4- - " 44- " A 4 "4 - ' :V" '.; "V '' -' -; ' : ' - ' ' "r" - '"- . ' ' ' 4 ' -4.':' v' .. . -'.-.v . . " . : 4 " --.:"-T' 'V: : - .--"v-"- - ' -- r .' 44. 44 .4;-j4v4..V:.-4- 4"4 ... 4; 4-4:'-4v';:4 . 4 , y - ; ; - 4 , - ; .v.-- y--. . .v.4:-4 ; -" .- 4. - v '4 - : 44 4 :44.44':---i'4..'4 ": " ' I ' ' 4 1 : ' 4 ; 4 : . .. . s ... ;. ; - . ' : - .- ' :. .; on Vox- xin.-No. CON CORN, N. C, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1696. Whole NO. 1504 i i i I 125, NO EXCURSION TRAIN. 1 DANGLE ROUS WORK. It & The Great Nouttiern Will Not Run h Special from This Point to Char lotte Thursday MoninK. One of the greatest disappoint ments the people of Cabarrus have Besides the Does, a Cow Fails Victim to Poison A Diligent InTestieation Khonld Be Made. Some may hot think seriously of the number of fatalities cansed by OlieapStore. 91,000 from the K. of P. Mrs. A M Frezs mother of the young man, Walter C Freeze, of Mill. -Hill, whose death was noted m theee columns last May, has received a check from the Knights of Fjjb las lodge at Mooresville for $1000 Mr.. Freeze being a member of the lodge of that place. ) experienced in many ears will be scattenngj poison about in different conveyed to them in the news that parts of the city, but if a diligent the Southern has refused to run a investigation waff made the authori special train from . this point to ties might make some mean, sneak-. Charlotte on Thursday, morning, ing person pay a very severe penalty, when Bryan is to speak in that city. aix or eight fine bird dogs have Reduced rates will be sold, how- recently, died from poisoning, and ever, at 70 cents for round trip, and others have been dosed, but saved, many of our citizens will take ad- The fine 1 pup of Mr. Charles Wag vantage of the chean rate and eo oner got a dose Sunday night and it iiiprl to the tot) now with rinwh thp-nifyhf Kofnro M4noa. was hard work to save him from an tbe nlSDt ot August dlt, lbUb, the ... "Rvp.wt.Ti i n d vnn I u j.j : : 1 . ' i . I nn Hmai rr riaVt - louowmg property ior violating tne ru' 1J n rf urjr uiu werjimu m ma power 10 -Jj . 4 Internal Revenne Laws of the nhitftd afinnrft a fruin' fnr trA arnnm mnrt a 1 JJclie TU CI RE A COLD IS OKJ2 DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine, Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure 25c. Notice of Seizure, Seized near Concord, N. C, on or in the wav or a new dress from a cent Calico, Ginghams or Plaids up to the handsomest line of I i mi i aovslty X X j m n 3 A A n I mumvuic, u iuuuou.uuo Sut to wit : Two small bav tion of those desirine to 20 to Char- negro woman who runs a restaurant horses one two horce wagon and lotte upon this occasion, but without next to ' Coleman's store, lost her harness, about 15 gallons of whiskey effect cow Sunday night, and she is of the and four empty kegs, sapposed to be About the onlv consolation that opinion 'and belief that the animal the. property of Jacob Hartsell. ooui me oniy consolation mat v t , Notice is hereoy giyen to any one those who would go to Charlotte was poisoned. The poison that lias ciHiminc said property to give notice and return on Thursday, but who been put out for the dogs is on beef in the form and mannp prescribed couldn't afford to Day hotel and cracklings and in scattering these by law. to the undersigned -t hie TVpq Goods at SI 00 Der yard other necessary expenses to stay over cracKiinga arounu tne lot in rear or - ."7;;". Dress Uooas at .uu pei aul . ' hr prino- hnnft. whPrft hPr hd irom the date herecff, or said intown. Tne styles are aoso- mgnu, can get out 0i lUe matter, is -rr ' " V . ;. f broperty will be declared forfeited ntel'-V correct and the price IS that Bryan will stop at our own grazed ana wnere mr. cmun s aogs tQ th e Government of th icrlit. station 1 or several minutes, possibly were found dead, the grass became States. tW Vmnrlrf rl Pairs; Blankets I fiftoon a 0 ri,v f saturated with the poison, and in Bv SakL. j. ia -m u - - . 1 . a jm.ii n iic.i8iii i i a i k i 1 i ; - i at ail prices from 75 cts to get the train that bears the great this way it js believed that the cow Stockholders and Directors meet'. Therp will bp a-meptin of tbe stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern Kail road Company, held at the office of W M Smith in Concord, N. C, oa Tuesday, 29th of September, 1S9C, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and wbera all parties interested are requested to be present. J W Cannon, ? Elam King, Jno P allisonv DK. Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern KaiK way. J. F. HURLEY, INSURANCE AfeENT, . Office over If ET ZEE'S DRUG STORK the United 4 50 per pair. i 4 ' ' . 1 -FULL LINE OF Men's iPants orator oyer the land to stop at this was poisoned place for fifteen minutes. The meanest man on earth is he Rogers,1 Collector 5th District N. C. R. S. Harris, Deputy Collector. Let Charlotte aloae and stay in who would distribute poison in such vour own town if vou can't set the a wa' a.: v,.' u to the bottom. auuuujuiuuauuuo biair duuuiu uc au corded our patronizing public. This matter should be sifted liel Wanted female. $10 to $18 per week to Men and Women for easy home work No 1 i books or canvassiner.i No expert ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. from 75 cents toj 13.00, ; CITIZENS BURNING TAR. Twenty-five : dozen Men's Work Shirts that originally sold ior 40 cts nave been re duced to 25cts. Ten dozen iins' wim mum xt A n nun r Send stamp for work and particu- News and, Courier tells of-having lar8 E." Herrman, 213 South Sixth met uen. ,waae nampton at opar- Street. P liladelDhia. Pa. c31 GO.LJ Kaa to use it in order to Kin Foul tanburg last week and - reports him and 8icKeninsr odors. looking younger and better than he wu.juowuiiuim otrcct, QlQ a; year ur twu . agw. iuo. vyi- T t w who have made nonaidp.rahlp and I respondent continues : Curiously, iT VkMi- TaI 1 am 'if An 1 7" ; : : "u no one in the depot knew who he umuu yu repeated complaints to the town wag but there were few who did Also superior Hard Coal gg about obnoxious and sickening not turn to look at him and the ana btove. iTompc attention. odors that arise on close, warm porters and small boys, and old Free delivery. A NICE LINE STICK PINS at , : 4 U - OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL GH5 COAL BURNERS, . Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal during the coming, winter will save money and trouble by pu jcias- ing from u?". We will handle the best JflLICO " LOtilP r COR and will deliver any quantity in anypart of the city. Toui orcers are solicited. ones, too, instinctively touched Hcited - . . r ' ii.. n a l n I nate." jyianiiesuy oouin uaro- tbt sold for 75 cents have nights, have resorted to burning tar their been reduced to 50 cents. The to kill the smell. On Monday night linians are not a people who bow to qvality cantbe matched for the odor was lond and pervaded that ?ne wnose race is run. iney .oave entire portion of the city, making it U North Carolinian tells the Ob- Orders 80s Headquarters at lack welder's store, oa West Depot street. ! 08 the price. S100 Boltsi WOOL JEANS that will go at the extremely lovr price of 15, 20 and 25 cts per yard. so unpleasant for the inhabitants server of having seen him on a train that it became necessary to burn ffJj!?- something. I view of every passer-by while the There is a lack of duty some- train stopped, nobody paid the , " 1 - l -r iL. slightest attention to him, though wnere, euuer 00 m par. 01 tue . - . ascertained by inquiry that a izsns or the authorities and the mat nuniber of those who saw him The North We want to Beat . . J ' . ' . . ilie Tlecordfbr July. We are determ ned not to spend our time and fneigy frrumbliuc: We will pitch in and make times lively. NoW, in oi tot. aKonl Hp tVinrnnorhlr invpafi- knew WhO D6 Was. s Pa.nliman raiBPH hia hflt.. unci t, nifl I flnmit, null t.imfia. elated ' - - I i u Mnr to make this incomins month the biggest July we have ever! had, "wa . " . r . . w Vft Gpo are du t tine out a lot of "HummerB" and we are going to make them hum. A town commissioner, hying m General, ex-Governor and ex-Sena- e f11 We. wfu M0ver oui of i. m . "i . 11 1 1 nnn or .a nrana ' - m . i that nartot tne citv, was cauea wr tcwiou ai ui0U0. pvfr nn v wh iihhii hu w cjj i r fixed in the shoe line as at Upon and to his (?) astonishment he NEW : SHOES. Drpspnt -Wft hflvfi the cheat)- found that there was something est shoes you will find any rotten1.' but nearer than Denmark, place. New lot of those big 4 - ' Tni7 , . Marvelous Results. Ill An - Jb TOm a letter wniiou u.y ivev. u. Gunderman; of Diamondale, Mich., we are permitted to make this ex tract: I have no hesitation in re commending Dr. King's New Dis p.nvfirr. aa the results were almost that sold so fast, wnne marvelous in me "y Quilts all the way from 50 cts While .J rtLt'of sKas up to S1.75. Our house is hmnrht down with pneumonia how full nr to the top and we succeeding La Grippe, Terrible still eet new goods daily and paroxysms or tie. i r form rti nn ntirl if. will fill the basement. ' We Ly,oi os if she cocld not survive . www -- . - - -w-v ant your trade this' fall and them, A friend recommended Dr. xrin 3 - , ir ITT-:nR New Discouery; it was quick .-n bou. you eooo very 'r-. aA Hffhlv satisfactorv in order to get it, You loose jg results. Trial bottles . free at money to make a purchase fFetzer's Drug Store- B2gular size without seeing us. 4 f.ViATTi. TTp.rA enfis: About 60 pre of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed's mokes, all small sizes, 2, 3, 3 and 4 that we will Fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair amoijg them but cost $2 and over. They must go. ' NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some patent leathers, some tans, some fine don gola pat tips, all to go at 75c They cost from $1 to 1.50. " They must go. . , , NO. .a. -About 50 nairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at $1. Made. to sell at ASK the recovered dyspeptics, . bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the .mercurial diseased patient, how hey recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite ; 4 tney win . teu you by taking Simmon $2 and $2 50 They niUSt gO. Livek Regulator. no xhrmi 75 nrs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Parfen Bros., all to go in at 81.25. Call for them the y won't be here long. They must go. . ; n l , NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOB MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They are $1.50 shoes, and are freen stockjust bought them. - S P E G I A L S ; ! HE El CHEaP store. 50c and S1.00. Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes and Rubber Clothing, Tires, and a full line of Rubber Goods, Part or all of). Free samples, and protected ground to worRers. Factory P. O 1371, New York. Concord Floor and ireea Store. "Fenix Mill" flour, millfeed, mal and chicken feed, kept at Lore building on West depot afreet and for sale by 6 6 Richmond. a The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family . L Medicine in the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted ot to contain ft single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, bUt l PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed In countries where ti i);:auc mnst-nreve.il. It will cure all Diseases 'caused . by Derangement of tne WomTi Rolirl LPftthr Shoes at 65c. WomeBS Solid Leather PebWa The symptoms of liver Complaint are a bitter Qram aD Qiove' Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 Ton shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Mongols kid button shoemade at fetomach; Lo ofApptite; Bowels alternately Alexandria, Va. I Solid as any shoe in the narket, regular 1;50 fchoes, to rHvand lax- Headache: Loss of Memory, with a ai . "M,o Cnfi'n t Shnoa nft cftifTR ftt '-SL IheV flTB Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance ot the sianana ftS leader Can make them JDlg JOD IU SiraW naiS 6 xuu, DUUJO Ui tucui Eys?meadma6ny SSSSTS 50c hats. We buy Trunks m car loads and retail them . at wnoieie disVa, at others very few: but tL Liver, the largest prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. Weliave organ in the body, is generaUy the seat of the disease, everTtbine in the line of clothing and f utiiishing goods. Everything up XX$g&w$fe? : ?o dLe andat priceB.hat can't b.beat any wbeie in. the. State. Call ana i ine louowmg uigmy-oiccoicu iius . ggg SnmPieB OI lilO liOO VliajUU JL AUbUJkCO WW iUO uwixu mwuw w. v virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen. W. b. I . .. vomers - - !-; 4 - : "5 - . Holt, Pres. Ga. S. Wt R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.: Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master son, Esq., Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Sopt. Ga, S. W. R. R.; Hon. Alexander H.Stephens, i We have tested its virtues personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and. Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine th world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured Vs." En. Telegraph and Messenger, Macow, Ga I MANUFACTURED ONLY BY v JOB Twenty Kfive suits of fine All-Wool.Cassimere in CutawaylFrock Suits, sizes 84 to 36 lor 1 00 a 8uit.l They are 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00&smia. Call on us and see these and other'attractions. GAiMNONS fe FETZER J. H. ZEIXiIN & CO.. Pbidclphik.

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