Vol. XIlI.-No. 139; CON C01ll, N. C; TH ORS DAY, OCTOBER 1, 1896. Whole NO. 1,518 DEATH AND DISASTER. mtorm of Tuesday Last .sweep All Over tne Snnnj S01lll,Kports Appalling. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 30. The kilties yesterday's storm so far foot up eleven. The body of 'Capt. Charles B Murray, of 'the ill fated tog Kobert Turner, "which "was blown ashore in . the Savannah; river, Us found today, wedged in a train itff wall. It was brought to the tug. Lifter tne was heavily damaged, but no lo3S of I the house gave way before the tree, 1 lire occurred. which crashed in on Mr. Trice, his Lighthouse Keeper Evans reached wife and little son. Mrs. Trice who the city in a boat late this afternoon had just retired, was caught by fly with the first news from Tybee ing timbers and crashed to death. Idland, at the mouth of the Savsn- Mr. Trice and little son, who were vah riyer. The storm there was sitting near-the fire place, were severe. - All the hotels are damaged knocked to the floor when the-house and the pavallions of the riotei Ty gave m, but their injuries were only bee and South End Hotel, both slight a d they managed to find 1 irge structures, "were. carried away, their way: out from under the wreck The Chatham Artillery Club housed age. i r ; at the aoath end of the beach, was Reports from other points in this unroofed. The ccttages fronting State and throughout the South tell the beach for a distance of four of death, iniuries and terrible disas- ter. .; . i ,v SHYER OR GOLD. Better than either is a healthy liver. If the liver is O. K. the man is O.K. His blood is kept pure, bis digestion perfect,, and be can enj oy life and act intelligently and patiently upon tbe questions of tbe day. You all knowwbat to take. : You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator Fifteen-year gold filled v afebes, Elgin or Waltbam movements Ladies or Gents, sizes SI 1.50. city ty a iescue tody of one of the deck hands was . i fVa TTn? tort Shatoa rxr - picseu up uj w.-v, .v. nines are all damaged. enue steamer Tybee, which has been r Brunswick, Ga., was wrecked by on relief auty since me arorm buu tne hurricane. The nronertv loss a Few Honrs stop fided. James McClure, a pasaenger ia estimated at between $350,000 and A part of the counter-shafting in 0Q tbe Turner, and two deck hands $500,000. The loss of life is four, Mill No. 4 at the Odeii factories got are still missing. Fannie Jackson, 80 far as known. out of running gear tbia morning, colored, who was injured by a falling A special to the Morning News causing the machinery to stop for roofn Southville, died today. RU from Burroughs, Ga, says: The several hours. The shafting was ley Williams, colored, 75 years old, st0rm started here yesterday at 10 soon mended and the mill started crushed under a roof, died tonight. o'clock and lasted until 1:15 o'clock, up at lood. In the meantime the The injured have all been re- pne tree9 were ijjowrl down in the baseball boys had a good scrub game. moved to the hospital or, to their roaU8 and woods. Ahout ten houses hoses. Five others are fatally in- in differfint nlfl arP blown down Forest me suddenly. jared and will die. The fatalities All the stacks in the rice fields are Q Monday evening, September are likely to be much, greater when down. Tne new Ogeechee' Baptist 2?' BP Forest,-who conducts a mer- reports have been received from the church at Shilohand the new Epis- chandisehusiness at Albemarle and Islands. The damage, to ship- . mw tA fha was Mayor of the place, died sud- piog iB heavy. The steamer Gov- gr0UDd. Three lire, were lost and denly. He was at .8 Ple of b08 ernor S.lford, which left Beaufort, pergon8 crippled. The low "SStL) S, for Sava.nah kd. ated at$60,000. M.S, .irp is on t AQhnrA nn lln.nrnniPiAlt.--i x i v . i 1 AUg, IJiaaiO KBTO DU HUU WUHj.'.J -5U:- 1, .U. M. iBiauu auu o -J" ' j i - -iljTOS - 6 Pen neia 10 saye ma llie Forest ana ury lniana. ne sieamer voi There has never been such. a storm rent to her assistance this inorningHhere 8ince 1854. : ' . . uui uas uuu icvuiucu. r BEATJEOBT , 8UPFISBED GREAT is felt for the tug Uyntbia,whiCA 1 "-Af . - . i . -lit'. - SIMMONS D PA II I ATOO rf-., I ha W -m m L Quadruple Plated BakineDisb with : Porcelain Dish inside $625, cheap at $10. Quadruple Plated Water Set. (Pitcher, waiter and Cup) 87.25. Childrens Sets, Knife, Fork and Spoon, 15 cents, while they last. Bon-Bon, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes "at an v old price." For . years you and your fathers have found it of sterling worth. It is and always has been put up only by , J. H. Zeilin & o. Take none but the genuine. It has tbe Bed Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so goocL p . "Rogera"Dnuble Plate TM Spoons, : 82 40; former y U 50. . Only a few pairs of Solid Gold Spectacles let.' at 2 2b. COAL BURNERS. was a highly respected oiti- x. ,., f zen and figured v prominently in J to bum coal during the coming winter Cfanlw Annntn aUa ha rrlnc - UcAA lwill saveinonevand trouble by purcha- kjbMu&j WUUV ; W wr YianrllA t.h bHt JtLULU The bark? .Cuba an4 Rosenitu,' which drifted from, their moorings and went ashore, it: "is believed may be saved. The ichooners Island Jity and B D Metcalf, which went ashore on their way to sea, were damaged. The bark Kylemore broke away from her anchorage at quaran tine and is lying against a training wall half a mile away. The loss of lllillJ what,. i aa and -will deliyer jmxiiuvjty in anypart y Of thercitx4;Soui lert aresolfcltK " Hstens lh- TlAlfAO'R. ; taeniiiyicff ma. WJfmv?,,' B?? eebtUt f Bei,fort tay AVithbot -preiaon.- ..He i.. i fellow th.f listen, in. QVAblirtnWftn R tion from the- WeathSr, Barean, tly bis'talkinB to,onnd fl f g which the people of Bianfort hate ,.. , i, w w PW"- w had reason to expeotiWonldprto UHiii iDot lUCia Ul.au aiuaviumg wi IPrPM Solid Gold Stick PVs at and lowest. be- Sterling Silver Cicnk Hungers, 45 cents. Five-Dollar Syrup Pitchers for 83 50. Sterling Silver Hat Marks 20 cents. Solid Silver Thimbles 25 cents. Five-Dollar Pickle Casters $2.50. Sugar Shells, "A T' 50 cents. i Souvenir Spoons 20 s cents. Thc goods must be eold and now i84he ti me to ?et .4nci JCnTisttoaa presents at J their yalne.; ' n ; jeweler ing cyclone or hurricane, Beaufort was suddenly Tisited yesterday by an almost as fearful' and deatructive va cyclone as that ol August, 1893. It Aimain all if a fnTf flVnnf. 12 tinrtTI. mall sailing vessels taitoTl.lg iCTOtil-toW- m intensity, as long as it lasted, its memorable predecessor. II rj nsn II It 11 1 ar.' II; A! ' V - For Infants "and Children the marshes and creeks and on the beach at the mouth of the riven Most of these were small coasting vessels plying between Savannah and neighboring ports. The fall extent . . the "Record for July. RICHMONp IK THE STORM AKEA.. 'E very where I go I don't bear anvthine but McKinley" said Moo- , We are determinea not to spena our. time annprgy frrumoiing Richmond, Ya., -Sept. 30. Ine dy, who has returned from nis , . . incominff month the bieeezl Jolv we have ever had. we Jl ou remma me 01 ioe uruuu We are eoine to do away MiW". --UV man who had a nail of water ponred them. Here eoes: are nnttincr out a lot of "Hummers" and we are coins: to inike them hum. with, stickers. We will make Movers out ol of the damage and the loss' of life m08t violent wind-storm ever known I mountain fastnesses will not be known for several days, in this section burst lhe centre of the storm passed ia8fc nieht about 9 o'clock and .raged nn h!m nhA thoneht it was rainink About 60 ors of Ladies fine shoes of Zeigler's and Beed's m kes. all east of Savannah and struck inland,. for 80me two hours. The wind was all over the world," said; Bedding- small sizes, 2h 3, 3J and 4 thatwe will pell at l a pair. Not a pair among northofhere. The.damage on the ftccompaniH:by. ram and .the blow neld. NO. 2. About one hundred pair of Ladies Fine Oxford Ties, some South Carolina Coast is believed to waa fr0m the SOnth-westv Trees ' nl fwf patent leathers, some tans, some fine dongola pat tips, all to go at 75c. be heavy, but so far little loss of were uprooted, fences-blown down, Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for &a 3. fAbout 60 pairs Ladiei fine OxtVMs, all Zeiglers, tan. grap hie is reported. The rice planta. windows blown in and houses no- your trouble? If not, ge a bottle and black ooze and fin kid, sizes i to 4 All to go at 31, Made to sell at, tion3oatheCarol.nas.de of the Sa- roofed in . eyery direction. On n0w and set relief. This, medicine' 2 fmnst vannah riyer. and alone the river Broad street tbe roof . of Jacota' has been- found to be peculiarly Bay State and Padsn Bros., all to eo in at 01.25. Call for them tbej' west of here suffered heavily. The clothing store was blown in on some adapted.to tne renei anacure 01 au won't be nere long. 'Aneymusc go. - . . 4V c ij i-xii i ft . ,j . A. female complaints, exerting a won NO. 6. A few prs of Misses Oxfords, si ncem the fields was little injured, sleeping children, and one of them derful direct influence in giving NO. 6. FOR MEN: A lot of Tan, Goa oemgeoyered with water, but the gerionslv hurt. The Second Baptist strength and tone to the organs., ir sraT, j .,r i j v.j j you have loss of appetite, constipa- atorehoujes and mills were wrecked, church was damaged. tion,. headache, fainting spells, or Qd the rice stored ia a total loss. TVia oame atorv of the storm comes are nervous, sleepless, excitable, Tho r" n. ...-t. ii u. I melancholy or troubled with dizzy fuwwuoi on me vKeeuuco to tne lispaicu xruui u uCr iue lls iectric Bitters is the medi- uu aiiamana rivers on tne weor- state east or tne uiue ttiage. joarns cine you need, ueaitn ana strenartn at Si. sizes 12 to 1. to go at 50c. Goat and Black Yici Kid Oxfords. They are $1.50 shoes, and are fresh stock just bought them. SPECIALS Womens Solid Leather Shoes at 65c Womens solid Leather Pebble ., , ; I . . w I " . Um, ua naa iKfr womeiiB douq ueamer ofloea ooc v omens ewm jjeaiuw xeuuie m side also were heavily damaged. Und 6 mall outhouses were swept K ff Shoes at 75c. These are 01 ihe damage in the city will prob- away, trees uprooted, residences un- store. exceed $1,000,000. Hardly a roofed, wires prostrated and general I " . . . ildinpeacanerianrt tbonsanda of wr,rmii9; A Wayne, W. Vs., special says : W. 1 ":T I"""," I; " " r: .. t Barxlan- lait n.Rht entered the . ii .. xuesaaj s iorm w " noorhonse and carried off three r.IPflTivM ii. . l . m I - ... j . I . . . . . . .".v"ur away tne wreckage irom forebodinga or uanger w idubj tlle streets went on all night. The homes last night, says the Raleigh parka are pitiable sights. Tall trees Press-Visitor, but to one humble we torn up by the roots or are cottage it carried death. A sad and broken in two, and lie " in swaths distressing story comes from St. across shrubbery and flowers. The Matthews' township near Garner, ruin i8 complete. When one of the strongest blasts of Tbe historic Bethsada Orphan wind was expending its fary, a giant Some, founded by , George Whit- oak gave way to the force of the ele- Held a centurv and a half ao. seven ments and fell on the house of Mr, in the country from Savannah, O N Trice. The weak timbers of hundred dollars' worth of clothing and other valuables. Jefferson Ful ler, who was staying oter night with the superintendent, lost a gold watch and every stitch of his clothe?. Help Wanted. f Agents wanted to sell Macintoshes and Bobber Clothing, i-Tires, and a full line of Rubber Goods, - ( Part or all of). Free samples, and pforVcfpd ground to worsers. Factory P. O. 1371, New York. shoes, all fresh and nice. Ladies fine Dongola kid button shoes, made at Alexandria, Va. Solid as any shoe in the market, regular $1.50 shoos, to go at $1. Mens Fine Satin Oil Shoes, lace and gaiters at $1. Thty are regular 1,25 shoes. Mens heavy English Ties, everyday h hoes, 1.00 Solid as leather can make them. Big job in straw hats at 10c, some of them are 50c bats. We buy Trunks in car loads and retail them at wh Resale prices. One hundred Mens fine Serge Coats at just half price. Y have everything in the line of clothing and furnishing goods. Every thus np to date and at prices) hat can't be beat anywheie in the State. C an and see samplesjof the free Crayon Pictures we are having made for our cus tomers' '' ' ;t :. . -J : - v ; ; ' ' - --v. -: :7;.-r-:. . . JOBTwentyKfive suits of finejill-WoolfCassimere in'Cutawa: ;rock Suits, sizes 34 to 36 for 400 a suit.1 )They are 100, 12.50 and 15.0onsait8, Call on us and see these and otherjattractions. I r - - GANNONS FET2ER

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