jjaily Standard, X standard is puousnea day (Sunday excepted) and Slivered by carriers. ; BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : Oae year.- 'ii months. 200 tru,Qtt months. l.UU P1W or One month . .... . ... Single copy. . .... . ..... .05 ' !tjIE Weekly Standard is a four pRe eight-coluinn paper. It toc a lareer circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. j ADVERTISING RATES : : Terms for regular advertisements jjade known on application, i Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. Arrival of, Trains, ii from Richmondt arrives at 11:17 a. m. Y2 Atlanta , " " 7:22 p.m.. 3 Aimi"i y-oo a.m. New York. " 8:4s a. m " Atlanta " " 0:00 p.m. 64 Northbound freight leaves at 11:17 a. ta, 37 3 News from ReidavillA the condition: of ;MiT Miryiite etzer today is not encouraging. The drv kiln at J L Peck's saw millun No. -7 township was de stroyed by fire on Wednesday after noon. About 25,000 feet of lumber was consumed with the kiln. - When the tank is ready to receive thfr water, the supply will be fully sufficient for the demand. The new pump at the Reed mine is in place and the piping all laid and con nected; The protracted meeting at Bays' uuupei is aiiracung large consreera- nuns anaimiicn good work is being aone. JttevJ Joose was asaifitnH lnt. night by the Rev. W,H L McLau rin, of the Concord circuit. Mr. Jim Parker, who recently moved tothis city from Salisbury, has moved to the G W Patterson cotton mill and will superintend the workout there when the mill resumes work. - ; Governor Carr makps requisition on the Governor of Pennsvlvania for Young Savage (not one of Rus sell s savages) who is wanted in Vfts. uana.i2 are ine local irains Between Hn itov nnnnn frt u rvichmond and Atlanta. Nos. 35and 36 are the rr izst wall trains Detween Auanta ana vvasning-1 Oiuio Ul 1U (X, VJ JaOUUjan. SaVagO TVic in anr! iS 9Te th Wn cVi inert rin nrA 1 . . -r-. . . 0 uthesten Vestibuied limiled tta aid 18 m custody in rnuadelphia. 2i Concord on signal... . , . ' : ' - . "Jb ive years ago, I was taken so 111 I 1 1 .. . -. -r 111 wiiii rneumausm mat 1 was un- PERSON AL.POI M TERS. FLOWER BULBS from IB HOMII 6 Cfl; received to-day. ETZER'S 'DRUG STORE. The Ebb and Flow, or the Unman Tide" at .Tbla.-Port, :as;seen By Onr Reporter. . Dr. J:R Jerome, of Georgevilte, was in the city today. ' -Mrs. Agnes Goodrum, of Char lotte, is visiting Mrs. R L McOon nellf on West Depot street. Dr. John F Reed will go to Lexington tonight, from where he will jjurney on to New York. Miss Mabel Hamilton, of Oak Ridge, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ola Hamilton, on West Depot street. Mr. H E Galloway, of Char lotte, is substituting for Mr. J M Young as night operator at the de pot. ' - - Misses Laura and Jennie Gour ley, of Flowed, passed through the city this morning on their way to A8heviile. Mrs. C G Montgomery and children are spending today at Spring8vilie, witn tne lamily of Mr. Shakespeare Harris. t Mifeses Emily Gibson and Fran ces Hill left this morning for Greensboro, where they re-enter the State Normal College. ; Mrs. Sam Patterson, who was visiting Miss Sallie Belle Erwin, left last nigbt on the delayed vestibule train for her home in Baltimore. Dr. R W Ivy, of New London, HKVQFT 11 To talk about any thing but , HANDKERCHIEFS joncerd -Na lH Mi COKCORD, N. C. . M. Odell, President, D, B. Ccltrane Cashier. rj. D. Coltrane, Assistant Cashier Capital, Surplus, $50,000 $16,000 DIRECTORS ; 1. M. Odell, D. F. Cannon Flim King, - J. W. Cannon W R. Odell, W. H, Lilly, D. B COLTEANE And Linen Towels Table Linens Harey P. Deatqn,u local , reporter. able to do any work," j. writes Peter Christensen, Sherwood, Wis 4I arrived in the city last evening and took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and is doing dental work at Forest Hill, was entirely cured. Since that time, Dr. Ivy will be in the city a week. l always Keep them in the house. iney are easy to take. i ne Forest mil Meeting. rki 1: - -J The nrotraciea meeting: ar Forest issued last' month five to white iiH grows in interest, ivery meet and five to colored people. The ing shows indications of a success- whites were : Hampton Blackwel- fni rprlMi p,r. A Uh. vhn der and Cora Allmon; Anderson , v . , , - , , Srmn Tifrn RtaiHncro . Train. ha8 been indisposed for several days, B-J MM J K -A M. Vj U M. U & ft. LH S A. a M d. I . -M- X LI M. I ham P Thornton and Ida Williame; was atle to preach last night. Rev. Wm. J Cline and LouiaBost : John R H Parker of Central Methodist H Williams and; Carrie Drake. r.r nrnh. will rondnnfc the service to- To eradicate the poisons which night. The public js invited to at- produce fever and ague, take Ayers tend these meetings. Ague uur-3. it cures witnoui leav ing any injurious effect upon the oy OlCLU, aliU lb IB, VUO 1 UXIljr UJCU1U1UO -pv OR See onr Plain White Hemstitched at 5c. See onr Plainl White Linen Hemstitched at 12 l-2c, worth 20c Onr 44x21 Fringed Towels worth 25c, for 16 2-3. See Tliem Guaranteed to All Investors Investments both Large and Small WHEN M1DE WITH Th New York Investment Co. BROKERS IN ? Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton, 40 AND 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY.j' p. S. People who desireto have & steady and ure incoma:on;i5"stnall .orlarKelmvestments ead for oiirjexplanatory, fre. SHORT LOCALS A Ilouseliolil Treasure. - in existence which may be consid- v -aavs that he alwavs keens Dr. ered an absolute v antidote for Kir e4s New Discovery in the house malaria. . ' - f and his family has always found the verv. best results follow its use; The calisthenicand flaff drills by that he would not be without- it, if nays .that Dr. Kmsr's New Discovery is undonbt- cough remedy ; that in his family for eight Via. Ft never faile! to do gone! Another year is soon upon thirty-two little children on the all that is claimed for. it. v Why not os ; ,r stage at once; arid see if you don't try a remedy so long' tried, aud 4 - r : thinlr it. crrnn'Vir'vTKrfint(nrta?nmfirit tested. Trial bottles tree at Fet- Cotton buyers were busy to-day. js for the chUrch; r Let everybody zr8 store. Regular bize ;50c. TPL lrl i '! ,.IJ. Cn. iUn -flonnn I . .. . I nnd 4M fill. . O '"J i - I fijVS. Ajeood milch.cTw for sale. Call on E T Boat at Cannons o: Fetzer's.- the physical culture class at Armory procurable. G. A. D . ttit' X5 hal tomorrow night, will be one of gist, Oatskilh N. X:t fi 1 o o 2 n "fl n, 3 "K "I n Q 5 6 1 J7 r n i r. .re. 1 31 staple was 7.75. THE Read carefully the O uld man-a Ufontniy weather Report. smwm 4 BED HOT QUE1TI0II, Birr jodd m- x ouug, vuo Prof. H 'V J iuQWlffi Ot Mt. nea8s nignt operator at tne aepoi, is iaia up with the chills. ' Mr. John Bridges, whose critical illlness was " noted; in yesterday's Standard, is slowly improving. anti submits the following : Highest temperature 98 on 18tb. Lowest temperature 38 on 24th, Average temperature 72.2. ' Number of clear days 15, partly THE NEARER THE BONE THE SWEETER THE MEAT. It is an old an homelyn adage and finds an application here. The maker of merchandise has reached the end of hissummer. - . m His season is over ; yours has bargain House, of course. No sell what IS left' OI HIS maae WHERE TO BUY. At Cash other house offers such big values as we do. ings are ornaments to the'etty. cloudy 4, clondy. 11, will have more new ones some aay. All the trains have been coming in on irregular time for the past two days. The schedules seem to be out of joint. . ' , Prevailing direction of the wind Southwest' ? Number of days -on which rain 1 Eotal rainfall 38 'idchesi..'-:: TT avvaf tft I 1 UaaffiOQr'rain 1 07, innflfiB On 29 th. ""r r :;rr,-7 v.""--. , Here they are in plain figures and cold learn that Miss Elizabeth Gibson is rainfall I-.OR HE YEUU , : facTs we give the price. No fear of any quite sick too unwell to leave, tor ;; ; . , v - , body duplicaUnec these nriees. - school. " r, .;f" , . January , 2.06tncles,, February . . -ryr a t xt ikr O . Lt 5-89 tMarchi2;19AA6rllr 1.19 May . BARGAIN "NO. 6,.; V A new register is on the counter o., farc ; . . o . At20 cts. s at the St. Cloud hotel. It contains .Bdf June 4., juiy u.oq, xxuuov . g at 20 cents. Sold numerous advertisements of our 2.95, September J.88., 3;ptaV..31.85. and worth 25. 30 and 35 cents. ; business mem:;;: " -X 4 a ' ! ; - .; V ' L r- M " -r-x .-rVV X t,t -kt up product at almost any ;rea sonauie iuiiiiuo. u watching your interest in this matter and as a result have made some purchases that will 'snrbrise . vou; by their cheapness. v - IRoiunidl Some Medicines belood ono season and some to another. DR. KIIIG'S ROYAL GERMETUER IS IN SEASON ALL THE YEfHVROOND. HERE THEYIARE LOST" WotnK Abormi' nomOOSed Enquirer Answerea of gold and silver in shape 01 cotton boll T.ftttAra n. O. nnpravea on boll. LeUers N. O. engravea on . ejn yesterday's Standard,' I bottom. A liberal' reward ' Offend. ? . . , , . , ihj 29tf , Joe Cannon. - ; - wish to say that all the reply, inac 1 T a - Vifiy think needed is that I am filling my J us, but a Big Gain to At 25 cts. Mr Editor iV' In answer to En inch allwool Henriettas worth and T 1 sold for 35 ana u cenis. . . . K B ARGAIN NO. 8, A:t42icts. Mibb Tlo -Rnvlrin; the little v :-T . Mr 52 inch aU wool sacking worin ou c. . tTift maker taVS the.TJlDer o-qviHn ..of aroininient as advertised ;m the K m 91 Clinton, is stopping with Mr. ; standard and l rely upon my ?:. . . , 15- 25 and 50 cts. ttogers. L,688ienas oeen enroneu u -- fn teatif 7 0f my merits as a tJAUUAilN 1NU. hftvrVI Ties-rPrince lAlbert 53 inch Boucle Cloth, the latest thing ana opraug IN THE SPRING ! :-' - t a It purifies V Ae blood, removes languor 12i cents. Figured Monair, raws ine wnoiu black; 86 inches, at r25 cents. ; in the summer A bargain, Billo ws of Hand- It overcomes the relaxation ana debility; ksrchief S.' VOU' & Wonder , how caused by hot weather and corrects it 'could be done 11 ; we iiaaa- c ;gSL ,.," dd told ybu, ' Tiiere' a HO lOSS to jghtful and refreshing drink. a pupil at Concord High School. A felt want is that gnawing, at workman. v fiftV that I am LJm&ss ffoods. worth ti.ooperyard, new toes, - These are Genuine the stomach ifter you haye eaten full meal, and can't eat; any more, practicing .Dentistry and yet there is that feeling as laws of North Carolina.; though you 5 haaleanNrnohing: vj". "C.W Ivy. What is wanted theh--is laqse, 01 Simmons Liver Regulator, the Dest Dyspepsia cure, for that iatthat ; TO Cvnv coi.d ih ?e oat keep your eye on this advertise: 1 newdirect om; th eOJ you waw Tlie.'pricca iek : QoOl QC' eQH V S ? lor , themselves, ; , IIS THE . FALL When malaria 11 rides on every passing breeze,", .it is the great preventive and the' unfailing cure ol troubles result from that cause. . . - - IN THE 13IINTER. Jib IS fcblXA iiwu.w v " 7 Catarrh, Kh6umaUsm, ana ine uis ina. belong to cold seasons. It does these thingfHT not la a t eetol and tmdertaizi wa: t,at with assured ' and triumphant pwer. - Keep It la lho Ucno atWI Tta:: . . . . r3TSol 7 Druggists, new package, bottle, 103 Doses, One Dollar. itanuIacturcA Hi ATllTTA CREDCAL CO., ATUHTA, C WrfH? Ei24 rri ,:. me, Liv'p: FElZJStrti DRUG M

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