Vol. XIH.-No. 134, C ON COUI N. C. FRIDAY, ; SEPTEMBER 25, 1896. Whole NO. 1,513 HOWARD WILL NOT HANG. I THE WATER WORKS. UK Oliea p Store. Governor Carr Commuted the Death Sentence to Life Imprisonment at Hara Labor-Ooward Shoved No .-Signs of Pleasure at tta Action or Ills Excellency Frank Howard will not hang to morrow. 1 After hearip&fthe plea for com- A Reservoir at the Bottom of a Gold Mine Shaft The Jfew Main Will Empty Into the Sew Tank. Facilities for furnishing water to consumers in this city are being in creased. The water at the electric light station, where the old reservoir stands, has not been sufficient for mutation and considering the sirong I the demand during the past sum petittons asking that the sentence of I merv but arrangements are being Frank Howard, the negro who , was I made to furnish an unlimited quan- convicted at the July term of Oa-1 tity from now on. Mr. P B Fetzer barrus Superior court on the charge owner of the Concord water works, of arson, having applied the torch is putting a reservoir at the bottom to the barn of Mr. 0 O Gillon in of the main shaft of the old Reed Rev. Shaw ft o Better. Word ws received in the city this morning that the condition of Rev. W M Shaw was not improved. Dr. D G Caldwell went out to Bethpage this morning, when Dr. M L Ste vens, of Enochyille, and himself held a consultation over Rev. Shaw's case. - . Given Away Free To advertise oui goods we will give away, absolutely free, one box of five-cent cigars, one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one sending us fifty cents to pay packing-and postage. Address Peeler" Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Box 1, Kernerayille, N. O Dr. MUes Pain Pills cure Neuralgia. AT COST Tuesday, 29th vof September, 1896, at 11 o clock a. m . whpn and where . . , .... . . : - L . 1 it . J J I . - rrp nnol cutting winds are wo-4 townsmp last winter, His om mine, boou mree nunareu all parties interested are requested commencing to blow and it is Excellency, Governor Elia Carr, yards back of Central Methodist to be present. J W Cannon, i well known fact that It has Thursday, September 24signtd the church j The bottom of the shaft is El AM King, ' i : a. i - -i - i . .. .. . I., i . i i -f - u jcju. know wnere n can ue uone that wnicn we all hold so dear mai emerges imo ine nueen root w M xctttt well and at a moderate cost I liFe. Governor Carr commuted the square reservoir is simply enormous. Directors of Con enrd Snnthprn Rail IS lilo auujcui nnv xxcxo iu wo 8, fPTirp nf rtpath tn imnripnnmp. nt. I at? 18 DlaClDCT a pump in tne snait way. 1.. "rrrrkl 1 n rxrr I ' - I . ' . . V j T s uuitru wcu iiu. al uarA ihnr n v,o ncnifonfiarir fnr and will numo a lour men stream We have a few facts,, plain lt, of .pr infn the nevr tflnk whpn it w n A nfVirkriTr JPr YVv nnadulterated. that we "1.. - : . 7 " T T " ; " -rLiituwiij uu uu. v , , . I Shpriff Kima . rentiirpd thfl ranrs 1 is complete, l ne new waier main want to lay oeiore tne Diiying I x ' - .1. r. lof.:u.: wof hrt public. ntockbolders and Directors Bleet. ' There will be a meeting of the stockholders and also of the direc-Y tors of the Concord Southern Rail road Company, held at the office of W M Smith in Concord. N. C. vof Sentr. 1896. 1 mioitivc ouu 1 l Our entire line of Watches TeweJry, Silverware, Clocks, Specie taclee, etc., etc., to go at ACTUAL COST. For the next GHeen days. It will be to your infc r-s to call at once and secure some of the rare bargains which we offer you. A. B. CORRELL, JEWELER today and immediately proceeded to I strikes East Depot street at the M L It will be dollars and cents the jail to break the news to How- Kitch residence ana runs up uepot A j. . .Viv aia ww, I street oh to the tank. - The water is in your.pociieL 10 reau wuat u uiuuukbuuw auy oiuo wir"-- -. . . , - PAINTERS, PLASTICOERS, VARNISH ERS AND PAPER HANGERS. we have to say and be govern ed by it. NEW DEPARTMENT, We will show from to-day on through the winter a very without her borders. pandsome line oi popular priced millinery. I ' onrmiRP nr nipagnm th ft-finn nf I clear and cold and has been thor His Excellency. Howard's villain- oughly anal zed and pronounced ous expression and tone of voice did good and healthy. The shaft is not change in the least. . oxxt tD reet deep. Sheriff Sims will leave with the criminal on the first train for Ral Xake laxaUve Bromo QuinineTab TV A lNTTWON V Rj CCl eigh. Cabarrus can console herself lets. All druggists refund tbeF vv ' XJl uu- nn thp fftftt that a dpsnpratft nearo is money if it fails to cure. 25c. m!4 d o26 w jl TO CURE 'As COLD IS ONE DAY ALL JOBS GUARANTEED. WE WANT YOUR WORK. Old furniture made to. look as good as new. Mattresses made or renewed with perfect satisfaction. Upholstering a SDecialty. See us. Ladies : Hats colic, and from the very cheapest up to I Diarrhoea $7.50. Misses and children's jhats all styles and. everything to go at the small proht and low price that we mark on everything we sell. . We are especially anxious to have all the ladies see our hats before Resolution of Respect. Ppenlntinnn nf rpsnp.t tn thft mfDls For Over Fifty Tears . , Mr. Winalnw'a Rnnthincr Svrnn has Pr of Miss.Carrie L( Walter, passed been used for ..over- fifty years b? by - the- Canncnyille Union - Sunday millions of mothers for their child- school, of iwhicH she was a member: ren while teething, with perfect sue. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty cess. It soothes- the child, softebs God ln H,fl all wise Providence to tlin rrtimo ollova all nain 'nnwifl nri nH UUC tL UUIDl OlIHJ OUIA UUIUI WU1V;U inui I - . - - J is .the best remedy for lcmuFc 4 luul UUi "Jluou WUA It will relieve the poor I sister 'and friend, therefore be it little sufferer immediately. Sold by Resolyed, That while we deeply druggists. in every part of the world, f eel the loss of cne of our number Twenty.fiye cents; a bottle. Be sure whos-memory' 18 so tenderly cher. Anil aalc fnr "Mrs. Wmslows Sooth- J . . .- iBg Symp." and take no other kind ishe4 b7 aU who knew her that we suDmic ourselves io nia liyine wm, ount Amoena US EM- L Nj A R ' s. A Flourishing School for Young "'' ... ( Ladies. TEN TEACHERS On-amental Brai ches Receive Carefui Attention 1 ' KEV. O. L. T. F1SBEB, A. M tEIN0PAi-. MOUNT PGENT. N O K L Craven is no w receiving: the best Jellico Lump Coal, Also superior Hard Coal, Egg and Stove. Prompt attention. Free delivery. Orders go licited. COAL BURNERS. Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal during the comiDg winter will save money and trouble by purchas ing from u. We will handle tjie best JELLICG COIL and will deliver any quant ity in any part of the city. Youi outers are solicited. Headquarters at BWk welder's store, on. West Depot street. 08 A I. is lit in tbe Window. It is a pathetic storv that is told they buy., We guarantee to I of the grief of the wife of John Y sell them cheaper than they I McKane, the Grayesend 44boss," who can be bought any other place ia now Berving a teim in the New and the style will be correct. York penitentiary for election ftnnnV TV ia said that a liffht Fr'T) r T T C rJ sbin8 a11 ni2ht from an upper win I I K ill . H ( ( , dow of McKane's home. Every nignt nis wne piaGes it tneie, "so remembering that what our Hea venly Father doeth is always best for his children. Resolved, That since her absence leaves an aching void in the hearts of ail her loved ones, still we feel that our lo38 is her eternal gain. May God heal the broken hearted We Want to Beat . iihe "Record for Jiily. We are determined not to spend burl time and rnf-rgy rumbline' A J-11 a! TTT ill - A T J l 1'. 1 l XT . hdoui uuu times, we win piicu id anu mase r.iuies nveiy. imow, in ors- and may we all be prepared to meet ,jer t0 make this incoming. month the biggest July we bav ever had, our loved one again on the shore of are putting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hum. Ke wm maKo iuo vera out oi: that John nmy see the way when he happmess here partmgs S're 5. away with St5ckers- Two hundred aud htty urns comes nome, ue ay. xie went p p . About 60 nrs of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Reed m kes. all' brellas all the way from 50ctS away in the morning, but I always pPfinirpfi That since our nndav small sizes, 2J, 3, 3J and 4 that we will fell at $1 a pair. Not a pair amongr $2.00, for children. Ill s inliiii- Cheapest line of shoes, all styles and Rinds to be found anywhere.. - tEN:S HATS irom twentysfive cents up. Everything Cheaper Than Ever. it l. 1 1 a. 1 - ill WT inmK tflai ne vm uuuic uaua dhcj artK.Ul h ?ot f-i0 m. mr f.f ir.vPlo 8unset, andl want him to know disnosition. one ever zealous and that we are waiting for him." active in the Masfei'd work that we 1 Never has the wife ceased to look Uo strive to live'and foIloW her for his coming, but hope is almost PmP,R lD Vuu u uaua dead and her she has not lon ex-boss has grown fat in prison, the Utneken family we extend our heart but hope is almost aF,T' tuau " 111 " ana $2.. , . . we t6o may hear the welcome plan KO. 4 physicians say that dit .Well J0Iie ( " Bay State g to live. While the Resolved, That to tbe sorely won't be fc ignomy he scarcely feels, has crushed the woman's heart and broken it. This is a ead. stoiy, and the worst of it is that the burden has fallen the heaviest where it should be the lightest -Norfolk Virginian. v ; . j NO. 2, About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, soma patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. They cost from 1 to $1.50. They must go. NO. 3.' -About 50 pairs Ladies fine Oxfords, all - Zeiglers, tar, gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4.. All to go at $1, -Made to sell at 2 and $2.50. They must go. About 75prs ot JLadies Oxfords and 1-strap Sandals Zeigl era. and Padan Bros., all to go in at 81,2c. Call for them tbev here long. They must go. NO. 5 A few prs of Missea Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50e. NO. 6 FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat aud Black Vici Kid Oxfords SPE CIALS felt sympathy nd pray the tfod of at it xhey are $1.50 shoes, and are Ireau stock-just bought them. all comfort to De witn rrem ana comfort them in their sad affliction. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereayed family and also furnished to the Concord papers. " - - , - -Estell Howell, ! a : Willie Sloop, ml CHEAP STORE. Iielp ' TTanted yemale, t $10 to S18 per week to Men and Women for easy home work. No books or canvassing. No experi ence. BoDa fide offer. No catch. Send stamp for work and particu lars. ' E. Herrman, 213 South Sixth Street, F liladelphia, Pa. c31 Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes rt Rnhher Clothing, Tires, and a full line of Rubber Goods, (Partori all of). Free samples, ana proceccea gronnd'to workers. Factory P. O. 11371, New xorK. Collie Creech. Committee, castor i For Infants and Children,, Tie fae lialla dssatura is oa '.. TU CUREACOLD.IS QSC DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinibe Tab lets.' All dpiggibtB' refund- the money if it fails to cure. 25c Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womezs solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c. These are 81 shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button' shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as aoy shoe in the rxarket, regular 1,50 fehoes, lo go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Sboes, lace and gaiters at 81. They & re regular 1.25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday ishoes, 1,00 Solid as leather can make them Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them am fiOft Vitif n Wft hnv Tmnlrfl inVflr lrHs nntl retail thfim ftfc wlinl ra.1a prices.' One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and . furnishing goods. Everything up to date and at pricesthat can't be beat anywhere in the State. Call and see samplesfof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cue tomers 'r . . J ' .' - ' '- ' JOB TwentyKfive suits of fine All WoolfCassimere in'Cutaway'Frock Suits sizes 34 to 36 Jor 4 00 a suit.l JThey are 10.00, 12.50 land 15.00Asuita. Call on us and see these and othei attractions. CAM WONS fe FETZER

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