. - i . LLO Vol- XlH.-No. 137, CON001U, tJ.-C, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1896." Whole NO. 1,516 Lit & ON THE MOVE. ' A Host of People Will Clinvge TUelr Places of-, Residence Concord .? to Lose Two Families. - Mrs. 0 G Montgomery has all her household goods packed and in readiness for shipment to her new home at Alabama City, Ala. Mrs. Montgomery and children- will leave Friday next for. Raleigh, where they will spent a short while with Mrs, GilG-P StOre. State for Alabama. mm a 1 1 i 1. i air. ii o iayvaun, wno lives on Bell avenue,jwill occupy the Mont gomery residence, and Mrs. EC Misenheimer, who lives in the Kimn mons house on Spring street, will move into the one Mr. Day vault will a well known fact that It has vacate, to be guarded against and to Mr. W A Caldwell will move into 1 ow where it can , be done the Kimmons house, which Mrs. well and at a moderate cost Misenheimer will vacate, and the is the subject that has to be house recently sold by Messrs. Dry studied well now, .'- & Wadsworth that Mr.V Caldwell oc- TIT V. TT-v- r -Fqht to ira rl n t in vye liavtr xw xvt0, "UhniPB. mll rn tn Vr, A 1 1 r 13W the purchaser, who will move from Goldsboro to this city at once. Mr. S A Hamilton will move into vacated 1 Mr. Benson Resigned. : Mr. Robert P Benson who has served the Episcopal congregation of this city for more than three years as organist, has sent in his resignation, to take effect November 1. Mr. Benson has been faithful to his post of duty and duAng his en tire service has not missed a service at the church. In him the Episco palians lose an efficient and faithful musician. Fitteen-year gold-filled w atones, Elgin or Waltham movements Ladies or Gents, sizes $11 50. - Quadruple Plated Bakine Dish with Porcelain Dish inside $6 25, cheap at 610. ' Given Away Free To advertise our goods we will give away, absolutely free, one bcx of five-cent cigare,one gold ring and a sample bottle of Peeler's Pain Killer to every one' sending us fifty cents to pay packing and pt stage. Address, Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. Lock Eox 1, Kernersyille, N. C The cool, cutting winds are mmencing to blow and it is and unadulterated, tnat we want to lay before the buying public. It will be dollars and cents in vour pocket to read what 'he Swink cottage recently we have to say and be govern by Dr. JtE Smoot. ed by it. The family of Mr. E 0 Beach will leave within a fortnight for Lockhardt, S. C, and Mr. J M Hen- NFW DEPAKTMENTJdrix who now Hyes at the old fair grounds will move into, the Lr. Fetzer house. Truly Entertaining. On Friday, night next at Armory Hall, an! entertainment will be giyen that will be intensely interesting. Thirty two boys and girls will give a series of Calesthenic eTerciees, National Flag drills etc., and' vari ious marches. Miss Marshall has the entertain ment in ; charge, which is an assure ance of success. ; Tie proceeds are for the church. Admission will be 25 cents. Quadruple Plated - Water Set. (Pitcher, Waiter and Cup) 67.25. ' Notice or Seizure. Seized near Concord, N. C, on the night of August 31st, 1896, the following property for yiolatir.g the Internal Revenue Laws of the United horses one r v'D and Spoon, 15 cents, while they last. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take lets. axative Bromo Quinine Tab All druggists refund the We will show from to-day on through 1 he winter a very handsome line of popular priced millinery. money if it fails to cure. 25c. m 14 Be On ltae Lookoat. It wouldn't be a bad idea for the registrars to be on the lookout for those who are not entitled to legal registration. In Salisbury several wariant8 haye been issued for ex- convicts and new comers. who re& istered at that place on Saturday. Edward F. Greene Gone. Edward F Greene, for several I Keep your eyes open years principal of the Laura Sun derland school a mile west of the Bon-Bon, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes "at any old price." "Roger.V'Double Plate table Spoons, 40, formerly 64 50. Only a few pairs of Solid . t Spectacles left at $2 25. Gold Solid Gold Stick Pins at and . be low cost. ; Sterling Silver Cloak Hangers, cents. 45 Five Dollar Syrup Pitchers for 63 50. Sterling Silver Hat Marks 20 cents. Solid Silver Thimbles 25 cents. Five-Dollar Pickle Caters 62 50. Sugar Shells, "A V' 50 cents. Souvenir Spoons 20 cents. These goods must be sold and now is the time to get vour CbristmaB u. uunntLLj jeweler. can be bought any other place Bncmen's Armca and the style will be correct. Glye the Devil His Dues. city, has, with his wife and child, Some preschow make the scrioua presents at their value. departed from among vt He left mistaKe-qr.awetjmg au ine ume on this Tnesdaj) morning for Au- tbe faults and shortcomings of the hum, N Y., and from what infor. Pe0P,e t0 whom tbey preach. The mation conld be obtained,, he has s mow awcoowpng ana ae gone for good. The school has Been moralizing. We do not say , that left to , the management of Miss lneBe lau,tB anQ P 6aon u Montgomery, who for several years oe overiooKea, oDl mat-mey ou.q tanrht ,n the Rnho0l at Asheville. not r,eoeive a ,0 elusive attention. Greene refused to give The Stak- p TFTVlYit. TO , k- endorse such Virtues and graces as V V w VY CAUL U tiv-r actually exist. This was the plan which the Lord Jesus himself used. Even in writing to the backslidden Ladies : Hats from the very cheapest up to 87.50. Misses and children' s hats all styles and everything to go at the small profit and low price that we mark on everything we sell. We are especially anxious to have all the Indies see onr hats before dard any information whatever they buy. We guarantee to 1 concerning his departure sell them cheaper than they harness, about 15 gallons of whiskey and four empjy kegs, supposed to be the property of Jacob Hartsell. Notice is Vey giyen o m one claiming said property to give i.o?.ice in the form and manner prescribed by law to the nncN-ci. n-a .i his office in Ash le, N. C , within 30 days from the date hereon, or said property will be declared forfeited to the Government ot the United States. Bv Sam I. Rogers, Collector 5th Disirict N. C. R S Harris, Dej 'uty collector. II .11 IUI ! IJ.I'-IMI1III.I1IWJI J J !! J. F. HiU'RLET. IiMSURANCE AGENT Office ever ZETZEIVS DRUG STORE. COAL BURNERS. 3 Every citizen of Concord who intends to burn coal during the coming -winter will save money and trouble by purchas ing from us. ' We wiii handle the best JELL1CD IP EGll and will deliver any quantity in any part of the city. . Yobi. or lera- ure solicited Headquarters at Blacks e'der's store, on West Depot street. 08 0 B eat sarre. . tlie "Record for July, For School i d : MleiB. The Best Saive in the world for churches of Asia, he was careful to uuts, cruiseB, ooree, uiuera, oait : them the utmost credit to S 'ZZXSZ- r r"T, Wch they were entitled. It is cer- spend our" time and friy crumbling i iu and make times lively. Now, in or der to make this incomiue month the biggest July we bfiv ever had, we are nutting out a lot of "Hummers" and we are going to make them hum. We are going to do away wun owcKers. we wm mane movers out cm them Here goes: Ahnnt m nra of TftdifiR fine Rhnfifl of Zeierler's and Reed's m kes. all QTT "YTT7T? flT? R-fiTiTB small sizes, 2h 3, 3 and 4 that we will pell at $1 a pair. Not a pair among DJJLl V JClJLt XJJX UUJUIi Lvim hnt. AORt. S2 ftnd nver. Thev must ffO. NO. 2.Ahnut one hundred uair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some pUifpr .than either is a healthy natent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. i:vpr Tf the liver is O. K. the They cost from gl to Si.oU. xney muse go. , . . s - Tlartrla HVli iKlaiTlB. flnrnB TlH ftll Skifa Bmptions, and positively onrea tainly the policy of wisdom to fol- 'We are determined jiot to . 8 Pile, or no pay reqni-ed. It i. low his eIample.-Na8hnl!e Ohrie-i SiMS. iW ! guaranteed to give statisf action or tianl A dvocate. monev refunded, fnce xb cents per Two hundred and fifty urns box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug brellas all the way from 50cts tore 2.00, for children. James D Heilfg to be Married. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. James D Heilig, a d successful business man is O. K. His blood 13 kept Dure, his digestion perfect, and he Cheapest line of shoes, all styles and kinds to be fonnd anywhere. ' MEN'S HATS Jrom twenty sfive cents up. Everything Cheaper Than Ever. . . 1 1 i . .I man of Salisbury, to ; Miss Lizzie can; enjoy life and act intelligently Thomnson. an accomplished young and patiently upon the questions aAxf Txinir ton. Both narties 01 tne aay. vj v o are well known and nave many friends here. The event -will occur at the bride's home in Lexington on Thursday, October 8, at 7 30 o'clock. CASTOR I A You all know what to take. You have, known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator NO. 3. -About 50 Tjairs Ladies nne Uxfords, all Zieiglers, tan. gray and black ooze and fine kid, sizes 1 to 4. All to go at 31, Made to sell at $2 and $2.50- They must go. - , , . NO. 4- About 75 prs of Ladies Uxiords ana l-strap sanoais Zieigiers. Bay State and Padan Bros-, all to go in at 81.25. Call for them they won't be here long. Tliey must go. v NO. 5 A few prs of Misses Oxfords, sizes 12 to 1, to go at 50c. NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goat and Black Vici Kid Oxfords at SI. They are S1.50 shoes, and are fresn stock just bought them. 'SIMMONS For Infents and. Children, LIP CHEaP store. The fae-limlls v.- is oa j. B. White for the Senate. At a meeting of the county execu tive committee of the Cabarrus Populists, held today, the ,resigna tion of 8heriff John A Sims, was ac cepted and Mr. J B White, of No. 11 township, was put up for the Senate, in his stead. REGUI.ATOg7 For years you and your fathers have found it of sterUng worth. It is and always has been put up only by J. H. ZeiHn & Co. Take none but the genuine. It has the lied Z on the front of the wrapper, and1 nothing else is the "same, and nothing so goxxL r ' ir - i ' mm m mm . : Dr. Miles Pain Pills cure Neuralgia. SPECIALS Women's Solid Leather Shoes at 65c. Womens solid Leather Pebble Grain and Glove Grain Lace and Button Shoes at 75c; These are SI shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoHnade jt Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the rxarket, regular SI-50 thoes, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at SI. - Thf y are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday shoes, 1.00 bolid as leather nn make them, Big job m straw nats at iuc, some oi iiiea are 50c hats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them, at wholfsala prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. We have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods- Lyery thing m to date and at priceslhat can't be beat anywhexo m the State, Call and see samplesjof the free. Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cua tomers - ! " . . - JOB T wen tyfive suits of fine! All-WoollCassimere in.'Catawa;Prock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 4.00 a suit.1 They are 10.00, 12.50; and 15.0iy suite. Call on us and see these and other'attractions. . v FETZER f A r.Sfc. .