It joi; XlH.-No. 133, CON C0111), N. C;f THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1896, Whole NO. 1,512 AN HISTORIC RELIC. IE D Bronght Ont by Dr.' Blacknall on the Occasion of Mr. Bryan's Visit. When Mr. Bryan was in Raleigh, just before returning to the train, a waiter was observed moving to- j wards the Union depot with a long slender bottle, three feet in length and filled with liquid. Accom- (jlieap Store: I Democrats Organ lie. At a call of Mr. A B Young, Chairman ofj the Democratic Exec utive Committee wf Cabarrus county, a meeting was held at headquarters on Thursday, September 24, in which Mr. W . Q Boshamer was made Chairman and J D Barrier secretary. The object of the meeting was to "The cool cnttiDg winds are ominencing to blow and it is , Well known fact that It has panying it was a very elongated tumbler, at least a foot in height organize the Democracy into clubs and with a possible capacity of two throughout the county and the fol quarts. ' y loving was adopted : ! A closer inspection revealed the Resolved, That it is the sense of fact that it was the four gallon shis body that it is desirable and George Washington bottle owned well to organize the .Democracy oy our gooa iriena,ur. w vv .Black- ot tre j county oy precinct nail. clubs and thai; members of Lawn Party Tonights The Jnvenite- Missionary society of i he Forest Hilt-Methodist cnurch will haye a lawn party in the fac tory yard this evening from 7 to 11 o'clock. Signor Ritz will be on hand. Fruits, fcandies and other refreshments will be served. Ex cell en t music Everybody is in vited. The Press-Visitor ran across this said precinct clubs form a county be guarded against and ; to letter which explains what followed: Democratic organiz ition to be con- how where it- can be done Col. J S Carrr- sunamated on- Friday, the second well and at a moderate cost My Deau Sir : I beg that you day of November next, is the subject that has to be present with my compliments and On motion the secretary was or- studied well now. y best wishes this bottle of native dered to ascertain the repreaenta- have a few facts plain Concord wine to the Hon. William tions present ana found1 townships and unadulterated, 4hat we J Bryan, our next President. Both No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and Wards 1, r"MW J -J-BmoHieaDQ lumDier are umqu uiu 2J. 4. of No. 12 rnrPntPfL ... . . i -1 -1 i - - . uDiiu familv THlica and have not been j . . II Will uuuaio ulo , a Sf f nainn ninrn thft , , . i . . mv.. t-1 ' - .www-w.w- w w aorsed tne n an of organization as in V M UlittCl - IU- ICdU W II d li I ... r n vit i . i- t t . .i l - i r - n - " V -1 , , visit oi sir waiter itaieign 10 me city years ago, as nothing before was thought of sufficient import ance to call them out. WB nave to say uiiu ue guycrii ed!by it. Ihe uieetinir unauiuiously he plan for i ulattd by Ohairuuan Youug.' Thc Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. , G. ? Cailloutte, Druggisii. at WbW Uil: AK 1 IVIHIM ! the President and yourself, believe New discovery I owe myviife. Was Care For Beadcbi. As a romedy for all forms of i Headach Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick heaaaches yield to ts influence. We urgo all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and , - r give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitbal constipation Elec trie Bitters cures by giving the needed tone tolhe bowles, and few case long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Fifty cents and 81.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Railr oad nen Uere. Mesw. JftmpR R Witft 9rft G J Brown, of Boston, are on hand toay in the interests of the" Concord Southern: They have traversed the? whole distance from Aberdene to Concord and have taken a fair scanning of the route. They speak: very pleasantly of their cordial reception .along-' the line. Dr. Mlleajrtiin ttisv are g &a,rantew3 ui ss$s2 Headache ic 20 minntea. One put a dc&ar CO-A.L! K L Craven is now receiving the best Jellico Lump CoaU Also superior Hard Coal, Kjj and Stove. Prompt attention. Free delivery. Orders i so llicited, ' Wft will show from todav oil througli 1 he winter a very bindsonie Tine of popular pncea mimnery. Ladies : Hats from the very cheapest up to me, Very truly, - G. W. Blackball, Ktoctetiolders and Directors Meet. There will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc tors of the Concord Southern Rail road Company, held at the office of! W M Smith in Concord, N. C, on Tuesday, 29th of September, 1896, at 11 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested are 'requested to be present. J W Cannon, j El am King, Jno. P Allison, D R Hoover, . W M Smith. taken with La Grippe and tri-d all Directors of Concord Southern RaiN t'apt PatiersoD'sNarrow Escape. Wednesday afternoon while Capt. the physicians for miies about, but of no avail and was given up and told I rould not Jiva Having Dr. King's New D scovery in my store I sent for a bottle and begrnn its use Ed M Patterson was doing some land from the first done, began to shifting at the Odell Mills he met get better, an1 after UBing three with a nrcident that came near bottles was uo and about again. It . e i.. rr worth i-s .weight in gold. We voanlfinn in o To to lit XT H A CtTAd Cin I " & . . ; , .. won t keep store or ho.ise without the top of a box car, and while jt Get a free trial at Fetzers watching some person in the street, Drug Store. Vila Voni) notna in Odntapt. TOltV ATI liio ucau u Tl CVREAOOLU IS 2E IAY R50. Misses and children's euctno ngDt ut Tdke )axative Bromo.Q.litline Xab hats all styles and everything road. The wire strucK Mr. rauer iel8. AH . druggists refund the th front thft smnll -nrofit and son iust above the left eve, cutting a monev if it tails to cure. 2oj v O - - 1 j , . I low price that we mark on severe cash and at the fiame time AT.TTtV.;. r Wo n-rl: . . 1 i.--.i-: Ex.fonsrressniftn Crawford to Visit especially anxions to nave all Lft:ot-a for a few moments. Dr. the ladies see onr hats before Koberf s Young was called and it Hon. W T Crawfprd will visit mey buy. We guarantee to wa8 DOt loDg nuii restoratives were Uabarrui and speak publicly on tne fell them cheaper than they . 4, . , ,f ;,mtn Af- political issues, he is slated tr air be bought any other -place ? ,A , wnfl .fl vfc sp,ak a, n.rrfsbur on Mohdav, m t he stvle will be correct. Wl uc,1Jn r . r" u.;- W I ... ... .. .' - . x . v,,v if Tuesdav. October 6th. Tne ex- iifi! (it'll I. wun 1 1 1 1 ti iirai au v u v 1 ' way. Mount Amoena SEMINARS A Flourishing School for young ' Ladies. TEN TEACHERS Or, amental Branches Receive Careiui Attention 1 mEV; O. L. T. F3SBER, A. Jki Principe, VfOUIT Pf.EASNT. ft O A NICE-LINE -OF- STICK PINS at mi OPPOSITE ST. CLOUD HOTEL COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal during tbj coming -winter will save money and trouble by purchase ing from uj. We will handle the best JlltICO LUMP COIL and will deliver any qnantity in any part of the city.' Youi orders are solicited. Headquarters at Bla k welder's store, ca West 1) epot street. , oS might have been, . He is well today, we learn. doing yery Sheriff Sims Declines. Sheriff John A Sims on Congressman is ar eloquent stalker 0 and is up to date ctmpoigner. We arr triad Obarrns oh pie wi 1 have a, chance to her him. Wednes- Two hundred and fittv nmn hrellas all the way from SOcts day-Bent tV the Executive committee ! 2.00, for children. IT U Cheapest line of shoes, all styie.s and kinds to be found MEN'S HATS irom twentysfive cents up. Everything Cheaper K Than Ever. lii 1 of the Fopulist party of Cabarrus county a formal declination of the wnmination for State Senator from Cabarrus and Stanly counties, which was tendered him on Satur day last. Shpriti Sims Qia noc siaie what his future course would be, but reasons known biest to himself were sufficient to justify him in this action. SILVER OR GOLD. Better than either is a healthy liver.' J If the liver is O..K. the man is O. K. His blood is kept pure, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon the questions of the day. "You all know what to take. -) You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Eegulator We Want to Beat . the Record for July We are determined not to spend our time and ' fnergy. RrumbHug about dull times. We will pitch in and make times live'y. Kow, in car-, der to make this incoming month the biggest July we have ever had, wa are putting out a lot of "Hummers? and we are going to make them hnxn. We are going to do away with Stickersv We will make Muvri oui of them. Here goes: . . . , . , . 4 4 , About 60 pre of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed's m kes, U small sizes, 2$, 3, 3J and A that we will Fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among t.hf-m hnt p.nst. $2 and over. Thev must go. - NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, soma, patent leathers, some tans, some line dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c rhey cost from $1 to 81.50. They must go. NO. 3. -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfordp, all Zeiglers, tan. -gray and black ooze and fine Kid, sizes 1 to M All to go at $1, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. NO. 4 About 75 prs of Ladies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeiglers. Bay State and Padsn Bros., all to go in at SI. 25. Call for them thej won't be hem long. They must go. NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tanj Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfordj at SI. T'hey are '81 50 shoes, and are trean stock just bought them. CHEaP store. Oultt to the Front. If you will observe the fourth page of this paper, you will see that the Ould Mercantile Company- are here for business. They ask you in a flaming card to come and see them onjSaturday and have made arranf e ment for a slaughter saie. it up and go to see them, 1 1 Look Given Away Free To advertise onr goods we -will give aay, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars, one sold nnp atd 1 wti of Peeler's Pain a nam pie bottle 01 xc,i ... Killer to every one sending ns fifty cents to pay packing and .postage. P rWasoK Medici Co. o Lockbox 1, -K BTiHe. PJ SIMMONSS vr ecu 1. at5"r7 S P EIG- I A L S For ; years you and your fathers have! found . it of; sterling worth.' It is! and always has been put , up onlylhy ,J.H. Zeilin; & Co. , Take, none; but the genuine. , It has the Bed 2a on the front of the wrapper,: anct-nothing" else' is? the' same and nothing so good Woraens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. WomeES solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are $1 sboes, ail freph and nice., Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rtarket, regular 150 bhoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, ilace and gaiters at Si. Thty are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy Engjish Ties, everyday shoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of tbem KOAhofa V ;Knv Tmtiks in carloads and retail them at wholesale ' ii ices. V; One hundred Mens fine, Serge Coats at just half price. We have I everything in-the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Everything np I to date aDdatipricsihat x'an't be beat anywhere inhe Statd. Call aua tomers- ; . -.- - v ' "' . .. . .. JOB Tw en tyfive suits of fine All-WoolICassimere in'CutawaylFrock Suits, sizes U to 36 lor 4 00 a suit.1 They are 10.00, 12.50.and 15,00fcsmt. Call on us and see hese and otherlattractions. y ? ' ; LO VIC 5TC 4 CA1S1WOMS '"j SSm k Pfc I . ( r ' . , i ! if -,?. t D