Daily Standard; The Standard is published every day (San day excepted) and delivered by carriers. KATES OF I SUBSCRIPTION1: Oae year . Six months. . . . Three months... One month ... . . Single copy.. . $4 00 .!200 . 100 . .35 . '.05 lU 1 it t The Weekly Standard is a four-page, eigni-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price 81.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : ' Term a for regular advertisements made known on application. " Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Arrival of Trains. o. ii from Riehmondi arrives at. 11:17 a. m." ,5 " Washington " " 10 p. m. 2 " Atlanta ' " " 7:22 p.m. 36 " Atlanta ' " " 9:35 a. m. 37 New, York , " ; 8:48 a. m 3S " Atlanta " " 9:00 p.m. ' 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. m, 63 Southbound " " " 5:45 p: m. TCos. 11 and 12 are the local trains hptwppn Richmond and Atlanta. Nos. 35 and 36 are the fast iv nil trains between Atlanta and Washing ton. Nos. 37 and 38 are the Washington .and Southwestern Vestibuled Limited trains and stop at Concord on signal. cecei ved To-day, FETZER'S jyili Wfl Will ir-nww, A ' . w. morrow wnat - auo JLdmocratic and P euuuve committees have done on electoral fusion. From all indica Hons "fusion will prevail." :: Mr. Ddberry Fisher, of Mount lieasant, ia - again a salesman at CannonB & FetzerV Mr. Fisher has many friends in the city and county who will be glad to see him there. Miss Mary Brachen is" now in New York at Jas. G Johnson's, making a handsome line of pattern hats and bonnets. She will be in Concord soon ready to exhibit same. j . f A number of the members of the congregation .of the Methodist church held a prayer and praise ser vice at the jail Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The service was led by Rev. J R Moose, of Bays Chapel at Carinonville. 1 j Mr. Ed. Cline, on last Saturday, purchased - the desirable lot on South Main street lying: between the property of Mr. N D Fetz?r anj Mr. William Blume. We learo that Mr. Ciine will erect a dwelling on it at an early day. Mr. Alexander Saunderson, Choudrant, La., sajs: uHaviDg u?ed Avers Pills at least twenty-five years, I would say that for all dis eases OF the bowels, stomach, and liver, which can be remedied by pills, these are always effective. They keep the system in perfect or der.' ;. . ;.rt.'.u iV. Mr, Lee Sipp, son of Mr. Sandy Sapp, who lives in No. 5 town ship wa8 in the city this (Monday) morning He had a dog that had been acting peculiar for several days and, while fooling with . him the dog bit him. Mr. Sapp thinks his dog was mad and went to Char lotte to have a madstone applied. PJSKbONAL POl.lJiai The Ebb Hnrt Flow of the Humnn Tide at Tills Iort, as Seen By Oar Reporter. ; Rev. Paul Barririger,of Heilig'si was in the city today. j Mr. James Wads worth, of Char lotte, spent Sunday in the city, L j--Mr.H C McAllister went up to China Grove this morning. Mr. John Holshouser," of Maiden, is home on a i visit to rela tives. - ;-;:;;,,.;:,';-,-?:Cp.:r.;, t ... Mr. S A Hamilton came down from Salisbury and spent Sunday in the city with his family. , Messrs. A M Faggart and Dallas Pitts spent Sunday at Poplar Tent, returning this morning. .;. Mr. D L Hathcock and Dr. B L Griffin went up to Salisbury this morning, the latter professionally. Miss Sallie Fisher, of Mt. Pleas ant, spent today in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John ACline. Mrs. Rev. W G Cam obeli 'ar rived in the city from Virginia Sat urday night, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. - Miss Liliie Lad wig, of Mt. Pleasant, parsed through the city this morning on her way to Salis bury to visit friends. j j Master ; Johnnie Alexander came down from Mooresville Satur day evening on his bicycle and spent Sunday with home .folks and others.- ! -Miss Sadie Clarkson, a fair rep resentative of Charlotte, came over; Saturday afternoon and spent Sun day in the city, the guest of Miss Jidizabeth Gibson. Miss Mollie Suther, who has been spending some time with Miss Irene Ridenhour at Sr'. John's, re turned to her home Jn this morning. ' This is the finest 5 cent cigar ever sold. we have FETZEfi'S DRUG STOBL Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. HiEiT.TIl To talk about iany- thing but; ' ' HANDKERCHIEFS 5 Per tint Per Month OR' 60 Per Cent. Per Year .! ! 1 1 c I :i (i 1c vc: ; Guaranteed to All Investors v ' . , " ON, Investments both Large and Small . WHEN Mi DE WITH ' Th New . York In varment Co. ' BROKERS IN ; Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. 40 AND 42 BROADWAY,. . - " NEW YORK CITY.j , lire Sinrnmf art ! "m all 'nf arcr invpQtmpntt end for our'explanatory, fre. Table Linens If you have sick or nervous bead ache, take Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They will cleanse the stomach, re-J store healthy action to the digestive organs, remove effdte matter (the presence of which , depresses the nerves and brain), and thus give speedy relief. . H See our Plain White Hemstitched at 5c. . FIRE INS ORANCE. Wiieri in ued oi Kirn bisuiance, call tnd see us, or vi ir-. We lepre sent ouly first clat Hrro and For eign companies- ' ' Respc eti ly, , i W V00DH TO E A HaI.BIS. See our Plain-White Linen Hemstitched at 12 1-20;, worth 20c '5 Our 44x21 Fringed Towels,, worth h 25c, for 16 2-3: ; A r r Lesmgton if- x The doctor may be a good old man, but even eof medical examina tions and the 'local-application" treatment are abborren t to every modest woman. They are embar rassi n g of te n usel ess. ,They should not be submitted, to 1 until every thing else has been tried. In nine cases out of ten there is no reason for them. In nine cases out of ten, SHORT LOO ALS. Lightning struck the beautiful oak tree in the yard of Mrs. , John W Fink Saturday night. f Mai in da Moss, a highly respected colored woman of the citv. for maov years past in the employ of.Dr. R S the doctor in general practice isn t Young, died this (Mondav) morn- competent to treat' female diseases. ine after a -brief illness. One by Aney mase a orancn or meaicine oy one the good old darkies pass away, tnemseives. iney are mstmct irom and the demise of this "particular other ailments. - They can be personage will be keenly felt by her propeny uouereioou ,anu ireaieu numerous white friends. Pnly by one who has had actual . ,Ci years of practice and experience in Sunday tmorning just as the good this particular line This is true of people were on their way to ser- Dr. R V Pierce, ! chief consulting vice at'the various churches, a ne- nhvsician of the Invalids' Hotel gro, half drunk, and from what we and Surgical Institute, at. Buffalo, could , learn indecently dressed, N. Y. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Pre Mr. W G Boshamer, who has had an attack of fe-ver for the pa3t three weeks is today very much better. The school house at Cannoh ville paraded up and down the sidewalks scription, a remedy for all derange- is nearly completed. By , another along the business part of town. He ments of the reproducti ve organs of week the building will be ready for ws unobserved by the policemen, use. and, of course, was not arrested. Mr. M B Hartsell, ticket agent at the depot, is Off on a'ten days vaca tion. Mr. ChalmereSim8 is substi tuting for him. . The New York World is authority for the assertion that David B Hili i is soon to declare himself for Bryan and Sewall. The Stanly Enterprise says : Mr. G D Moose reports a young chicken witn four legs and feet. A strange ireak of nature I A large limb was blown from the tree that stands in rear of the post- office on to that building Saturday night during the storm. The trial of the small boys and the writing school will not come up until the plaintiff is ready, which will not be until late in the week. The Ladies Benevolent Society of the FirstJPresbvterian church held a verv imnortant meetincr at the home of Mrs. P B Fetzar this after noon at 4 o'clock. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Charlotte Jvill be in Concord at the St. . Cloud on Thursday, September 24. His practice is limited to eve. ear. nose and throat. tf women, has been in actual use tor more than thirty years. It cures every form of "female weakness.". THE STAR OF HOPE. "I had lost tU i hope and gone to my father'9 to die i said Mrs. Molif L'-tl . ..: 'tfSrt Coryell Co., Texas. ttV3 "I gave' birth to a m ii wn n Tfir""" John Gibson, the young mulatto who worksat Willison's barbershop accidentally cut a severe sash on the back of his left hand while strapping a razor. t' 4 j-v gt Wi. tB p."v 'revival adds, seemed to do verv .well for 8 or q days. I and tfipri T hec-an to ITeel very bad, my mv stomach was all wroner and I seemed r-i'-f to sufierwith every, SifjA thincr that could Te borne. I was in bed k months and there was not a day that i seemed I could live. We had the . best doctors that out country afforded. 1 was a skeleton Every one that saw. me thought that I would never get; well. Ihadparpita JT ). , .".-i .... ; CAST A DR. H. O. HERRING- fr : f0f-: ' wis m PROFESSIONAL as . .Hin at the old w-und, where he will be plead to see all who are in heed of his - SERVICES See Tliem - :V- , ' ' ' : . L '- t .'f" - f 'S:i ' '. " ''V -' 1 .!-- i ' ': ; ' ' ! ... ! ' ClilWER ' ' ' ' ('" 1 ' i . . v i ; " ;- -". S "v P (jn 3 c.c .- 3 rr o -zz g co O O-p0 J cr m O 53 2S rsi . . - ?3 A. m r ! 2f! 1 ' For Infants and Children, THE NEARER THE BONE THE SWEETER THE MEAT. It is an old and homely adage and finds an application here The maker of mercjhandise as reached the end of his summer. His season is oyer ; yours has just begun. He's anxious to sell what is left of his mades up product at almost any rean sonable sacrifice. We're watchi rig your interest in this matter and as a result have made some purchases that will surprise you by their cheapness.. TIr-Z:Tn-i. 1 " ill J ri m c ill CT3 cia ' y s'fi PI as. A' 1 Tie fao-tlmila 18 09 erery wrapper. Forest Hill News. Ma. W R Odell left for Mocks- yille last night, where he was sum moned to attend court. Misses Loula Perkins and Amanda Mwe r-t uKl rib S May spent yesterday in the , country. headaches all the time ; a Deanng oown M T RflTi.pr :a onite sick cDtmti ? ii distressed feelinz in my stom-N Mrs, lftUra Baxter IS quue SICK ach ail the time ; could hardly eat anything at ner home on St. Charles street, tii it 1 noted as if I would starve. All the MU "v time. I would take ch weak trembling M j g McDonald, of ChaE n it seemed as if I could not stand I it. There were six doctors treating m Jotte, SpeQt Sunday with Gapt I hid lost all hope and gone to my father's Charles Mc Donald, his brother. ? - -r nict tctVinor Tr Pierre' I CoSSi-' Medical Discoverv and his 4 Fa- There will be a lawn party given . . .- ' rnnrPTHPT - anci i iihik i . . .. The Standard is in nossession fii until rfeTris if life wa. under the auspices of the Juyemie of a communication tending to worth living again.u Missionary ' Society of the Forest counteract imDressions e Dtten, from " I weigh more tnani nave 1.;- obhreh on-- tha fan 1 1 "JA1 r- fTar9. M.V menus aajruu v- t .- - - uuiumnson oaiuraay wun rmr- R-" ever saw me. The&rsttwoDot. rTy iftwn next Thnrsdav eTeninff. did me more good tnanaauie meQicmc . " HERE THEY ARE: Tired and broken down women will find that DR. KlIIG'S ROYilL GERFilETUEfl is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetitey brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids Wash goods at 5, 8, ,10 and digestion, tones the nerves, builds up- 12i cents. Figured Mohair, I . . c. n(rfh anH nuts disease, and A bargain. Billows of hand- pam to mgt. r-or ksrehiefs, you'd wonder how it nnnlflbe done if we haau't told you, There's no loss to us, but a - -v ''v;;;' fEiJALE TR0U1LES Including all menstrual and womH Tj p oina fA Vftii difficulties, it has no superior used Big Gain, tO YOU both locally. and internally. It is locally emphatically nceto the unfortunate diflSculty that occurred at Mr. J E Redmon's I school. Statements seem to conflict and The Standard is very anxious that the affair should be amicably adjusted and therefore deems it ad- Yisable to be silent, when to speak ""gut hinder the best outcome. . 1- t v... T taken. MyStomacn aas uey I Can Cai aujru"6 " . mnchaslwant. If you want to use this in a TVum . - jr- fevnr of vour meaicine, x; ""-jv- ess to testify to H '" Who wants to know iuui . We expect a grand auccesa for the little people. Mr. W P Shealy and little eon left for their home Stanly creek yeaterday. uodncK.miDo Pleasant to take as lemonade, and and the. maker pays the piper. Come ann see them, 5, 10, 12b. 15, 25 and 50 cts.. Oxford Ties: rrince Albert and SDring Heel Ties in all the new toes. These are Genuine harmless at all times. New packages "RrcraiTis. no old coods. All new, direct from the xaotory. Come and See Us. iarge bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured, only by 1, 1 n 0 A tl AT l.l'A I P 1 Q ft 11 1 rrwswaa.iMssoos!: U 1 u u u m iiiu 111 0 u wyEiM

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