A. 4 liell lifeetw -Co.; . . MANUFACTURERS OF . "" -. . " .' ' . : : - Fi&e Ginghams Outin Cloths. Plaids, Sheeting ": and SaltgBags. Dealers in GENERAL MEROHADISE- 0" Buvers of COUNTRY -" v . . , - PRODUCE .ol all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted- best prices for same. ,y . .- We invite an insec- tion $t 1 all the goods we manufacture. .ODELL MFG-.'Co., t- ' uoncora . u T CONCORD MAKKET& v f COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling........ 7 50. Middlings............. ......7 65 ' I ow miidhng " ;6.20 fc tains 6 to 6 PRODUCE MAn&El Corrected bv SwmK & White 13acoB ........ to 75 . j Sugarcured nams. ........... 12Jto 15 Sulk meats,sides. ..5 to 7 Beeswax........ .20 Butter .... ................. .10tol5 Chickens......... 10to25 Oorn .45 Eggs ... 12i Lard.. . 7 Fiour(North Carolina)... .......1 82$ Meal I........;.....;...... 45 Oats................. ,35 ThI1ow ............ .. ..... .... . 3to4 a COKGORD, N. C. J. M. Odell, . i President D, B. Ccltbane Cashier "j. D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus,;: $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS J. M. Odell, . D. F. Oannoh Elam King, J. W. Oakiton WR. Odell,' W. H, Lilly, 1). B Coltrane m LI U v r Cnirni n I T v f nmarr. Sflrt. Itiary BLOOD POISON permanently cured In 15 to 35 days. You can be treated at I npme for same price tinder same gnaraa J ty If you prefer to come here we will con vract m pay raj iroaa xareana note 1 oills,and nocnarge. It we fail to cure. If you hae taken mer uy pars ine Doay, tiaiiror liyebrows falline out. It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON re guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and chaUengre the world for a 5.San.?itiCtirA Thls ease has always oaffled the skill of the most eminent nhvsi cians. 5OO,O0O capital behind our uncondl - tional guaranty. Absolute proof s sent sealed on application. Address COOlK REMEDY Co2 807 Masonio Temple, CHICAGO, ILL L.iM ARCHE Y, M .D - ' Phjeician and Snrgeon. -Concord, N. 0. OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX J DPOlgQfJ pains. Aiucous Patches in month, Sore Throat. Fimple&. Conner Ctolnmrl Knnfu. I Tl Z pocasn, ana still navo aches and Weekly Crop Bulletin. The weather during the week ending Saturday 12th, 1896, con tinued remarkably dry, almost no raiu at all having fallen,) except a few very light local showers in sev eral western counties. The first part of the week was cool (7th and oidj, dui aunug tuc iiaci temperature rose again HUU 1 J tvr na Ml I I degiets. The weather has been clear and favorable for cotton pick ing, but was not otherwise benefic ial. Streams and wells are reported to be getting very low. Western District : Excepting very light local showers on the 11th at scattered points in five counties, the entire week was dry and clear. The ?th and 8th were cool, b ut higher temperatures prevailed at the close of the week. Theee conditions were favorable for picking cotton, which progressed rapidly; cottcn is es timated to be from one-half to two thirds open. The entire crop will b9 out at lenst three weeks earlier than' usual. Field peas are being gathered, pods were formed spar ingly. Where rains occurred tur nips are making fine growth, but many farmers have planted turnip seed three'times without! securing a fair stand. Cane being cut and juc lapses being made. Pastures in- jurtd by drought in western valleys. CASTOR I A For Infants and Childrerio The fac simile Blgsaturo Of is ca everj wrapper. Reduced Kallroad Rates. For the following or canons, round trip lattfcbave bten authorized : On account of meet ng of Con cord Presbytery at Hi'ckury, N. C, September 15tb, 1896. Tickets oh I sale Sepieiiiber 14, 15 and 16 inclu sive. Limited to bpt. 21, 1896. Fare for round trip $3 85. Limited continuous passage botn directions. Account speaking by Hon. W J Bryan, Pre3idential candidate, Sal isbury, N. C , 11 a. m., September 17th, 1896. Tcketfl on sale Sep tember 17tb, limited September 17. Fare for round trip 70 cents. Account Fpeaking by Hon. W J Bryan, Presidential candidate, Ral eigh, N.' C, September 17th, 1896 at 7 ta 9 p. m. Tickets on sale Septemder l?7th, limited tojSeptem ter 18th. Fare for round trip $5 00 Accouut speakiLg Hon. VV J Bryan, Presidential candidate, Char lotte, N. C, 9 a. m September 17. Ticckets on sale September, 16, and for trains scheduled to ! reach Chars h tte morning of 17th,4 limited to September 18. Fare for round trip 70 cents. Account speaking by ' Hon. W J Bryan, Presidential candidate, Dur ham, N. 0., 5 30 p.' m., September 17th. Tickets on sale September 17. limited Septt-mbei 18. (Fare for round trip $ 4.15. Account speaking by Hon. W J Bryan, Presidential candidate, Greensboro, N C, 12 45 to 3 p. in., Sep ember lth, 1896. Tickets on sale September 17,; limited ( to Sep tember 18th, 1896 Fare for round trip $2.35. DR. H. O. HERRING- Is again at the old 8 tan d, where he Will be pleased to see all who are in SI need of his PROFESSIONAL - SERVICES Mount Amoena SEMINARY . A Flourishing, School for oung LadieB. , '. ! TEN TEACHERS , , Ornamental Branches Receive ' Carefui Attention, : BEV. O. L. 7l SFISHER, A, M Pbihoipal. v MOUNTiPLEASNT. N O ' Died In a 'Waiting Boom. Mrs. Fox, wife or . Rev. Dr. J B Fox, pastor of the Lutheran church at New berry, S. C , was suddenly taken ill last Friday at Alston, on the Soutbern, train, while on their return from their summer vacation. She died of heart failure that after- j noon in the waitiDg room of the Mrtfw whither she was " , . conveyed upon the arrival of the noon train. . Vr. Fox is well known m this city and county, being a nephew of Mr. Martin Boat. He was also a student of Korth Carolina College in 1878 Hi3 home is at Newberry. Serions Mioollngr a flair. Ta rboeo, Sept. 1 3. John Hardy, a young white man who lives near Rocky Mount, came here today to witness a game of baseball. Lute this afternoon he was o er the river near C G Peel's bar, where he got into ft diflBculty with John a iller, colored, who shot him in the right side. Hardy'fif condition is critical. Miller disappeared and has not yet been arrested. Paralyzed While Preaching. Rev. R C Morrison, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Matthews, was stricken speechless with paraly sis Sunday while in the ihidst of his sermon. He stopped in the midst of a sentence, and turning around walked to a chair and eat down. Some of the congregation hurried to him and found that he wasspeecbless.- Charlotte Observer. When a man owns a blooded horse he is always careful of its health. He looks after its diet and is par ticular that the feeding shall be regular and rieht. VVhile he is do ing this it. is likely asnot that he is himself suffering from some disease or disorder. When the trouble gets so bad that he cannot work, he will begin to give himself the care lie gave the horse at - the start. Good pure, rich, red blocd is the best in surance against disease of any kind. Almost all diseases come from imp pure or impoverished blood. Keep the blood pure and stroDg and dis ease can find no foothold. That is the principle upon which Dr. Pierce'd Golden Medical Discovery works. It cleanses, purifies and en riches ttie blood, puts and keeps the whole body in perfect brder; makes appetite good, digestion strong, as similation perfect. It brings ruddy, virile health. It buils up solid, wholesome flesh (not fat) when, from any cause, reduced below the healthy standard. Ii. B. Glenn at Weldon. Weldon, N, 0., Sept. 12. R B Glenn spoke to an immense crowd here today. The speech was a pow erful arraignment of the monomet. allism, and a strong plea for free coinage. Great enthusiasm pre vailed. Many populists and colored i people were in the audience. Old Halifax will do her full duty. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DATT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. r All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. '' Presbytery at Hickory. ' The regular meeting of Concord Presbytery convenes at Hickory this (Tuesday) afternoon and will hold for four days. Rev, W C Alexander, Rev. A K Pool and Messrs C R and J B White are in attendance from this city, represent ing the First Presbyterian church, Forest Hill, Patterson Mill and Rocky Ridge congregations. They will return Friday. Bucklen's Arnicasaire, The Best Sal ve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ghappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skiri Eruptions, and positively cures ? Piles or no nav" reoui-ed. Tt i guaranteed to give etatiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store. - . lMHiiiHlllllMmnHll'l"'"ll!)ll"iHiiiMliiiilinmmii. VcgetablePreparationfor As similating thcToodandReg da ting the Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes DigcstionXlieeTful- nessandKest.contams neiuier Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Pumpkin Seei" 4lx.Senna Jkppernant - ; mCardonateSodas fffirmSeed - ! Clarified Sugar . nioteryreen- Flavort Ancrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .tevensn ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Made . in . Crayon . The Price is j : ;).Mint.iiiitii.iiiM)!iiiiiM.Miiiiiii.irini,u'.iiiiiitiimn.i nui.'n iii i .UL . . ,cj. .Tliei Loadstone That attracts customers, to our place of business. Beginning today, June 30, 1896, we give to CASH PURCHASERS ONLY one of those Handsome Portraits whenjthey have bought furnitnre to the amount ofk$25,and if the portraitps not satisfactory you need not take it until itis. We givejyou the gPortraitFree. You pay only for the frame. The cost of the frame, glass, etc., will be only $1,50. This is the best and. cheapest way toJIgetlif e 4ike por traits of Yourself, JFather, Mother, Brother, Sis ter, "Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, andj'wejhave the Furniture, and can suit the most iastidioaa. When you want to rest easy tryjone of our large easy Rockers or one of bur easy Reclining Coushes, or one of tour Sofas, and whenjyou want to make y ourbed easyand comfortable buy. one of our" WireJ Spring Mattresses. We havei a complete line of Furniture Suits from $10;to f 100. Space will not admit our mentioning everyjar- ) tide. Our prices are'low. Come at once and begin on the portraits and get you a card and have it punched whenever you make a purchase We are yoursjto please, DRY THAT THE HA A 7Mn!fT w ' SIGNATURE -OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER 1. OF EVEET BOTTLE OP i Castorla is put up in one-size "bottle3 only,. It is not sold in Imlk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on tte flea or promise that h is "just as good" and "will answer every pw. pose." SSee that you get C-A-S.T-O-S-I-A The- fac- signature cf -. .5757 LIFE LiKE .PORTRAIT - FREE. or . Water . color . Tints ..... -. - '.'.' i - HIT WADS WORTH