- - ' A Vol. XIII. No. 140, TO FIGHT GUTHRIE, Biblical Recorder Takes CONCOl, C FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, i896. .tllesed Statement About Up llm Baptists A FLAGMAN KILLED. Republican Primaries. .iirjtra were held in tWo Wards Of the CltV last mVKt Kn .ulBtt root Was Caiie-ht n n w- ennhlmano tt i. i , . I Fell and Wai Sunt tvmo Tins week the Biblical, llecorder to rtT J .Tnn vSZ7. - , . . . . wuuj Aiuuveution . j J"""ft xnmuau mail i. n r lrn nrrnr n & if.' ' . i . - . , - : , b"""' maj. morrow. -brom what can be ose home is at Danville, Va Guibrie for a statement reflecting learned, the nomination fn ffw;ff whn ma fl. .u. ' upon the Baptist -denomination, to run on the fusion ticket will be freight conducted' by Cant Clark mnh th Iata Hi. r,u "J Close hfttnAcn Tlf, rp n a i - . ' UJ U P1 - VArf wr 11UUUWU L... :r . x v, oincKer, oi met with a horrible dpth charged him with making, but ana Mr. M L Buchanan, rhirinft Tnnnfi 7J D ' i. t u fi ;'u j . of Mt, Pleasant arlotte Junction on the Southern which Ma3. Guthrie denies. i iur. feasant - ; Rfl lpft . flli- V.-x The Kecorder savs xne meeting in Ward 4 was com- 7 J 7" , V JJ rnmg The recorder says . posed entirely of negroes, with one , Prev -a-? as bis train was It is far from our aim to intfir exception. Oalfih "Rn pullinff out for Danvil.A MB fere with any party. The readers-of chairman of the meeting and en- Preceded the train a little distance tnese commas Know mat we are inn H wlctu lu uuuuuct me pow-wow Bt fQe juncuon. ana as he started to depandeDt, If any man ' reflects . Paiamentary rules. The meet- cross the track -one foot was caught upon the Baptist people of these Lij " " & uuguuuu vjne in tne irog, tie fell and the engine uarisey arose to Arinroao j . - cnurcnes, ir any man renects upon chair while another was sDeakinT 8era ot rs rau over hi the principles for which they con- The chair id . T uI bod cutting the man in halves, the tend, whether he is a candidate or The old darkftv W. noo. entire length o his body up to his not, the Kecorder cannot be true to gan again, when the chair the sec- neaa wich was severed from the the people who support it, cannot 9n time told hinx that he couldn't -fy aDd rolle4 to one side. Myers be true to the Convention .of which her ll!m Thexld' man drew' still wa(8 011 his homeward run, but the ' A mm m I m m . m - , - it js the organ, cannot be true to its ucarer anQ an in a tone that Wn wife that awaited his coming calliEg, and be silent: The timft a. uearu more an a block away, was overcome-; with grief and whh I anH f . - I ' I ' " comes when the Recorder must not p L a , ome ai( he pro8trate when his mangled form count the coat. T" coumn -t near bed her later ia the day. It Dr. Pritchard, who with Mai. and h Bounded Wv m mi homble fieatt, I 1 " W W UUU I (- . ki Guthrie attended a banouet at the war whoon Indiana aiv Uaf lJ .. Uniyereitj in, June, 1895, wrote of scaiping a foe. the occasion in an account to Charity Whole HO. 1. 519 ... J "1 1 m . e ana unmren, cne organ or the oj phanage as follows : For Over Fifty Tears H A It will be remembered that Revs. Mrs. Winslow's Soothimr bfinn nkd fnr avm fiPr u I bo N Miller;, of this county, and W ijutz, of VYin8ton, were In Greens ro several weeks a JLVfl vyci liity years oy. . r . . iuof "The addresses were generally million? of mothers for their. "child- 4f fer the Lutheran mission at that good, and in excellent' gpirit a .d ZZ."n Z?' commended to the taste : but there ,Mnu m STHrir" that tlli be nlar me personally was offensive and colic, and is the bet remedy for s8,on P0fc. The members of this Iii,.., ! Diarrhoea. It" will relieve the noor charge have since extended a call to 7 fnr UBluumieu lo ao little sufferer immediately. Sold by Bev. Miller, and it has been circu good, lcat was the soeech ot W. druiats in evprv rmrt nf th iLa ' u . A Guthrie on the: University and T wen tj.fi ye cents bottle. Be sure congr gation at Salem Church that the church. jHe charged: that the ?nd a.foCM Wmslows Sooth- LT T, - - , - iag oyrup," ana take no other kindfl T :6 .,,ne ifiiiii.in i,n ww m w--1 ii i h u i e . higher schools of learning were OIv11 Away Free are glad to learn from him that inch is jnot the case and that he does not a - ' -w 'vm MMg . ii a v , . .... enemies "to the University and . advertise bur goods we will contemplate leaving This present mupht t,n Aeatrnv if rl fhof . wy i red one dox charga Salisburv World .ought to deetro, it, and that the, IvS nV ad wera traitors to their country and a sample bottle -of Peeler's Pain their Uod." Killer to every one sending us fifty ' DPSirinafnK,fftir WOOof o cents to pay packing andf postage. a , I. j c wj iiaaress, of the latter part of this paragraph T Peeler Anderson Medicine Co. to Mr. Guthrie before-he was nomiJ Eox Kemersyille, C nated. He denied it in a private worn or thw...7 letter ahd also in the newspapers, Thnrnd nn'ht known to riders every where that the in the latter suited thafc wa "bad Ln ,gQarantee does not cover damages . . " 7 r v v w"f cuteieu me am resulting from the carrying of anti- a low motiie m bringing the matter mg apartments at, the home of Mr. leak preparationa. inside the. tire. nnt T IT nlli. ; n i. . t ;. - D J 1. .1 . i ... The Mo reran A Wright Guarantee. The guarantee of the "good tires" is broad enough to cover almost any aiuu ui aiiuieuiB, ana 10 satisry . the most ' exacting rider, but the line must be" drawn somewhere, and Mor gan & Wright are. trying ' to make it T H Cook, on" Church street, ad aS haying as much air as possible helped themselves to a good' morsel !a the M. & W. : quick-repair tire of cold victuals. The intruders did efrf Ptmg the tool into the - ... vtiVA TMinnf-nvA anil AT not ransack anything but the dining other simple instructions in the cat. man who would lead the neonle to " . . . .V . -1" i eat least ague, a permanent repair can be onnQA; u i . V . nothing had been missed. made in twoiminutes, at the road- Some one broke into the milk- rT' unour r,e;nov(g the tire from Dr. Pritchard cannot speak now. But h6 would not have written; 'if he had not known. It ill becomes a maa who would lead the people to contradict the statement of a minis- Perhaps the 'Xew Woman "will be a stronger wo man than the old one. Certainly, fresh air and the right exercise will do much for her. Fresh air is a great restorative exercise a great nerve tonic if a woman be in condition to take it. A healthy woman can avoid disease. She. can avoid the seemingly almost in e vita Die vweaK ness" of her sex if she pursues the proper hygienic methods. The same methods will not cure her if she be already sick -Taken under medical direction, in con. nection with the right medicine, they will help effect a cure. No women who suffers at all from so-called "female weak ness .. should attempt athletics of any sort. She should first put herself into possession of strong and hearty health by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After she i3 thoroughly well, exercise and diversion will help to keep her well. The cure should come first. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription is designed and rec ommended i"or only the one thing. It acts directly upon one set of organs. No matter what is the matter with them, it will cure it. ; It will not cure-anj'thinjr else. It is a wholesome tonic, an invig orating nervine, or nerve-food as well as a; healing 'medicine, and. thousands of perfectly well women have found that by taking it regularly during the period of pregnancy, the danger and pain of par turition were much-lessened, and in many cases, almost entirely obviated. In every American household, there should be c?py of Dr. Pierce's great work, "Common Sense Medical Adviser,"' 1008 pages, illustrated. One copy free, to any address on receipt of 21 one cent stamps -to pay for mailing only. .World! Diproary Medicaf Association. Bui&Io. N. Y, J. F. HTJ'RLEY, INSURANCE AGENT ' Office over " MTZER'S DRUG STORK L. M xVRCHEZ, M D. Physician and Surgeon. Qoncord, N. 0. OFFICE : ST. CLOUD ANNEX Flieep-year gold filled v atches, ' Elgin or Waitham movements Ladies or Gents, sizes 811.50. Quadruple Plated Baking Dish with. Porcelain Dish inside $6 25, cheap at 610. Quadruple Plated Water SeW (Pitcher, Waiter and Cup) 87.25. Childrens Sets, Knife, Fork and Spoon, 15 cents, while they - " last. 1 Bon-Bon, Gloe aDd Handkerchief Boxes "at any. old price." Rogers'Double PjbteTar.'. Spoons1 V 82 40, formeiiy 84 50. Only a few pairs nf Solid Gold Spectacles lef. at $2 25 , j. Solid Gold Stick P r? at and bf low COal. ' Sterling Silver Cloak Hangers, 45 cent p. Five-Dollar Syrup Pitchers for 8350. Sterling Silver Hat Marks 20 cents. Solid Sil ver Thimbles 25 cents. Five-Dollar Pickle Casters 82 50. Sugar Shells, "A 1' 50' cents. Souvenir Spoons 20 ce ita. These goods must be sold acd now is the time to get your Ctfristmas presents at J their value. CORHELL, Jeweler. .y'- mils me In. k - Clothing - at Cam m! - 'iter's ter Of Gnd ftf f.pr VlO id AamA nrVian Via - ' '. , . - - " house of ; Mrs. W O Kime, who nad several months in which to con- liyes a few doors below Mr Cook, tradict it wben be was living and and took the cream and milk there- coma speak for himself. The state from. Bient had Help Wanted. Agents wanted to sell Macintoshpa and Robber Clothine, Tires, and a been in nrinfc rav! Thiovno arre'mnf in full line of Rubber Goods, ( Part or ' W w mm w wwm I m, w w w w V V VV m--M V A m4-M Kill I I . I I J - - montha while Dr. Pritchard was home ot Mr. T H Kezzlah. on Main TWl'P .. . i m ' - igruuuu iu wurnera, raciory Jf. j UVe: If WOO in nnnf mnA f Vinn I Htrfifir. Vint. WPfA Tn OrTl fonarl onrow I 1 IV1. TT. f7t.. J. u uuv uuic bucu a i -i - un-um unuja i XO i X, c W JL-UTK jcar oerore Mr. Guthrie denied it. it is Delieved that the parties If further eyidence than the word of doing this devilment are some of Notice, Knights a man known and respected and the many hungry tramps that inftst fTbere will be a regular meeting of yea oy the people of this State for hao wwn- aore than twentyfive years were we would cite the fact that taere was no denial until it became a matter of personal interest ; and farther, the fact that the statement aaa been confirmed by others; and .urther, the fact that a beloyed min- 18ler m this State is now read v to arm that in a conversation- after CASTORIA For Infants and. Children. Concord " Knights of Pvthias. : No 51, tonight at 8 o'clock; Members especially requested to be 1 prompt.' ! .. . r A TTEESoyy.q.lX Ml B. Habtsell, Knf R,-and 3r Tiefio- ilmila flffUtSM UUAL KIIRMRRS No doubt about it; we are better fixed to please you in Olothing than, we have ever ' been. Men s Suits latest Best and Hon. William Bailyof Itadians, the aconnnf j zJ- I MAva if i.ha AlAntion were todaT Tn- Children n, nJ. dna would give Bryan 25,000 a Children Dr. Pritchard relter- ated the Statemftnt: in nta nrPBon Ahe denial, the insinuation as to majority. TO CUKE A COID IU OH DAY " motive haa hn m.fl. V nrt m.. Take laxative Bromo Qninine Tab- U , w 1 lota a li drniroriffte reiana be made the again. I money jf it fails to care. 25c. Everv oXtiv.f-.n of C to bum coal'duriiigjtheWmiiig .wftifef ing from ns. We will handle the best JtllllO COIL and will delfvVr any MaiiUty in any part of the city.- -Youi orders are solicited: Blacfeierllitei; i Bo js'. Suits; latest and best.""'-" . Children's Suits, late st and best. We artee :tp,saye ,ytou money. AND. Hcadqnarters at Bla-k elder V stored oh West Depot sireeti r r tvrU . 08 ,' ' , t fV-t . I -V.-,. ,s- -if- ' i ' ' , --j, . 4 i . , 5 i . 5 i ! 4 i " -V.. " . '