- " Ml liietiriii J MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams Ontin Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting " , and SaltfBags. Qir Dealers in , GENERAL; ' merohadise: Biivers of -o COUNTRY PRODUCE oi all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ; ODELL. MFG-. Co., Concord. NYC Mount Ambena seminars; A Flourishing School for Tonne Ladies. k v TEN TEACHERS Ornamental Branches Receive - 11 Carefui attention BEV. C. L. T. FISHER- A li 1 . MOUNT PLEASNT. N O w. PAINTERS, PLASTICOERS, VARNISHERS AND .PAPER HANGERS, A';'- , Alili JOBS GUARANTEED. "WE WANT YOUR WORR Old furniture made to look as good as new. Mattresses made or renewed with perfect satisfaction. Upholstering a specialty See us. W.D. Anthony &Co; do26 w jl j OONCORD MAKKJSTa COTTON JKABKET. j Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling..... ..7.70 Middlings ...7.60 Low middling . 7 Stains .... 6 PRODUCE MAnKK Corrected bv 8 wink & "White. Bacon... .......... to 7$ Sugarcured Hams...... ...... 12ito 14 Bulk meats,8ides. ......5 to 7 .Beeswax. .............. ........ ..20 Butter ...........M..............10tol5 Ohickew... .... . .......... 10to20 Corn...... ..........45 Eggs......... ..... .12 Flour(Norih Carolina. "-...I 82 Keal. ...... 45 -Oats ........ ...... 35 Tallow ...a.......... . ..... m... ... 3to4 VA SreciAlTYSEKK: 01 cared In 15 to 35 fhiym'You can be treated at oomefor same nrtaannrta um. J ty. if yon pref r to come here ve will con. fioeha: -out, u is this Secondary uoOI POISn eCTranfeUcnre.We solictt t& most obsti cases and challenge the world foVS case we cannot cure. This dl?eaee foa ninJ. baffler! the akill of th i,2f2Pf J.EtB- -elans." 500,030 tSSTS& fipplication. Ai ZQ7 iteecnio rc&raaty, A osyut proofs Bent sji&j oa tion. Address COOK It E "VI K f'fi Anthony &Co RTIWD Ctiry. iodide potash, and still hava rpHd. .JL. a W 9 W VIBiXr. .AX TUD HKW UXRll W. Am. Tte W oman of Itl : She had read ihe sigo, "Do snMk to the motorD2'4a.,, '.and not she said, "I wouder why 'not Then in wiusomt! voice she ii; quired of tbdt fucctionary, "Why maiu't one talk to tbc motormao ?' He told her it was against rne rules. ,c3ut wby is it against the rnleo V "Because it is." 'Then you don't like to be talked to ?" "Oa, jes, but Thunder, 1 Came witbin ari ape of running down tnat old grtif !v "But I should think it would be nice to hjye somebody to speak to iosteid cf talking to nobody all day long." "Lady, you ar going to stop talking, or tnere'd 2'D& to e a smash up on this line, and a big one, eee?w "Die bareful And I did eo want to be thing ! sociable like; . He's married, Pil bet. He's just like Henry when he's got the papar under his nose" -Boston Transcript. ;oney Island's Hiss Elephant ' stroyed. " j ; New- York, Sept. 28 -Coney Island's elephant was totally de stroyed by fire last nights The huge beast built. of yellow pine and sheet iron, towered high abye the huge 'structure?,- and occupied about two acres of ground. Shortly after 10 o'clock flames were seen issuing from its sides, and. within an 1 hour the. ancient relic of Coney's former greatness "was a mass of ruinsl; The chutes adjoining were damaged to the extent of 2,000, and the; Sea beach Falace,V opposite, was badly scorched The 'big jelephani cost $68,000 to build. j Bneklen't Aratca mit. -i , ' ' The Best 8ale in ti e world for Cuti; Bruises i ISoreB, Ulcer8f Salt Rheum Fever Soreg, Tetterd Chappe Haiida, Ohilblna, Corns and all Skin Eruptibn8,land positively cures Piles or noi pay requi ed. It is guaranteed. .to give. Btatief action or itnoner refunded Price 25 cents per pox jtot sale ,8,t VJ Jfeizers Urng Labor Federatloa for Sllrer. ?cHena, Mont, rSept. 28 At a joint meeting of the Labor Federa tion of Helena, the latter decided to ; support. Bryan and Watson, and cotntnencitog to-day they will start a thorough ' ' cany ass of the city to.raUe money to help distribute fr$$ coinage literature, in the doubtfal States. fbft advantage ot policeman over burglar is that the of ficer has the law on his side. Health has the same advantage over disease. The Iaw of Nature is fot people to be healthy. When they are sick, Nature helps to cure them. Nature's law 4s the guide for cur ing sick people. Tkere is no way bet Nature's way. What the doctors call man j different disease! Nature cures in on ""ray ? hy nourishing "the whole body with rood, pure, rich, red 6lood. That is Nature's way of curing scrofula, erysipelas, kidney and " liver com plaint," consumption and' every form of eruptive and wasting disease. When you want to help Nature with medicine the med icine must work the same way, as Nature works, then it has the laws of Nature on its side to make it powerful. That is the secret of Dz. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery's wonderful cures. It assists Natute fcccording to her own laws ; it is on Nature's side and Nature helps it ; it imparts new power to the nutritive and blood making or pins to create a large quantity of fresh, red. healthy blood which drives every germ ox i disease out of the system and builds up strong healthy tissues and solid flesh. Th 44 Discovery " completely clears away every form of blood-disease from the system 4 It even cures consumption. It is the only true radical cure Sot that disease; facts and testi monyto prove.it. 44 1 would like to tell the whole world what youi Golden Medical Discovery' has done for me. The doctor, ho is considered an expert on lana troubles, told me I bad consumption. He .said both my lung? were diseased ana I could not live long.. I fejt down-hearted for I have dear little children to live for. I just went.U him to gefhit opinion. - I am fclad I did for or J know what yotrt-: medicine will do. When I started on the second, botUe I if as better in every way and wai able to take a walk on every fine day. I enjoyed my sleep, my appetite was good, ana by the tim 1 naa nmsnea the second ootue 1 oeraa 10 xeei like a new woman I stilt had a cough, eo I got S third bottle and by the time it was half gone 7 was completely curco." (Mrs.) 77 Mary St, Hamilton, Out, Can, ; a t J A gentleman of Carrolton, who has lately returned from the west, bas brought with him a copy of some- of the rules he found -posted in a hotel dining room. - The hotel was the ''Rustleis' Rs t," a t Little Cay use Creek, CoL The "Ruleq for, the Guidance oi Guests" follow : "All gents with shooting irons or other weapons must check them be fore entering the dining room. Waiters are too scarce to be k;lled. Gents are requested not to at tract waiters' attention by throwing things at them. This is no deaf mute asy 1 u m . ; "Seven kinds of pie are given with every dinner. "Tablecloths are cbaDged every Sunday. "Oar food ia all of the best qual ity. Qar milk is pure, eggs new- laid and the, butter speaks for itself. "Guests tipping waiters must pay funeral benefits in case one should die from heart disease. "No more than six eggs will be given each at a sitting. - Any guest found trying ' to work off' .'shells on a neigbbor will be fired from the table. . )f "Biscuits iou.nd riveted together can be opened with a chisel sup plied by, a waiter. 7Tb e use of dyna mite is strictly forbidden. tkDisputes over articles of food must be settled outside. "Don't las80-th Waiters, because thp guest who can't throw the rope will be at a disadvantage. 'Gents can take off their coats if they want to, but they must keep on their vestH.,l Baltimore Sun." Given Away Free ' To advertise onr goods we will give away, absolqtely free, one box of five-cent' cgar8,one gold ring and a sample bottle of Feeler's Pain Killer to every one sending og fifty cents to pay packing and postage. Address, : Peeler, A kderson edicine Co; 4 Lock Box 1. rjgernersyille, N. O . ' ",r tocube a corjgin we oat Take laxative rornQ.Qxjinine Ta lets. . All drqggfets refund the money if it fails to core. 25a ml4 ''Do yon tide a bicycle?" "No sail. I'd jes leab walk as ride afoot.w Detroit Free Press. Visitor "How mnch the baby resembles its mother!" $ Father4 Yes, it tal ked when it was only six months: old'-i-Har-lem Life. She--I hear yon have a new bi cycle suit, George. ; He Yes. Fellow sned me for $500 because I ran over him, De troit Free Press. ; A Difference Madge, yon' ve been unhappily . married once; why do yon risk it again? " Well, yon see. this is another man." Chicago Record. One lady said to another, "Have yon been to chnrch today? . We had a moat beautiful sermon on training cnildren." "No, I was at heme doing it," was the reply. Tid Bits. - . Irupndence. A fellow who professed to be a deaf mute', butwhom many people thought to be a fraud, was around town last week selling writing pa per. Like people of that class al ways are, he was rather pereistent. Going to a house where there were only ladies and failing to find a purchaser, he wrote the following on a piece of paper and left it : C "The Bible says without charity we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But from my experience of people here, when St. Peter asks them where they are from and they answer Statesville, it will be enough. He will say: No charity no Heaven." What that fellow needed was' a good . kicking. Statesville Land- mark. -1 Hotel Etiqneite Ml J nun TimnimMMniriiMtilillilllitiilu'iii'niimi'niiiiiiiiiitii'iiiiiiininu. Vegetable Prcparatlonfor As similating theToodandReg da ting tRe Stomachs andBoweis of Proinotes Digcstton,CheeTfuI ncss audRest.Contains neither Qpium,Morptiine norWiaeraL Not Narc qtic. Pumpkin Seed? j!lx.Senna Jiochdle Salts ' fnise Seed ; t Jhppernant - 1 fiiCarbantUcSolat .; 'fi&mSeed- - J -Clarified Siujirr . Ancrfcct Remedy.for Coftstii tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrho Worms , Convulsions ,r evens! ncss andLosS OF SLEEPJ TacSimitc Signature of : TEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ;T. i u m . 1 1 .TTTrTTi 1 1 1 1 1 , i n 1 1 1 4 1 1 m m 1 1 n : m 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 . 1 1 u i -1 ' 1 1 u i 1 1 1 . it u; 1 1 1 1 - " ' - '- " "" , o) . lo) fo) id ITd ITd PRICKLY. ASH, POKE ROOT AHO POTASSIUM I 'I' Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula i P. P. P. ptniflc the blood, build nx th weak . and ebllltata, - crires trengrth to weakened nerrei, expel : dlseea,slTlnB the patient health and happiness irhere sickness; jrlooaoj Xeellngs and lassltnde first preTalled.- Por prlmarr.seeondary and tertlar yphllia. for blood poisoning, merco rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, end In all blood and akin diseases, like blotches, ninnies, old ehronlo nloers. tetter, scald head, - bolls, erysipelas, ecxema-weaay say. without fear of btSdu?Sffi'ffihrw?r In all oases. Ladles whose systems are poisoned tion. due to menstrual Irregularities, ana wnose Dioea is in an impure conai are peculiarly benefited by the Won derful tonio and blood cleansing: prop ertlesof P. P. P. Prickly AahPoka Boot and Potassium. 8pmngftxu Mo. .Aug. 14 th. 1893. I can speak In the highest terms of I our medicine from my own personal nowledge. I waaaffected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism fot 85 years, was treated by the very best Ehyslcians ana spent hundreds of dol irs, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It baa done me more good than anything I have ever taken. I oan recommend yeur medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. - - MR. M. M. YEABY. Bprlngfleld, Greea County, Mo. ZSICM a imvw i Ar flv iree nanaooos write to & J SCI Beoadwat. New York. Oldest bureau few eecuringr patents to America.' J? a is brought before toe public by a notiee given free of charge la the muntitit Mmiima wd8 SanT?c,entI1Ic to the wona. fcplendidiy lllustT.ti vrT i tm man should be without it. wiv oo An . Vfi?.01 Address, MUNV& COT B3,OOa 5HKRS, 361 Broadway. Kew Yorklty. I WAST everv man nr1 wnmaM i rr.t States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of my books on these dis r5s Address B. M. Woblley, Atlanta, Qa., Box S82, and one will be sent you free. cr- l 1 1 1 1 1 l VI llii ft : Cclssllfio American fi Acsnqy fcfvi II I III 11,1 I , FAC-SIMILE ; SIGNATURE- . OF . IS ON THE OF EVEBY BOTTLE OE ; Castoria ia put Tip In one-size ldttle3 only,' It is not sold in lulk.; Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good "and "will answer every pur pose." Sea that yon get C-A-S-T-OrE-I-A. eimUt ligniture cf . Pimples, Blotches arid Old Sores ; Malaria Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest' blood purifier on earth. ,m ABkWMtnr, 0.. Joly 21, 1891. XIEf sxs Lippmak Baos. ,'fiavannah. Oa. : Dbajk Bias X bought a bottle of f our P. P. P. at Hot SprlnarSj Ark. .and t has done me more rood than three months treatment at the Hot Spring. . Send three bottles o. O. D. -. Bespectfally yours. - r Aberdeea, Brown County, 0. - Capt. J.Dm Jobnatosu ' ' To all tehom it may concern t t here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several yeara with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption oa my f aee. I tried every known reme dy bet In raln.nntll P. P. P. was used. and am now entirely cored. , (Signed by J. V. JOHNSTOH". Savannab, Qa. 6ktn Cauieer Cared. M Mayor fSevMx. . Ifzssxa. Lippmah Bros., Saranna aaa aoa aaav ai sra-eaiJa.CT uavb 3 a V BMuaU Oa. : Gentlemen I have wed yomr P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin canoer.of thirty years standing, and found great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all lr- etanding. and found jrreat rel: purines tne Diooa rltatlon from the and prevents ax seat of the disease iventa any spreading of the and feel confident that another course will effect a cure. It has also relieved xne from Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, OAPT. W. If. BUST, Attorney at Law; sores. I have taken flMoratThnttlM AXL DRUG V STS S3MT. : PKOPietoBS, f I4ppmana JtV jtSmrmn 1 V 1 1 1 c. SALE OF LAND. 1 By ylrtue of authority vested In me by a decree of the Superior Court in the case of Lawrence Klutts, administrator against John Bonds and others, I will sell at public auction at the court house door In Concord 'on -Monday, the 5th day of October, 1896, to the highest bidder,, the following lands, viz : First tract adjoining Peter Lipp&rd, weaver. lands and others end known a the Seamone land, containing about 2G acres. . ; Second tract adjoining Edmund Hon eycutt, Caleb Cruse, Lawrence Klatt3 and others and known as the Cruse j iana, containing about 48 acres. I Terms : One thid cash, balance on 8f.x months credit with interest from day ! of sale. LAWRENCE KLTJTTS. . M . Adm'r Paul Klutts,-deceased, August 17, 1896.' By W. M,. SMITH, - - - Attorney. ft it An Idea Who can think-' of some stmple' thing to patent f Protect ?Z?XT 11 : they may brlnFrou VrftL WUDERBURN-& CO., Patent Attor- mdlf.i ri?1?? H- u-Tm thelr fl.80Q prise om na ust or two Jaandred lnrenUona wanted. . WRAPPER HI i llii v. -, Catarrh and Kidney Troubles

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