - . Office o ver JbETZER'S DRUG STORK North Carolina has seen the war. Look out ooys ! do it big. Durham Sun, lars. E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. c31 US' HE&VY OVER-ALLS Slarvelous Results. From a letter: written by ;Rev. J. Gunderman, of Diamondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex- tract: x nave no nesitanon in re A NICE LINE OF STICK PIMS at OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who interfds to burn coal during the coming winter will save money and trouble by purchas ing from us. We will handle the best through nearly a half century of commending Dr. King's New Dis- dftn"v AVxr j , , i Icoverv. as the results rwere almost -PACC uouvoi. K L Craven is now receiving the best Jellico Lump Coal, Also superior Hard Coal, Egg and Stove. Prompt attention. Orders so JELLICO thpt sold for 75 cents have been redu qvality ci the price. H100 Bolts- and will deliver any quantity in any part of the city. Youi orders are solicited. irJtehckle. continuous ana exnausuye ianor. rr ' " ; iu- HnAta: "In 1840 he' graduated from While I was pastor - of the Baptist been reduced to 50 cents. The Hamilton Uollege and from Auburn cuureu xjivB u uu bxio wo uecu ieuuieu tu uvwiud. auoi & . OAA brought down with pneumonia qvaiiiy uau i ue iuuiulicu. iui iucwugiwi uouuuoij 1U uni, x U1 succeeding Jja unppe, lerrioie wr -m i ' 1 i i j a number of years, he labored sue- paroxysms of cousrhiug would last Ay A vl.Tl T. TO ITHM.Ti cessfully in the pastorate, During geemed as if she couldl not survive the fail of 1861 Dr. Kendall entered themi A friend recommended Dr. upon the duties as secretary of the Kuig's New Discquery; it was quick . . I mn e nrrtvlr onH - niorilir CQ f iota tT.rT r Headquarters at Black welder's store, on West Depot street. . :o8 ' WOOL JEANS that will go at the extremely lovr price of 15, 20 and 25 cts per yard. v NEW : SHOES. Never haye we "been so well fixed in the shoe line as at present. We have the cheap est shoes you will find any place. New lot of those big 10 cent tow that sold so fast. White Wits all the way from 50 cts up to $1.75. Our house is now full up to the top and we still get new goods daily and will mi the basement. We want your trade this fall and will sell you goods very low m order to get it. You loose money to make a purchase without seeing us. v LOWE t DICK 15oard ot Home Missions, wnicn po- in results. Trial bottles free at sition he filled for thirty years in a Fetzer's Drug Store. Regular size tt;i ia iaow ouc and &i,uu. UiaDtcilY Uiauucii uuvu uio uoatu Dr. Kendall manifested a lively in. terest in Indian Territory, and it is a fitting tribute to his memory that this first Presbyterian College should bear : the name of Henry Kendall." I Onr Xext Congressman Sere. V Hon. Samuel J Pemberton, cf Albemarle, the Democratic nominee for Congress from this district, was IU the Clyt m vioiu ucic ucmg purely business. He told a Stan- dard reporter that the outlook for his success was quite satisfactory and that while th raca might be hft feels sure of his election over Congressman Shuford. Ari rangemeat8 have not yet been com pleted for his canvassing tour over the district, but he will be around in good time. Sam Pemberton should be our novf fJrmirressman, and Cabarrus UVA ww -fm, will unquestionably do her part towards sending him to Washing ton. . . the "Record for July. Congregation Extends a Call. Ati a rnntr relational meeting of I We are determined not to spend our time and energy erumbline . m,.. ;f T?aniroliftl linrhprftTi about dulJ times. We will pitch in and make times lively. Now, in ors Holy Trinity MangellCal LiUtheran , t th incoming month the bie?et Julv we havf. ver had. wfl church at Mu f leasant ounaay ai- are puttms out a lot of Hummers "and we are going to make them hum. A tw t. a Mann nf We are coiner to do away with stickers. We will make Movers out of Mercersburg, Penn., was unanimous. About 60 pre of Jiadies fine shoes of Zeigles and Reedu mjkes, all lv called to take charge of the paslsmall sizes, Mt 3, 3i and 4 that we will eeU at $1 a pair. JSot a pair among torate of the Mt. rieaaanc, Aioe- NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some marie and Prosperity churches. The patent leathers, some tans,- some fine -dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c . . i,rtv,;rta oh tncTA They cost from $1 to $1.50. They must go. uiccwufi n0 w-.w.: -r-r jNU. 3. -About 50 pairs Jjadies nne uxiords. all zeigiers, tan. gray waa'l Wot a dissenting: vote. Dr. land black ooze and fine kid. sizes 1 to 44. All to go at 31, Made to sell at :j u -u A;ine 52andS2.50. They must go. . maun is sam ku uC u u, K0. 4 -About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglera. Bay State and Pad&n Bros., all to go in at 81.25. Call for them they won't be here long. ) They must go. i ' - NO. 5.-A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. - NO- 6. FOR MEN? A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici . Kid Oxfords, at $1. They are $11 50 shoes, and are free stock just bought them. CHEaP store. Q CA For Infants andChildren. ilmila gig&tture cf J Sir. Bend leman Takes the Stamp. Mr. Jno. L Kenuleman, who re cenuv loineu iue jacpuuiiuau will take" the stu inp. He has re ceived an invitation to speak in Da vie county and has "accepted the ins vitation. It is also probable that he will! make several speeches in Rowan. Salisbury World. Mv l Mv! Jno.. Li., who d a thunk"4t? For Over Fifty Tear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their child ren while teethingwith perfect suc cess? It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayslall pain, cures wind cplici -, apdCiP the wisest, remedy tor Diarrhoea, It -will relievecthe poor little Bitterer4! by druggists iA etefVyipafttlbt the Worldi Twentv-fiye cents a bottle, Bejsure ing- Syrup,'- and take no other 1 kin'd SPECIALS. Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c Womens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace J and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 shoes, all fresh and nice. -Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va.' Solid as' any -shoe in the a ark et, regular 1.50 fchoes, to go ' at Mens Fihe Satin Jil Shoes, lace an d gaiters at $1. They, are regular 1,25 shoes.- Mens heavy Erigiish'Ties, everyday thoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them Big job in straw? hats at 10c, some of them are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wholesale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing . goods- Everything up see samplesof thev tomers' - 4-i .. ., free ; Gray on Pictures we are having: made for our bus- JOB Twenty-five suits of fine AllWoollCagsimere in CatawaylFroclt Suits, sizes 34 to 36 lor 4.00 a-suit J )They are 10.00, 12.50 and. 15.00ft8uits. Gall on us nd e these and otherattractions. - v - Dr. MUes Pain PUls cure Neuralgia.

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