' r- .: . . ' - ' .;.;- . - 1 : ' . '': ; .-i ' ,-' ' ' '. 1 v ; . 1.r, ' : j" ' ' : ' . - ' .. . .": ' : . ;;' : '''I " . ' .. ' " " . . . ' ' .- - -- ; . ' . -, : -i : ' V-: , : . : 1 . -v -V-. ' I-- --. V ' . - v : . .. MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams Outin Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting and SaltiBags. Dealers.. in GENERAL . MEROH ADISE! o- Bnvers of COUNTRY V i PRODUCE ol all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted- best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord'N. C COKCORD, N. C. j. M. Odell, President D.B. CcLTRANB ' Cashier. Ti. D. C6lteane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, J $50,000 $16,000 DIKECTORS J. M. Odell, D. F, Cannok Elam King, - J. W. Cannon W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, 1). B OOLTRANE CONCORD MAKHJUTb ' COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons &.Fetzer Good middling.:...... 7 75. Middlings 7,72 fyw mHdhng . 6.20 btains ... 6 to 6 PRODUCE MAntLEl Corrected bv SwmK & White. Bacon........ to 75 Sugarcnred cams..... ....... 12ito 15 Bulk meat3,8ides. .......... ....;.g to 7 Beeswax.... 20 Butter 1 0tol5 Chickens......... l6to25 Oorn .45 Eggs......... ..... . ............ ... 12 Lard.. 7 Flour(North Carolina). ;..182 Meal...... ......... ...... ... . 45 Oats ...i..... .35 Tallow . . . ' 3to4 let J VA SPECI ALT YSliS jcuredia loto35 days. You can be treated at 0 i oiuo price auuer same guaraa JfF. Ityouprefpr to come here we will con tract to pay railroad fareand hotPi hin. cocha fi.n.. - . - imples .Copper Colored Tspot Ulcers on 11 'part of theW. Hair or EyXows fSlfi rfL j. tf it l. th?DsHir or Eyebrows falling out, -It is this Secondary liJLOOD POISON fP-tee cure;,We solicit themostobstS Bate cases and 1 cnalleniro the world for -i case we cannot cure. This disease h i baffled the skill of the most eminfnte8 Cians. S500.00O capitShfnTSw nSeS?di tional gru&ranty. Absolute proofs seut seaM nn application. Address COOK REMEDY ro 801 Masonic Temple, CmCAQOU0' JN0.-R. ERWIN. C A. MISENHEIMER ERWIN & MISENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons OfficeNo. 3. Harty building, op Ewf 2nd1LT.Presbyterian church. Charlotte, N Q. fait k Bail, a FrTl SP'Ppotash, and still have aches and .t no ion iu i h. 1 r Tmi na vo r.a Iran puma, mucous ratchna in mMh e Pen I'olniR "from 'Trnth.'? W ben h man cnt wrk at any thiDg else' he 'goes into puiiiicu and workd i he pubuc ! Gir!8 tf're elioui what ' they eem, but ihnt does uot buthtr theuj; Tbev don't waut 10 bj. When it comes to political pUdi' tear up the pawn ticket. VVhtn the judge r.nd jary are aj;aiuit biui a man can't be blarned or thinking I'd au iiulucky n um ber. Silence,' indeed, is golden. If the motquiio would auppreed its ' buzz": it would live lougH -'and moie to eat. Politicians should reiLember that hi who treats is not always the oue who beats. Much (depends on the liquor. The eladtio cunency that the! poor man really needs is pay that; will stretch from one "Saturday' night till the next. The- modern pugilist eeenia to have taken the circus hippopotamus as his model. He seeks to inspire terror by the eize of his mouth. When we get down to the politi ciah's definition of "the people," it seems to mean, those fellows who don't know where to raice next month's rent. From the number of bolters all around, it is pretty hard to sy who i3 the "parry of the first pan" in the new political contract. Gored by a Vicious Bull. Monday afternoon while a stu dent named Holt at the Agricultu ral and Mechanical college was lead ing a big bull to water the snap which held the stick to a ring in ,. 1 ..... the bull's nose became loose. The bull rushed at Holt, threw him down and gored him twice in the breast. While he had Holt on the ground the latter had the rare pres ence of mind to seiz3j5 the ring in the bull's nose and actually held the animal off at arm's length until help came. Holt graduated last! year and was a medalist. Durham Sun. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The fae similo signature Cf is eo eTery vrapper. Through the St. Lonis Tornado. Here is an illustration of the wav the wind handled things during the o. T : a .1 m 1 - 1 1.1 uig ot. juuuih iurnauo. j nie rucyciej owned in St. Louis, was struck by three barrels of .syrup,' a tierce of lard and one barrel of vinegar. AbJ solutely the only uninjured parts are! the saddle and the Morgan & v nub quics repair ures, wnicn were full of air when the machine was found. Even if these tires had bean punctured, unless severely torn, any one of the holes could have been repaired by the quick-repair device in them, without trou ble. Riders of these tires, when they have a puncture, need only be careful to pump as much air as possible into the tire before insert ing the quick-repair tool. The re pair can be made in two minutes. at the roadside, without taking the tire off the rim. - ! DR. H. C. HERRING Is again at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see all who are in need ' of 'hie PROFESSIONAL - SERVICES FOREST HILL NEWS. A lMcasant Surprise to Mr. Smith The Nick Improving Personal and Other Items. A car load of seat3 arrived from Greensboro yesterday for the new school house at this place, and are ein? placed today. 1 Capt. J M Odell returned from New York yesterday.: Mr; and Mrs. A G Hatbcock, of Stanly Creek, Gaston couDty, fare vi?itiDg relatives at this place. Mr. John McCa'uley, of Rocking ham, is visiting Mr. John Mclnnis, on North Church street Mr, J Wallace Cook is building another house on his property at this place. James, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W A Wood, whose illness was noted in The Standard a few even ings ago, is much improved, we' are glad to note. Messrs. Marshall Mabrey, Horace Ruseell and T W Mill, came in from Charlotte last night. Mr. and Mis. J W Bunn went out -. i to Gold Hill yesterday, where they will visit their son, Mr. Joe Bunn, of tbat place. Mr. Charlie Elkins, of near Albe- marie, was in the city yesterday. Mr. D H McQuage returned from Cheraw, S. C. this morning, where he had been called to the bedside ol his sick father, Mr. McQuage re ports h,is father slightly improved. Quite a -surprise, awaited Mr Rev. M A JSmith on her arrival at the parsonage last., evening. A number of ladies of the Forest Hill congregation had arranged a hard some dinner set, which was pre sented to her by the Forest Hill congregation, as a token of their ap preciation of her. faithful services as organist, which place she has filled for almost foni yera. A Marriage Thursclny. 1 llev. J J Fay8eur wa8 called upon to perform a ceremony Thursday afternoon that made two as one. Mr. Trainham P Thornton, of New berry, S, C, was married to Mrs. Ida Williams, daughter of Mr. J B Ca- dell at Cannonville. The marriage took place at the home of the biide's father in the presence of a number of invited friends. When a man owns a blooded horse he is always careful of its health. He looks after its diet and is par ticular tbat the feeding shall be regular and right. While he is do ing this it is likely as not that he is himself suffering from some disease or disorder. When the trouble gets so bad that he cannot work, he will begin to give himself the care he gave the horse at the start. Good pure? rich, red blood is i he best in surance against disease of any kind. Almost all diseases come from imct pure or impoverished blood. Keep the blood pure and strong and dis ease ran find no foothold. That is the principle upon which Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovary works. It cleanses, purifies and en riches the blood, puts and keeps the whole body in perfect order- makes appetite good, digestion strong, as similation perfect. It brings ruday, virile health. It buils up solid, wholesome flesh (not fat), when, from any cause, reduced telow the healthy standard. .j ' The Morgan A Wrlgbt Guarantee. rl 1 Vl Q nnovnnfnn i. U It J i.1 5 is broad enoueh to cover ftlmnstAnv kind of ailments and to satisfy the most exacting rider, but the line must be drawn somewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are trying to make it known to! riders every where that the guarantee does not cover damages resulting from the carrying of anti leak preparations inside the tire. By having as much air as possible in the M. & W. quick-repair tire before putting the tool' into the puncture, and following the few other simple instructions in the cat. alogue, a permanent repair can be made in two? minutes, at the road side,: witnout removing the tire from the rim. -. . - iiniiititiiiiiiiitiii'iiiUlll'Hii'liUMiiliHiMinmiim XVpe tablcPrcparationfor As similating theFoodatidRegula ting the Stoniacis andBowcls of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andRcst.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NotNahcotic. m XecivofOldVrSMUELPITCnER Pumpkin Seed" Jtochtlle Safa r Jru'seSeed jRppermint -Jfi Carbonate Soda 1brmSeed -Clarified Sugar . Xtin&ryretn' Flavor: A ncrfec t Remedy f o r Cons tipa- tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish- ncss and LO SS OF SLEEP- " Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. i:- . Made . in . Crayon . The Price is tiiiiiitnyi Jl ,,mi,mM TTTTii . 1 1 i t .i i n 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 iinin.iiii.ii'i. i!iiiii..'.'"iMM ' $7.50 That attracts customers to our place of business.. BeginniDg today, June 30, 1896, we give to- CASH PURCHASERS ONLY one of those ijandsome Portraits whenjthey have bought furnitnre to the amount of $25, and it the portraitis not satisfactory you need not take-, it until it'is. We give you the Portrait Free. Yon pay only for the frame.. The cost of the frame, glass, etc., will be only $1.50: This fis the best and cheapest way to get life-like por- ' , traits of Yourself, JFather, Mother, Brother, Siss. ter, I Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and we f have the Furniture, and can suit the most . fastidious. When you want to rest easy tryjone of our large easy Rockers or one of our easyj Reclining ' .V- ' '. r ' ....... .'. "... I . Coushes, or one of i our Sofas, and when youwant to make your bed easy'and comfortable buykone, of our Wire Spring Mattresses. We have a completeline of Furniture Suits from $10 to $100. Space will not admit our J mentioning every ar ticle. Our prices are Jow. Come at Jonce and begin onjthe'portraits and get you a card and have'itjpunched whenever ypu make a iparchase. We are yursjto please,! DRY THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF IS ON THE i OF EVERY BOTTLE OF ' Castorla is put up in oue-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to cell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as goo(L" and "will answer every pur pose." See that you get C-A-S-T-0-R-I-A - eimU signature of WRAPP E LIFE LIKE ' PORTRAIT - - FREE.. or . Water . color . Tints ..... .Tliei Loadstone WDSORTH : j

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