pally Standard. TfHE Standard is published flvery day '(Sunday excepted) and Slivered by carrier. ; . BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: 0,e-year.. . .00 Six months. ............ z uu Three monttis. . . 100 Ooe month . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Single copy. . . . . ... ... .05 The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eigut-coluam paper. It has f larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. ( ADVERTISING RATES : I Term? for regular advertisements iade known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. in exhibit Arrival of, Trains. ' II from Richmond! arrives at 11:17 a. m. 35 12 37 3 Washington " Atlanta " Atlanta " New York Atlanta c f r 10 p. m. 7:22 p. m. 9:35 a. m. 8:48 a. m 9:00 p.m. 61 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a- m, uu uuuoets. ooe will be v,uuufu soon reaay to Immediately after the burial of his dead; wife at Huntington, W. Vs., Sunday, a man named Butler was married to a cousin of his wife by the preacher who had performed the funeral service. I A boquet of roses, intermingled with a variety of rare, sweet scented blossoms, was presented to The Standard this morning with the campuments ot Mrs. V D Anthony, iu wuum we return our sincerest tnanfcs. Prof. R L Keesler Standard to state that his music school will start Monday morning u uuuuecuon wnn tne graded school. Prof. Keesler teaches all branches of music and his riiccppr last year was beyond all comparison. The Monroe Journal savs a re markable thing happened duriner Union court. A man came to town, went nelore the Brand inrv. had now in i PERSONAL POIlM TEKS. 63 Southbound - .5:45 p. m. witnfiSSPRHnhnmnnfifi nnH i-orrl vr inn(i 11 are tne mcai trams hotwom 1 w ww. uv iuuuniu xichmohd and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the himself for breaking some law. The rast wall trains oenveen luania ana wasninjr- 1 j r r j i 1 nU.37 and 38 are the Washington and grand jury found a true bill, and he Southwestern vestiDuiea i-imitea trams and stop submitted and paid the C08tS. rnnord on sienal. .1 Tne Ebb and Flow of tne Human Tide ait .This Port, as Seen By- Our Reporter. ; -Mrj Dallas Pitts came in from Charlotte last evening. Prof. Holland Thompson went up the road last night. Mr. Jam es C Fink has returned from Misenheimer's Springs. Mrs. W E Castor and Miss Jessie Deaton have returned from Qharlotte. Mr. P D Walker, a legal repre sentative of Cnarlotte, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. G 0 Ramsey, of Chicago, are registered at the St. Cloud. Miss Leah Troy left this morn-, ing forj Greensboro and Liberty , to spend a few weeks with -relatives. Mr. W P Shealey and little son, of Stanly Creek, came in this morning and will spends Sunday in the city. Mr. Walter R Henry, the straw berry I complected gentleman of Charlotte flying under Populistic colors arrived in the city ttiis morn ing. 1 HAVEH'T .- -- To talk about any- Llllllg DUX HANDKERCHIEFS 5 Per Cent, Per Mon V OR- And Linen Towels Table Linens Received To day FETZER' S About two months ago the Win ston aldermen refused to issue li quor license. They afterward re considered and issued license for 60 days to allow the saloon men time to close out their stocks. The 60 days expired on Saturday and the aiaerman aeciaea to aanere to tneir decision not to grant license. A Macon, Ga., dispatch of the 14th says: A child with two heads. looking in opposite directions, was last night born unto Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan, employes of the Man chester cotton mills. The child seems healthy and strong, and it is Koliaoo Via nri 1 1 lina o nrl rrmxxr TlllS IS tlie IineSt O Aside from the above features the Cent Cigar We have little fellow is Perfectly formed. 6VGr Sold. No people suffer so much from pnysical disabilities as those whose business requires little or no mus cular exertion. The lack of exer cise causes the liver to become slug gish and the result is constant Con olinniinn Tnilirfootinn PiMnnanoca Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. an$ siok Headache. To prevent this take Simmon s Liver Regulator; ! fEIl'S DRUG STORE. SHORT LOCALS. it keeps the liver active and makes one's condition as comfortable as those who have much exercise. The Fourth Regiment Drum Corps arrived home this (Saturday) morning in splendid shape and are One week from today Frank Howard wnl probably be hanged. The usual services will be held at the First Presbyterian church to- strone in their praise of the royal treatment at the bands of friends 1 I 15 C . U A ikn n w r- i -. w lit i i i : i t i . . nAvama t ntUn.nn u.u cArr Rood citizens of Charlotte. 1 hey moTnincfat. 11 a" m. are urouu ui wo uip auu. uu r "O " lo.V m.oa fn fho nroar ' "ho Mies Mary White Fetzer is quite corps made a happy hit and good iCK at xifiifiRvi lie. : innnvn not lmDression in every tuwu auu vn alarmingly so. . A 1 impression in every town ana lage. The doctor may be a good old man, but even so, medical examina tions j and the "local-application" treatment are abhorrent to every modest woman. They are embar rassingoften useless. They should not be submitted to until every -thing else has been tried. In nine cases but of ten there is no reason for them. In nine cases out of ten, the doctor in general practice isn't competent to treat female diseases. They make a branch of medicine by See ou? Plain White Hemsucchedcat 5c. See our Plain White Linen Hemstitched at 121-20., worth 20c Our -44x21 Fringed Towels, worth 25c ior 10 61) Per M. Per fear Guaranteed to All Investors " ; ON In vestmen ts both Large and Small WHEN MT)E WITH Th New York'JIn vestment Co, BROKERS IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton, 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, INEW YORKCITY.j P. S. People -who desireto have a steady and are iincomeon; tmallorlargeZinvestments end for ourexplanatory, fre. V Did you see the finishing touch on the front of the new bank build ing? The front wall is run up in this shape. , : Br. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte, vvill be in Concord at the St. Cloud on Thursday, September 24. His practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. tf An inquisitive Irishman wants to know if, when we get free silver, they will bring it to us or compel us to go after it ? Republican iiix- change. - Bad dreams dis tress the man whose digestion is out of order. Constipation creates more dreams than are in the inf er- themselves. They are distinct from other! ailments. Thev can be properly understood and treated only by one who has had actual years of practice and experience in this particular line. This is true of Dr. R V Pierce, chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, a remedy for all derange ments of the reproductive organs of women, has been in actual use for more than thirty years. Jit cures every form of "female weakness." Mr. Jesse Corneliusi of Moores ville, a brother to Merchant C E Cornelius, has accepted a position with Littles & Cornelius, and is now at his post of duty in the store. Dr. N D Fetzer has had placed in the drug store a handsome plate glass wall pocket, in which he will display his fancy articles in delf and china wares. The doctor is strictly up-to-date. Mr. Henry A Castor, of No. 4 township, a brother to Mr. liilam Castor, of this city, has a stalk of ! cotton on his plantation t mt bears lzo green bolls. It wouldn't tate more than a couple of acres like that to make a bale or two. ! See Them M o n in O r2 " B o s rn z.w:zz, 1 -t i in F2 Ox r Tl 3 73 t ri ill rnmm C ':r- w rri w -n I Am a m A M P X i ri o o 0 z o pi rn 3S L. M. ARC HEY, M .D Physician and Surgeon. Concord, N. C. OFFICE : ST CLOUD ANNEX FIRE INS 0KANCE. THE NEARER THE BONE THE SWEETER THE MEAT. When in need ol Firelusuiance, call iind see us, or lite. We lepren sent only firstclat Honte and For eign companies. V liesptct'auy, WOODH U K & HaI.BIB. It is an old and homely adage Mr. E N Mercer, of Wilson, N. C, will be for several weeks a resident of this city. Mr. Mercer is a travel nal regions. People ing roof painter and goes in nis own whoaretroubledwith car fr0m place to place, but on ac constipation sleep rt,TV.f uQ ,'ntQnDa ocritiitinn nf QvmofiWc tKv ran. IDO LnODcY quebUUU UUU uiudouoo -I 1 1 1 A JlWrfl vAon not sleep at all, and 01 coin, ne naa 10 suspenu uuoiucoo , when they do sleep, and Concord being such a delight- the dreams come. It f0l city in which to dwell, Mr. Mer doesn't take so very i UM.mii! onrl: long to wear a man miiuuuauguvci " out with that sort of some timo here. They are stopping thing. He gets up at Mrs. Henderson's, on West Depot in the morning feel- street. Mr. Mercer says "the Dot- tom has fallen out of business since the first of September." and finds an application here The mak er of merchandise has reached the end of his summer. His season is over ; yours has iust begun. He's anxious to sell' what is left of his made up product at almost any reas sonable sacrifice. We're watching your interest in this matter and as I a result have made some purchases that LIKE '' worse man ne when he went He is listless and .without energy. die Rev. B F Davis, pastor of Trinity Reformed church, who suffered a se- VPro cifintl 4-w,V.iA Anm. la oKloi to V)fd nT ""Z MJfF.t, Yhe chances are he is dizzy, has "heart- to be on the streets once again. His urn paipitation, sees black spots be- j iuouuo noio giau iu boo i jGre nis eyes, nas ucauav-uc aiii. Uxxxvuv. i Bm Sv n rt,4. o0c if i tn 1pt a condition of A 6001 A Tomorrow at St. John's Lutheran sort continue. Nine-tenths of aU Irllln Church, Rev. S D Steffey will be the sickness in the world comes from formally installed as pastor. Two constipation and neglect of it. It is a sermon will be preacrTed. Quite a .ftlffiS number will attend from this City. s A ' Aon't take the right medicineJ Dr. . Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are designed for For Infants and Children, The fafr- slmilo gljaature it 09 vzapper. Choudrant, La., says : uHaving used are tiny, sugar-coated granules. One is AVer's pnia ioof fWn v a laxative, two a mild catharfic. Everr years. I would aa v that for all dis- tw w nTted I to cube a cold in one day a . . t : v . - 1 worn iui i-u. j r. i,v. . .. i- . . rr:t ases ot the bowels, stomach, ana more serious illness than any other Tafce laxative i5romo quinine lao ver, which can- be remedied by remedy ever sold. Druggists sell them, jetg All druggists refund the Pins, these are always effective, and an nest arugg i - money if it fails to cure, oc Tk i .t . r p. . ,1 tou sometninsT eise. .. . ... I . iieep me system in peneCL or- pjetce'a Common Sense Medical Ad- . j uer." 1 ." . latest family aoctor dooz ever jueip nanieo. published, it explains human physiology I Amenta wanted to sell Macintoshes If vou havp Bir.V nr nervous head- S Tl anT? w had l aSSiS-- and Rnhber Clothine. Tires, and a le, take Aver'a Cathartic Pills. 3Baie:68aowa full line of Rubber Goods. (Part or TL. - " ... I : . .. mm.. .asaMT TTPR P111L11IH U LUC I . . . . Anev Wi Moonoa f Ho af.nnrifl.rh. ta- in clotn. inc jjitsrw . - . .. , , . i ii T?roQ a am n I po. onri nrocfifitea er , , r""" r. ' .r ;QW- l all respects except. ui . r - r - - -; - neaithv action to.tneaieestive rrr;r Manilla paper covers, a copy win trronnd to worter8. JJ actorv Jtr. u. ns, remove effete matter Qtne be absolutely to plv cost of 1371. New York. PBence Of which depresses the 31 "itr World's Dispensary Med- ! - nervoa j i ?n j xi I mailing v,'. j, fifit Main Street 1 tw nnn.'Pinm are RUrnxeeoio.J ' " wram;, anu vuub give cal Associaiwui . rfo5fceit20inlnuao otttaaoaM will surprise cheapness. you by their There is a difference between QedK cines and medicines. Those of to-day, as a rule, differ from those of the past in many respects. . " Fully as great is the difference be, tween Dr. King's HERE THEY ARE: ROYAL GEPtLIETDEEl Wash gOOdS at 5, 8J, 10 and and the oin medicines of io. lJ cents. Pigureu muuau, black, 86 inches, at 25 cents. A bargain, Billows of hand- ksrehiefs, you'd wonder how it could be done if we hadn't told you, There's no loss to us, but a Big Gain to tYou md the makerpays the piper. lome anu see them. 5. 10, 12?; .5, 25 and 50 cts. THESE riVE THINGS: 1 . It does not taste like a medi ine. It is as pleasant to takers lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. ' 2. It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. ' t 3. It does not swap off one as- ease for another. It does not set up one form of disease in order to relievo another as is so often the case. 4. It contains no aiconoi ur Opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a baba one day old. , , . 5. It does not pawn suupi , Oxford Ties- Prince Albert onres. It reaches as nothing else and Spring Heel Ties in all the does to the hidden sources of disease cm F & mLL . in the blood and removes the cause. It LOW xoes, x neae are vjtch uiuo largains, no old goods. All lew, direct from the factory. j Come and See Us. GiisoiiilFrisfli. does this with an ease and power tiia have never been equaled. For all troubles" of the Blood, StomacV Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and lor all form of BiLiBIAL POISON It stands pre-eminenW fXl. A. A mmA A M A AJA ty Sold by dnirelats. new package, large bot tle, 108 Dome. One DUax. , Hannlactared only UT THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL 0 ATLANTA, 6A.

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