f MANUFACTURERS OK Fiae Gino-liams Outin OJoths Plaids v Sheeting-; : and SaltlBags. -Dealers in GENERAL ; ;MEROHADISE: o- Stivers of CHURCH DIRECTORY. o COUNTRY PRODUO oi all kind, and 4-foot wood, always wanted best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Go., - Ccncord.'N. C St- Andrews Lutheru?) church Caimoxiviilt lifv. H. A XI cCudough pastor. Suiuiay School at C30"a. ru t vcry 8uaoay. Preaching -every 1st Sunday at 11 a. id., and regrulai ervice every Sunday night at . o'clock, excepting the first Sunday in each month J I Forest Hill 31. E. church, South Rev. M. A. Smith, pastor. Preach -mg at 11 a. lu. and 8 p. in- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting every Saturday at 8 p. m, jTho public cordially invited Epcrth League meeting at 7:30 p. m. Bay's -Chapel, Mfhodist Chinch Rev. J.'iR. Aloose, pastor. Sen ices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m, . . . , First Presbyterian chmeh JRoy. W- C. Alexander, Pastor. PmichV iDgleverylSunday atSll a. - m.t 3 p. iru Sunday school ah 10 m. Prayer meeting every "Wed uesaay night at, 8 k i n . uomi- m - Coxcokd, N. C. J.&.Odell, President D, P. Cclteane 7 Cashier Xu D. CoLTBANE, Assistant Cashm Capital, Surplus, $50,000 ,$16,00f DIRECTORS : J. M. Odill, . D. F. Caunoi J-vLAil King, J. W. CAxxoi W K. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTRAKE OWCORD MAKKUlb COl TON MARKET. e Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer wooa reiaanng 7 75. Middlings ......... ...5 . ......7,72 Enw midlm 6.20 tit&ms .................. ... 6 to PRODUCE if An Ji El ; .Corrected bv Swm& White Bacon........ to y5 Sugar-cured Dams...... . 123 to 15 Bulk mea s,si des ................. 5 to 7 Beeswax... ... 20 ?.Mf - ........ir.'.'.10rol5 Oaictad ...... 10to25 jrn " . 45 gg.......... 12 j -Lard. , 7 Flour(North Caroling i'qoi Meal 45 oats ;g5 Lail9w ...... Sto4 Central Methodist Church liev. If . P:l.rfcr. netnv Sorrir.u o f 11 a, m. and 8; p m Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock, a m. Fpworth League meeting at 7:30 p. m. !' , All Saints Episcopal church Rev J. C. Davis, rector. Morning service at 11 a. m. rand -3 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prajeis. Wedces VlflTT of K Y -.- ' i Forest Hill ' and Caniiorhille Presbyterian I charge, Rev. A K Pool, pastor. , Services at Carnoii ville IP a. djm every 'Sunday ex- cpt the 4th Sunday in tacb mbntl at ..loiest xiill Chapel, Sabbath school, 8:30 a. m., prtachicg 8:p m. -k very Sabbath. Baptist Church Rev. J. J. Pay seur, pastor, sti vices every Sunday at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 p. m. Prayer; meeting every turday at 8 p. m.; Sunday School everv SundaV at 9:45 a. m.Public cordially in vited. . ; Trinity Reformed church Rev. B Frank Davis, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. VC. E. at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited- SSt. James Lutheran ChuichjMaih street Rev. Chss. B. Miller, pastor, services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 ri. m., Sunday School 10 a. m., Luther -League 1st and 3rd Sundays 4 p. m. edneeday evening prayer 1 7:45, All are cordiaby invited. Rock. CliuriUIiifc'. ) Last night a number of young bots .were placing at the old time hide-Hud-eehk pastime in the yard of JuVge W J Montgomery, much to tbe annoyance of Mr. J E Red oian, who is conducting a writing school in the oid Bessent school house. He addressed the little fel Iov8 in a very rude manner abd withont authority ordeitd the boys out uf the yard. - This riled the! feelings of the bovs and a general tattle took place in which stone s, sticks and otner mi3tiles were used fretiiy o j both sides without tefions ceulfs. The scholars at the writing fcchcol overpowered the small bovs and it was some -time before the ir ritated. pupils could b made desist their reck 'chunking. As a natural cou&; qneuce the mayor will have a heunug Monday n oining. i.miii..;...:iilHI!-Hl!li(:t ill lil.ili'lllll-ll.ni.lliilinlu.f.'i ;.'rTTTi f" S ? W yA A S H A" W lMIS 1 FAC-SIMiLE !...( rTTTTi . -1 1 , . 71 i ; . 1 1 1 1 1 . -1 - 1 1 - . 11:, i.'i ii-ii! -no 1 1 1 it" ,: I ' v ' Notice. TOCTEEAtOLDlM OXE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25a ml4 ,c iS t"!3 Secondary ULoOT Inrv5 Clans. S500,0C0 cSita?bSfreutphysi tipnal guaranty. AbsolnVr.111 ur Eeoncii. SO? Masonic Temple, CHlcIog; Drag" JK0.-R. ERWIN. C A. M1SENHEIMER ER W IN & M1SENHEIMER Physicians and Surgeons ?CeoNS' 3Harty building op, .... i Original Observntioiis. i The collector is always a' biiiouq individual. ! Even the worst baseball plavtr can catch cold. ! The crank is always what he is "ciacked" up to be. I A dress does not make a woman but it'often breatce a man. ! The poorest time in a mark's lifw is the day he mteis the ass.f sor. -w V . - VV hat yau dont know about some men oftimes makes them respect able. The most, promising men in this country are those, who never pav anything. It is said there is a soft side to every, man. That's the reason the - . dude is alraid to stand on his head. The seashore and the mountains have wound up their annual' fight and the seashore certainly -shows the most .sand. When an Idaho girl is hugged by a Dear sne exhibits a perfect con tempt for the young men in the neighborhood. i Now doth the schoolboy scowl - again, while hanging on the fence; he growls aloud, but all in vain,' that school doth toon commence.' j The happiest time in a boy-s lifa is when he can smoke a cigarette in the presence of his father without endangering his life. ! We hear a great deal about the third party movement. Many young men have heard the move ment It is the old man coming t.n see whether his daughter has gone to bed. Orange (Va.) Observer. There wilPbe a regular commu nication ot Srokea Ledge No. 32 A. F. it A M Monday night at 7 30 o'clock By order of W. M. K. A. Bhower, Sec. ' ' "O- ' Tlic I'reisbj'tery at MicKory. The faU meeting (f the Concord Prebbyery was hi Id in Hickory this week from Tuesday until Friday, in the -Pr. sbi terian church at thAt. place, Rev. J A Ramsay, pastor. Rev. W C Alfsaiider, pastor of the First Pres by terian chrrch of thia city, was elected moderator and pre sided oyer the meetiuga. There' was a large attendance and harmonious meeting. There was an impetus in the work of home missions and coK ored evangelizitioij. Rev. 0 A Monroe, of Lenoir, the preset. t chairman of Home Missions, was appointed an evangelist to superin tend this woik for a part of his time. -.1 . Candidates A K Pool and JE Summers were ixamined upon all their parts of trial and were licensed to preach the gospel. The Narrative upon the state of religion was encouraging indicating a steady and healthy, -growth. The Presbytery adiourned to meet again in StatesviHe on October 27th. The only casualty reported is thai Rev. R S Arrowocd, once a resident of this city, but now living in Ire de'il county, was relieved of $31 by the pickpockets while listening to the speech of Hon. Wm J Bryan. lhe delegation from this city re turned Friday night. jWptahtfPrfnnrnttnn for As similating theFoodandReguIa- j .f . 1 in !? ling 1112 Dfomacn5 anujjowei ci Promofes Digestion,ClieeTful nessandRest.Contains neither Opiurn,Morphine nor Mineral.- JSot. Narcotic. ? Zteie cfOIdErSWUELElTCHZR Pumpkin ScciZ " sflx.Sciier ytoeAele Sails -Sfnse Scetl Jippernunt - I'unrSccd -Clarified Sugar A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion I Sour StomachjDiarrhoea, Wortns ,Convulsions,Fcverish iicss and LOSS OF StEJEP.- Facsimile Signature of NJSWiYORli. 111 ! : I 1 i ! m EXACT C 0 PY OF WRA PRE R. IS OH THE A ra. PI XL '-fcJ is. OF EVES Y BOTTLE OF W. j kf-'i r " 1 iiwiiii nil iimauBiamaaaoaa Castoria 13 put up in oss-siro tottle C-.I7 1 is not sold in bulk, 'Don't allow anyca3 -j you anything else on the plea or 'promise that is iust as e-ood" and "will pose.1' -AS-Beo that yon get C-A-S-T-O-2-I-a" :hfao-- - ' "" " 11 - ITT..- -nil it ,VV .L'A jn-.A..-... .-tTJ. jIa X,..-.jJ..- . ..tA--:;., ,fif(r-ii Tt SiJSf LIFE Cnre For Headach. As a remedy for all forma of Headach Electric Bitterg has proved to be the very best. It edicts a permanent ?ure and the most dread ed habitual sick headaches yield to ts influence. We urgo all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give tnis remedy a fair tn'al. cases of habitbal constipation Elec needed tone to the bowleg, and few case long resist the use cf this medicine. .Try it once. Fifty centt and si. 00 at Ft20r - Drug Store. V In DR, H. O. HERRING -ji 'i -jvAi, . ' Is again at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see Yf--s ai1 are in leiA need of hh PROFESSIONAL - SERVICES Sciantifio American Agency for ma mflt For information ?"T tC.I Oldest buarLT.N .York. Every patent taken twienra la America. LIKE PORTRAIT - FREE. Made . hi . Crayon . or . Water color . Tints The Price is . x .Tliei Loadstone jThat attracts customers to: our place of business. Beginning today, June 30, 1896, we give to I CASH PURCHASERS ONLY one of those Handsome Portraits wlienjtliey have bought fnrnitnre to the amount of 25, and if the portraitjis not satisfactory you need not take it until it is. We give you the Portrait Free. You pay only for the frame. The 'cost of the frame, glass, etc., will be . onlv 81.50. This 'is tiae best and cheapest way to get life-like por traits of Yourself.JFather,; Mother, Brother, Siss ter, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and we " have the Furniture,-ard can suit ! the most fastidious When you want to rest easy tryone of our large easy Rockers or ope of our easy.' Reclinin Couihe?, or one of our Sofas, and when you' want to make your bed easyand comfortable buy; one of our. Wire Spring Mattresses. We . Mtve a cqmpleteSline of Furniture Suits fromSlo;t6 JlOO. Space will not admk our mentioning every ar ticle. Our prices arew. Come at Conco and begin onjtheportraits and get you a card and haveji punched whenever you make a nh?,s(.. f We are yoursto please,! DFIY &. . WADSWOR'i 6 wiaiss, Broadway, New York City7 iv

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