UK & pSto re. Popnllst Resolutions. We, the members of ttie confer ence committees of the Populist and Republican parties, hereby recom mend to the executive, committees of the Populist and Republican parties of the respective townships of Cabarros county that they meet together and agree upon the candi dates for justices of the peace to be voted for in the:Npyember election in the several -townships and that this be done immediately after the meeting of the Republican county convention. Resolyed, by the People's Party ot Cabarrus countv in convention a- Filled to the top now with .ftmwi: that wMiii vofA ai - "O- i-T. I "X?rV,:"",V; W a j-a n mm . TT U ww w. w w mm m W a w W r rm W . . - - - want in the way pf a new ress from a 3 cent Calico, Ginghams or Plaids up to the handsomest line of man for the Senate or House of Representatives who wilj not agree to vote for the candidate for the United States Senate who shall be agreed upon byjfeople's Party can cu 8 -of the Populist members of the Legislature. The conference -committee de mands that no Populist or Republi- Dress Goods at $1.00 per "yard n be elected H ay who will in town. The styles are abso- not enthusiastically work for the kk : Black I I Democratic Ticket, NAlIOJSAL. FOB; PRESIDENT, , WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. ARTHUH" SEW ALL. STATE. ! FOR GOyERNOR, CYRUS a, WATSON OF FORSYTH FOR'LlEUTENANT 0OVERNOR, THOS. Wl MASON -!-..-: ; ". . f - ... .:. ' OF NORTHAMPTON, FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, CHAS. Ml COOKE ! OF FRANKLIN. I FOR TREASURER, B. F. AY COCK . OF WAYNE. FOR" AUDITOR, ROBT. M. FUKMAN . OF, BUNCOMBE. EOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, FRANK IAOSBQRNE ' OF MEOKLENBURG. Rain and Wind 8tmi. ! - Saturday evening about 8 o'clock' a terrific rain and wind storm passed AtockhQldera and Directors Sleet. : There will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of 'the direc- over the city jn an easterly direction. I tor? of. the Concord Southern Rail It struck Mt Pleasant with full force, unroofing the Mt. Pleasant Furniture factory, doing about $150 damages. A new house is in course of erection, but is : minus . its frame, the wind carrying it o 8eyeral large trees were blown down in the yard of Major Heilig. ''No '''fjain(es are reported, however, i be: sac. Rev. 1 Rsbeo Accepts Rev. L B Busbee is to cessor to Re?. O B King as pastor of 8t. John's Evangelical Lutheran church in Salisbury, i We congratulate" the i congregation in getting one so . able, l and hope they will be fully compensated in the loss of their former excellent paBtor. - : .. ( . ': - Core For Oeadacn. As a ' remedy " for jail ' forms of Headach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best : It effects a road Company, held at (the, office of W M Smith in Concord, N. 0., on Tuesday, apth of September, ,8dQ at 1 1 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are requested to be present J W Cannon, Elam King, Jno. P Aluson, D R Hoover, W M Smith, Directors of Concord Southern RaiU way. J. F. HUE; LEY, INSURANCE AGENT, . : r " Office over tETZEES DRUG STORE. .. . ....... j ' A N ICE LINE OF permanent cure and the most dread" lutely correct and the price is I cooperation ticket and t?ho will re- iF 0B buperiktendbnt op public ed habitiialsick beaa aches yield to jight, 4 Ifuse to give employment to mem- Two hundred rairs Blankets bers of the Populist ng Republican at all prices from 75 cts to J parties when he has it in his power to do so, but gives said employment to members of opposing parties. M. L. Buchanan, INSTRUCTION, $4,50 per pair. CHEaP STORE- -FULL LINE OF ts influence. 'We urge all who are JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH T -W 'W P ta iw ;iior . give thts romeyva. fair.,fciah In w! , j cases of habitbal constipation EIec por associate JUisTiCES, trie Bitter s cures by giving the li n AVkRV nf WnVw needed lone to the bpwleB. and few Geo. H. BROWN, of Beaufort, medicine.' Try it Onee. 1 Fifty Cents Men's Pants from 75 cents to $3.00, Twenty-five dozen Men' s Work Shirts that originally sold for 40 cts have been re dueed to 25c ts. Ten dozen IiUnS' HE&VY OVER-ALLS J. W. Bog ee, W. C. COLEMA Rep. Com. FOB7 CONGRESS PftOM 7TH COKGBES SIOKAL DI8TR1CT. SAMUEL J. PBMBEBTON, and $1.00 at Felzer'a Drug Store. Bncklen'B Arnica falT The Best Saive in Jke world for Onts, Brnise8,T tSorca, : Ulcers, Salt Rhenm, Fever tores Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles or no pay requi -ed. It is guaranteed to give etatief action or monev refundeJ.;rHnce 25 cents per b ox For sale at P Ti Fetzer'a Drug store Good Cotton Pleklnr. Worth Lyles, an 18 year-old boy who lives in No. 5 township, makes lOOBolts- that sold for 75 cents have jvalitv can'tbe ihatched for l8Ple!,d eragta tio pqnnas eaoa ; uay, anu on Wednesday last the youogiellow pnlled out 302 pounds. Mr. Lyles picked several hundred pounds more . I P ik M S than three bales during the three I weeKs. that will go at the extremely low price Of 15; 20 and 25 CtS ome Fine Cattle. per yard.! 1 Mr. John Rankin, one of Cabar CONNtY. FOR THE 8TATE 8ENATP, C D. BARRINGER. ' FOB THJS'HOTTSB, ' M:F.;nesbit. : :; -ii shew ff , .THQIUS J. WHITH. FOB 'BOISTEp: 6Er DEg D3. JOHN IK PATT'EEtSOtf. ' 'T J lpR TnEASfiREB.' i ' PAtBBiW.'IN? fob "c6tton weigher, W. B- BOST. " "t JOH 3.-L0ttG- r V. ".FOB C6RONfcR! J J . JOHN p. WADS WORTH. - TOR COMMIeSlON KRS. - L. Ji FOL, J. S. HARRIS, M. L BROWN. ' TO CURE A OIiD IR OJJE OAT . I - i - Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Ail druggiste refond the money lf it fails to,cure.v 25c, .5V STIGKPIMS at OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL COAL BURNERS. c a i Every citizen of ConcbTd who intends to barn coal during the comiDf winter Will save money an d trouble by purchas- VYe will handle the best lng from vs. K L Craven is now receiving the best J ellico Lump CoaU Also superior Hard Coal, i Kgg and Stove. Prompt ja tfentfbnl Free delivery. Orders 90h licited. ( ICO LDL1P COll and will deliver any quantity in any part of the city. Youi oruefa are solicited. Headquarters at Black welders store, oa West Depot street.1 oS WOOL We Want to Beat . . . .lite Bfecord for July, SILVER OR GOLD. 1 Better than -either is a healthy We are determined not to ?pnd; oiirl time and fnergj- errumbling liver. ! If 'the liver is r tt t TT'o ii Irani udi iiU uiiuia i tuio jiuuuuiiuK ujuinv duo uigcD v u uij wo XittVM ever XJU, wo ¬ man 13( , -H.1S D lOOa IS Kepu-j nnf, a lot of MHummersV and we are oniric to thaIta th'pm hum. Dtickers We will make Movers out of XTTTTT ' o-r-rTci rs county 8 most Pr08Per0US and pure, his digestion perfect, and ne We are going to do away with Sti iNJiVV : bJuLOJib. enterprising farmers, deliyered to can enjoy life and act intelligently them. Here goes: J v.- -mi ut . , Mr.Jamea FDaYTanlt.of this city, and patiently, upon, the questions 0fet 60 pra of Ladies i finash iNever have we been soweJlL. . , Ar axed in tiA h na lino nfi nl. Present Wa ha th nhpn-n- that has been brought est shoes you will find any lng time- Mr- ?nkin dea1s exten Place. New lot of those biff sueiy in cattle and has 1 his tarm lOcent well stocked for the .purpose , of r aising them Help Wantedremale. $10 to $18 per week to Men and ft wnrlr. No luat sold sn fnat. White I kVo nr rflnvasHinfir. No eXDeri- Quilts all the way from 50 cts ence. Bona fide offer. No catch. to 81.75. Our is Send stamp for work and particu- Dow fnli -ma Iars. E. Herrman, 21d bouth bixth fJ IV uuo uuu auu v . T 1 j.uu;. Vn OL u get new coods dailv and - rrr ? - WlH fill the baSfimftU t. We Concord riour and leeo Store ant your tva a tln fnll ftud "Fenix Mill" flour, millfeed, Will sell xrn . i bran, meal and chicken feed, kept at h order u V Jl- Lore building on Wert depot street 031 of the dav. You all know what to take. ! You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator SIMMONSS REGUfcAT0R7 flfe. pra or Jjaaies nne snoes ol zeierier's and Keed a mskes. ail small sizes, 2J, 3, 3J and 4 that we will pell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among them but cost $2 and over.;; They must go. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, soma patent leathers, eoiue tans; some 'fine ' dpngola pat tips, all to go at 75c. They co8tfromSl to $1.50. They must ero. , ' ' NO. 3. -About 50 "pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all Zeiglers, tar, gray and black ooze and fine Kid, sizes 1 to i. ' All to go at $1, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50. They must -go. ,i 2 " NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeilera. Bay State and Fadan Bros, all to go m at '$1.25. Call for them they won't be here long. .They muBt go. ; ' .NO.' 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1; to goat 50c. NO. 6. EOR MEN: Alot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1 They are $1.50 shoes, and are fresn stock just bought them. SPECIALS uiiey t0 make a Durchase wltbont seeing us. . E t" DICK and for sale by 824 G G Richmond. ; TO CUBE A VOJjD IK ONE DAY , Take laxative Bromo Quinine .Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Jiottce. There will be a regular comma, nication of Stokes Lodge Ko. ,32 A. P. & A- M. Monday night at 7 30 o'clock By order of W . M. R. 'A. Bboweb, Sec, Womens Solid, Leather; Shoes at 65c. Womecs solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain "Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are SI Unr -roora n:nrl vnnr ffl.friAm Bhoes, all fresh and nice.5 'Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at i,aw frr 'J nf Rfprlino- wnrth Alexandria, Va. .Solid as ,any,fihoe in the aarket, regular 1-50 bhoes, to have lound it Ot Sterling wortn. at i Mens Fine SiMn Oil Sboesl lace and f?aitrR at S1 Thpir ra It is iand always has been put up regular 1,25 shoes. :cMens"heavy English lTies,' everyday bhoes; 1.00 Solid only by J. HI Zeilin & Co. Take as leather can makethem .Big.job in straw hats at 10c, some of them none ; but the genuine. It has the arG 5c hats. We buy Trunks incar loads ancl retail them, at wboh sale t)P(i n nn fremt nf tnpwrnnnpr Price8' nunareaijuensjiiiaiDerge uoats at just nan price, we nave sxea La on tne irpntoi tne wrapper, fu:n v. k AifVi;, oa n;o;n n, t?.u: and nothing, else is the .same, and to date andatpridesthatcafc't be'bieat anywheie in the State. Call niut nothing so good. . see samplesiof tna free Crayon Pictures we are naving made for our cus- Help Wnnted. t if I - iApents w.iited t6 bell Macintoshes a xi7 pkk k;UW Tr,fla .. Saits, sizes 34 16 36. lor 4.D0(arsuiCThey ar 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00Asuite. aim ouuer.juiuviiiuy j uf, a a Call on us antf; see these ftxrd otherTatacUons. i jiuc ui xvuuuci uuuun, i ran ur of Yr Free earn pi fP,-arrd protected NWON8 & FETZER

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