Vol. XHL-No. 131, CONCOm, N. C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1896. Whole NO. 1,510 A SCIENTIFIC COLLISION. LOWE El l .-!, . -" ;- ' ' 50 - or 300 yards from the track f J J.IJ I.,.-. 4.T. . A Premeditate ana Prearranged ! "UU wuu"-u?0 wccu lurimf ttW Railroad Wreck in Texas Witnessed j 1 could have .gotten through the By concord Boy Two aien and a crowd) and two or three people were woman Kuied-Raiiroad company J in jured about 20 yards in front of me. Made 850.000 Ont of ThM An tiflc Show. Tyler, Texas, Sept. 17. Here is . & r 1 viseyouj and you ad yise your friends, If you ever have an opportunity of witnessing such a collision, I ad- OlieapStorel I havs just returned , from seeing the greatest and most novel perform ance I haye ever witnessed, namely: I the premeditated and prearranged collision of two railroad engines, "in the interest of science," w hich took billed to the top now with new goods. Everything yon ymage or urusn, Tex., on the want in the way of a new Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad, dress from a 8 cent Calico, about 20 miles east of Waco. Ginghams or Plaids up to the The vast crowd present was estu handsomest line of mated by competent judges at any where from 50,000 to 75,000 people, B K. I . . J - . !.. . R... .: iT,,.Tl out it was almost impoasible to get LaQIBS : fl &GK . JlUVBM anything like an accurate estimate, " - - - mm w . W--1 I.. - . , ' ii ueiug uguc on a prairie, dug ic to get jaBt as far from it as possible. ' J$M Deatoit. A Tery Important Matter. An entirely new registration is required for the coming election in all cases where there has been a di vision of any Ward or Township. Where there heo been no such divis ion, a revision of the registration Practicing Among Us. J J A S White, the Indian . doctor who gained such notoriety some Urns go and who was recently tried for his life in Salisbury, was in the city and was looking well, having gained seventeen pounds of flesh since he was liberated from cus'ody. He wears his hair in long flowing locks and has spronted a set of goatees. He was down profes sionally, practicing and selling medicine in various parti of the town and country. He is located in Salisbury and wants his Cabarrus friends to write to him at that place". Cnre For neadnch. -As a remedy for all forms of Headach Electric Bitters has proved books only is required. T. U U U lA iU.i . xwHuuum uo uwicu wmujf ""Htobe the very best, fit effects a only four days are:aIlowed for regis- permanent cure and the most dread tiation, viz : Saturday, September ed habitual sick headaches. yield to 26 ; Saturday, October 3rd ; Satur- ts influence. We urge all who are day, October 10th ; and Saturday, afflicted to procure a bottle,, and October 17th. '"Remember the dates, give this remedy a fair J trial. In Th hnnrtfnf rpaiatrotinn rA from ?ftsesof habitbal constipation Elec wats me gieasess numoer oi people l q 0Vock a Dress Goods at $1.00 per yard e7er saw together and I have at in town. The stvles are abso-1 iaa r m . . TtPlv fiorrectand theBriceia p,ar "n Bna Sc- datesor their duly authorized repre- utely correct and the price is John.g Fair8aod they wele f Jm Bentative8, may witness the count- Two hundred Pairs Blankets 8UPn". iexM aBd ont.of Texas; ing of the ballote. very eiaooraia preparations naa trie sittftrR RiirAR h-r CriVincr iYia m. to 4 o'clock p. m. needed tone to the bowles, and few The law provides that all " candi-1 long resist the use of this uiouiuiijo. aryu unce, xmy cents andl.OO at Fetzer's Drug Store. at all prices from 75 cts to $4,50 per pair. CHEaP STORE. FULL LINE OF Men's Pants been made, and the neonle were made as comfortable as perhaps it would be possible to render such a vast crowd, there being plenty of ice water, "Texas refreshments," etc., and about 5 o'clock two engines, to each of which were attached six box cars, came down the track, and each wan criven a triAl.rnn nf nnn iyiiIa in the presence for life people, in order uoK w uva -.u 4. i i . i . i ixi& uiuua nuu viu- tuo uuuico. io usueriaiu u . everv(ninir was in ; TO CUBE A COX.D III OH DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All, druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. His Dog's Scripture Name. Hugo Toland is the owner of a UHMWvV.w ..v..r.f. . wmln TVotilixl.r.m.r. . M m mmtmrn mm. imwiv Dears a peculiar name, wnen tne $io to $18 per week to Men and animal first reached Mr. Toland 8 1 Women for easy home work. No noBBftaaion hp was moat anxious to books or canvassing. No expert i (- . " 'I onAO ' Pftna 4Ae &rim 'NT aaIaU . . jouu oKauiu jui nuib, auu uai tlUU Ana so he delayed. Hnce tne Iars E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth greeting, "Hugo, have ,yqu named Strfet, Philadelphia, Pa. c31 ntocktiolders and Directors Het. There will be a meeting of tbe stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern B&l. road Company, held at the office r W M Smith in Concord, N. C, oik Tuesday, 29th of September, 18SS, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and wbee all parties interested are requested. to be present J W Pannoit Elam Kino,' Jno. P ALLISON D,R Hoover, W M Smith, ' s Directors of Concord Southern Kail way. -: - ' J. F. HURLEY,, INSURANCE AGEWT, v ' ; Office over . -: v tETZEWS DRUG STOREl A NICE LINE OF- STICK PIMg at, - 5 Jewelry Store, OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD. HOTEL.' from 75 cents to $&0(K Twenty-five dozen -Men's 1 order. Then the two engines camel -i r-L. oi.ii- ::nli lL . i. L. . A. dilettante O O dueed to 26cts. Ten dozen M WW OVER-ALLS Work Shirts that originally down to the point at which the col- sold lor 40 cts nave Deen ref usion was to take Dlace. until the pilots of the two engines came to gether. ; Standing that way, under their pressure of steam, they reminded me of two tir5553-.fi irh tfr a who had iuai soiu xur u ucuio voi nf fA oT,0i,rt i,nr,a fivf , rs . mx, uicu w ouaao uauua wci.vtc uuv. ueen reauceuio oo cu. Blowing their whistles at each other qvality can t be matched for A . . A. two or three times, thev beean to iuo uriuw. I . ... - r bacK apart quietly. Then tne peo pie realized that the final set-to wes at hand, and interest grew intense. At a givtn signal the engineer cn each engine put his train in motion for the contest, and remained on his engine until it had gained consid" COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who intends to barn coal during the coming "winter will save money and i rouble by purcbaw ing from us. We will handle the bttX JELLICO 10L1P mi I haye sir," replied the haughty K L Craven is now receiving m respooBe to tne inter- besfc jellico Lump CoaU rogatory, thrown on him in the Also superior Hard Coal, Keg University Club. ! have given and-Stove. Proript attention. lOOBolts- WOOLJEANS that will go ar the- extremely loyr price pqr yard. NEW my dog a Scriptural name. forth he will be known as over." ' - .'. rshaw," 8id Horace Piatt, uthat is not a Scriptural name." "Nor is there any dog called by its name mentioned in the Scrips tures," supplement e d Mr. O'Shaoghuessy." Mr. Toland booked a . few and then producing from the library a Bible, tnrnvd to the of Job and read : ' "Moreover the dog cam, etc. Hence- Free delivery. "More- Hcited, Orders so and will deliver any quantity in any part of. the city. Youi orders are solicited Headquarters at Bla?- elder's store, ca West Depot street. . . - ' oS ' We Beat bets, club Book want to .the "Record for July. lo price of 15, 20 and 25 cts erable gpeed. thell throwing the trottle wide open, he jumped off and San Francisco News Letter, SHOES aDacdoned 11 to its fate. JL UUUloa caou nam Never haye we been so well gained speed, until before they came ; hxed in the shoe -line as 'at together they were running at the present. We have the cheap- rate of 50 miles an hour. EsplodiDg est shoes you-will find any L 'afi h the were coming, and men, women and place. New lot of those big 10 cent We are determined not to spend our" time and energy grfumb)ig The bets were paid on the spot about dull times. We will pitch in and make times livey. 2ou, m ois der to mane tnis incoming mouiu me uigRest tiuiy we nave ever- uau.wi are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make. them bma. We are going to do away with Stickers. We will make Movers oufc oi therai Here goes: , v ' ranidlv' riTT UTTim fT n fY Tl About 60 pra of JUadies nne snoes oi zeigiers and iteea's mKes-, au Si Ij V J!lXv UJ1 llllilt small sizes, 2, 3, 3J and 4 that we will pell a.t $1 a pair. Not a pair among itt noma '. r" mmmm m I , ... mn J mi i . tnem out cost z anu over, mey musi go. NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, seme patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c They cost from $1 to $1.50. They must goi 3 JNU. o. -Auout ou pairs uaaies nne wxiorap, an Zieigiers, iac. gray tliat sold so fast. White Quilts all the way from 50 cts up to $1.75. Our house is now full np to the top and we still get new goods daily and will .-fill the basement. We want your trade this fall and will sell you goods very low :;n order to get it, You loose pney to make a purchaser without seeing us. children were on their tiptoes. I cannot find language sufiGcient to describe the final scene. It was but a moment a crash, a jar, a cloud of smoke and dust and steam and flying debris, and all was over I Two engines were crumbled into atoms, seven box cars torn and split into kindling wood, the railroad track torn up for some distance, two men and one woman killed, seven ethers wounded, and the "great head-end collision in the interest of take, i ou have known it for years. It'is Simmons Liver .Regulator UK 1 J science" was oyer. It is said tbe railroad company made at least $50,000 out of their scientific" show. One of the men killed was a pho tosrapher, who was trying to photo aranh the scene, and was about 100 yards from .the engines. The other Better than either is a healthy liver. If the liver is O. H. the J ;a n TT. His blood is kept W his dicestion perfect, and he and black oqze and fintid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go atl , ; Made toseiat ???Jf aU. fpflPntlv $2 and $2.50. They must go. . , . v, . . . can eiijuy aii " xsO. 4 About 75 prs ot Ladies Uxrords and l-strap sandals eiffiT. and patiently upon the , questions Bs state and Padsn Bros-vall to go in at 81. 2?. Call for them tbey of the dav. xou ail Know wuat w won t be nere long, mey must go. . : - . - ' iNU. o A lew prs oi iMiSBes uxioraB. Bizes 10 1, iu ui uuc NO. 6. FOR MEN: A I6tpf Tan, Goat ana Black Vici Kid Oxfords at $1. They ere $1.50 shoes, arid are iresh stock just bought them. ? . : . -I - ' I' ' ' . ' . '. - '--.!.". 'V;':-:;.' Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens'solid Xeafher PebWe train and GlovO Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c These are 1 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies hne JJongola kid button snoep, rnaae l Alexandria, Va. I Solid as ary shoe in the ixartet, regular SL50 thoes, lo ; go at $1. Mens J?ine oat in yu ot?oes, aauw auu. KdHcia o mj regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy Hingit&n Tiee, every-oay bnoee, x.uu exjjiti is leather can' make them i5ig OD in straw nais at ivu, fBuiuw m tutsiu are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads End retail them at vholf salo . rirpH Mpns finfi Seree Coats at iust half price. .We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing , goods. Everything up to date and at pricesthat can't bfi beat any where in the State. Call ana see sampleslof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our ens tomers ; - v , JOB Tw entyKfive suits of fine All-Woo." ICJassimere in! C ataway IFVook Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 4.00 a suit.f IThey ai e 10.00, 12.50.. and 15.00risuita. Gall on us and see these and cthei attractions, j - i ! SIMMONSS regui.AtoW7 For ' vears vou and vour fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. H. Zeihn & Co. v. Take none but the genuine. It has the !Red Z on the front of the wrapper man was in a tree, about the same nothinr. else is tho game, and distance off. I was standing about ' nothing so good CANNONS & F&TZER v

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