w JOHN D, BAERIER& SON.a f. . Editors and Proprietors. 3AS. P COOK. V Editorial Correspondent. OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. CONCORD, SEPT., 21, 1896. WALTER It. UEJfBrS SPEECH. The campaign speeches; thus far lave had a measure of mildness and cou8ervativene88 about them Shat gives pleasure to those who Jove peace and unity, tnough tbe jentiment be the; opposite of that of anany of the hearers, but it remained ior somebody to give Walter R Henry a chauce to come in our snidst with -stuff' that was surely jbumiliaLing tu every Populist of the Qner taste. He began bv a3- jertifcg th it.be would not .be abu- 3i?e and we gave him credit for aieaning what he said, but we were ioo q-iickly undeceived. He charged against Democrats about the same vilification as he ler d on Democrats and. Republi-car'ri-i d Siid that abuse rebounds ou 2ts source. It fits Mr. Henry to a I. lie claims the merit ol work- in g for "Dc-moc racy 16 years till last August a year, but took upon himseif the? presumptious task of marking out a line to which Dem ccracy had to come or he would lwear byhisGod ; he.'a leave the partyaiid he did. He said he did not leave it for effice but forerer. Tiiia, was the best part of his speech. 31 ay he never return unless by lorn? cbii-ge he becomes fit for any party that has patriotism in it. He fiuid he h'ed fought the Jfopu if his magnanimity does not ex -ceel Henry's. t - He told of how fafVauder hilt's $202,000,000 'would reaoh,4f fnlsil ver laid side by sidev or upon each other ana made not a single, argu- ment.out of it unless it was what could have been said with .equal impressiveness in a few woidsj that the policy of son ebody gave rise to such conditions. Of couise Mr. Henry would not abuse. The1 Dem ocrats abuse, he says. Bat e speaks of the Populist's marching over the :dead and rotten corpse ' of Democ racy." r :'. ' - !; Mr. 'Henry affected to have regard for the feelings- of Democrats in the use of the term "Stati," then went on using.it m a way most uncourt- e'ous arid said the Chicago conven tion had stolen the silver, plank and the income tax plank' and the man to stand upon the,, platform, of the stolen planks, ' V l ' v Hr. Henry does not seem, to know that Democracies not made of such contrariness as to disapprove of a thing j u8t because the ropulists ap- prove it. We would feel a$hamed of the party if we did not believe it put its own convictions intoits p)aU forms without reference to the views of any faction that? Mr. Henry as- aumes to 'champion 1 f n kr. HenryJ thinks' Populism is poison to, Democrats, . and that Mr. Bryan was a big dose for them. We think Mr. -Bryan a fairly palatable Democratic elixir, but Mr. Henrv's ind of Populism we think is calcula? ted to give t Democratp, .Republicans and everybody else spasms like that one he. suffered from fcr oyer- two hours Saturday 'evening, ifa: fellow just opens his mouth and drinks it down as some'seemed to do ur. Ufcnry said much against the State were not eecond to the free S'lyer issue. Think of i I From the end of the war" to 1876 the State was uudr Rjpublcan rule, and we had the Holdon. Kirk disturbance, a looted and bankrupt treasury, with North Carolina bonds selling at 18 cents on, the dollar a.nd general dis content and alarm. From tthen till '95 we had a reigu of peace and quiet and successful state enterprises that could well invite the envy of any Sta e. Democratic supremacy guarantees the- same today. Is free silver a stiain with Mr. Henry or does be not appreciate, good govern ment ? We repeat our regret that Mr. Henry should ctme and thrust so much obj-ctionab e matter in his speech which he knew there was no chance to have a reply to. VVe in-. vite him or any one else to turn on all the light, but. ve want ; nothing miaieadiog to further array man agaiiibt man ' whose : interests -are identical. Given Away Free , To advertise our goods we will give away, 'absolutely '-'free, one box of'five-cent cigars, one.go!d ring and a sample - bottle of Feeler's.- Pain Killer to every one sending ns fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address1, ': : . Peeler Anderson- Medicine Co. , Lock Box 1, Kernersyiiie, N. O lists like a Bengal tiger, titl het found they were right and he was national banking sy stem, as if it were I If 'we understand resolution paeed by the Populist convention Saturdtiy, they'propose to draw the lice3 pretty tight. A Populist em plojrar must give employment to a Populiat when it is in his power to do so, .a8 over.pgainst employing an individual whom hs might like bet ter and who might suit him t better if euch individual's convictions were not Populistic. fIs ; that5 principle above party ? 75T0Bg. He told of his own foolish txtravagance .that is characteristic cf his speech when hejaid in 92 ihat if yoa would put a bit of Pop, slist blood in a hole 100 feet deep 2nd then fill the hole with dirt and ihe grass were to grow on the dirt and a shet p were to graz9 on the grass, he would not eat the mutton. Be 8mootb?d it over with the pitia ble ilirt that he was a muttonhead at the time; and some of the audi ence cheeied him. .. . He charged that the Democratic ihip has a pirate crew. In the in .terest-s of all that's grand, noble and good in the party, that makes its name a reality, we are glad Mr. Henryris not one of the crew. n.t: earn me wneeis or tnis gov- firnmetit were running dangerously near revolution. This may. be only too true, hence such vile harangues -as Mr. Henry's ougbt to be avoided He was severe in his strictures of fcotb the Democratic and the Repub lican parties and " claimed great things that the Populists had done in shaping Democratic policies. .'" The speaker was very entertaining In his description of 50 very wealthy men in New York engaging in a $10,000 fea3t when the poor were sutside and 'suffering. Such things are too often true and it makes the heart of every good man ache with regret. But such has been in all ages of the world and probably always will be and we ourselves cannot have an unusually good din ner without being liable to the same reflections, but on a Bmaller icale. Many a man listening at Mr. Henry works harder than he and . suffers privations that might crjtaliz in envy toward Mr, Henrr full of evil 'without any great amount of good. ' Some men will find fault with the bread that nour ishes them The national banking system will be reformed or abolished whenever our patriotic congressmen belieye they have found a better sys tern. Many suggestions have been made but no agreement has yet-been reachiea1. There ire too many like Mr. Henry and oureelvea that do not kno how to make a better system of finance. Mr. Henry would have us believe that ''Arthur Sewall changed from a gold bug to a silver- ne Because Cleveland would not give Sewall'g son an appointment. Pacts would spoil that columny in a hurry. He,shojved an immense array of fig uresun his wall canvass to prove that the financial system had wroaght ruin, and in his tyrade of Sewall he said that Sewall was the worst of j a protective tariff man. Now if the financial policy of the government is the cause of all our ills, as he would have his figures prove, then why speak of ;SewalI a3 the worst kind ot2a protective tariff man? What has the tariff to do with our troubles if the gold standard-has caused them all ? i v He was f ondjof . literary land his toric flights and found Cleveland parallel in Nero. Let such as Henry reflect on a noble, manly, honest npil 1 Ipiii Before Retiring; and patriotic ofilcial; it seems to gratify Mr. Henry and does not hurt Mn Cleveland, It was rather amusing to hear, him call the gold dollar a thief, as much as a pirate is a thief. ! We think everyone of us" would be glad to have a busbel bas ket of ihe thieves of that kind. " He got quite impressively in ear neat hen he caid the issues in the take Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for. th day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for; constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all . liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the ruse of. so many of" the pills on the market. Ask? your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pillswon't help you, Ayer's is : THE PILL THAT WILL. Mount Amoeha SEMINARY A. Flourishing School for Young ' Ladies. TEN TEACHERS Ornamental Branches Beceive Carefui Attention , BEV. O. L. T. CFISHEB, A, M Pbinoipal, " ' . MOUNT PLEASNT, N,0 , Pli 0 elf e i:Btepe, iV trmmm rm m - - t . . ' ,? J'A'jwC 1 L'f ' s ,. : V 3 0 r WW ' PI i "T3 n ft wi4ty Dr. Ullea'lifttya Mutex - - j-' i r v.